Announcing GWLP



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005


Can GW support 160-200 characters on screen anyways? xD
Also, with this would hero battles be possible without heroes (as in 4 humans per team)?

Jecht Scye

Jecht Scye

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Lucky Crickets[Luck]


If you ever need a tester in the future, shoot me a pm.

Credentials(If needed): Information Systems Major(Junior Status), Grand Valley State University.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


This looks interesting when will it launch?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006

Goon Squad [LLJK]


Originally Posted by Age
This looks interesting when will it launch?
Still in closed alpha and according to their forums things are progressing slowly.
Quite some time I'd say.

Vann Borakul

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2007

Noble Honor [NH]


This is very interesting. I have a couple questions.

Pretty soon, I will start vanquishing every area in the game. One thing I will be doing during this is trying to get any scenic shots that I like. One thing I have always hated about getting these screenshots is that I am limited to first person perspective and to areas only where I can stand. Would it be possible to attain a floating camera perspective of the landscape? If so, then there really is a god.

And what exactly would our options be right after starting this up? Meaning, where would we be, what form would we take, what can we do right then?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Eastern Brotherhood of Steel


Well... If its anything like RunUO, you can do anything from the get-go (if you start out as an admin, that is).



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006

Goon Squad [LLJK]


Originally Posted by Vann Borakul
This is very interesting. I have a couple questions.

Pretty soon, I will start vanquishing every area in the game. One thing I will be doing during this is trying to get any scenic shots that I like. One thing I have always hated about getting these screenshots is that I am limited to first person perspective and to areas only where I can stand. Would it be possible to attain a floating camera perspective of the landscape? If so, then there really is a god.
Doubt it. They'll be working within the established game code and adding a new camera angle seems unlikely. But we already have a floating camera style, as long as you use the mouse to pull the camera around.

Originally Posted by Vann Borakul
And what exactly would our options be right after starting this up? Meaning, where would we be, what form would we take, what can we do right then?
It would be similar to the 'official' Guild Wars. There could be additional content depending on certain factors. Admins will essentially be God.

Motoko Kusanagi War

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2007

Team Paradigm [pd]


So after reading all the legal talk and arguments and round and round chatting about modding stuff...

I am sort of confused on a few things...

1. This whole GWLP program, if I were to log in, am I logging into a private server that no one is connected to? Like am I just playing GW by myself? Or am I going to be able to play with my friends that I do on GW now? And what exactly am I logging into, am I logging into a different server of GW with all the updates? Or is it a server with the game from scratch?

2. I have all the campaigns, but If I had my choice, I would just play the very original prophecies unmodded... You said we are allowed to play the content we've purchased... but I could really care less about factions, NF, or GWEN. What is GWLP relation to this?

3. People have their own fantasies about what they'd like to do in GW, and that's all cool and respectable but this kind of ties in with my first pointer... this program will allow us to log in to GWLP and play exactly what?

I'm sorry for the fogginess of my questions or any statements, but this project has definately attracted my attention. More specifically for the reasons of:

There are a ton of players, whether playing GW now or playing GW when it first came out... would LOVE to play GW as it originally came out of the box, no updates or anything. Most likely if there was an entire server reset on everything (updates, ladder, titles) where everything was sent to scratch. I'm sure people dislike the idea of everything they've done being reset...which I understand so please don't respond to this with any flames regarding that. (I got r12 too so its not like i wouldn't be a little upset)

I'm just having a difficult time understanding the concept of the project. When it launches(if), will everyone have to start over (which is fine by me), and more of, is GWLP just being made so people can screw around with things? I'm just kinda confused and would gladly appreciate being enlightened.

I think the concept and idea is freaking awesome, good luck and get ready for more of my questions cause im sure ill have more!




Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006

Goon Squad [LLJK]


Originally Posted by Motoko Kusanagi War
So after reading all the legal talk and arguments and round and round chatting about modding stuff...

I am sort of confused on a few things...

1. This whole GWLP program, if I were to log in, am I logging into a private server that no one is connected to? Like am I just playing GW by myself? Or am I going to be able to play with my friends that I do on GW now? And what exactly am I logging into, am I logging into a different server of GW with all the updates? Or is it a server with the game from scratch?
If you log into a GWLP server it's a 'private' server in the sense that it's not run by ANet. However, there should be others online, just not as many as on the regular servers.

You are connecting to the computer that is running the server package and you will need to start a new character. There is no link between ANet and GWLP.

Originally Posted by Motoko Kusanagi War
2. I have all the campaigns, but If I had my choice, I would just play the very original prophecies unmodded... You said we are allowed to play the content we've purchased... but I could really care less about factions, NF, or GWEN. What is GWLP relation to this?
Not entirely sure. *looks expectantly at l3j*
The server admin will essentially be God, and I suppose it could be possible for them to only activate Prophecies skills. Ask the devs if they're coding a feature like this.

