Originally Posted by bungusmaximus
Its simple really, people below 50% should be kiting and retreating because something is obviously WTFPwning them.
Good dervishes don't rely on tons of earth prayers to stay alive, time stalling tanks in AB do that.
Dervishes are the new wammos, but they are disguised as something cool so they can get into groups :P
Makes sense I suppose... but don't they have anything that only triggers when below 50% health.... like we (Sins) have Shroud of Distress? Not of course that I advocate sitting around in combat with Shroud of Distress up... but it does help prevent death. And just because something is WTFPwning them doesn't mean they shouldn't fight it at all (Dungeon bosses tend to do that from time to time, but they still need to be beaten).
Oddly enough... I just can't seem to process "kite" in my head without some sort of BAMF or Dash (necessary 50% boost to break aggro) involved.... or luring of course. I've been Sinning too long. v_v;
More often than not these days, decreasing health means I need to up my Critical rate to trigger Way of Perfection healing (if there is a spirit nearby, they're usually guaranteed to be lower level and thus trigger criticals more often)... or kill what I'm attacking before it kills me. That is practically law if my health is decreasing slowly... though if I see it spiking down my usual choice is to leg it.
Dervishes though?
I have a Dervish.... but I just can't get used to playing him. All the preparation before combat is a pain in the arse... but refreshing all the enchants at exactly the right time is awkward too, especially when I have to be hitting things too.
Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver
I've always seen 15^50 as a "catch-all"...it's sort of the lazy way out. That's in no way a bad thing, but with conditions such as "while enchanted" or "versus hexed" you actually have to remember to apply those enchantments, or that hex, to gain the +15% damage. Inscriptions such as 15/-5e, 15/-10 armor are more sort of passive. You don't need to think about them...you just get the 15% for a constant penalty. 15^50 is sort of in the middle somewhere. A good player shouldn't be at less than 50% health that often, and good monks/rits shouldn't let that happen. I personally prefer 15^50s on most weapons as it is an easier condition to meet instead of having to apply an enchantment or hex, or having to take an energy or armor penalty.
15/-10 is for Rangers... IMHO. If they're right at the back they shouldn't be getting too much hate.... and blocking stances should help too.
15/-5e is a very nice one provided one is comfortable with their energy management... making it not much of a penalty at all.
The only ones I never use are the 20% ones, 10% fastcast... and the absolutely crippling 15/-1er
Of course, most Dervishes use enchantments, but I'd still feel that the 15^50 mod works fine here, since in a good few areas of PvE enchantment stripping is in abundance.
Not many areas have so much that it can strip ALL a Dervish's enchants and stop him slamming another one on instantly.... or so I've found. When that sort of thing happens, I do have an emergency 15^50 weapon, but generally I'd just stay out of combat altogether.