Why do some of you keep playing?
I had a great time playing GW for a little over a year, and then the grind and the attitude of the anet team finally told me it was time to leave the game, which I did (Im soo much more happy too). All that I see on these forums when I come back for a peek are complaint threads. If you hate the game now or anet then just stop playing. If you love the game then keep playing. Some of you need to save your bloodpressure and just give it up like I did. No online fee is worth dealing with anets new grind fest or their lack of respect for the players.
Originally Posted by frodo7
Why do some of you keep playing?
If you love the game then keep playing. |
He was saying, with all these complaint threads why dont you just quit? What is the point of bitching over a game you have no control over. Either deal with it, or quit. Good advice imo.
uhh. I just just JUST bought Factions, so right now, that is.
Rocky Raccoon
Originally Posted by frodo7
I had a great time playing GW for a little over a year, and then the grind and the attitude of the anet team finally told me it was time to leave the game, which I did (Im soo much more happy too). All that I see on these forums when I come back for a peek are complaint threads. If you hate the game now or anet then just stop playing. If you love the game then keep playing. Some of you need to save your bloodpressure and just give it up like I did. No online fee is worth dealing with anets new grind fest or their lack of respect for the players.
Originally Posted by Risky Ranger
If you play the game for fun there is no grind. The grind comes in for people who think they have to have all the status items. You can play the game without FoW armor, etc and still have a good time.
Bryant Again
Because it's a good game.
Timeless Logic
I still love it, and I have a core group of 4-8 friends, depending on who's online, who I always game with.
I also adore the Prophecies campaign, and will play it over and over.
I also adore the Prophecies campaign, and will play it over and over.
I went through a pretty negative couple weeks and nearly quit. I have had favorite farming grounds (which I only used for a quick couple plat if I had to) get nerfed...chest running nerfed...favorite builds nerfed, some butt hole ripped me off (left me dead and waited for timer to run out...stole my drop), I accidently salvaged the wrong bow and got planks, I was called a niggger while monking, my guild dissappeared after I paid for the new Guild Hall and after two runs to the UW for a spider and having someone else charm it...I'd had enough.
...Factions was a dissappointment, Nightfall on the other hand perked me back up a bit with the addition of heroes. I quit playing with real people for a couple months. I worked on a title or two and eventually had a great conversation with a friend who played the game with a guild that was active, funny and didn't take things too seriously...I joined up. Now, I play with my guildies and with heroes. My nephew was just deemed "old enough" and is now online...I spend a lot of time showing him the ropes.
I bought Eye of the North and after getting Grandmaster cartographer of Tyria title, I stepped back from the game and realized how freakin huge it is! I could play for another 2 years and still not do everything...grind? only if I make it that way (i.e. last 5% of cartography title). I'm seven titles away from getting a rainbow phoenix...at least 6 months away. I have tons to do and only 5k in my account...I've burned my gold on armor and the occasional pretty weapon...I guess I've come to accept that nothing comes easy, people can be decent and no goal is unacheivable...no grind if I switch goals from time-to-time...over 4400 hrs since beta and my first toon was deleted after 6 months (I hate to think about it...and someone took the name!)
I have hated the game and what it was doing to me...frustration level was intolerable. But now, I play about 4 hours a day (where I used to watch TV...more depressing than ANY game experience)...some days I don't play at all, some weekends I marathon for 12. I have learned to relax, not covet what others have and play the game for my own purposes. Sometimes I see something I think is worthwhile as a goal and I give it a shot...If I get frustrated or bored, I go off and do something else...Learning to adapt has made all the difference in how much I enjoy playing. I used to worry about getting "stuff"...now I concentrate on just playing...go play!
As for "bitch threads"...if there were no Guild Wars, they'd be on some other game forum saying the same things (and probably are). Some people only thrive in turmoil, whether it comes from somewhere else or they create it...If other people appear happy, they cannot be. I advise you to read their threads and learn how not to be.
...Factions was a dissappointment, Nightfall on the other hand perked me back up a bit with the addition of heroes. I quit playing with real people for a couple months. I worked on a title or two and eventually had a great conversation with a friend who played the game with a guild that was active, funny and didn't take things too seriously...I joined up. Now, I play with my guildies and with heroes. My nephew was just deemed "old enough" and is now online...I spend a lot of time showing him the ropes.
