Originally Posted by De Wilde
But at the same point..It's a game... At the end of the day it's just a game.
BLINDFOLD >> Why did you do this to me?!!
Originally Posted by illreris
add #3 blindfold screen shot. still working on it
- Create another character in free slot of the same class as person with blindfold, using new hairstyle.
- Put blindfold in storage
- Put a grey dye in storage
- Place blindfold in new chars inventory and use grey dye on it. Blindfold will appear on said persons head in preview window dyed grey.
As the blindfold is a generic headpiece it may work on any class, unlike class specific armor parts would.
Originally Posted by Imaginos
want an easy way to test that blindfold on a specific class with all hair styles? You'll need a free slot.
As the blindfold is a generic headpiece it may work on any class, unlike class specific armor parts would. |
so I will try it after I come home. Thank you for the idea

Originally Posted by Imaginos
want an easy way to test that blindfold on a specific class with all hair styles? You'll need a free slot.
As the blindfold is a generic headpiece it may work on any class, unlike class specific armor parts would. |
Fitz Rinley
Hell, they never fixed the elite Mesmer Sunspear Armor - and that was a pretty major piece. That is why I will never consider getting it for my Mesmer - ANet doesn't care. And they couldnt not have failed to know about these problems before they put them on the shelf.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Hmm interesting idea. Does that really work?
He tried colors on the legs and I tried them on the top and we sent suggestions back and forth. Then when done I traded the top back to him.
As a side note before you delete said hair mule make sure to put the blindfold back into the storage

Just did a test on the crown from my ranger to my elementalist. You will have to make a character that is the same class as whatever armor item / headgear you are testing out.
It seems that the generic armor items really are not generic and have a specific graphic per class, which makes sense as they had to make them fit every models head
and would also explain the discrepancy some are reporting on crown colors from paragons compared to others.
I also tried the crown on my ranger-mule and she was able to see it fine in the dye preview window.
It seems that the generic armor items really are not generic and have a specific graphic per class, which makes sense as they had to make them fit every models head

I also tried the crown on my ranger-mule and she was able to see it fine in the dye preview window.
I have to disagree with anyone who thinks this issue is just a "minor graphics glitch." People forget that lots of gamers have laid out some *serious* cash on their graphics subsystems. Sometimes the graphics subsystems are worth more than the rest of their computer systems! Face it, eye-candy counts today, and it's huge in this game; It's one of the major draws. The fact that people will spend months grinding out obsidian shards and ectoplasm globs for a single piece of FOW armor proves that.
The OP is completely within her right to expect that her 'toon looks good with a piece of armor that requires a considerable investment in in-game time and material to obtain. The fact that it has clipping errors is unforgivable. The fact that the female dervish's left elbow is screwed up is unforgivable. The fact that the dye system doesn't produce accurate results is unforgivable. We paid $40 for a complete game, not a bunch of mishmashed code with graphical glitches on a game that espouses its graphical prowess. If we didn't care about graphics, we'd all be playing NetHack.
Yes, it's a game. But I payed $120 for this "just a game" for my family, and that's just GW:EN. If I bought a $120 piece of hardware that didn't work as advertised, I'd throw it back in the dealer's face and demand my money back. But since this is "just a game," we're expected to just write it off because "everyone else has clipping problems too..." What a sorry state of consumer affairs, and it speaks volumes regarding the general willingness today to put up with crap, even when it costs a not-insignificant amount of money. Golf is "just a game" too, but if your $120 driver snapped because of a glitch in manufacturing that produced a weak shaft, you'd be demanding your money back. Why are we so tolerant with a computer game? (Jesus, I've spent over $500 on this "just a game" to-date, not including the computers this "just a game" runs on. Is it too much to ask that it work correctly?)
The OP is completely within her right to expect that her 'toon looks good with a piece of armor that requires a considerable investment in in-game time and material to obtain. The fact that it has clipping errors is unforgivable. The fact that the female dervish's left elbow is screwed up is unforgivable. The fact that the dye system doesn't produce accurate results is unforgivable. We paid $40 for a complete game, not a bunch of mishmashed code with graphical glitches on a game that espouses its graphical prowess. If we didn't care about graphics, we'd all be playing NetHack.
