Originally Posted by Bryant Again
You know, whats ironic about our virtual lives!?
Originally Posted by Lawnmower
Even though virtual life is for many supposed to be an scape goat from real life, the horrifying truths and rules of real life seems to echo within the dark depths of cyberspace, where somewhere, my characters data is stored on servers that Anet can choose to close at any point, and thus ending my life.
A big fantasy for me, has always been the desire to have an online game, that will never die out. A game that will always be played and populated by other people. My flesh is erelic. I will eventually die, and maggots will feast on me... But my hopes was to that my characters would live on. That dream has been shattered with GW. GW2 is on the way. Exactly how long is GW1 supposed to manage itself... I wanted my virtual character to be there forever. Alive. Virtual characters are amazing. they dont have the turmoil and crappy things that sucks about real life. they dont decay. they dont physically age. they dont grow old, and are not left to die on a hospital bed with tubes in and out of their bodies while they look pathethic and helpless only being kept alive by a grey medical device that pumps air into your body, so you wont choke on the nutrition that is being entered into you from a feeding tube. Im weak, fat and slobby and slow in real life. my virtual character is tall, beautiful and strong. but now that character will die, and the world around it will die. What some of you people dont seem to get, is that while the game might still have servers running, everyone will play GW2 instead! Just like with Diablo 1 and 2! When diablo 2 came out, Diablo 1 died. And thats it... Its over for guild wars. it was all for nothing. I wanted to live forever through my characters. I dont care if you think thats pathethic, because thats what I wanted to! |

just fyi where is my RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing agonizing chop anet
a giev me itams!!!! goldz rarez greenz ektozzzzzz fiarbirds!!!!! fiiiiiiiiiarrbridsssssssssssssssssss
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by boko
yea...that one...lol
Originally Posted by dont feel no pain
![]() real life |
Omega X
Originally Posted by Lawnmower
A question: Can the internet crash? Is it possible to disable the entire internet?
Probably. Atleast for the Americas.
Do you remember when that FIOS pipeline was severed in New York a couple of years back? That crippled the internet like 5 states on the eastern shoreline.
And that brownout for that hosting company a couple of months ago that had hundreds of sites go down when their backup power failed.
Also, that incident a few weeks back with that data center's FIOS pipe was severed with a shotgun(or was it a shovel?). WoW players were up in arms that day since it caused a lot of grief for them.
a ham demon
Lies!! The internet is invincible!!
Even if GW agreed to keep it up "forever". I cannot imagine in 500 years, 1000 years, 1 million years that servers, computers, electricity, earth would exist in any fashion that would allow a game to continue.
How long did you want your immortal toon to exist? Since no one would be playing it and it would not be around in any instance with people to see it after you die anyway, it still is only comforting to yourself in your own head.
I guess, I can only state, yes you are correct it will not continue forever. I am sorry you feel sad. If you cannot come to grips with it you will just have to endure the pain.
How long did you want your immortal toon to exist? Since no one would be playing it and it would not be around in any instance with people to see it after you die anyway, it still is only comforting to yourself in your own head.
I guess, I can only state, yes you are correct it will not continue forever. I am sorry you feel sad. If you cannot come to grips with it you will just have to endure the pain.
6am3 Fana71c
Originally Posted by Zinger314
On second thought, you might be beyond psychiatric help.
...I call foul. Lawnmower has been anti-GW before, wouldn't surprise me if he's trolling. |
Ever tried it?
No one lives forever, virtual or non virtual.
All lives will end at some point, all memories forgotten, all of our past erased, all of our accomplishments vanished. If it has a beginning, it has an end. and in the end, there is only void.
Does that mean that everything in between is meaningless? We don't live our lives for someone else, we don't accomplish things to please others. What we do in life, we do for ourselves. This is the one life we have, the one chance we get, make the most of it for yourself... because in the end, it's better to remember what we did, than to regret what we didn't do.
enjoy yourself, have fun.
All lives will end at some point, all memories forgotten, all of our past erased, all of our accomplishments vanished. If it has a beginning, it has an end. and in the end, there is only void.
