Petition: Fix hero AI!
I didnt really notice on my dervish, but i started playing my ele a little a few days ago. it took me like half an hour to figureout why everything way dieing so slow, I was the only one attacking. even with all my heroes set to aggressive they wouldnt do anything.
I didnt really notice on my dervish, but i started playing my ele a little a few days ago. it took me like half an hour to figureout why everything way dieing so slow, I was the only one attacking. even with all my heroes set to aggressive they wouldnt do anything.
Oh and on the comment about it being computing restrictions. Lets face it, I think everyone be happy with the hero AI being even on PAR with the fricking monster AI. Why is it that the mosnter AI can kick your butt at times, but they can't make hero's that do anything their told? It's like that one RTS game review I saw for a game that got like a 3.
The AI is either so stupid that it's got even remotly AI, or it's so intelligent that it can decide to ruse anything you tell it.
One thing that would help fix the AI alot, for a problem that hasn't really been addressed much is.
AI not using the skills you want, or using them in terrible priority. Like some signets don't get used, or they use them rarly. I don't know how many times I stick something like epidemic, or powerblock to help deal with bosses and such and notice it doesn't seem to help and then open their bar and notice they use it like once a fight, some times never.
The AI is either so stupid that it's got even remotly AI, or it's so intelligent that it can decide to ruse anything you tell it.
One thing that would help fix the AI alot, for a problem that hasn't really been addressed much is.
AI not using the skills you want, or using them in terrible priority. Like some signets don't get used, or they use them rarly. I don't know how many times I stick something like epidemic, or powerblock to help deal with bosses and such and notice it doesn't seem to help and then open their bar and notice they use it like once a fight, some times never.
wonder why the AI in GWEN sucks
The worst is devona
She loves to aggro even if the enemies are not in radar
She managed to aggro the entire Jotun group alone and then decides to join us back with the whole group behind her and Its not random
Secondly, I am busy attacking killing and i notice that I am taking to many hits
I notice that the NPC AI is loitering around way back and they dont budge only way is to flag them
AI and even quests npc get stuck at all odd places and I have keep moving around to get them unstuck
There is a quest in norn territory wherin u get wolves to join u as allies 5 minutes late i find all the wolves stuck on the reseruction npc what thats
wonder why the AI in GWEN sucks
The worst is devona
She loves to aggro even if the enemies are not in radar

She managed to aggro the entire Jotun group alone and then decides to join us back with the whole group behind her and Its not random
Secondly, I am busy attacking killing and i notice that I am taking to many hits
I notice that the NPC AI is loitering around way back and they dont budge only way is to flag them
AI and even quests npc get stuck at all odd places and I have keep moving around to get them unstuck
There is a quest in norn territory wherin u get wolves to join u as allies 5 minutes late i find all the wolves stuck on the reseruction npc what thats
I had Hayda get stuck on some white mantle seekers during the quest to get her in my party....wouldn't move no matter what I did. Had to fight through the raptors and Tyrrannuss's all over again to make sure she got there...
And now I have to worry about Vekk with cracked armor, weakness and blind not using epidemic on the hordes of Charr axe/blademasters in Rragar's? Ugh!
And now I have to worry about Vekk with cracked armor, weakness and blind not using epidemic on the hordes of Charr axe/blademasters in Rragar's? Ugh!
i know mhenlo isnt a hero......does anyone know what his attribute line is..cause his healing line seems some what short of being maxed out..if i recall HP is at i am forced to bring Dunkoro, he isnt bad but sometimes not all the time, just stands there with full energy and party have to actually tell him to heal..Zhed i found sux at Fire line...seems much better with Air or Water..just something i have found.
i know mhenlo isnt a hero......does anyone know what his attribute line is..cause his healing line seems some what short of being maxed out..if i recall HP is at i am forced to bring Dunkoro, he isnt bad but sometimes not all the time, just stands there with full energy and party have to actually tell him to heal..Zhed i found sux at Fire line...seems much better with Air or Water..just something i have found.
