Long time until GW2. I agree with OP that there is not enough grind here to worry about for a single character player.
If you have multiple characters, however, then multiply whatever grind there is by the number of characters you have. Ten is a good round number, but many players have more characters than that.
GWEN reputation points are now EXTREMELY easy to make, so please stop complainig now!
Originally Posted by milan
There is a really big clue that perhaps you missed 'Fan site'.
No wonder the game is how it is today. But thanks for the reminder.
Originally Posted by milan
GWEN is shorter than I would have liked yes, but then again I can complete faction and nightfall in 10 hours as well.
Originally Posted by milan
If you are really that dissatisfied with the expansion simply don't play it. Yes it sucks to buy something that you then turn out not to like but we've all done it at some point in our lives. The difference between you and most other people is the ability to get over it and move on.
Haha. Ok, ok. I DON'T have GW:EN yet but I'm not looking forward to the "Farming," or "Grinding..." Whatever you want to call it. Because, for me, grinding DOES exist. Anything I don't wanna' do, but I have to do to have more Fun in Another Part of the game is, for me, a Grind-Like experience.
I ADMIT, even if the title just takes playing through the game I will be slightly upset and bored. You know why? Because I'd rather be doing other things in Guild Wars! (Mostly Running.)
See, I don't understand posts where someone can say: "Yet your intellectual self, doesnt seem to grasp that those pve only skills arent critical to anything and they are just as effective at lower ranks."
When...guess what...They're NOT "just as effective at lower ranks."
You see, what I like to do in guild wars most is to Race other players to Droknar's Forge (and, I'm pretty good at it. ;D) BUT once I saw gwen, I noticed ONE SKILL I wanted the game for. Yeah. ONE SKILL for the whole game. "I Am Unstoppable!" the Anti KD Shout...Because it will make my racing faster.
Now here's the problem. I have...3 characters I want that skill on. I want a High rank so that it lasts long enough to get through the groups of KDing monsters well. So, what will I need to do when I get the game? FIRST I'll play through it with three characters (30 hours I wish I was doing something else...Maybe I'll just hire one of you guys who love the actual mission parts of the game to do it for me. :P).
That's what I'm not looking forward to. Whether it's a "grind" or just "playing the game" is not the issue for me, and people like me. I just want ONE skill that'll take a WHOLE LOT LONGER TO GET than if I could just BUY THE SKILL AT A SKILL GUY. All to be faster than you when I race you.
Ooook? So I get that everyone has different things they like in the game, and you probably think what I like is stupid, but I just....don't wanna' play another game. Haha! I wanna' race, and this is NECESSARY to be the FASTEST!
Lol. BTW: Sorry about the caps. I just use those because I was too lazy to bold. I'm not really yelling.
I ADMIT, even if the title just takes playing through the game I will be slightly upset and bored. You know why? Because I'd rather be doing other things in Guild Wars! (Mostly Running.)
See, I don't understand posts where someone can say: "Yet your intellectual self, doesnt seem to grasp that those pve only skills arent critical to anything and they are just as effective at lower ranks."
When...guess what...They're NOT "just as effective at lower ranks."
You see, what I like to do in guild wars most is to Race other players to Droknar's Forge (and, I'm pretty good at it. ;D) BUT once I saw gwen, I noticed ONE SKILL I wanted the game for. Yeah. ONE SKILL for the whole game. "I Am Unstoppable!" the Anti KD Shout...Because it will make my racing faster.
Now here's the problem. I have...3 characters I want that skill on. I want a High rank so that it lasts long enough to get through the groups of KDing monsters well. So, what will I need to do when I get the game? FIRST I'll play through it with three characters (30 hours I wish I was doing something else...Maybe I'll just hire one of you guys who love the actual mission parts of the game to do it for me. :P).
That's what I'm not looking forward to. Whether it's a "grind" or just "playing the game" is not the issue for me, and people like me. I just want ONE skill that'll take a WHOLE LOT LONGER TO GET than if I could just BUY THE SKILL AT A SKILL GUY. All to be faster than you when I race you.

Ooook? So I get that everyone has different things they like in the game, and you probably think what I like is stupid, but I just....don't wanna' play another game. Haha! I wanna' race, and this is NECESSARY to be the FASTEST!
Lol. BTW: Sorry about the caps. I just use those because I was too lazy to bold. I'm not really yelling.
Originally Posted by Omnidragon42
I'm sick of people complaining about the grind to max out the titles, in my opinion, maxed titles should require some grind, as they are meant for prestige, not something everyone should have by default. I enjoyed grinding my titles, even if it was a little tedious, I got Legendary Delver tonight, and should be getting Slayer of All tomorrow night. I'll take my time getting the Asura title, and I don't care about the Ebon Vanguard one. If you don't want to grind for the titles then don't. But don't come here and whine about it, I think we're all sick of reading it (and posts like this one too, so I'll shut up now).
maxed titles should require some grind, as they are meant for prestige |
Slayer of All tomorrow night. |

Seems like nobody can talk about GW:EN without either calling people names or telling others their opinion doesn't matter.