Does that mean that everything in between is meaningless? We don't live our lives for someone else, we don't accomplish things to please others. What we do in life, we do for ourselves. This is the one life we have, the one chance we get, make the most of it for yourself... because in the end, it's better to remember what we did, than to regret what we didn't do.
enjoy yourself, have fun.
You want your small taste of immortal beauty? Hall of Monuments + Screenshot. You should also try taking up art. Maybe then you'll realise there is no true immortality. Originality gets lost with time and replications.
Zahr Dalsk
I claim the universe as my memorial 
This is why they can't: remember Diablo 2 Open Battle.net and the ZonFire99 editor? If not, this is what happened: character editing. Stats, inventory, etc. If people could have their Guild Wars characters on their own computers, everyone in pre-searing would wander around with obsidian armor, every title maxed, their attributes set to 20, a Divine Aura, a skill bar full of elite skills from several professions, invincibility, etc.
No, but the server your character is on could get wiped, fried, hacked, etc., and your data is lost just as surely as if you were hit directly by a nuclear bomb.
Originally Posted by Lawnmower
Why cant they just let us download the game and our characters and let us host our own servers?
Originally Posted by Lawnmower
A question: Can the internet crash? Is it possible to disable the entire internet?
Originally Posted by Zinger314
Seek psychological help.
Originally Posted by Zahr Dalsk
This is why they can't: remember Diablo 2 Open Battle.net and the ZonFire99 editor? If not, this is what happened: character editing. Stats, inventory, etc. If people could have their Guild Wars characters on their own computers, everyone in pre-searing would wander around with obsidian armor, every title maxed, their attributes set to 20, a Divine Aura, a skill bar full of elite skills from several professions, invincibility, etc.
To the OP: So, if someone were to say to you "please die now" they should actually say "please uninstall now"?
Government Flu
I admit I don't live the best life. Actually, ever since I moved out of my parents house, life has pretty much sucked. And yes, I play video games to escape from reality, if only for a tiny bit. And yes, Guild Wars is an amazing time sink.
But there's no way in hell I'll ever compare Guild Wars, or any other game, even the Sims, to real life. Games are cold, manufactured parodies of whatever the topic is, even if it's meant to be realistic and portrayed in a believable manner. There is far more beauty in real life that the original poster apparently misses.
Explore your surroundings and think about life. Where do you want to be? Damned be your online character and damned be your entire video game collection. Damned be your entire online existence, for true life comes from real life experiences.
Instead of wishing for a game that goes on forever, set a goal for yourself to become a more active person.
But there's no way in hell I'll ever compare Guild Wars, or any other game, even the Sims, to real life. Games are cold, manufactured parodies of whatever the topic is, even if it's meant to be realistic and portrayed in a believable manner. There is far more beauty in real life that the original poster apparently misses.
Explore your surroundings and think about life. Where do you want to be? Damned be your online character and damned be your entire video game collection. Damned be your entire online existence, for true life comes from real life experiences.
Instead of wishing for a game that goes on forever, set a goal for yourself to become a more active person.
Ms Utena Tenjou
just because i accidentally cut myself at work and i yell out " I have Bleeding on me" does not mean a thing.......no i'm not a GW addict but ti is fun ot play.. and yes i have a real life.. but its fun to create a alter ego and just work on something
Ms Utena Tenjou
just because i accidentally cut myself at work and i yell out " I have Bleeding on me" does not mean a thing.......no i'm not a GW addict but ti is fun ot play.. and yes i have a real life.. but its fun to create a alter ego and just work on something
Originally Posted by Lawnmower
A question: Can the internet crash? Is it possible to disable the entire internet?
The thing is that I dont know what to leave behind when I die... I like my character in GW because it represents myself, is cool, i made a lot of friends with that character, it looks really epic and timeless with a big sword and shield... its just these things not used in our current world. I cant see how I would be able to shape myself or have any physical things in RL that where as cool. i dont have any or have seen any tangible objects I could put in a stainless steel glass cage. Im atheist. I dont believe in heaven and hell. from earth we have come. from earth we will become. I just want something of me to stay. something that is mine that none can touch with. my GW characters could be that. its mine, i made it, i shaped the characters history. only i know the password. and if people would continue to play the world it would be like(in theory) that my character was still alive and well in the everlasting wars in GW... long after i am physically dead. The character would be all that survives me. You see what I mean? |
In a word: huh????