Originally Posted by Motoko Kusanagi War
3. People have their own fantasies about what they'd like to do in GW, and that's all cool and respectable but this kind of ties in with my first pointer... this program will allow us to log in to GWLP and play exactly what?
Server admins choice AFAIK.
Imagine it like this: ANet could maintain the game the way they are now, or they could suddenly choose to change everything and have talking lampposts in LA and KC

Originally Posted by Motoko Kusanagi War
I'm just having a difficult time understanding the concept of the project. When it launches(if), will everyone have to start over (which is fine by me), and more of, is GWLP just being made so people can screw around with things? I'm just kinda confused and would gladly appreciate being enlightened.
There will be no carry-over from what you already have.
It's first and foremost a server emulation tool. People may be able to screw around with the scripts if the devs make it open-source.

Motoko Kusanagi War

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2007

Team Paradigm [pd]


Originally Posted by holababe
If you log into a GWLP server it's a 'private' server in the sense that it's not run by ANet. However, there should be others online, just not as many as on the regular servers.
Badass, I love you for that.

Originally Posted by holababe
You are connecting to the computer that is running the server package and you will need to start a new character. There is no link between ANet and GWLP.
Alright I understand that much now.

Server admins choice AFAIK.
Originally Posted by holababe
Imagine it like this: ANet could maintain the game the way they are now, or they could suddenly choose to change everything and have talking lampposts in LA and KC
So if this is up to the server admins, is there the possiblity with this game play that I log into GWLP where the only thing playable is the raw original game before it became modded?

Originally Posted by holababe
There will be no carry-over from what you already have.
It's first and foremost a server emulation tool. People may be able to screw around with the scripts if the devs make it open-source.
Starting from scratch is not a bad idea, some sort of server reset was needed for pvpers...persay someone who got r12 hero 2 yrs ago would plausibly be a crap player now.

So you have a brand new server for players to play on, restart from absolutely NOTHING, and play the game originally intended without the patches that corrected player abuses... if I'm not mistaken.

But this leads to my other question with my statement of pvp resets. Will this new GWLP server allow for gvg, ha, ra, and ta original pvp? Some people like proph + factions... But I LOVE the idea of raw gameplay of the original guildwars... I feel the game developed too fast for any of us to develope any decent meta in any of those branches of gameplay.

Your fast response made me happy ^_^



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006

Goon Squad [LLJK]


Originally Posted by Motoko Kusanagi War
So if this is up to the server admins, is there the possiblity with this game play that I log into GWLP where the only thing playable is the raw original game before it became modded?

But this leads to my other question with my statement of pvp resets. Will this new GWLP server allow for gvg, ha, ra, and ta original pvp? Some people like proph + factions... But I LOVE the idea of raw gameplay of the original guildwars... I feel the game developed too fast for any of us to develope any decent meta in any of those branches of gameplay.
Nothing I say is for certain. The only people who can really answer your questions are the devs, but I've gleaned enough info from lurking on their forums and idling in IRC to give an idea.

Based on my knowledge of server emulation (not GWLP, WoWEmu, Ascent/Antrix and L2) if the server admin has time and knowhow then he/she can do anything.

However, based on some pictures that I'm not supposed to have seen, I think that the devs are attempting to make GWLP as user-friendly as possible. So it is possible that servers for Prophecies PvP only may exist.

Motoko Kusanagi War

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2007

Team Paradigm [pd]


Ok, thx, <3 u! Are these forums you view available for me to see or no?
And its said that testing is still in Alpha, and no release soon...
But no release soon isn't satisfactory, I was wonderin if there was an estimated time of release? I think beta for GW2 is in 2009 if im not mistaken, would this project be released at a decent amount of time before GW2?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2007

Originally Posted by Motoko Kusanagi War
1. This whole GWLP program, if I were to log in, am I logging into a private server that no one is connected to? Like am I just playing GW by myself? Or am I going to be able to play with my friends that I do on GW now? And what exactly am I logging into, am I logging into a different server of GW with all the updates? Or is it a server with the game from scratch?
It depends. The server software can be run by anyone. You could host your own server or connect to one hosted by someone else. The only players on the server would be the ones who are connected to it. It seems it will be possible to have custom updates.

Originally Posted by Motoko Kusanagi War
2. I have all the campaigns, but If I had my choice, I would just play the very original prophecies unmodded... You said we are allowed to play the content we've purchased... but I could really care less about factions, NF, or GWEN. What is GWLP relation to this?
The goal is to allow as much customization as possible.