I bought Eye of the North and after getting Grandmaster cartographer of Tyria title, I stepped back from the game and realized how freakin huge it is! I could play for another 2 years and still not do everything...grind? only if I make it that way (i.e. last 5% of cartography title). I'm seven titles away from getting a rainbow phoenix...at least 6 months away. I have tons to do and only 5k in my account...I've burned my gold on armor and the occasional pretty weapon...I guess I've come to accept that nothing comes easy, people can be decent and no goal is unacheivable...no grind if I switch goals from time-to-time...over 4400 hrs since beta and my first toon was deleted after 6 months (I hate to think about it...and someone took the name!)
I have hated the game and what it was doing to me...frustration level was intolerable. But now, I play about 4 hours a day (where I used to watch TV...more depressing than ANY game experience)...some days I don't play at all, some weekends I marathon for 12. I have learned to relax, not covet what others have and play the game for my own purposes. Sometimes I see something I think is worthwhile as a goal and I give it a shot...If I get frustrated or bored, I go off and do something else...Learning to adapt has made all the difference in how much I enjoy playing. I used to worry about getting "stuff"...now I concentrate on just playing...go play!
As for "bitch threads"...if there were no Guild Wars, they'd be on some other game forum saying the same things (and probably are). Some people only thrive in turmoil, whether it comes from somewhere else or they create it...If other people appear happy, they cannot be. I advise you to read their threads and learn how not to be.
Because i want that Dwayna statue dam it!
Because GW is THE game for me. When i started playing, it was love at first sight.
I see a lot of people complaining about grind and other stuff, but the grind of GW is nothing compared to the other games i came from, NOTHING! Who played Lineage 2 or Ragnarok or even Mapple Story knows what i'm talking about, so, sometimes i can't really understand why people complain so much about grind...
I see a lot of people complaining about grind and other stuff, but the grind of GW is nothing compared to the other games i came from, NOTHING! Who played Lineage 2 or Ragnarok or even Mapple Story knows what i'm talking about, so, sometimes i can't really understand why people complain so much about grind...
Hall of Monuments, doing HM / Vanquisher while getting good drops that help fund my "elite" armor unlocks, doing stuff with Guild Mates and friends.
Since I'm learning the "efficient" things such as Ruins Of Shala wurm farming for ss/lb points (that makes it bearable and profitable). Kuz FFF with hero/hench (until I get mindless bored and switch to something different) and now have 2 "sets" of hero builds that make pve fairly easy and HM much more doable, having fun with HM/Mapping and above all, playing with guildmates.
With the changes to RA/TA.. I'm considering giving it a try. Been a very long time since I've done it / considered it.
I agree, if GW is not fun, take a break or move on.
/Agree - I've come from Final Fantasy XI.... GW "grind" is nothing compared to 1-3 hours to form a party to try and get lucky and then you want to commit to 4-6 hour block pulling monster to the camp so after a few days you may get to the next level. If you die... you have to do again because you an de-level. Plus what you have to do to earn money for the million costing equipment.
Since I'm learning the "efficient" things such as Ruins Of Shala wurm farming for ss/lb points (that makes it bearable and profitable). Kuz FFF with hero/hench (until I get mindless bored and switch to something different) and now have 2 "sets" of hero builds that make pve fairly easy and HM much more doable, having fun with HM/Mapping and above all, playing with guildmates.
With the changes to RA/TA.. I'm considering giving it a try. Been a very long time since I've done it / considered it.
I agree, if GW is not fun, take a break or move on.
Originally Posted by Nyree
Because GW is THE game for me. When i started playing, it was love at first sight.
I see a lot of people complaining about grind and other stuff, but the grind of GW is nothing compared to the other games i came from, NOTHING! Who played Lineage 2 or Ragnarok or even Mapple Story knows what i'm talking about, so, sometimes i can't really understand why people complain so much about grind... |
I play because yes, I still enjoy the game after 2 years. My guild and alliance themselves are worth playing - I'm having a great time with my friends. However, as I'm almost done pimpin' my main char weapon and armor wise, I've started to work on titles, as well as getting more armors and such for my other characters. I realized I was slow at it, but I can enjoy it longer x].
The reason I still play GW? Easy.
I love the community I'm in, especially the alliance and friends online. I also really love vanquishing(which I just started) so that's a major plus. It's also nice to think of new builds for HA or in PvE.
I love the community I'm in, especially the alliance and friends online. I also really love vanquishing(which I just started) so that's a major plus. It's also nice to think of new builds for HA or in PvE.
Smile Like Umean It
So, all the people who get annoyed with things should just keep quiet? Bugs, exploits, improperly placed mechanics, and potential improvements get over looked.