So you want your character to forever exist in a thriving Guild Wars 1 community? Do you mean for the rest of human existence or literally forever?
First, how would your character be known/seen after you die in RL? Would you entrust someone with your account to upkeep your character or at least make random appearances in-game?
Second, you do realize that nothing will last forever... no monument, no stone, not even a digital 0 or 1, right? ...That our world will eventually cease to exist? That our sun will eventually die? And that even if humans manage to avoid WW3 and make the move to a different solar system, space will eventually contract back on itself? (Which would most certainly "disable the entire internet")
You're putting beyond way too much importance on this game. It is only that: a game, a hobby, and at most a fantasy. It's not a memorial, and like everything else that has ever existed, now exists, or will exist, it will someday come to an end, one way or another.
Now, do I want GW1 to die? No, of course not. But GW2 will eventually come out, and I will be there, ready for new experiences and adventures. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy every last bit of GW1.
Ms Utena Tenjou
well there are living wills JIC... prob i would have someone give everything away to people who wanted it .. then i would rid my account... but in theory are we going to jump on the quantum psychics.. cause then i can spew out.. stuff like this :
The Cosmology Machine takes data from billions of observations about the behavior of stars, gases and the mysterious dark matter throughout the universe and then calculates, at ultra high speeds, how galaxies and solar systems evolved. By testing different theories of cosmic evolution it can simulate virtual universes to test which ideas come closest to explaining the real universe.
With that being said...... i think this topic should be locked.. its a waste of forum space. and trolls....
The Cosmology Machine takes data from billions of observations about the behavior of stars, gases and the mysterious dark matter throughout the universe and then calculates, at ultra high speeds, how galaxies and solar systems evolved. By testing different theories of cosmic evolution it can simulate virtual universes to test which ideas come closest to explaining the real universe.
With that being said...... i think this topic should be locked.. its a waste of forum space. and trolls....
Curse You
Originally Posted by Lawnmower
i dont see how that will make life more interesting mate. people dont fight with swords in real life.
I considered joining the army or just go somewhere in the middle east to get blown up by a landmine.. but im to afraid that I'll live. i dont wanna be blind or dead or disabled for the rest of my life. i envy does people who could just go to a big war.. like world war 2.. or vietnam and just die fast and easy. at least fight for something and feel alive. these days our goverments are run by whiny little sissis who cant agree on anything... just delaying whats ultimately to come - the end of us all. |
Originally Posted by Zinger314
Seek psychological help.
The idea is funny. Do I wanna live forever, hell yea !
People like the OP scare the poo-poo out of me.
I must have missed it - what exactly is ironic?
I often wonder what people like this (OP) would do if there was a sudden memory wipe of all Anet's servers. So... no more comforting feeling about dieing and being somewhat "immortalized" by a virtual world? Would you suddenly fear death, instead of just being fine with it?
So, what I'm gathering is this: The existence of Guild Wars is the reason you are Emo. Whoa, that's deep.
So, what I'm gathering is this: The existence of Guild Wars is the reason you are Emo. Whoa, that's deep.
Originally Posted by Lawnmower
i envy does people who could just go to a big war.. like world war 2.. or vietnam and just die fast and easy. at least fight for something and feel alive.
these days our goverments are run by whiny little sissis who cant agree on anything... just delaying whats ultimately to come - the end of us all. |
Bam, you're dead, you've fought for your country. Wish fulfilled
But thats not really what you want, because you continue to sit on your ass doing nothing. Yes goverments take a long time to make decisions, but there is a heated war going on right this minute, not in the same scale as ww2 or 'Nam, but a war nontheless.
Get confidence, go outside, start living. Oh and in the words of uncle Choppa "Harden the F**K Up" mate.
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
I ain't no goddayam sunuvabitch. You better think about it, baby.

Whether it was good or not, I am not interested in going through this debate. But to an 3rd party person like me, I think both sides should take a break from the game. That's why it popped into my head.