Yes, it's a game. But I payed $120 for this "just a game" for my family, and that's just GW:EN. If I bought a $120 piece of hardware that didn't work as advertised, I'd throw it back in the dealer's face and demand my money back. But since this is "just a game," we're expected to just write it off because "everyone else has clipping problems too..." What a sorry state of consumer affairs, and it speaks volumes regarding the general willingness today to put up with crap, even when it costs a not-insignificant amount of money. Golf is "just a game" too, but if your $120 driver snapped because of a glitch in manufacturing that produced a weak shaft, you'd be demanding your money back. Why are we so tolerant with a computer game? (Jesus, I've spent over $500 on this "just a game" to-date, not including the computers this "just a game" runs on. Is it too much to ask that it work correctly?)
Actually Mouser, I find the demanding and whiny "I want it perfect and I want it now" attitudes (disclaimer: not a description of the OP by any means) a more horrifying state of consumer affairs. People are spoiled and are beginning to take more and more for granted.
If you find this particular clipping error "unforgivable," I'm stocking up on canned goods. I want to have nothing to do with the future you're part of, because your cries for unrealistic perfection are frightening.
If you find this particular clipping error "unforgivable," I'm stocking up on canned goods. I want to have nothing to do with the future you're part of, because your cries for unrealistic perfection are frightening.
Unrealistic perfection? Oh please, let's not jump straight off into hyperbole in order to knock down your little straw-man here. Anet developed this game; they have complete control over it at all times. I would disagree that expecting that the game be reasonably free from flaws for $40 (over $80 if you consider that you need one of the chapters in order to play GW:EN,) is taking anything for granted. That includes visual flaws from a game that touts its visual appeal.
The entire issue is that this particular item is a *hard to get* item that requires quite a lot of ingame effort and/or resources to obtain. So yes, the fact that it is a VANITY ITEM that looks like crap IS unforgivable for a game that encourages the push for the vanity items.
Have fun with your canned goods in your basement. The rest of us will be exercising our consumer rights, which are being trampled upon more and more these days. I'm glad you're willing to part with your cash for substandard crap. Some of us obviously don't have as much to burn as you.
The entire issue is that this particular item is a *hard to get* item that requires quite a lot of ingame effort and/or resources to obtain. So yes, the fact that it is a VANITY ITEM that looks like crap IS unforgivable for a game that encourages the push for the vanity items.
Have fun with your canned goods in your basement. The rest of us will be exercising our consumer rights, which are being trampled upon more and more these days. I'm glad you're willing to part with your cash for substandard crap. Some of us obviously don't have as much to burn as you.
Onoes! I bought a game that has clipping in it and my world is falling into SHAMBLES! Consumer rights, consumer rights! 
What a joke.

What a joke.
Originally Posted by Karyuu
Onoes! I bought a game that has clipping in it and my world is falling into SHAMBLES! Consumer rights, consumer rights!
![]() What a joke. |
If you don't think its a big deal, that is fine. You have a right to your opinion.
Just, stop being demeaning to people just because they have a different opinion then yours.
If their tone of posts is demeaning to the effort that Anet artists put out into the game, which I consider one of the most beautiful in the "fantasy MMO" genre, I feel that I have a right to the same towards them
I think some posts here are nothing but alarmist, and some others display an entitlement complex. A minor few have voiced their concerns well and without jumping onto the "Anet does crap work all the time" bandwagon. Kudos and much respect to them. However, I don't see why I have to be sugar and smiles to people who can't seem to express their own opinions on this issue without blowing it completely out of proportion.
If you think this is a "serious clipping issue," I will be forced to laugh.

If you think this is a "serious clipping issue," I will be forced to laugh.
Originally Posted by Fitz Rinley
Hell, they never fixed the elite Mesmer Sunspear Armor - and that was a pretty major piece. That is why I will never consider getting it for my Mesmer - ANet doesn't care. And they couldnt not have failed to know about these problems before they put them on the shelf.
Is it really so hard to change the animation to the correct file?
Tom Swift
While the artists of ANet are terrific, they are working with limitations. Guild Wars uses fairly low polygon models in order to allow lower end systems to play the game. The fewer the polygons in the models, the more likely there will be clipping issues.
However, that being said, part of being an artist is knowing and working within the limitations of the medium. And, since the blindfold is an item that takes a lot of effort to obtain, it should have been more thoroughly tested and, if there was no way to make it work with the models available, it should have been left out or replaced with something else. There really is no excuse for allowing a high end item with these issues into the game.
