Petition: Fix locked chest drops!
[QUOTE=Government Flu]No, it's not. As one or more posters have already mentioned, lockpicks and keys in general are a gamble. The chances of getting something good are, always were, and should continue to be, low. QUOTE] Wrong ... maybe you didn't play in prophesies only when a gold item meant max stats.
Correct..... about the gold sinks.
Correct..... about the gold sinks.
Dean Harper
messing with the economy jsut so you get a few extra golds is not worth it
messing with the economy jsut so you get a few extra golds is not worth it
Originally Posted by w00t!
Req 8 15^50 Chaos Axe in FoW. About 250 picks there too.... Seems like GW:EN chests in NM give a higher percentage of grapes than other areas, but I guess that's just my luck... |
So, because you get a good drop, makes this improving a bad idea? Kekeke
Red Sonya
/unsigned because this would just feed the fire of bot farmers and chest running in hard mode. Sorry, but, you take your chances just like everyone else when you go chest farming or open locked chests. If you're SILLY enough to BUY keys then you deserve what you get. I only open locked chests if a KEY DROPS for me while I'm playing. Thus, I don't lose a dime and purples have some nice mods on them I can use. Everything doesn't have to be PERFECT to be useful or valuable. I sell tons of purples btw, so, it's not like everything has to be gold and perfect. Only greedy people want everything to be gold and easy in this game I see it in ohhhhh so many posts.
/signed for increased % of golds from chests requiring lockpick
Echuu Ishtar
/signed, but instead of all golds make regular tomes replace the grapes. At least they're still useful and you can get almost half your pick money back.
Originally Posted by TheLichMonky
So, because you get a good drop, makes this improving a bad idea? Kekeke
Go study statistics. The point that I and others were making is that there is a small probability of a drop so good that it makes up for a significant number of bad drops. So don't expect to open a few chests and make money.
I buy my picks 40 at a time for 50p. That helps, making them only 1.25p per key. With breakage allowance they are less than 1p per key. Merchanting the bad items nets me about 250gp, so I'm only out about 750gp on a bad chest. Doesn't take much of a good item to pay for several chests. For example, a r9 zodiac spawning staff worth 75p that I got recently covers about 100 bad keys.
So in order to make keys worthwhile, you've got to:
1) Know which chests to open and which to not (Deep HM ftw, GW:EN NM ftl)
2) Open lots and lots of chests, auctioning off anything worth 5p or more.
3) Quit complaining and go open more chests.
/not signed
Sure it sucks, but a garunteed good drop isn't what farming is about
Sure it sucks, but a garunteed good drop isn't what farming is about
/not signed
not had any problems with this so far i tend to find majority of purples i get in HM dont break the pick, whereas majprity of golds do.
Also i dont get many purples anyway
not had any problems with this so far i tend to find majority of purples i get in HM dont break the pick, whereas majprity of golds do.
Also i dont get many purples anyway
errr.. those purple earthwands and divine focuses with req 13 ahhh!!!!!!!!
errr.. those purple earthwands and divine focuses with req 13 ahhh!!!!!!!!
Tender Wolf
Originally Posted by william1975
/not signed
not had any problems with this so far i tend to find majority of purples i get in HM dont break the pick, whereas majprity of golds do. Also i dont get many purples anyway |
I'm amazed at the number of people who don't agree with this. Fine, then increase the gold drops from hard mode chests. People go out there hoping for a gold to increase their wisdom title or something. Or like someone said, replace the purples with tomes. That would work just fine for me. Or if a purple has to drop, make it a perfect one or something. Just stop making it so that when the pick breaks it also spawns a purple so it's a waste of 1.5k. For what we pay for lockpicks they should at least spawn golds way more than they do. Even if they're not good stats, at least it helps toward a title.
The reason for the low gold drop rate is the farmers using bots. The rest of the player-base shouldn't be punished for what they are doing.
Of course, ANet could fix this by selling gold in their online store...
The reason for the low gold drop rate is the farmers using bots. The rest of the player-base shouldn't be punished for what they are doing.
Of course, ANet could fix this by selling gold in their online store...
Originally Posted by Magnus_1
Of course, ANet could fix this by selling gold in their online store...
Originally Posted by Arcane Moonshine
/signed for GW:EN only...drops from chests there really suck and you need a lockpick even in normal mode...
/notsigned for the rest of areas |
/signed for that
/notsigned ........
Tender Wolf
It happened again today...I had this:

And this is the result:

Wow, not even worth half the price of a lockpick. And so many are saying this doesn't need to be fixed? Unbelieveable...

And this is the result:

Wow, not even worth half the price of a lockpick. And so many are saying this doesn't need to be fixed? Unbelieveable...
isamu kurosawa
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
It happened again today...I had this:
![]() And this is the result: ![]() Wow, not even worth half the price of a lockpick. And so many are saying this doesn't need to be fixed? Unbelieveable... |
Anyway, if chest loot was set to always be a rare then the items you get would no longer be worth as much due to the sudden flood of rares.
I have the game's lousiest luck with drops. Would I like to have a chance at better drops. Hell yeah!
But to reiterate what umpteen others have said before me, chests are a gold sink and a gamble. You don't like what you are getting? Stop gambling.
I have the game's lousiest luck with drops. Would I like to have a chance at better drops. Hell yeah!
But to reiterate what umpteen others have said before me, chests are a gold sink and a gamble. You don't like what you are getting? Stop gambling.
I'd like to get gems or even just a big pile of crafting materials from a Locked Chest. In most cases I'd prefer 45 Bolts of Linen to some crappy grape. In extremely hard areas there should be a chance of getting 2 items.
/not signed for increasing golds in locked chests
/signed for increasing the variety of items in locked chests
/not signed for increasing golds in locked chests
/signed for increasing the variety of items in locked chests
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
It happened again today...I had this:
![]() And this is the result: ![]() Wow, not even worth half the price of a lockpick. And so many are saying this doesn't need to be fixed? Unbelieveable... |
Originally Posted by ValaOfTheFens
I'd like to get gems or even just a big pile of crafting materials from a Locked Chest.
A white pony with a candy-cane colored tail!
(though I like your idea of more variety and will /sign that one)
/signed for possibility of gems and x amount of rare material drops from chests
for locked chests, at least let it be a non-max gold. yes chest might be a gamble; however, HM is more chalenging; therefore, there should be a greater reward for playing it! the way things are, HM is not even worth playing because you are going to have your lockpick broken more often than not and you are going to get a purple more often than not.
for locked chests, at least let it be a non-max gold. yes chest might be a gamble; however, HM is more chalenging; therefore, there should be a greater reward for playing it! the way things are, HM is not even worth playing because you are going to have your lockpick broken more often than not and you are going to get a purple more often than not.
Tender Wolf
Originally Posted by xxWarAngelxx
for locked chests, at least let it be a non-max gold. yes chest might be a gamble; however, HM is more chalenging; therefore, there should be a greater reward for playing it! the way things are, HM is not even worth playing because you are going to have your lockpick broken more often than not and you are going to get a purple more often than not. |
And this rate I'll be Unlucky by 2008.

And here is the result:

Everyone else gets golds or even tomes, even if the pick breaks. Wow, I get white things and inscribed shards, Margonite tunics or masks, etc. Yeah, everyone really wants that stuff. If purples must drop, then they should be max with a low requirement so people will actually want to use or buy them.
Thy Shadow Stalker
the game needs a better economy period. if you want elite armor, then your gunna have to give up your life for a week and farm and get no drops at all. what I think needs to be cahnged is if your with a group of henches and heroes and a monster drops 104g, YOU get every snet of that drop and it doesnt dstribute to them.
Def change the drops in HM, gold items should be the minimum you get in locked chests... not purple.
Def change the drops in HM, gold items should be the minimum you get in locked chests... not purple.
Not gold, but at least the base stasts should be max.
Not the req, nor the upgrades, but the base stats:
- Damage in weapons.
- Energy in focuses and staves.
- Armor in shields
- And spell recharge in staves.
Just that.
Not the req, nor the upgrades, but the base stats:
- Damage in weapons.
- Energy in focuses and staves.
- Armor in shields
- And spell recharge in staves.
Just that.
Tender Wolf
Originally Posted by Thy Shadow Stalker
the game needs a better economy period. if you want elite armor, then your gunna have to give up your life for a week and farm and get no drops at all. what I think needs to be cahnged is if your with a group of henches and heroes and a monster drops 104g, YOU get every snet of that drop and it doesnt dstribute to them.
Also, about hard mode drops...Several times I've seen like 10 golds drop in one run for the same person while everyone else got either one or none. Same with purples. I think drops should be balanced more as well.
Originally Posted by Thy Shadow Stalker
the game needs a better economy period. if you want elite armor, then your gunna have to give up your life for a week and farm and get no drops at all. .
Opening a Locked Chest, breaking the pick and getting a paragon tome... come on!
Opening a Locked Chest, breaking the pick and getting a paragon tome... come on!
Fox Mulder
4 of us got a total of 3 gold & 11 purple. I've been saying the drops r crap & lockpicks cost too much for a long time. Maybe retain pick if purple, break if gold? Saw that suggestion in an earlier post.
3 golds were rod & wand low req, & staff req 12
3 golds were rod & wand low req, & staff req 12
Originally Posted by NelZelpheer
Opening a Locked Chest, breaking the pick and getting a paragon tome... come on! |

BTW /notsigned
Legion Magnus
Should all be gold (if only to help with Wisdom title). If purples are unavoidable (and nothing is, its software!) then the lockpick should never break when you get one.
Although I contend that ANet wants to force a dynamic economy and therefore this will never be instituted. They want people to keep spending gold on petroleum (umm, lockpicks).
Should all be gold (if only to help with Wisdom title). If purples are unavoidable (and nothing is, its software!) then the lockpick should never break when you get one.
Although I contend that ANet wants to force a dynamic economy and therefore this will never be instituted. They want people to keep spending gold on petroleum (umm, lockpicks).

Master Sword Keeper
Nothin grates my nerves more than using 1.5k and wasting that money just to get a purple worth 120g? Luck's got nothin to do with it. It's all code. Cold, hard, binary code.
Fix it or get out.
Fix it or get out.
The chests are fine.
You don't want to break lockpicks? Increase your titles.
You don't want to get purples? Stop opening chest.
You don't want to break lockpicks? Increase your titles.
You don't want to get purples? Stop opening chest.
Ouchies on the grapes. But eventually you'll get a drop that makes you happy again.
Didn't even take this seriously, maybe if it was a "Keys don't break on grapes"
or something like that, i would have signed, but its just a gamble, take it, and hope for the best.
Ouchies on the grapes. But eventually you'll get a drop that makes you happy again.
Didn't even take this seriously, maybe if it was a "Keys don't break on grapes"
or something like that, i would have signed, but its just a gamble, take it, and hope for the best.
Wish Swiftdeath
so start a new petition, lockpicks dont break on purples, its just a bloody waste of money atm
i completely agree with arcane
i completely agree with arcane
Master Sword Keeper
Yea i've noticed i've been gettin grapes lately too. What's goin on in there.
/signed for switchin out purples for normal tomes.
/signed for switchin out purples for normal tomes.
Tender Wolf
If the chest has to drop a purple it should at least be max with low requirements. Maybe not a perfect mod or inscription but you can find those. But they shouldn't be crappy and worth even less than what you paid for the lockpick. Even non-elite tomes are worth more.