Originally Posted by Resin
this dude has issues
I recommend "behaviour therapy" if that's the right term in English. It'll help you, OP, much much better than psychoanalysis or any medical treatments.
Think clearly if you want to make the joys of your life dependant on a machine, it will never be worth it. At least give the alternative a try. You haven't seen much of the world yet.
To know that some people have this way of thinking really disturbs me.
How in all actuality do you place more importance on a video game than on your real life? What the hell where you doing with your life 3 years ago, before GW existed? The world is so much larger than pixels displayed on a 19-inch screen. It's not real. It never was and never will be. The life of your Guild Wars character is far less transcending than what your real life will be (unless of course you /cut yourself due to this disturbing phobia of yours). Hopefully, you will outlive the game. You already lived before the game. And because of that, you need to find something else to fill this void you have other than Guild Wars.
Life's purpose is indeed what you make it, whether it be selfish goals like attaining wealth, power, etc. or servile acts such as missionary work, establishing/working with charities, etc. Some people are driven my personal accomplishment. Some people are driven to spend their lives seeking enlightenment. Some, such as myself, are driven and inspired spiritually through their religious faith. Either way, it is extremely important to establish goals and ways to attain them, otherwise life is simply as you view it now: pointless.
I highly encourage you to find some other things besides games to get involved in and become passionate about. Find a woman. Start excercising and making yourself physically healthy and attractive. Maybe go back to school and learn something new.
The choice is ultimately yours, but I feel deep sympathy for you if you choose to mull through life without experiencing 99% of what it has to offer.
How in all actuality do you place more importance on a video game than on your real life? What the hell where you doing with your life 3 years ago, before GW existed? The world is so much larger than pixels displayed on a 19-inch screen. It's not real. It never was and never will be. The life of your Guild Wars character is far less transcending than what your real life will be (unless of course you /cut yourself due to this disturbing phobia of yours). Hopefully, you will outlive the game. You already lived before the game. And because of that, you need to find something else to fill this void you have other than Guild Wars.
Life's purpose is indeed what you make it, whether it be selfish goals like attaining wealth, power, etc. or servile acts such as missionary work, establishing/working with charities, etc. Some people are driven my personal accomplishment. Some people are driven to spend their lives seeking enlightenment. Some, such as myself, are driven and inspired spiritually through their religious faith. Either way, it is extremely important to establish goals and ways to attain them, otherwise life is simply as you view it now: pointless.
I highly encourage you to find some other things besides games to get involved in and become passionate about. Find a woman. Start excercising and making yourself physically healthy and attractive. Maybe go back to school and learn something new.
The choice is ultimately yours, but I feel deep sympathy for you if you choose to mull through life without experiencing 99% of what it has to offer.
Everything that has a beginning has an end.
Sad but true. Yes GW will die, yes you will die. Death is a part of life, think of it as the final level in a game. (Then you go back and play it in HM
Sad but true. Yes GW will die, yes you will die. Death is a part of life, think of it as the final level in a game. (Then you go back and play it in HM

Originally Posted by Surena
People like you have issues and the thread is full of them. Pointing at others and laughing just to confirm to yourself how better your life is, might be the greater issue.
The OP clearly has issues but then again, I couldnt care less about some anonymous poster on a message board who could be making it all up.
God, that video makes me want to get WoW today. Misfits FTW. "Hey guys. Just a game." lol
Can we wake up the mod and kill this thread? If he is serious, he needs help none of us can give, and we shouldn't be giving him advice. If he's just trolling, we've just fed his ego sevenfold.
Necro never smelled so bad.
Can we wake up the mod and kill this thread? If he is serious, he needs help none of us can give, and we shouldn't be giving him advice. If he's just trolling, we've just fed his ego sevenfold.
Necro never smelled so bad.
There are other ways you can leave a blueprint besides an MMORPG toon. WHile yes I think it's a novel idea to leave something behind that will in essence last indefinitely, or at least until it's destroyed, the idea of you yourself will actually be lasting a long time after you die. Hell, my parents do all kinds of gineology work and have traced our ancestry back to some members of the roman empire. And in today's world gineology work is more sophisticated than ever. A record of you and your events CAN be kept indefinitely on public servers to be recalled by future generations.