I had a problem with my heroes not using their skills when their energy was practically full. They need to be fixed as well as henchmen.
I had a problem with my heroes not using their skills when their energy was practically full. They need to be fixed as well as henchmen.
Nemo the Capitalist
anet is Trapping the bots to play for the henchies
its the punishment for doing bot farming for 6 hrs
"Signet of Approval"
its the punishment for doing bot farming for 6 hrs
"Signet of Approval"
The heros and henchies behavior is really bad since gwen came ot.
The heros and henchies behavior is really bad since gwen came ot.
Endow Gee
Today I was redoing frost maw cave for my book, Me Warrior, and along with me was Dunkuro (Monk), Zhed (Ele), Acoloty (Ele), and Henchmen Mhenlo (Monk), Lina (Monk), Eve (Blood) and Aiden (Interrupts).
Before I start the killing, I always FLAG my heroes & Henchmen behind me and away from my agro bubble and then I pull the first group.
It was then I notice the just right after I pull the first group, I flag all heroes and henchmen close enough to heal me and for ele’s to cast meteor shower to enemy. I noticed that none of my 3 monks was healing me and this was just the beginning (It happened several time as I continue the mission). So then I said to my self maybe their just not close enough to me. I start over again and do what I normally do. But this time, ZHED started running towards wurm and started casting meteor shower. LOL. I was like WTF! “Laughing” he then got owned! Rebirth him and move on. This happened to me about 5 times on my entire run healing and agro was weird.
My entire point for this is heroes and henchmen do act weird ever since GW: EN came out. I just hope anet fix this problem soon. I eventually finished the frost maw quest and beat the crap out of Kinslayer at the end with a reward of two (2) diamonds from the chest.
A.I. of Heroes and Henchmen was a little screw up, everyone just need to play it smart and not to agro enemy at close point.
Before I start the killing, I always FLAG my heroes & Henchmen behind me and away from my agro bubble and then I pull the first group.
It was then I notice the just right after I pull the first group, I flag all heroes and henchmen close enough to heal me and for ele’s to cast meteor shower to enemy. I noticed that none of my 3 monks was healing me and this was just the beginning (It happened several time as I continue the mission). So then I said to my self maybe their just not close enough to me. I start over again and do what I normally do. But this time, ZHED started running towards wurm and started casting meteor shower. LOL. I was like WTF! “Laughing” he then got owned! Rebirth him and move on. This happened to me about 5 times on my entire run healing and agro was weird.
My entire point for this is heroes and henchmen do act weird ever since GW: EN came out. I just hope anet fix this problem soon. I eventually finished the frost maw quest and beat the crap out of Kinslayer at the end with a reward of two (2) diamonds from the chest.
A.I. of Heroes and Henchmen was a little screw up, everyone just need to play it smart and not to agro enemy at close point.
Originally Posted by WoodyDotNet
I've submitted my screen and info to support, as I hope others have. So far, nothing from Anet.
Numerous threads here on Guru have done nothing for this. Gaile and Andrew have completely ignored these threads.
I want to know why? Why can this not be addressed or even acknowledged?
Where the hell are the Anet peeps. How many "H/H AI IS Screwed " threads do we need to create? Honestly, seems to me that Anet customer relations peeps have been avoiding message boards since the release of GW:EN. The only way they respond is if you take a shot at customer service.
Sorry for shouting but
I want to know why? Why can this not be addressed or even acknowledged?
Where the hell are the Anet peeps. How many "H/H AI IS Screwed " threads do we need to create? Honestly, seems to me that Anet customer relations peeps have been avoiding message boards since the release of GW:EN. The only way they respond is if you take a shot at customer service.
Sorry for shouting but
Originally Posted by Red-Tide
I've just had to switch GW off before I smashed the keyboard to bits. I wasn't even doing anything really tricky, just a few quests and a run down the cathedral of flames but the AI almost drove me over the edge. I don't know why I use the term AI because atm there is nothing at all intelligent about the way they are behaving.