However, that being said, part of being an artist is knowing and working within the limitations of the medium. And, since the blindfold is an item that takes a lot of effort to obtain, it should have been more thoroughly tested and, if there was no way to make it work with the models available, it should have been left out or replaced with something else. There really is no excuse for allowing a high end item with these issues into the game.
The repetition required to get it.
The clipping issue.
The fact it can't be dyed.
I see why the OP is disappointed.
How about for all those items it shows a note saying this item can't be dyed and information like that.
The clipping issue.
The fact it can't be dyed.
I see why the OP is disappointed.
How about for all those items it shows a note saying this item can't be dyed and information like that.
Originally Posted by Karyuu
Onoes! I bought a game that has clipping in it and my world is falling into SHAMBLES! Consumer rights, consumer rights!
![]() What a joke. |
We bought a game that obviously wasn't tested completely, and spent a bunch of money for it. The OP spent a bunch of *real* time, and received a vanity item that looks like crap. Being pissed off about that, and having payed $40 per account that is UNREFUNDABLE is not blowing anything out of proportion. One question, did you pay for this game yourself, or did someone buy it for you? If you spent your own hard-earned money on the game and the rig you're playing it on, you might feel a little differently. In the real world, $40 buys a weeks' worth of lunches. But you probably don't have to watch your own expenses, do you? Must be nice to have mom pay for everything.
Incidentally, the little passive-aggressive smilies at the end of every one of your insulting statements does nothing to forward your point, except to prove that you really don't have the guts to actually stand behind your statements. "You didn't like what I was saying, but I was kidding! See the grin at the end?" Pathetic.
What a joke, indeed. And you, my young friend, are the butt of the current one. Have fun in your mom's basement with your canned goods and your Kool-Aid.
De Wilde
That's all I have to say
Now with that out of the way - I am saying that in the end of the day, it is just a game. Just like someone going out and buying a new D&D book, new World of Darkness book, new MTG cards... In the end it is just a frickin' game. Don't like something? Don't use it, don't play it, take a break for a while.
Yea it BLOWS that there is clipping going on, and that there are other graphic anomalies, but seriously? I would rather have my ranger whom I love DEARLY to look a li'l bit silly in a vanity item - instead of getting screwed when it comes to the Energy glitches when I'm playing an energy based build. Gee call me silly.
Nobody is going to be perfect 100% of the time, and no item you buy is going to be 100% perfect all of the time either. They tried to implement something - no it wasn't something that was asked for - but something they thought might liven things up a bit, and give people something to go "Wow that's kinda neat!" And it didn't work out so well, but from a person who's beta tested websites, chat sites (RPG's FTW!), and other things... When someone implements something -new- they're more than likely testing it out,a nd fine tuning it to implement into something else. And it MAY just get fixed.
I'm not onto the backside of the original poster, because I can understand the absolute frustration and annoyance of having it - however... I think that those who are taking this far too personally... Need to relax a li'l bit, step away from the computer screen, and go out and get some fresh air.
Because it's a game.
I'm not going to shake my fist at A-Net and tell them they don't care about the gamers, because if they didn't care? We wouldn't have gotten what we DO have. If they didn't care, they wouldn't have continued on, IF they did not care, those things that HAVE been bothering people and HAVE been fixed? Wouldn't be done.
They're not deities, Grenth and Dwayna did not invoke themselves into their own little fleshy avatars and snap their fingers and everything will be good. Gaile MAY say that some things won't get fixed, but they have said this before AND.... wow... things got fixed.
So why don't people relax, take in a deep breath... and just.. remember, this is meant to be fun?
Anyways, i'm going to get down off of my soap box, I'm afraid of heights and starting to get a nose bleed.
That's all I have to say
Now with that out of the way - I am saying that in the end of the day, it is just a game. Just like someone going out and buying a new D&D book, new World of Darkness book, new MTG cards... In the end it is just a frickin' game. Don't like something? Don't use it, don't play it, take a break for a while.
Yea it BLOWS that there is clipping going on, and that there are other graphic anomalies, but seriously? I would rather have my ranger whom I love DEARLY to look a li'l bit silly in a vanity item - instead of getting screwed when it comes to the Energy glitches when I'm playing an energy based build. Gee call me silly.