Say you published a book or opened up your own business and shaped these things to your liking. Records of these will be kept which will last pretty much forever unless destroyed. Mummies from ancient egypt and the things left on their corpses can tell us loads of things about they're ancient lives. With today's technology we're able to generate what a mummified person would've looked like in life. If this time of the world is one day forgotten by humanity or if humanity itself becomes extinct and we are in fact discovered by some future generation or alien race, records like these that will blueprints for them to be interested in. Not some clumps of data forming a nonexistent universe. THIS is the world, this is your life, and this is you. You have a degree of power in which to shape your life as you desire and the things you create and the important actions you make will be left behind after you leave this earth, either to be found by future generations; or to simply exist, alone and undiscovered, but in all their glory still until the ending of the world.
Sure this is a matter of oppinion, but if you were concerned about leaving some token of yourself behind, wouldn't you rather it be something of more importance and more awe-inspiring than a video game toon?
There, I've said my piece so continue to rock on! Just remember that Thar' be dragons to slay in real life as well as in games, and treasure to be had even more glorious. You clearly have ambitions which you've stated. Pursue those with all your heart. You want to run your own MMO one day, more power to you. You aspire to the idea of fighting/dying for your country, death on the battlefield is about the most heroic and glorified death one can have. But if you continue to live life in a false reality, you may wake up one day a complete wreck with half your life wasted and you will truly appreciate the existence you have and regret the time you've thrown away.
Say you published a book or opened up your own business and shaped these things to your liking. Records of these will be kept which will last pretty much forever unless destroyed. Mummies from ancient egypt and the things left on their corpses can tell us loads of things about they're ancient lives. With today's technology we're able to generate what a mummified person would've looked like in life. If this time of the world is one day forgotten by humanity or if humanity itself becomes extinct and we are in fact discovered by some future generation or alien race, records like these that will blueprints for them to be interested in. Not some clumps of data forming a nonexistent universe. THIS is the world, this is your life, and this is you. You have a degree of power in which to shape your life as you desire and the things you create and the important actions you make will be left behind after you leave this earth, either to be found by future generations; or to simply exist, alone and undiscovered, but in all their glory still until the ending of the world.
Sure this is a matter of oppinion, but if you were concerned about leaving some token of yourself behind, wouldn't you rather it be something of more importance and more awe-inspiring than a video game toon?
There, I've said my piece so continue to rock on! Just remember that Thar' be dragons to slay in real life as well as in games, and treasure to be had even more glorious. You clearly have ambitions which you've stated. Pursue those with all your heart. You want to run your own MMO one day, more power to you. You aspire to the idea of fighting/dying for your country, death on the battlefield is about the most heroic and glorified death one can have. But if you continue to live life in a false reality, you may wake up one day a complete wreck with half your life wasted and you will truly appreciate the existence you have and regret the time you've thrown away.

Originally Posted by Tijger
Um...you're full of it.
The OP clearly has issues but then again, I couldnt care less about some anonymous poster on a message board who could be making it all up. |
"raison d'ĂȘtre" if you want to sound intellectual.

I Mean I
Originally Posted by Lawnmower
i dont see how that will make life more interesting mate. people dont fight with swords in real life.
I considered joining the army or just go somewhere in the middle east to get blown up by a landmine.. but im to afraid that I'll live. i dont wanna be blind or dead or disabled for the rest of my life. i envy does people who could just go to a big war.. like world war 2.. or vietnam and just die fast and easy. at least fight for something and feel alive. these days our goverments are run by whiny little sissis who cant agree on anything... just delaying whats ultimately to come - the end of us all. |
Patrick Smit
Originally Posted by Rikimaru
Whoa.. you're really messed up...
