Cat ears
I think the point with cat ears and other "special" helms that are usable with armor and upgradeable with runes is we want more character customization
Heck, I'd love to have a cat char, and in keeping with gw2's races thing, I'd love to have a NORN with cat ears XD
Basically, this just kinda supports the whole "we need better customization thing" because I don't think this should be implemented as a kind of armor or helmet. But hey, thats just my 2cents
Heck, I'd love to have a cat char, and in keeping with gw2's races thing, I'd love to have a NORN with cat ears XD
Basically, this just kinda supports the whole "we need better customization thing" because I don't think this should be implemented as a kind of armor or helmet. But hey, thats just my 2cents
Ah... it's a shame that "I don't want to see others wearing it" is not a valid reason, eh? Specially when "We want this" is supported by more people.
Cat ears sell. ¥€$ speaks. If people love them, they must be added.
Cat ears sell. ¥€$ speaks. If people love them, they must be added.
I for one would not mind cat ears - and this is coming from an RPer. Keeping in theme with GW is important, but what's wrong with having someone who wants to have a little fun?
If someone wants to have cat ears, more power to them as long as they can make a good RP backstory regarding it. I'm not about to take an opportunity from someone
If someone wants to have cat ears, more power to them as long as they can make a good RP backstory regarding it. I'm not about to take an opportunity from someone
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
The cat is a Celestial Animal.
You can't stop it. Rat, Ox, then the TIGER! A big cat. Can't wait for my ears. |
Originally Posted by roflcopter2445
keep waiting, it'll never happen
Originally Posted by KyaFeathrbow
I find it extremely ironic that you're arguing against this idea while you have a Gaia avatar.
Besides, do you see any rabbit ears on it? There ya go.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Ah... it's a shame that "I don't want to see others wearing it" is not a valid reason, eh?
It's never a valid reason in the third person, that is when they don't want to see it. In the first person, when we don't want to see it, it is completely valid.

No one forces you to use them, as you can't force others no to use them.
That's what I mean. If other like them, it's reason enough to add them.
That's what I mean. If other like them, it's reason enough to add them.
If it'll spoil the game for most of the players, because it fully detracts from the genre...(holiday hats don't count...they're holiday specific. No cat holidays in existence.)...that's a bad thing. It'll get people to quit. It'll get people to not get it, if they want a game that takes their genre seriously without feeling the need to make every single person happy.
Cat ears are ridiculous in all ways for this game...and that's the truth no matter who you are.
Cat ears are ridiculous in all ways for this game...and that's the truth no matter who you are.
But the point is just making them, at least being holidays hats.
It won0t be worse than the Grenth horns.
It won0t be worse than the Grenth horns.
The ears idea should be an available option when you start a character and if applied retrospectivly to excisting characters should be permanant.
You choose facial features hair style and colour, Skin colour Height and also at this point you would have another option.
Ear type, all it really means is that there are a number of sub groups of humans in the gw world.
Its not humans wearing false ears its not an anime convention its just what it seems to be, something your born with.
Now for something serious
Do you think anet would let me play a tellytubby character ?
You choose facial features hair style and colour, Skin colour Height and also at this point you would have another option.
Ear type, all it really means is that there are a number of sub groups of humans in the gw world.
Its not humans wearing false ears its not an anime convention its just what it seems to be, something your born with.
Now for something serious
Do you think anet would let me play a tellytubby character ?

Zahr Dalsk
/not signed
I do not want to see fluffy cat ears on characters in towns/outposts. That's going too far, even from ArenaNet.
I do not want to see fluffy cat ears on characters in towns/outposts. That's going too far, even from ArenaNet.