I have tried joining PuG's a few times, and each was complete chaos. No one communicated, it was awful. Now this was back when I first started, around the Ascalon area. I'm sure the PuG's aren't as bad in the harder area's of the game, but man that burned me.
I honestly prefer to use hero's/henchies because I can control things myself.
I can only think of one person that I can play with, that plays the game exactly as myself and him I don't mind playing in PvE with.
Everyone else I attempt to play with charges everything without thought, agroes too many mobs at once, has a poor skill set up, etc.
I would rather play with others, for the company. But I'm just too particular about how things should run when I am doing a mission.
Do people never bother grouping together anymore?
Divine Starr
I'm thinking of something.....
GW fun used to be the interaction with others (at least for me).
Good example was when I was with a RL friend in my old guild. Because it was inactive, I had to PuG a lot. I played Orders necro fairly often in ToPK.
The difference between the average team and the good teams was actually not finishing. It was the amount of fun we had during the play. Even when the whole party was dead because of a single mistake some teams sticked together to try again. Making fun of the stupid mistake, but not at the cost of the one making the mistake. Getting one of the greens was bonus.
My friendslist was filled with people I had fun with during the game.
However, a lot of PuGs are not about fun anymore but on pure achievement.
This has nothing to do with PuGs being good and bad (that was always the case) and a lot with 'reward'.
People want the rewards, being greens or title progress.
When the reward is the only reason you play, H&H is the way to go.
They are more reliable than PuG members most of the time (no afk, no dc, you control skills and armor, you have full control of their playing time).
I still remember one particulair Deep HM run where our previous guild leader decided to go for a chest in the 'no spell' area. Sure he died and with a steel wall team and him being the most experienced W that's not really good
It's events like that that show who is playing for fun and who is there for achievement.
It was a team with 4 members of our guild and the rest pick-up.
One to three pick-ups ragequit when we could not res our gl.
The rest of the pick-ups was making fun about the situation with us.
And I was teasing our gl a lot by stating that dying there is not a good way to recruit people, because they would think we are a noob guild.
Can't remember if we recruited someone, but we had fun for at least 15-20 minutes just standing and dancing while chatting before we decided to call it a night.
Think I might fire up GW this evening and try to get a 4-guild/4-pug team together for some fun
GW fun used to be the interaction with others (at least for me).
Good example was when I was with a RL friend in my old guild. Because it was inactive, I had to PuG a lot. I played Orders necro fairly often in ToPK.
The difference between the average team and the good teams was actually not finishing. It was the amount of fun we had during the play. Even when the whole party was dead because of a single mistake some teams sticked together to try again. Making fun of the stupid mistake, but not at the cost of the one making the mistake. Getting one of the greens was bonus.
My friendslist was filled with people I had fun with during the game.
However, a lot of PuGs are not about fun anymore but on pure achievement.
This has nothing to do with PuGs being good and bad (that was always the case) and a lot with 'reward'.
People want the rewards, being greens or title progress.
When the reward is the only reason you play, H&H is the way to go.
They are more reliable than PuG members most of the time (no afk, no dc, you control skills and armor, you have full control of their playing time).
I still remember one particulair Deep HM run where our previous guild leader decided to go for a chest in the 'no spell' area. Sure he died and with a steel wall team and him being the most experienced W that's not really good

It's events like that that show who is playing for fun and who is there for achievement.
It was a team with 4 members of our guild and the rest pick-up.
One to three pick-ups ragequit when we could not res our gl.
The rest of the pick-ups was making fun about the situation with us.
And I was teasing our gl a lot by stating that dying there is not a good way to recruit people, because they would think we are a noob guild.
Can't remember if we recruited someone, but we had fun for at least 15-20 minutes just standing and dancing while chatting before we decided to call it a night.
Think I might fire up GW this evening and try to get a 4-guild/4-pug team together for some fun

Originally Posted by the_jos
I still remember one particulair Deep HM run where our previous guild leader decided to go for a chest in the 'no spell' area. Sure he died and with a steel wall team and him being the most experienced W that's not really good
![]() It's events like that that show who is playing for fun and who is there for achievement. |
You have a radar, intended to give directions (literally) to your teams. People don't use it and when they do, they draw genitalia or "F-U U SUCK NOOB". When someone responsible uses it, you can guarantee that everyone ignores it, rushes in and get killed. GG.