I don't really think that most people play MMOs to escape their life 'cause they hate how they were born in reality. My life's totally fine, and I still play this game. Here's some advice: Unless you're horribly deformed like the elephant man or something, I'd say around 80% of how attractive people see you as is determined by your own actions, not how you were born. There's the obvious eating healthy and exercising, but you also just have to take care of yourself, develop good style, and have confidence. Unless they were born really messed up, whether or not you're ugly just comes down to whether or not you have a strong enough will to do what you need to. Physical ability is even more like that, how you were born only determines how hard you have to work compared to others to be as athletic as them. In the end just trying to live your life inside a freakin' video game is only the easy way out to get what you want without putting in a real effort... but video games are just meant for casual fun, they can't replace reality, no matter how much you want them to. No matter how good of a game someone creates, in the end you'll still just be someone staring at a computer monitor covered in pretty colors. And even if through all of your efforts you still can't make yourself strong or attractive, it doesn't matter, as long as you like who you are, and you can still go out and have fun. And if you do like who you are, and therefore have the all-important confidence, other people will still like you too (unless you're an ass). |
Potential is ultimately encoded by the genes you got from your parents, you can maximize efficiency by training, but you can never rise beyond, i.e. there are few who can become like Einstein or Pele, no matter how hard they practice. Women still suffer a lot form the "glass ceiling".
Originally Posted by jrk247
Everything that has a beginning has an end.
Sad but true. Yes GW will die, yes you will die. Death is a part of life, think of it as the final level in a game. (Then you go back and play it in HM ![]() |
Of course, we can all hope that by then, we've moved on to other planets, along with a starship designed to carry Anet's servers just for you, lawnmower

Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Exactly. When our sun goes supernova, you'll see just how "eternal" life on this planet is.
Of course, we can all hope that by then, we've moved on to other planets, along with a starship designed to carry Anet's servers just for you, lawnmower ![]() |
And it shall be called... Pillar of A-Net.
... Sorry to draw comparison to Halo... Couldn't think of any other starship name...
X Ice Man X
This post really has to be a joke. Seriously he is just trying to screw with you all. He has said so many things that just contradicts its retarded.
So he wants to live for ever?
So what the hell is this all about? He wants to live forever but is jealous of people who get to die quickly? In all seriousness if you really were jealous of them then you wouldn't be on this forum making posts like this. Think about it.
See. Mixed signals here. I want to live forever. I want to die. I want to live normally. Make your mind up already.
Now the crazy part...
Yes, its all about this thing called technology, thats how computers work. Why aren't you on here talking about Space Invaders? Pong? Pacman? Your playing Guild Wars. That was developed by improvments in technology. If you really hate the way everything is ran by getting better and improvement, maybe you'd be happier in your garden, with two sticks trying to make a fire. Thats about as far back in time you can go with any sence of technology.
[QUOTE=Lawnmower]call it an insurence. for if I should die(stabbed or shot or something). it makes me calm knowing that my char is there.. you know?[\QUOTE]
Well actually no, I don't know. What good is your character if he or she is never played on again? Sitting there doing nothing untill its all over? How is that different from what you seem to be doing? But its your "Blue Print" right?
[QUOTE=Lawnmower]my character might never would be played but it would be a blue print of me being there.[\QUOTE]
Well with the way you described your self and your character, I would advise you never go into any sort of construction job. People will give you a Blue Print for a building and when your finished they will have a pile of bricks in the shape of a puppy.
[QUOTE=Lawnmower]any physical object will eventually decay. this is given. computer, cloth, pictures, urns, glass, houses, cars... all things. but once you unleash something in cyberspace it will stay there forever.[\QUOTE]
So computers and cars decay these days? And here I am thinking that there is a problem with all this sutff about platics and metals and other rubbish filling up land sites and not ever being broken down naturally... Damn guess I was wrong? Just a quick question though, if the computers will all decay as you say, what is going to happen to cyber space? Because unless I'm wrong again, I don't think that can exsist without computers of some kind.
[QUOTE=Lawnmower]the internet acts dependedly on itself right? There is no master server that keeps the internet running is there? it runs by itself.. and even if all life was lost.. it would still be there.[\QUOTE]
Damn! I was wrong again. The internet is going to run with no computers! It's going to magically float along with no technology or anything. Well what are you moaning about then? Your characters are safe for ever on the magical non-sever-computer-technology needing internet.
Can this topic be closed now for being down right stupid?
EDIT - Hmmm my quotes seem to have stopped working half way through? Is there a quote limit or somthing?