Lets not forget that people complain because they actually LIKE the game. When things are wrong they want them to be known. Made better. Quite honestly, I'd be more worried if nothing was ever said because that'd be the sign that Guild Wars was really having a problem.
Of course, there are some people who come on just for the sole purpose to bitch about this or that. Not actually caring if anything is done just as long as they can keep their mouths running.
Me, personally, if I'm not enjoying the game anymore I uninstall it and find something else to do. If I happen to get the urge to play again I will. I don't see the need to announce it in a thread on Guru.
Lets not forget that people complain because they actually LIKE the game. When things are wrong they want them to be known. Made better. Quite honestly, I'd be more worried if nothing was ever said because that'd be the sign that Guild Wars was really having a problem.
Of course, there are some people who come on just for the sole purpose to bitch about this or that. Not actually caring if anything is done just as long as they can keep their mouths running.
Me, personally, if I'm not enjoying the game anymore I uninstall it and find something else to do. If I happen to get the urge to play again I will. I don't see the need to announce it in a thread on Guru.
Originally Posted by frodo7
..... All that I see on these forums when I come back for a peek are complaint threads. If you hate the game now or anet then just stop playing.
and you forgeting that propblably 70% of GW players never heard about or dont track guru forum ...
Well, in deed there is a little more grinding compared to the original concept. But in all it doesn't take too much effort to achive for example level 5 if you want to buy an armour of a certain faction. Doing all quests and clearing 3-5 maps as you are sightseeing should be enough. Many new PvE skills are already on level 1 an good alternative to the regular skills, if you compare some of the norn or dwarven skills e.g. with Galrath's slash.
Nevertheless I tried another MMORPG the last weeks, but returned soon to GW, because there you have to slay alone hour by hour weaker monsters, because it seems there doesn't exist any teamplay beyond looking for a group for automatically picking up the loot. In order to be somewhat competetive for PvP you have to do this several days or even weeks and you will be still dozens of levels behind top grinders which are already playing for a year or more. You can also only change once your skills and attributes. So if you want to try a new build, after the first change, you have to level up a new character.
Nevertheless I tried another MMORPG the last weeks, but returned soon to GW, because there you have to slay alone hour by hour weaker monsters, because it seems there doesn't exist any teamplay beyond looking for a group for automatically picking up the loot. In order to be somewhat competetive for PvP you have to do this several days or even weeks and you will be still dozens of levels behind top grinders which are already playing for a year or more. You can also only change once your skills and attributes. So if you want to try a new build, after the first change, you have to level up a new character.
Complaint threads generally stem from the desire to add additional features to make the game better and even more enjoyable.
Most of the players in those threads, however, continue to enjoy the game in their present state, so recommending improvements isn't a gamebreaker.
Most of the players in those threads, however, continue to enjoy the game in their present state, so recommending improvements isn't a gamebreaker.
I'm still playing because despite its flaws, there isn't anything better out yet (e.g. WAR and AoC). GW is a bit long in the tooth now, but there is still some fun to be had.
If I play Guild Wars there is no need to spend money on other games.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver
If I play Guild Wars there is no need to spend money on other games.
I think the last time I had fun playing GW was on factions release, but I nothing better to do, so...
Dr Strangelove
Because I'm having fun.
Why else would you play a game?
Why else would you play a game?
I, for one, only have a couple of problems with the game, and none of them are big enough to keep it from being quite a lot of fun. In fact, most of the things I'd like changed are alterations that would make it easier to solo certain areas of the game. The sole benefit of that, from my perspective, is that it would let me play the game more.
Come to think of it maybe I'd be better off if I didn't get my way.
Come to think of it maybe I'd be better off if I didn't get my way.
I've played since the start and I'd have to admit that, after that long, part of it is just habit. I still enjoy the game but habit is a big part of it.
I like the fact that there are so many different ways to play. I'll play PVP only for weeks, then - especially after GW:EN - try PVE for a while. I also like the fact that, if I just have 10 or 15 minutes, I can do some quick farming runs. On the other hand, I can spend 2 hours or more in a GW:EN dungeon.
At times I've been fascinated with farming and trading (mostly that's fallen away, after buying fissure armor for one character, I almost buy the cheapest max armor for new characters now). I have customized the weapons I like and - more often than not - give the good finds to my guild now for what we call our armory - stuff to be given out to our members as they need things.
Me? This game has offered more bang for the buck than any game I've tried ...
