We have already had 7/8 Henchmen parties..
This is not what we are asking for.
We have 25 Heros and can only use 3 of them...
Thats what we are complaining about.
Next request would then be "we have 25 heroes and can only use 7 of them"
For the sake of this argument I say 'screw PuG'.
People showed they don't care for PuGs anymore and want to change the game into a solo game (my WoW playing colleague laughed very hard when I told him people are demanding 7 heroes).
Seeing a lot of people seem to want what is close to hench with adjustable skillbars, let's focus on that. They don't want the advanced interface, just heroes they can adjust.
There must be a valid reason to do so.
Saying "I have 25, can use 3" is not enough.
There must be some things that cannot be done with the current 3 heroes/4 hench. It also must not involve a change in game design besides adding more heroes.
We talked about the elite areas before.
That's a no-go. Those areas are designed with human teams in mind.
Deep and Urgoz's have features that would be very difficult or even impossible to achieve with heroes.
Guildies say DoA would probably be possible with full hero team.
However, since the area was intended for play with other humans (hence the lack of henchies) and changing that would mean changing the core area design it's a no-go.
Now there are several other spots that are very hard with the current H&H setup.
However, those spots are limited.
And more important, at least one of those spots (Eternal Grove HM) is located on a continent without heroes.
Meaning people with Factions (+Proph) only are screwed when the problem is solved by adding more heroes.
Up to now, the most valid argument I have seen is the 'AFK a lot/I have a life' argument.
However again it is used a lot in combination with the 'human areas' mentioned above. And those were no-go.
Again, one has to ask if this is a problem that can only be solved with more heroes (and only be in NF or EotN, since Proph and Factions don't have inherited heroes).
Again, with a few exceptions, the answer would be negative.
So far I have still to hear an argument explaining why the current game is broken and this broken game can only be fixed by adding more heroes.
Not adjusting areas that don't support full H&H teams.
The community demanding the heroes has so far only been stating that they want heroes, but given no more than 'nice to have' reasons together with 'it will not harm anyone'.
While both are valid reasons, you are asking A-net to dedicate resources to something that is not a problem.
The only problems that are there concern specific areas/missions (again, not the elite ones) and asking for a solution for those problems is fair.
For example, Eternal Grove with hench only in Hard Mode would probably be almost unbeatable, so asking for a change of the hench there (or the mission mechanics) would be fair. The same for every other area/mission that is impossible to complete with hench only (as far as Proph and Factions are concerned).
When A-net solves all problems in the game (take a peek in the bug sections on the various forums) they are free to implement changes like full hero parties.
But till then fixing something that is not even broken is just not right