Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
White non max Raven Staffs... need i say more?
What is your OMG not another one item?
Raven Staff, Bo Staff, useless E items/greens from The Deep's end chest
All guardian spears with crap mods and every highlander blade too. No matter where I go, they drop from anything I kill or come out of a chest >_____<
max gold perfect elemental swords.
I get so many of those, I swear I'm just gonna start trashing them....
I get so many of those, I swear I'm just gonna start trashing them....

Every item in EotN
OMG! Not another Drago's Flat!
Malice Black
Talon daggers, get like 10-15 sets doing Cathedral.
Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
White non max Raven Staffs... need i say more?
The party lol'ed
Any 5g valued trophy dropped in hard mode. Come on...it's hard mode, I hate it when half the drops are level 5 material.
Icy lodestones even in normal mode shiverpeaks. Sure, they're ice elementals. But they're fkn level 20+ ice elementals. 5gp from a drop that's guaranteed to be only one (hell, even granite slabs in HM outside sardelac drop in bundles of 13 or so...at least that's worth something) is just not acceptable for hard mode, especially when the rate of lockpicks and golds are rock bottom...to excuse the pun.
Icy lodestones even in normal mode shiverpeaks. Sure, they're ice elementals. But they're fkn level 20+ ice elementals. 5gp from a drop that's guaranteed to be only one (hell, even granite slabs in HM outside sardelac drop in bundles of 13 or so...at least that's worth something) is just not acceptable for hard mode, especially when the rate of lockpicks and golds are rock bottom...to excuse the pun.
God Apprentice
Non maxed purple air staffs that half the recharge of fire spells.
I've been getting every incarnation of Jagged Reavers dropping like rain. I'm not just talking whites, either - blues, purples, golds, and of every requirement out there (well, cept 7-8). So sick of the things! Though, I don't mind the skin of the greater one, so I kept one r9, but still! Arrgh!
Bloody hammers for me
Closely followed by Raven Staves and mesmer gubbins

Mesmer items, it's always mesmer items.
I don't even use my mesmer. Is A-net telling me something?
I don't even use my mesmer. Is A-net telling me something?

Raven Staffs... And yes, smiting staffs. I never got a good one, maybe one that I use on my 600 monk... But not perf - didn't have halves recharge time -.-
And usually all white things.
And usually all white things.
Every non-max purple item I've received from a chest that I've paid 1.5k per lockpick for...which broke.
daggers daggers everywhere not a sin in site but yet daggers daggres every time i leave a town i get at least 2-3 daggers it drives me insane!!
I have Aspect of dagger droppage on me !!!!!!!!!!
I have Aspect of dagger droppage on me !!!!!!!!!!
holy cow - i get the same thing, daggers drop SO often everywhere in nightfall AND gwen. i think its because they're so tiny no one cares to sell them for high prices.
but i'd have to the my omg-not-another-one-of-these is.
jeweled chalice / chackrams. -
everywhere i;ve gone since prophecies theses annoying things have haunted me. from ToPK to the hundreds of lockpicks wasted on yet another one of these useless not cool weapons.
WORST most dissappointing drop is
why the hell are they at the end of elite dungeons anyway? NO ONE LIKES THEM!!!!!!! - there are NOT cool.
but i'd have to the my omg-not-another-one-of-these is.
jeweled chalice / chackrams. -
everywhere i;ve gone since prophecies theses annoying things have haunted me. from ToPK to the hundreds of lockpicks wasted on yet another one of these useless not cool weapons.
WORST most dissappointing drop is
why the hell are they at the end of elite dungeons anyway? NO ONE LIKES THEM!!!!!!! - there are NOT cool.
Seem like I get purple Hooked Axes all the time from doing Corsair runs outside the Astralarium.
-2 while in stance inscriptions. Hell, even a lot of the non-inscribable shields I get seem to have this mod on them.
Farming the Scareater, I can't seem to stop getting those damn Skull Jujus. It's even past the 'OMG not another one!' level, since they usually drop in packs of 2.
During FA runs in Sorrow's Furnace, I always seem to see Malinon's Shield and Morgriff's Scepter drop.
And of course, the number one item for me:
-2 while in stance inscriptions. Hell, even a lot of the non-inscribable shields I get seem to have this mod on them.
Farming the Scareater, I can't seem to stop getting those damn Skull Jujus. It's even past the 'OMG not another one!' level, since they usually drop in packs of 2.
During FA runs in Sorrow's Furnace, I always seem to see Malinon's Shield and Morgriff's Scepter drop.
And of course, the number one item for me:

Bones. And gold mesmer scrying staves or whatever they're called.
Piles and piles of hammers, clubs, what have you...
The only greens to drop for me so far in GW:EN have been HAMMERS.
And I don't have a single hammer warrior, character or hero.
Piles and piles of hammers, clubs, what have you...
The only greens to drop for me so far in GW:EN have been HAMMERS.
And I don't have a single hammer warrior, character or hero.
Tutis Evito
Jelly Fish Wands....grrr
Jelly Fish Wands....grrr
Njaiguni Blaze
Collector Trophies in Hard Mode worth 3-15g. Not talking bout GW:EN, that one doesn't have HM and some trophies are actually worth collecting there.
Funniest thing I ever had was me and two friends opened a treasure chest *those once a month ones* and all three of us got a barrel hammer.
dam u ancient daggers
Starfish focuses, 3/5 gold items I got while playing through the game were those stupid starfish.
Well, as far as generic drops go then yes...white raven staffs are the worst. Worst green drops is doing Tombs BP runs and often times I'd not get a green drop, but most the time when I did it seemed to usually be that damn Illyanas Staff. I've gotten rid of some of them, but I think I still have 3-4 characters that still have one in inventory.
Brown dye how I hate thee.
Gold drops. Useless.
Blue, non max spears...
Doing Tombs b/p and getting useless green offhands...
Doing Tombs b/p and getting useless green offhands...
Malice Black
Talon Daggers from Cathedral of Flames...
Easy. Everwhere I go, whether its DoA or pre-searing, Frostmaw's Burrows or Shing Jea, I keep finding those pesky damage while hexed / damage versus hexed inscriptions. Nearly EVERY inscription I find has 13% or 17% while / versus hexed. It's so funny actually, when me and a friend are farming and I get an unidentified drop I say: 'Bet it has damage while hexed?' And voila, it has damage while hexed. Those bets earn me more money than the actual drops

purple req 12+ spears from chests while breaking lockpicks. DAMMIT STOP THAT!!!!
Malice Black
Can beat that
50 chests 50 purples...that will take some beating

All I ever get are SUp Mysticism...TIRED of it!
Mesmer stuff anyone?
It's apparent how i don't have a mesmer yet from any unlocked chest/dungeon end chest i always seem to be getting daft mesmer stuff.
It's apparent how i don't have a mesmer yet from any unlocked chest/dungeon end chest i always seem to be getting daft mesmer stuff.
Jeweled Chalice/Chakrems, Whalekin Wands, Dark Remains, Slabs of Granite, and Scrolls of Adventurer's Insight. I get alot of scrolls from 55 farming for some reason. Stonereap likes to mock me by dropping me non-max whites too.

lesser guardian spears....
req.13 water wands from dungeons chests...
req.13 water wands from dungeons chests...

req. 13 purple Frost Artifacts from locked chests and raven staffs in tombs..
Brown dye. I swear I got 40 one week in Elona. Let's make my armor look like I rolled in the dirt...ftw...
Bride of the Atom
When playing through Nightfall, every other gold that I came across was either a spear or an aegis with "command" or "motivation" requirements. I played a paragon once-- all the way to level three. Also, every time I clear out a huge group of high-level monsters and get nothing but, like, two white scythes and a white bow, my three primary characters (all casting classes) die a little inside. 
Also: Brown dye is brought to the game: "Oh, awesome. I've always wanted ultimate poop-colored armor."
Six months later, after 95% of my dye drops have been brown: "NO!! I was being sarcastic about the poop armor! SARCASTIC!!"

Also: Brown dye is brought to the game: "Oh, awesome. I've always wanted ultimate poop-colored armor."
Six months later, after 95% of my dye drops have been brown: "NO!! I was being sarcastic about the poop armor! SARCASTIC!!"