I like the fact that there are so many different ways to play. I'll play PVP only for weeks, then - especially after GW:EN - try PVE for a while. I also like the fact that, if I just have 10 or 15 minutes, I can do some quick farming runs. On the other hand, I can spend 2 hours or more in a GW:EN dungeon.
At times I've been fascinated with farming and trading (mostly that's fallen away, after buying fissure armor for one character, I almost buy the cheapest max armor for new characters now). I have customized the weapons I like and - more often than not - give the good finds to my guild now for what we call our armory - stuff to be given out to our members as they need things.
Me? This game has offered more bang for the buck than any game I've tried ...
I just play to increase the size of my e-peen monument for GW2.
Crom The Pale
I play to have fun. Now what I find fun may not be the same as anyone else, but that is the nature of FUN.
Currently I am working on Vaquishing Tyria in order to help fill out the last 0.8% I need for Cartography title there.
I have finnaly reached a point in the game where I nolonger require any grinding or need any money. I have all the gear I want and all the skills I need. I have enough K in storage to make a fair and reasonable bid if I see an item that might fit well into a build or look good next to my armor, but nothing is out there that I really need.
It has taken me 28months to get one char to this point, and there is little chance I will bother trying to fill out my other 8 chars. When Prophicies first came out I felt that 4 char slots was too few, we had 6 proffessions after all, but now that I have taken one of every profession through multiple campains I kinda wish I had spent more time on just one char. If I had focused on just one from the start I would have reached the point I am at now 12+ months ago.
Now I've got 1 main char and 8 fully equiped and loaded with heros Storage chars.
Currently I am working on Vaquishing Tyria in order to help fill out the last 0.8% I need for Cartography title there.
I have finnaly reached a point in the game where I nolonger require any grinding or need any money. I have all the gear I want and all the skills I need. I have enough K in storage to make a fair and reasonable bid if I see an item that might fit well into a build or look good next to my armor, but nothing is out there that I really need.
It has taken me 28months to get one char to this point, and there is little chance I will bother trying to fill out my other 8 chars. When Prophicies first came out I felt that 4 char slots was too few, we had 6 proffessions after all, but now that I have taken one of every profession through multiple campains I kinda wish I had spent more time on just one char. If I had focused on just one from the start I would have reached the point I am at now 12+ months ago.
Now I've got 1 main char and 8 fully equiped and loaded with heros Storage chars.
£120 for over 6000 hours gaming? yeah, I'm staying here
Why? Because.... GW is a 100% successful working model of a game gone perfect. Oh yeah... and I love it!

Because, in my opinion, there isn't a better PvP game on the market atm.
No monthly fee
And I'm good at it.
And I'm good at it.
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
Because I'm having fun.
Why else would you play a game? |
If I wasn't playing Guild Wars, I'd be playing Lotro or a 360. Lotro has a monthly fee, but GW's graphics are far superior, and I don't have a 360 yet, so I don't want to spend 400+
Fox Reeveheart
I play just to be around the girl I love on there ^.^ I done EVERYTHING ELSE Q_Q now I do it for her mainly. Just helped her get through elusive golemancer which she could not do to save her life. I try one time and boom, done o.O. She was very very happy. That made me happy ^.^
@ OP:
I play because I like the game. Yes call me crazy, but I like it.
I read the same forums, the same complain threads and so on, but I still like the game. So that's my reason for playing.
[edit] One other reason is, this game is the closest thing to a "two person" Elderscrolls. I have long been wanting a game that I enjoy as much as the Elderscrolls but am able to play with my boyfriend.
I play because I like the game. Yes call me crazy, but I like it.
I read the same forums, the same complain threads and so on, but I still like the game. So that's my reason for playing.
[edit] One other reason is, this game is the closest thing to a "two person" Elderscrolls. I have long been wanting a game that I enjoy as much as the Elderscrolls but am able to play with my boyfriend.
My guild my alliance and to try and improve of the game for current and future players some of us need to speak for the silent ones out there.
Originally Posted by frodo7
Why do some of you keep playing?
The reason I still play is the same reason I played two years ago: its fun. Nothing in the game has changed that has made me want to change my mind about that.
Commander Ryker
Why would you come to a board of a game you no longer play?
Originally Posted by Commander Ryker
Why would you come to a board of a game you no longer play?
Exactly what I wanted to ask. Back on topic, I'm still playing to get the last few items to complete my warrior's collection of armors, weapons and shields. Not too far off. Then spend the rest of my days doing uh... Well HM version of Eyes of the North I guess.
Originally Posted by Commander Ryker
Why would you come to a board of a game you no longer play?