Even whilst flagged 10 feet behind me they still randomly run straight past me and agro stuff before anything is targeted or called. (A good example of this can be seen in the cathedral of flames. At the part where you kill the mesmer boss to get the key, sit with your H/H 10-20 feet away from the boss' pack and wait for them to turn from green to red. The moment they turn red, the H/H will run straight at them and aggro them, before you can move or call a target).
If 1 melee enemy comes anywhere near them, mhenlo starts running around like a headless chicken, not healing anyone and often running into the pack of enemies where the melee came from. I swear at times that the H/H are spending more time running in circles than they are casting.
I am so sick of this, even simple questing feels like a a huge chore at times. I'm sure it would be easier looking after a bus full of school kids than a party of H/H atm. I so wish I could punch mhenlo in the face, I'd do it repeatedly until my fists bled I swear.
Oh, and before the trolls come out with the "H/H are only as good as the people controlling them" BS. I have legendary guardian and have vanquished both tyria and cantha... all achieved using H/H.
I know how to use heroes/hench... when they are usable that is.

Doing Vlocen Excavations with retarded Ai.. yes that was fun.
My ele hero, set on passive, ran right into the area where you face the Minion Master mini boss, where the Dredge have their little uprising and get massacred. He wasn't posted, wasn't set to attack ANYONE. And yet he runs right in, thinking he's a tank with mending and healing hands. We ended up leaving him there, and finished the dungeon without him.
Dunkoro and Talhk constantly stand around, not healing even when I make the commands for them to do so. Full energy, no enemies, just them standing around giggling while the rest of the party slowly dies from Degen
Olias/MoW/Eve standing around, not casting, even when commanded (heros). Fully energy, as well.
Another problem is with Devona (I never use Koss >_>). An enemy group isn't even in aggro range, and Devona screams her battle cry, and runs right into them, or she runs across the map in chase of an imaginary enemy.
The one that's been annoying me the most is the spellcaster AI, with teh tank behavior, or just not displaying any behavior other than that of a statue.
And that's not even half of it. The AI adjustment NEEDS to be fixed. If Anet wants us to pug with people, that's fine, but making the AI worse than rage quitters in RA is just plain wrong. It makes ME want to rage quit from a H/H team
My ele hero, set on passive, ran right into the area where you face the Minion Master mini boss, where the Dredge have their little uprising and get massacred. He wasn't posted, wasn't set to attack ANYONE. And yet he runs right in, thinking he's a tank with mending and healing hands. We ended up leaving him there, and finished the dungeon without him.
Dunkoro and Talhk constantly stand around, not healing even when I make the commands for them to do so. Full energy, no enemies, just them standing around giggling while the rest of the party slowly dies from Degen
Olias/MoW/Eve standing around, not casting, even when commanded (heros). Fully energy, as well.
Another problem is with Devona (I never use Koss >_>). An enemy group isn't even in aggro range, and Devona screams her battle cry, and runs right into them, or she runs across the map in chase of an imaginary enemy.
The one that's been annoying me the most is the spellcaster AI, with teh tank behavior, or just not displaying any behavior other than that of a statue.
And that's not even half of it. The AI adjustment NEEDS to be fixed. If Anet wants us to pug with people, that's fine, but making the AI worse than rage quitters in RA is just plain wrong. It makes ME want to rage quit from a H/H team

My hero NORGU & casters get stupider as stones. I forced him to attack, and he just running around and not casting anything.
I manually click the skills, he dont even want to cast it even with full bar of energy. What a dumb AI. I put is mode on aggresive and he still running around and yawn, not even attacking. How much more can i take before i kick his sorry butt from doing this!
My hero NORGU & casters get stupider as stones. I forced him to attack, and he just running around and not casting anything.

I did the unthinkable and sent Gaile a PM about this and linked all 3 active threads on this topic. Hopefully this will prompt a response, I'm not holding my breath though.