Nobody is going to be perfect 100% of the time, and no item you buy is going to be 100% perfect all of the time either. They tried to implement something - no it wasn't something that was asked for - but something they thought might liven things up a bit, and give people something to go "Wow that's kinda neat!" And it didn't work out so well, but from a person who's beta tested websites, chat sites (RPG's FTW!), and other things... When someone implements something -new- they're more than likely testing it out,a nd fine tuning it to implement into something else. And it MAY just get fixed.
I'm not onto the backside of the original poster, because I can understand the absolute frustration and annoyance of having it - however... I think that those who are taking this far too personally... Need to relax a li'l bit, step away from the computer screen, and go out and get some fresh air.
Because it's a game.
I'm not going to shake my fist at A-Net and tell them they don't care about the gamers, because if they didn't care? We wouldn't have gotten what we DO have. If they didn't care, they wouldn't have continued on, IF they did not care, those things that HAVE been bothering people and HAVE been fixed? Wouldn't be done.
They're not deities, Grenth and Dwayna did not invoke themselves into their own little fleshy avatars and snap their fingers and everything will be good. Gaile MAY say that some things won't get fixed, but they have said this before AND.... wow... things got fixed.
So why don't people relax, take in a deep breath... and just.. remember, this is meant to be fun?
Anyways, i'm going to get down off of my soap box, I'm afraid of heights and starting to get a nose bleed.
Originally Posted by illreris
I'm very upset about this xxxx
![]() after long hours to collected items HOW DID ARENA NET LET'S THIS HAPPEN?? I'm feel like playing SECOND GRADE online game. Did ANET drop their quality? graphic of blindfold on my beloved monk looks really really bad, I will not stand for sloppy low quality works. so I begging you >>Fix it!!<< restore my faith in Arena Net's graphic design team.............. >>Fix it!!<< >>Fix it!!<< >>Fix it!!<< >>Fix it!!<< >>Fix it!!<< >>Fix it!!<< Edit by Esan suggestion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I decided to collect screen shot of Blindfolds for ppl who want to make it but have no idea that how it'll appear on their character. #1 The Ranger has a better luck than me with blindfold. #2 Bald PAWN me #3 Another clipping meh ![]() |
hey I just come back. and for Imaginos's suggestion, I already try it but since blindfold can not be dyed so it's didn't work.
add #4 of my collection
It's true except
I've nothing against this. cheer
add #4 of my collection

Originally Posted by Redfeather1975
The repetition required to get it.
The clipping issue. The fact it can't be dyed. I see why the OP is disappointed. How about for all those items it shows a note saying this item can't be dyed and information like that. |
Originally Posted by Redfeather1975
The fact it can't be dyed.

Diddy bow
Its not like there is some magic reason why this couldnt work with every hair/face or be fixed to. Look at games where you can create and face you want, i dont see any issues there with hair/glasses etc.
Originally Posted by Mouser
One question, did you pay for this game yourself, or did someone buy it for you? If you spent your own hard-earned money on the game and the rig you're playing it on, you might feel a little differently. In the real world, $40 buys a weeks' worth of lunches. But you probably don't have to watch your own expenses, do you? Must be nice to have mom pay for everything.
Congratulations on trying to make a mature reply, I applaud your efforts. Have fun lashing out at anonymous faces on the internet!
Firstly to those who think that they "didn't test the model", this is absolutely laughable and you should seriously think before you type.
Also anyone who says this is a large/important clipping issue is blowing it out of all proportions. It would be a large clipping issue if it wasn't centralised on your head perhaps, or you could see your eyes poking through the front, but for all intents and purposes it does it's job as intended.
While yes it may be difficult to collect all the items and yes you paid money for the game, there's no need to go and flame anet over this. If every object in the game was clippy/substandard, go right ahead. This is one in thousands and thoudands of models. Yes it clips a bit... It clips... a bit... End of the world? I don't think so. Worth bitching about anet for, absolutely not.
Also even though people have tried to state that it's not feasable for anet to fix the blindfold for everyone, from what i gather here most of the complainers don't seem peticularly well versed in how much time and effort would go into making each blindfold fit perfectly. Well for the naysayers, here is what it would roughly entail:
Say you have a monk and you want the blindfold to fit perfectly, that's 1xblindfold model.
Then your monk has the possibility to be fashioning around 30 different hairstyles thanks to all the expansions, that's 30xblindfold models to custom fit each head+hairstyle combo.