Originally Posted by Motoko Kusanagi War
3. People have their own fantasies about what they'd like to do in GW, and that's all cool and respectable but this kind of ties in with my first pointer... this program will allow us to log in to GWLP and play exactly what?
You can play content created by other people. Such as quests, missions, etc.

Originally Posted by Motoko Kusanagi War
I'm just having a difficult time understanding the concept of the project. When it launches(if), will everyone have to start over (which is fine by me), and more of, is GWLP just being made so people can screw around with things? I'm just kinda confused and would gladly appreciate being enlightened.
It is possible to make a utility that can record the state of all the characters on an account. Such as their level, appearance, items, skills, etc. However, quest and mission data cannot be saved.

Yes they can screw around with things but more importantly they can create content. Such as quests, missions, etc. Similar to the reason people make modifications for half-life and other games.

Originally Posted by holababe
There will be no carry-over from what you already have.
It's first and foremost a server emulation tool. People may be able to screw around with the scripts if the devs make it open-source.
The server software itself will not be open source for awhile. However, scripts are open source and can be modified by the server operator.

Originally Posted by Motoko Kusanagi War
So if this is up to the server admins, is there the possiblity with this game play that I log into GWLP where the only thing playable is the raw original game before it became modded?
Yes, but to recreate the original game would be a large undertaking and rather boring.

Originally Posted by Motoko Kusanagi War
Will this new GWLP server allow for gvg, ha, ra, and ta original pvp?
It is planned to support those game play types but making it original is a matter of customization.

Originally Posted by Motoko Kusanagi War
But no release soon isn't satisfactory, I was wonderin if there was an estimated time of release?
The servers will be released when they are ready to be released. The first of which can be expected to be the file server. Although, this really isn't much use to anyone except people tinkering with the data archive.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2007



sry i cant support it, things like this ruin the game

one person makes a breakthrough, others work secretly, soon private servers are available, this will cause trouble for gw

ur doign exacly what everyone else is doing, wow, lineage, tibia, etc.

2 thumbs down



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jan 2007



I would recommend you to NOT use ,,it's ready when it's ready'' term. GWLP will be forgotten this way just like Duke Nukem Forever was forgotten. I mean, seriously, who still remembers it?

Exhonour - this is not private server. You still need original GW account to play GWLP.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2007

Guild Ancestors Reunited [ギルド]


Originally Posted by Abedeus
Exhonour - this is not private server. You still need original GW account to play GWLP.
to play to wow private servers you need the original Wow .....

the GWLP is not the property of Anet so it is a private server



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jan 2007



Original WoW =/= Full paid WoW Account. Private server means you didn't have to pay anything to play the game (excluding internet connection costs). Here you HAD TO pay at least 40$ (or something like that - dunno how much it's in other countries) to play. Get it?

Jecht Scye

Jecht Scye

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Lucky Crickets[Luck]


Originally Posted by Abedeus
I would recommend you to NOT use ,,it's ready when it's ready'' term. GWLP will be forgotten this way just like Duke Nukem Forever was forgotten. I mean, seriously, who still remembers it?

Exhonour - this is not private server. You still need original GW account to play GWLP.
At the same time though, if he says it will be out on XX/XX/XXXX date, then people will be pissed as soon as it's pushed back even a little. It's better to be ambiguous in these situations.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006

Goon Squad [LLJK]


It will be ready when it's ready. That's good enough for me, since I idle in their IRC channel occasionally to get an idea of how it's progressing.

wu is me

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2007

is it ready??? =O



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jan 2007



This was posted 12.10.07. Month ago, so I think that not.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Lion Arch Guards


Although this project sounds extremely promising to most players such as I, I am a bit skeptical on hackers cracking the server files and releasing a 'cracked' version of GWLP allowing instant access to the program itself without having to own a GW account with either 1 or all campaigns/expansion unlocked. How will you be able to resolve this kind of problem? It is bound to happen, and it won't be good...


I am in no way against this idea. I am just expressing my views basing on the facts on what happened to other emulation softwares.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006

Goon Squad [LLJK]


Originally Posted by peterchen620
Although this project sounds extremely promising to most players such as I, I am a bit skeptical on hackers cracking the server files and releasing a 'cracked' version of GWLP allowing instant access to the program itself without having to own a GW account with either 1 or all campaigns/expansion unlocked. How will you be able to resolve this kind of problem? It is bound to happen, and it won't be good...
There will be a consistent authentication test required...if you own GWP and GWF then you can only use skills/access that content etc.
Much like the current system.