Maybe this is how they correct the screw up that was/is heros. Hero's killed the social side of GW, everyone (read "the majority") just H/H now. Maybe they are thinking that if they make the H/H ai bad enough, people will go back to campaigning with real people.
For those pm'ing Gaile, good luck.
For those pm'ing Gaile, good luck.
Well Fates Monk - If that is the case (them trying to encourage us PUGing again) I wish they would just say so. Doing anything in GW:EN with H/H is just an exercise in frustration at this point.
I can tough it out and make it work, but I'm burning through Clovers & Powerstones in dungeons where I SHOULD NOT need to use them. It's that or throw away 2 hrs and start again. Powerstones & Clovers are not cheap and in the past I would only use them to save myself redoing a long quest/mission etc.. Now it seems I need to keep them on hand at all times unless I want to re-do quests, all due to H/H suicide bombing.
edit - Another thing Fates, you may feel that the Heroes system was a mistake, but I think the majority of players found it to be one of the most important updates in GW. I was bored silly of GW till then, now I can play with team builds and do things the way I want to without elitist jerks telling me I have to play a certain build or way.
I can tough it out and make it work, but I'm burning through Clovers & Powerstones in dungeons where I SHOULD NOT need to use them. It's that or throw away 2 hrs and start again. Powerstones & Clovers are not cheap and in the past I would only use them to save myself redoing a long quest/mission etc.. Now it seems I need to keep them on hand at all times unless I want to re-do quests, all due to H/H suicide bombing.
edit - Another thing Fates, you may feel that the Heroes system was a mistake, but I think the majority of players found it to be one of the most important updates in GW. I was bored silly of GW till then, now I can play with team builds and do things the way I want to without elitist jerks telling me I have to play a certain build or way.
Originally Posted by Red-Tide
Well Fates Monk - If that is the case (them trying to encourage us PUGing again) I wish they would just say so. Doing anything in GW:EN with H/H is just an exercise in frustration at this point.
Originally Posted by Red-Tide
I can tough it out and make it work, but I'm burning through Clovers & Powerstones in dungeons where I SHOULD NOT need to use them. It's that or throw away 2 hrs and start again. Powerstones & Clovers are not cheap and in the past I would only use them to save myself redoing a long quest/mission etc.. Now it seems I need to keep them on hand at all times unless I want to re-do quests, all due to H/H suicide bombing.
... |
That being said, I really wish they'd scrap heros and force people to group again. GW used to be so much more social.
Hero's and Titles killed the social aspect of GW. Grinding with H/H, fun fun fun!
Silence on behalf of is an admission of guilt. Seriously. However, whether they're silently fixing it or ignoring it is unknown.
From my experience, the hero AI is much worse than henchman AI, lately. I was doing some missions near the end of Nightfall, and when I called targets just outside of aggression range, the henchmen would follow appropriately, but Heroes would just pick their nose, even while the henchmen were in the middle of fighting! (hitting and getting hit) In EotN it may be better sometimes to take just henchmen instead of heroes (for other chapters, the extra work of flagging heroes still makes up for henchmen mediocrity).
If you don't like that the game design favors automaton allies instead of humans, blame the game design, not the automatons. However, thinking about a world without heroes, you conjure horrible images of PUG grinding.
From my experience, the hero AI is much worse than henchman AI, lately. I was doing some missions near the end of Nightfall, and when I called targets just outside of aggression range, the henchmen would follow appropriately, but Heroes would just pick their nose, even while the henchmen were in the middle of fighting! (hitting and getting hit) In EotN it may be better sometimes to take just henchmen instead of heroes (for other chapters, the extra work of flagging heroes still makes up for henchmen mediocrity).
If you don't like that the game design favors automaton allies instead of humans, blame the game design, not the automatons. However, thinking about a world without heroes, you conjure horrible images of PUG grinding.

