Originally Posted by Wild Karrde
No one said you werent entitled to the gold you EARNED. I said you arent entitled to VAST amounts of gold. If you go out an earn it so be it, but because its harder to earn that much now as you claim, theres no reason for anet to make it easier for you to earn gold because you think you are entitled to it. Think of it this way. You get to grind even more for gold now, I mean that is what you want isnt it? more grind?
Im not telling you how to play your game even though you continue to accuse me of it when I have stated in posts "I DONT CARE HOW YOU PLAY, PLAY HOWEVER YOU WANT"
I think you need to stop and just breathe for a second and really look at what you are so pissed off about.
Your angry cause rare (or used to be rare) weapons have gone down in price and now you can make as much a profit off them as you used to. You blame Anet for it; and maybe they have had something to do with it. But you answered the biggest reason for it in your post and you didnt even realize it and you think its anets fault.
Look at your quote above.......
Ok you see where it says "What I'm telling you that just because they're more common doesn't mean they drop as often. Think about it, this game has been around for 2 years so of course there is going to be more weapons in the market whether they drop frequently or not. "
Think about it. Its people like YOU that grind ALOT for rare weapons then go sell them that make the price decline, YOU are putting more of the rare skinned weapons on the market. YOU are making prices decline by your insatiable need for gold. All the grinders that go out and farm as many "rare" weapons as possible and then go sell them for as much as possible have caused the prices to decline.
According to you the rare weapons dont necesarily drop more frequently so its not Anet that ruined this for you, IT WAS YOU AND PEOPLE LIKE YOU. Or did anet have something to do with it?
I agree that some weapons Anet caused to drop more frequently, especially because of hard mode. But its simple supply and demand. After two years of rare weapons being supplied, the demand has gone down.
What do you want Anet to do? Make rares drop less? Take a bunch of them out of the game? Dont just whine about Anet not catering to grinders, when they stated they didnt want this game to have grind in it(they even threw in titles for grinders) Tell us what you think needs to be done, instead of constanly complaining that people are telling you how to play a game that you want to grind in when the game wasnt really designed for it.
Go ahead keep farming and supplying more rare weapons and driving down prices. I dont care. Go ahead get mad about not being able to make vast amounts of moneyas easily as you used to, but dont think your entitled to it. The line is drawn when You think Anet needs to make it so you can earn vast amounts of gold like you used to, And the line is drawn when people get angry about prices going down on rare weapons because they dont want to be on the same level as "noobs" that have them.
Wow, have you not read a single thing I've said? I don't give a damn about being on the same level as "newbs" (not noobs, that's totally different). Rare weapons have gone down in price because everyone bitched about it not being fair. I don't get your stupid bullshit about not being entitled to it, what does that have to do with anything? I earned vast amounts of gold by working hard, and now I must work even harder to do so, to the point where it's not simply worth the time. So it was never easy, at least for me. And when I say accumulate wealth, I mean more than just gold.
I like having money mostly to help out new players and guildies. My gold has seriously depleted and now I really don't that as much. I also just like having gold in this game in general. Everyone whined and bitched about drops until loot scaling, hard mode and inscriptions. And I'll "complain" all I want, this is the only grief I've had with ArenaNet and certainly have backed them behind almost everything else. I am not the only one that shares this view, I'm just the only brave one taking all the flames from people.
So GG, casual players win. Hardcore farmers lose. Socialists ftl.