The program they've developed to ensure this isn't foolproof or unbreakable, but then again nothing is:

Originally Posted by GWLP
That said, we plan to implement an authorization system that allows players access to only the content they have purchased. The authorization system will run in the background when you log into your official account, it will monitor incoming packets and read what you have access too on your account. It then encrypts this information and sends it to the server you wish to play on, the server immediately stores it in the database and allows you to use only the content that you own. The data that is gathered for authorizing a player can in no way be used to find that person's official account.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2007

Wolven Empire


Originally Posted by Exhonour
sry i cant support it, things like this ruin the game

one person makes a breakthrough, others work secretly, soon private servers are available, this will cause trouble for gw

ur doign exacly what everyone else is doing, wow, lineage, tibia, etc.

2 thumbs down
For me, this is for when they shut down the GW1 servers.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Lion Arch Guards


Sounds interesting... It can certainly stop the so called 'piracy' on GW, but isn't this kind of system easily exploitable? For example... I log into my account on my laptop, and now I am authorized to use the contents I own on this laptop. Now I repeat the same steps on other computers... If you must be online to do this step everytime you log into GWLP, then it isn't really GWLP since it is abbreviated as Guild Wars Lan Project.

Another thing is... how the information is stored in the database. If somebody who actually owns an account, and 'authorises' his/her contents on his/her GWLP client and happens to upload it on to the internet to 'share' to other users (piracy), wouldn't it also work?

Everything is just pure speculations, and I am really hoping the authorization system works like a charm.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006

Goon Squad [LLJK]


Originally Posted by peterchen620
Isn't this kind of system easily exploitable? For example... I log into my account on my laptop, and now I am authorized to use the contents I own on this laptop. Now I repeat the same steps on other computers... If you must be online to do this step everytime you log into GWLP, then it isn't really GWLP since it is abbreviated as Guild Wars Lan Project.
Not entirely sure what you mean here. That is the aim of the authentication system; to only allow you to play the games you have enabled on your account.
Your point about it being a Lan Project seems to be semantics. Log onto IRC and ask about the naming, since they're the only ones who know.

Originally Posted by peterchen620
Another thing is... how the information is stored in the database. If somebody who actually owns an account, and 'authorises' his/her contents on his/her GWLP client and happens to upload it on to the internet to 'share' to other users (piracy), wouldn't it also work?
The people who log onto GWLP have no control over the server database. It is possible to fool the server, but it's not something that the average player will be doing.

Originally Posted by peterchen620
Everything is just pure speculations, and I am really hoping the authorization system works like a charm.
So do I.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2007


Yay! This is like Garry'sMod!
These mods are always fun!


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007

Retired from GW until GW2


Have fun in jail.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006

Goon Squad [LLJK]


Nice to see you're capable of intelligent and mature conversation. If you have a problem with the project then express it.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2007

[SR]Shadow Reckoners


I'd be really curious to see the code...but then again, I am, at this point, only an aspiring coder. Sounds like a great project. Best of luck to you guys.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006

Goon Squad [LLJK]


You can

It's gone open source now and everything is downloadable.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Planet Earth (sometimes)

Nowhere To Run, Nowhere To [Hide]


So does this mean we have access to the GWLP servers?

If so, care to explain what we need to do because i can't seem to find anything on the website.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006

Goon Squad [LLJK]


No, it means that you have access to the server code so that you can help out with coding if you want/can.

I'm pretty sure that nobody is running a server ATM but check out their IRC channel for more. #gwlp

xhappy feetx

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2007

Isle of the Nameless

Black Crescent [BC] / Stonebenders [sC] / The Rimmers [rR]


Originally Posted by holababe
No, it means that you have access to the server code so that you can help out with coding if you want/can.

I'm pretty sure that nobody is running a server ATM but check out their IRC channel for more. #gwlp
You have any idea when a server will be up? I'm willing to help on small parts of coding if needed, I have a basic knowledge of C++ and Java, along with HTML....


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2007

We won't be running a test server seeing as our host has mysteriously disappeared. However, if you want to download the all the source code for the project just point TortoiseSVN here or if you want to view it online But do note that this source code won't remain the main working copy as there is a rewrite from scratch in progress.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2007

Well, its working....



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006

Goon Squad [LLJK]


Yeah that's awesome.
If anybody does want to host a server, I'll donate webspace (subdomain of for a forum


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2007

uhm, at this time it's not possible to creat a offical server. Maybe in the next two weeks....
ATM its just possible to play ALONE on you own virtual server. As you can see in the vid, many things are disabled atm (NPCS,Warps). I scripted some emotes in c++ (Im not realy good,im just 14), but thats it.
Im locking forward to the next two weeks...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006

Goon Squad [LLJK]


I haven't really been keeping track of developments recently. Lot of other stuff going on.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2007

Incredible idea!!! I would like to donate a "testbed" if I may.

Mods may contact me via pm or email as I will be going through the sc tonight.