Know what's strange? I've had no problems at all with the AI since EoTN was released. In fact, it was finally "FIXED" for me. All the things I've been reading about and hearing others say are happening have been happening to me since two weeks after NF... however, EoTN is released, the AI for me is back to being what it used to be... and what it should have been.
To clarify, my heroes are doing exactly what I tell them, no running off like idiots, no crazy aggro, healing when they should be, casting when they should be, no running in circles like complete jack asses, ect. They are finally working like they should be.
Now, I have to question (not the players, but Anet): What is causing the AI to act differently on the client end? I complained for months about broken freakin AI and was blown off and told to "learn to use the heroes"... yet now they are fixed for me... and here I see others now complaining about what I complained about back in November. What's up with your code Anet?
To clarify, my heroes are doing exactly what I tell them, no running off like idiots, no crazy aggro, healing when they should be, casting when they should be, no running in circles like complete jack asses, ect. They are finally working like they should be.
Now, I have to question (not the players, but Anet): What is causing the AI to act differently on the client end? I complained for months about broken freakin AI and was blown off and told to "learn to use the heroes"... yet now they are fixed for me... and here I see others now complaining about what I complained about back in November. What's up with your code Anet?
Croco Clouds
*yell at Zhed and repeatedly poke his chest*
Originally Posted by Fates Monk
That would mean A-Net admitting to making a mistake. Good luck with that.
Yes, the AI is terrible. But if you're burning through clovers and powerstones H/H'ing, (sorry to be blunt but...) you're doing it wrong. Many people, myself included H/H'ed all of GWEN, without using one powerstone or clover. The only thing I couldn't H/H was Duncan (tried once and the H/H ai was too much to overcome). That being said, I really wish they'd scrap heros and force people to group again. GW used to be so much more social. Hero's and Titles killed the social aspect of GW. Grinding with H/H, fun fun fun! |
I do not get a ton of time to play these days, so I find very frustrating to have my slow, careful attempts ruined by retarded H/H.
I understand your frustration, that H/H ai is terrible compared to the enemy ai.
I'm having to actually think about carrying res again. Not saying you can't finish GWEN with it as is, I have, and dungeons to boot. But there's a pretty big drop in healing ability and a big increase in leeroy ability. Especially when you see them standing there with a sliver of health and they don't actually cast. Or maybe they're just waiting for natural health regen to kick in. Maybe mhenlo's just too busy flirting with Lina? Hmm, I may just take Cynn along and see if that straightens him out
I'm having to actually think about carrying res again. Not saying you can't finish GWEN with it as is, I have, and dungeons to boot. But there's a pretty big drop in healing ability and a big increase in leeroy ability. Especially when you see them standing there with a sliver of health and they don't actually cast. Or maybe they're just waiting for natural health regen to kick in. Maybe mhenlo's just too busy flirting with Lina? Hmm, I may just take Cynn along and see if that straightens him out

Originally Posted by Fates Monk
That would mean A-Net admitting to making a mistake. Good luck with that.
Yes, the AI is terrible. But if you're burning through clovers and powerstones H/H'ing, (sorry to be blunt but...) you're doing it wrong. Many people, myself included H/H'ed all of GWEN, without using one powerstone or clover. The only thing I couldn't H/H was Duncan (tried once and the H/H ai was too much to overcome). That being said, I really wish they'd scrap heros and force people to group again. GW used to be so much more social. Hero's and Titles killed the social aspect of GW. Grinding with H/H, fun fun fun! |
keep HH alive..even if they are a bit buggy.
I am not sure if it is about the HH AI, but when I start a new char in faction yesterday, on tutorial campagin attacking matrid(sp?), the two hench just stay behind and left me solo the mob. I remember I was not earlier.
I am not sure if it is about the HH AI, but when I start a new char in faction yesterday, on tutorial campagin attacking matrid(sp?), the two hench just stay behind and left me solo the mob. I remember I was not earlier.
Still broken, huh? Screw it all then.
Holly Herro
The only good thing is: It's funny to watch, gets the good players to try PuG etc...