Then there are 10 classes to consider, so that's 10x30 Blindfold models, three hundred individual blindfold models to painstakingly create to ensure there is no clipping.
I won't even go into how laborious it would be to implement 300 individual assets into the game complete with however many hundreds of lines of code so the game can decide which one you need to fit right, just for one collector headpiece. Imagine if they had to do that for every wearable item in the game, it would never be released!
Really you should just be thankful that anet even implemented such an obscure and extravagant piece of "armour" in the first place, and live with a bit of clipping. Games are never going to be picture perfect.
Also anyone who says this is a large/important clipping issue is blowing it out of all proportions. It would be a large clipping issue if it wasn't centralised on your head perhaps, or you could see your eyes poking through the front, but for all intents and purposes it does it's job as intended.
While yes it may be difficult to collect all the items and yes you paid money for the game, there's no need to go and flame anet over this. If every object in the game was clippy/substandard, go right ahead. This is one in thousands and thoudands of models. Yes it clips a bit... It clips... a bit... End of the world? I don't think so. Worth bitching about anet for, absolutely not.
Also even though people have tried to state that it's not feasable for anet to fix the blindfold for everyone, from what i gather here most of the complainers don't seem peticularly well versed in how much time and effort would go into making each blindfold fit perfectly. Well for the naysayers, here is what it would roughly entail:
Say you have a monk and you want the blindfold to fit perfectly, that's 1xblindfold model.
Then your monk has the possibility to be fashioning around 30 different hairstyles thanks to all the expansions, that's 30xblindfold models to custom fit each head+hairstyle combo.
Then there are 10 classes to consider, so that's 10x30 Blindfold models, three hundred individual blindfold models to painstakingly create to ensure there is no clipping.
I won't even go into how laborious it would be to implement 300 individual assets into the game complete with however many hundreds of lines of code so the game can decide which one you need to fit right, just for one collector headpiece. Imagine if they had to do that for every wearable item in the game, it would never be released!
Really you should just be thankful that anet even implemented such an obscure and extravagant piece of "armour" in the first place, and live with a bit of clipping. Games are never going to be picture perfect.
Originally Posted by illreris
hey I just come back. and for Imaginos's suggestion, I already try it but since blindfold can not be dyed so it's didn't work.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Imaginos
Ah didn't know the blindfold couldn't be dyed. That's a shame and rather stupid. The bandanna can be dyed and the blindfold is just a cloth wrapping over the eyes. /sigh
Originally Posted by tda
Firstly to those who think that they "didn't test the model", this is absolutely laughable and you should seriously think before you type.
Also anyone who says this is a large/important clipping issue is blowing it out of all proportions. It would be a large clipping issue if it wasn't centralised on your head perhaps, or you could see your eyes poking through the front, but for all intents and purposes it does it's job as intended. While yes it may be difficult to collect all the items and yes you paid money for the game, there's no need to go and flame anet over this. If every object in the game was clippy/substandard, go right ahead. This is one in thousands and thoudands of models. Yes it clips a bit... It clips... a bit... End of the world? I don't think so. Worth bitching about anet for, absolutely not. Also even though people have tried to state that it's not feasable for anet to fix the blindfold for everyone, from what i gather here most of the complainers don't seem peticularly well versed in how much time and effort would go into making each blindfold fit perfectly. Well for the naysayers, here is what it would roughly entail: Say you have a monk and you want the blindfold to fit perfectly, that's 1xblindfold model. Then your monk has the possibility to be fashioning around 30 different hairstyles thanks to all the expansions, that's 30xblindfold models to custom fit each head+hairstyle combo. Then there are 10 classes to consider, so that's 10x30 Blindfold models, three hundred individual blindfold models to painstakingly create to ensure there is no clipping. I won't even go into how laborious it would be to implement 300 individual assets into the game complete with however many hundreds of lines of code so the game can decide which one you need to fit right, just for one collector headpiece. Imagine if they had to do that for every wearable item in the game, it would never be released! Really you should just be thankful that anet even implemented such an obscure and extravagant piece of "armour" in the first place, and live with a bit of clipping. Games are never going to be picture perfect. |
I expect graphic glitches that were posted over a year ago and some over two years ago to be fixed by now. Two glitches that come to mind right off the bat are:
- Minor chunk of random geometry/mesh cutting across a staircase in Vabbi, I believe it is. The fix is to go in and delete said polygons as they don't attach to anything nor are they part of anything.
