Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
It does not change my personal opinion that the actions of the community should be considered in the rating for the game... and as it deteriorates it should loose some ratings with the gaming standards board. That would encourage the makers to maintain a good and strong filter list. and put automatic system in place to deal with the extra crude people in game.
Did you somehow miss the following part of the ratings box?
"Game experience may change during online play." This means that people aren't all going to see the same things as everyone else, and that peope will have varying experiences within the game. That's something the devs can't control (though this also describes how updates to the game occur as needed).
The ESRB (and other ratings agencies around the world) can't look at a game and know what people are going to say and do. All they can do is look at a game, determine what age the content within the game is sutiable for, and slap the game with the rating they decide.
In fact, since every online game with chat is going to experience people saying disgusting, offensive, or vulgar things, then -every singe online game- would have to be rated M or AO.
EDIT: Oh, and about the whole RED ENGINE thing, I don't really know the origin, but when someone sees you typing such a ridiculous phrase repeatedly, it really creates a disincentive to swear, doesn't it? I think that's why it was chosen.