Originally Posted by Lawnmower
my hopes was to that my characters would live on.
Originally Posted by Lawnmower
i envy does people who could just go to a big war.. like world war 2.. or vietnam and just die fast and easy.
Originally Posted by Lawnmower
I dont want to adapt. I wanna live my normal life,
Now the crazy part...
Originally Posted by Lawnmower
Thats what I hate about the games industry. its always technology.. technology.
[QUOTE=Lawnmower]call it an insurence. for if I should die(stabbed or shot or something). it makes me calm knowing that my char is there.. you know?[\QUOTE]
Well actually no, I don't know. What good is your character if he or she is never played on again? Sitting there doing nothing untill its all over? How is that different from what you seem to be doing? But its your "Blue Print" right?
[QUOTE=Lawnmower]my character might never would be played but it would be a blue print of me being there.[\QUOTE]
Well with the way you described your self and your character, I would advise you never go into any sort of construction job. People will give you a Blue Print for a building and when your finished they will have a pile of bricks in the shape of a puppy.
[QUOTE=Lawnmower]any physical object will eventually decay. this is given. computer, cloth, pictures, urns, glass, houses, cars... all things. but once you unleash something in cyberspace it will stay there forever.[\QUOTE]
So computers and cars decay these days? And here I am thinking that there is a problem with all this sutff about platics and metals and other rubbish filling up land sites and not ever being broken down naturally... Damn guess I was wrong? Just a quick question though, if the computers will all decay as you say, what is going to happen to cyber space? Because unless I'm wrong again, I don't think that can exsist without computers of some kind.
[QUOTE=Lawnmower]the internet acts dependedly on itself right? There is no master server that keeps the internet running is there? it runs by itself.. and even if all life was lost.. it would still be there.[\QUOTE]
Damn! I was wrong again. The internet is going to run with no computers! It's going to magically float along with no technology or anything. Well what are you moaning about then? Your characters are safe for ever on the magical non-sever-computer-technology needing internet.
Can this topic be closed now for being down right stupid?
EDIT - Hmmm my quotes seem to have stopped working half way through? Is there a quote limit or somthing?
Servant of Kali
Originally Posted by Lawnmover
I find it funny that every time someone comes in with alternative ways of thinking or people who have different view points about life, suddenly is supposed to seek psychiatric help or "stop living your life in a video game".
But when there's a great discrepancy between Reality/Life and someones viewpoint, that's called insanity.
This thread is about how GW is bad replacement for life. One group of players understands that a game is a game and it should be fun to play. Another group of players thinks that GW (and other games) should be a replacement for life, and that it should have pointless achievement measurements which take no skill but only time (= known as grind). This last group of players understands that Real Life takes skill, and since they are bad in real life, they will be equally bad in any game which takes a minimum of skill (and GW does take some skill). But they also understand there is a resource at which they are better than anyone else - spare time. Spare time is therefore used to achieve Grind which in return gives that group of players a Special Status. This VIP status vanishes after the game dies and awakes Grinders from a dormant state they were lulled into, making all their achievements vanish into thin air. The first group of players, on contrary, responds with "damn, that was a good game to play, let's find another one now for refreshment".
Do you even know anything about psychiatry? You shouldnt joke about it, and try act like you can diagnose people online(thats just completely dumb). |
For instance, I can make this diagnose of you:
1) You're atheist. I'm not talking about formal religion I'm talking about your inner beliefs. *
2) You have no girlfriend.
3) You are young. Older people already have an experience of how transient the world is.
4) There are more chances you are Pisces.
5) I'd say you don't have a single close IRL friend, even though you might have a lot of people you "know".
6) You're vain, attention-seeking and self-absorbed.
7) You don't have above average IQ.
8) You're bad at logic
9) You don't spend time thinking about the nature of things, not beyond the first iteration.
Not saying all is correct, but I gave it a shot. The #1 #2 #3 #6 #7 #8 and #9 is pretty evident. The rest was a bit of guessing.
*Uh sorry I saw you said that yourself in another post

Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by Lawnmower
Im weak, fat and slobby and slow in real life. my virtual character is tall, beautiful and strong.
live forever through my characters |