- More Major. Female Luxon Top for Warriors. The geometry on this top has been screwed since day one and reported yet totally ignored. The visual effect is your torso/back glow and you can see this screwup in your shadow as it doesn't cast right. The problem is probably a section of mesh that was not welded to other sections and left "open" at a guess.
I've created low polygon models before and modified others for games such as Neverwinter Nights and ran into similar issues during some of my mods as what I listed for the Luxon Top. The fix takes no more then a few minutes if you know what it is and I think the longest fix I ever had was a few hours due to having to track down what I had done wrong when learning the basics of the 3d program.
There is no good reason for the above glitches to still be in game after 1 year and 2 years respectively.
Originally Posted by Imaginos
Or, you know, they could do the cheaper fix and adjust it manually for the very few hairstyles that are very thick and then just make the model for the blindfold a bit thicker in the back to cover the lion's share of other hair models out there, but of course that doesn't support your 300 models needed argument.
I expect graphic glitches that were posted over a year ago and some over two years ago to be fixed by now. Two glitches that come to mind right off the bat are:
I've created low polygon models before and modified others for games such as Neverwinter Nights and ran into similar issues during some of my mods as what I listed for the Luxon Top. The fix takes no more then a few minutes if you know what it is and I think the longest fix I ever had was a few hours due to having to track down what I had done wrong when learning the basics of the 3d program. |
Now perhaps you are right and 300 models would not be required, but what would be faster? Just getting down to it and creating the 300 models, or creating 4 or 5 and pain-stakingly tweaking them while cross referencing every change of the mesh against every single head/hair combo there is? I'm a modder of games myself, and i know neither is really an appealing solution to this problem.
This is not really related to my point, but i've typed it now so.. -----
There's also this fact to take into consideration - they have to patch the game and roll out an update to everyone to fix a problem like this. I don't think i'm dramatising to say that a patch for a game as big as GW is a very large undertaking, puts stress on the servers and is generally not an easy thing to do. If i were in A-net's shoes i'd need a better reason than a bit of clipping to roll out an update to hundreds and hundreds of thousands of customers.
This ties to the vabbi thing as well, would you expect them to recompile the entire vabbi area in question an then roll an update for one polygon that's slightly obtrusive?
Things have priority, and unfortunately this blindfold isn't one of them right now. It might be in the future and i hope that it is, but it is not ok to flame anet because it's not quite correct for your specific class/hair combo RIGHT NOW. You guys are getting this stuff for a fraction of the cost of most MMO's, remember. You shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.
Originally Posted by Imaginos
There is no good reason for the above glitches to still be in game after 1 year and 2 years respectively.
Originally Posted by tda
Really you should just be thankful that anet even implemented such an obscure and extravagant piece of "armour" in the first place, and live with a bit of clipping. Games are never going to be picture perfect.
- We already tested this item be aware of some clipping issues that might be happen when you press "OK" that mean you accept the risk and have no right to complain anything because we won't fix this tiny little problem and we already warn you! -
That's kinda would be fun lol.
Midnight Harmony
You didn't expect a fringe to clip with a blindfold? Think logically for a moment, the game can't differentiate between hairstyles so there's bound to be issues regarding certain styles. All you can do is live with it, because unfortunately no changes will be made.
Originally Posted by tda
Bugs such as the armour one should, imo, be altered immediately. I'm not just being a being a hypocrit now saying "this one should be fixed but that one shouldn't", my rationale for wanting to see that fixed over this blindfold is because it is an armour that is custom tailored for one class+gender combination. However when it's a model for headgear that's recycled for every class, i would rather they concentrate on more important things. I'm digressing from my initial point now anyway. I don't think it should never be fixed, i just don't agree with flaming a-net because it clips slightly, saying "they must not test their game". Absurd.