The only good thing is: It's funny to watch, gets the good players to try PuG etc...
Go Zhed Thinking your a Toucher with not 1 Close Range AOE or Toucher skill
Go Vekk for Thinking your a Tank when your useing the same build Zhed is useing LOL
And Go Sunsuke for Changing target the a mob 2 Aggros away and breaking off from my target, Running over to them Hitting 1 target than turning and running back to the first target i pinged While Pulling Everythning He just Arggoed
Roar for the Monks who Let People die when Energy and skills are full
Yippie for the Wars running back and fourth and back and fourth between the target foe and the monks LOL
/Rank for the Rangers for standing behind a wall and Not realizeing Hey My View in Opstructed LOL
Go Zhed Thinking your a Toucher with not 1 Close Range AOE or Toucher skill
Go Vekk for Thinking your a Tank when your useing the same build Zhed is useing LOL
And Go Sunsuke for Changing target the a mob 2 Aggros away and breaking off from my target, Running over to them Hitting 1 target than turning and running back to the first target i pinged While Pulling Everythning He just Arggoed
Roar for the Monks who Let People die when Energy and skills are full
Yippie for the Wars running back and fourth and back and fourth between the target foe and the monks LOL
/Rank for the Rangers for standing behind a wall and Not realizeing Hey My View in Opstructed LOL
Meh, this shouldn't even be a petition, it should be obvious.
I want Livia to be echo ss
I want Livia to be echo ss
I have noticed that in GW:EN, Mhenlo is always the first person to run to the front of our formation and wand an enemy when I call a target. Not cool. He loves running up to stand near enemies, even if I flag the henchmen back, flag the heroes forward, and then release the hench flag after aggro is settled around the heroes, Mhenlo will run right up near the warriors and take hits from the enemies, while the other hench casters are smart enough to stay a few steps back from the enemies and not get chopped up.
I have also noticed that Dunkoro will always cast Dismiss Condition or Mend Ailment on a warrior with 450 health who is blinded instead of healing the caster with 80 health who is crippled and under attack when Dunkoro should be casting Healing Whisper or Word of Healing or some other heal skill on the nearby caster since their health is so low. He didn't used to obssessively use remove conditions when a heal is more necessary, and party members die much more often with condition removals equipped on him because it's his favorite skill now.
Devona, although she's been this way since Nightfall, will run very far away from flag range, to the edge of the radar screen, to chase an enemy, and it usually takes a couple of flag re-plants where the rest of the team is to get her to stop chasing an enemy and come back to where the rest of the team has been standing while she was off running a commando mission by herself.
I haven't tried any of the GW:EN heroes, and these three examples I gave are the ones that bother me the most and happen the most frequently. I don't enjoy the fact that Mhenlo and Devona act more like Kilroy Stonekin and that Dunkoro seems to have spent too much time getting monking tips from Alesia. Please fix the AI issues that have been brought up!
I have also noticed that Dunkoro will always cast Dismiss Condition or Mend Ailment on a warrior with 450 health who is blinded instead of healing the caster with 80 health who is crippled and under attack when Dunkoro should be casting Healing Whisper or Word of Healing or some other heal skill on the nearby caster since their health is so low. He didn't used to obssessively use remove conditions when a heal is more necessary, and party members die much more often with condition removals equipped on him because it's his favorite skill now.
Devona, although she's been this way since Nightfall, will run very far away from flag range, to the edge of the radar screen, to chase an enemy, and it usually takes a couple of flag re-plants where the rest of the team is to get her to stop chasing an enemy and come back to where the rest of the team has been standing while she was off running a commando mission by herself.
I haven't tried any of the GW:EN heroes, and these three examples I gave are the ones that bother me the most and happen the most frequently. I don't enjoy the fact that Mhenlo and Devona act more like Kilroy Stonekin and that Dunkoro seems to have spent too much time getting monking tips from Alesia. Please fix the AI issues that have been brought up!