Same with builds. Don't know if people don't realize yet, but a ranger with firestorm IS BAD. First of all, aggro scatter. Second, not enough dmg due to ranger primary (debatabe; rits and necro nukers are effective, but yeah... they don't have Firestorm or that stuff >_>). Third, expertise doesn't affect spells IIRC. Fourth, if you wanna play nuker and get in PUGs, make an ele (don't try getting as something else, won't work; reserve advanced builds for guild groups 'cause PUGs will think you're a noob).
And even though you've given the reasons possible, you can bet that the ranger will say "well its a good spell so ill bring it, f-u noob". Which, in my teams, would only result in a kick.
Oh and my #1 bane in PUGs that are supposed to be effective: they go looting 10,000 miles away and when asked to come back so that the group don't wait too much, say "I TAKE ITEMS NOW".
Well, want to make one small comment to Kusandaa.
Our previous guild leader is one of the more experienced Deep players you can find around.
We as guild were able to deliver very fast times compared to the average team, several pug members were amazed how easy and fast we could play it.
That's 2 or 3 guild warriors, 2 guild monks and the rest guild or pug.
He knew the risk and decided to go for it, which was not so smart.
Those things happen, specially in guild teams. We try to push our luck just a little more compared to the average pug, which are very conservative. Sometimes this turns out great, sometimes bad.
Our previous guild leader is one of the more experienced Deep players you can find around.
We as guild were able to deliver very fast times compared to the average team, several pug members were amazed how easy and fast we could play it.
That's 2 or 3 guild warriors, 2 guild monks and the rest guild or pug.
He knew the risk and decided to go for it, which was not so smart.
Those things happen, specially in guild teams. We try to push our luck just a little more compared to the average pug, which are very conservative. Sometimes this turns out great, sometimes bad.
I will occasionally see someone looking for a group, and ask them if they want to pair up, but I don't do "pugs" anymore. Too many lousy experiences. With a single other person and their heroes there is generally some communication, and I find 2 people +heroes is enough for pretty much anything. If they want a full group with real monks etc good for them, I will go finish the mission while they LFG.
Guild groups on the other hand are great. It's fun to get a big guild/alliance group together and storm something - like a 16 player romp through Vizunah Square in Hard Mode or the like.
Guild groups on the other hand are great. It's fun to get a big guild/alliance group together and storm something - like a 16 player romp through Vizunah Square in Hard Mode or the like.
I usually do everything by H/H if not by a few choice friends and guildies. The only PuG I have experienced was when I first played guild wars and it was not an enjoyable experience lol. But yeah sometimes I just wonder if people really know what they're doing or if their just trying to find a group to leech at times because well, people tend to do that. Also the randomest things to get kicked for really get me like this time I was on my ele playing a nuker, and I get kicked for not having glowing gaze, because if is imperitive for E-management, kicked for being so noob >.<
But I have been able to play with H/H very effectively, and usually if I play with just 1 other person and we each have heros we are very well rounded in playing. Now a days if I do play with PuGs I am either a high level helping low levels, or its AB, and if when I don't H/H I go with 2-3 guildies, who know what there doing jst as much as I do
But I have been able to play with H/H very effectively, and usually if I play with just 1 other person and we each have heros we are very well rounded in playing. Now a days if I do play with PuGs I am either a high level helping low levels, or its AB, and if when I don't H/H I go with 2-3 guildies, who know what there doing jst as much as I do
I just grouped with a pro for eternal Grove HM. She loaded up my builds instantly and......
But yea, thats like just one (other) pro out of all the painful nubs I've had to deal with so far.
I wish more people were good at this game and would play builds without whining.
Oh, and btw, eternal grove was a lot lot lot easier then Gyala hatchery. All we had to do was stay inside the base for the first part and ignore the turtles. Then I did my thing warding the juggernaughts and spamming unsteady ground While the MM took the south gate. There were a lot off party kills, but we managed it easy.
But yea, thats like just one (other) pro out of all the painful nubs I've had to deal with so far.
I wish more people were good at this game and would play builds without whining.
Oh, and btw, eternal grove was a lot lot lot easier then Gyala hatchery. All we had to do was stay inside the base for the first part and ignore the turtles. Then I did my thing warding the juggernaughts and spamming unsteady ground While the MM took the south gate. There were a lot off party kills, but we managed it easy.
Happy Hunting.