Now perhaps you are right and 300 models would not be required, but what would be faster? Just getting down to it and creating the 300 models, or creating 4 or 5 and pain-stakingly tweaking them while cross referencing every change of the mesh against every single head/hair combo there is? I'm a modder of games myself, and i know neither is really an appealing solution to this problem. This is not really related to my point, but i've typed it now so.. ----- There's also this fact to take into consideration - they have to patch the game and roll out an update to everyone to fix a problem like this. I don't think i'm dramatising to say that a patch for a game as big as GW is a very large undertaking, puts stress on the servers and is generally not an easy thing to do. If i were in A-net's shoes i'd need a better reason than a bit of clipping to roll out an update to hundreds and hundreds of thousands of customers. This ties to the vabbi thing as well, would you expect them to recompile the entire vabbi area in question an then roll an update for one polygon that's slightly obtrusive? --------------------------------- Things have priority, and unfortunately this blindfold isn't one of them right now. It might be in the future and i hope that it is, but it is not ok to flame anet because it's not quite correct for your specific class/hair combo RIGHT NOW. You guys are getting this stuff for a fraction of the cost of most MMO's, remember. You shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. One good reason i can think of is that they have more pressing things to alter than minor bugs. PVP skill balance, expansion content, GW2. I could go on, but you get my drift. Small bugs < balance/expansions/large bugs. |
That being said the 2 bugs I listed should have been fixed by now. These are not things a programmer must fix, as you well know from doing mods yourself, this is something that the art department should have gone in and taken care of and then had rolled out in one of the smaller patches or just a simple download like we get when entering an area we've never been in before.
Hardly that much stress on the servers due to the way Anet implemented these nice on the fly patches

I agree that it would surely take more work to fix the headgears then the armor part i mentioned or the rogue polygon in the staircase.
To an earlier poster: It is very possible as you mentioned due to the hairstyles showing that this is why you can't color the headband. Good call on that. Probably the same for the asuran glasses.
Lady Ana Stacia
Gaile has already stated that there is a limitation with the blindfold not dying, which is due to the fact it doesn't replace the hair such as helmets etc...
So that is fully understandable
So that is fully understandable

add #5 blindfold screenshot

Looks like their QA were wearing blindfolds.
Originally Posted by Lady Ana Stacia
Gaile has already stated that there is a limitation with the blindfold not dying, which is due to the fact it doesn't replace the hair such as helmets etc...
So that is fully understandable ![]() |
...it looks ugly on a monk anyway. imo. buy spectacles. (although its really anooying to grind for the title...)
The Mesmer masks were made for the mesmer meshes and class alone. Gaile also said this.
Originally Posted by Karyuu
The Mesmer masks were made for the mesmer meshes and class alone. Gaile also said this.
I don't think either one of us knows the engine and art system in detail, so we can't truly guess what they could or could not have done. IMO, the Anet team is neither lazy nor untalented, and some things may really be either out of their system capabilities or time schedules.
Originally Posted by Karyuu
I don't think either one of us knows the engine and art system in detail, so we can't truly guess what they could or could not have done. IMO, the Anet team is neither lazy nor untalented, and some things may really be either out of their system capabilities or time schedules.
Appearantly blindfolds cannot be dyed because they are not helmets, and helmets could not be used as a base because it would remove the hair.
Quite logical and understandable, but I don't understand what they *did* use as a base for the blindfold (and asura glasses I presume).
The mesmer masks *can* be dyed, the assassin masks can also be dyed. Why not use these as a base? So far the only thing I can think of that was used as a base for the blindfold is either the elementalist/paragon headpiece, or they created a whole new type of object instead of basing it on an already existing type of headpiece.
That assassin and mesmer masks are made especially for those classes and cannot be used for other classes also seems a bit odd to me. Scar patterns were only usable by monks and necro's before EotN, yet now everyone can have a woad. Ok, these are textures, not models, but it simply doesn't make sense that classes are hardcoded into the base headpiece objects.
Anyway, all I can do is speculate at this point. I just wish I had some more info to help me understand the reason it can't be dyed. While I do believe A-net that there are technical limitations, I'm simply too curious to know exactly what those limitations are. It's frustrating to not understand. Soo many questions...
What I wouldn't give to get my hands on the GW source code :P
But that'll never happen

Indeed, I too would really like to know more details about the system, because my mind also does that "Okay... this makes sense in a way, but..." thing :]
Having the blindfolds offered in multiple colors from the collector doesn't seem impossible though, keeping in mind then that you'll only see default dyes and not combinations (too many of those!). But Anet has often added content in after a release, so I might remain hopeful until GW2.
Having the blindfolds offered in multiple colors from the collector doesn't seem impossible though, keeping in mind then that you'll only see default dyes and not combinations (too many of those!). But Anet has often added content in after a release, so I might remain hopeful until GW2.