GW2 Suggestions Thread
Broken Tree
I'm not a big forum user, but I thought that this would be the best opportunity to get some ideas out to Anet before GW2 comes around.
Get in the game.
There's something about the perspective in GW that never really made me feel like I was "in" the game. I always felt like I was "above" my characters in GW... more akin to an RTS or the like. Other games I've played like WoW, Fable, etc. make me feel like I'm actually in the world sometimes, even though the camera view is still behind the character. Maybe its the height of the camera off the ground, the distance away from the character, the angle... I don't know, but its just one of those things that really bothers me and would be great if it could be addressed.
- Players should be able to move "anywhere"
I know it was mentioned that characters would be given the ability to jump/etc, but I'd like to request that characters be allowed to go ANYWHERE in the game. One of my biggest disappointments in GW was the inability to see what was on the other side of a mountain range, or to simply slide a little way down a hill to get to a chest that would take me an extra 10 minutes to reach by taking the "path" around to it.
- Too much “text” on screen
One of the things I find most distracting about entering a town is the amount of text/numbers/blah that gets spammed across my screen (not just in the chat window, but the stuff above character's heads, names, etc). I really like the fact that I have to hold down a button to see certain labels in the game – can we get that option for every textual item?
Attacks/spells targeted at a location.
Imagine a hoard of demons charging your party. Instead of having to wait until the enemy is within "range" before you can fire your arrow, you could time the enemy's approach and fire a volley the instant they are within your range, giving you an extra hit against them before they reach you. Now that's the kind skill I'd like to see nurtured in an MMO. Or consider how useful it would be to target a Meteor Shower at your party's location just as the leader calls a retreat to help cover your party's escape! Or what if your guild just wanted to throw up some Firestorms for the new year? Please remove the requirement to have a target before a skill can be used!
Enemies don't "spawn", they arrive.
I believe Perfect eluded to something similar in a prior post, but I wanted to throw in my two bits. Spawning enemies promotes farming (i.e. you simply wait for them to appear again and again) and it's not very realistic (yes, I realize this is a fantasy game, but boars materializing out of thin air is dorky). A more realistic solution to spawning would be the inclusion of several locations in each zone that enemies can "arrive" from. From those spawn points, groups of enemies can travel to the locations that they are commonly found in (or even travel randomly to different locations).
For example, your party slays a large group of Hill Giants in the mountains northwest of Kryta. In a common persistent world MMO, the hill giants would simply materialize out of thin air several minutes after they were killed - either falling prey once again to the group that just killed them or totally surprising the next group of players that were simply exploring (and likely ruining their day if they were unprepared). A better solution would be to have the hill giants exit from a cave several leagues away and return to their common zone.
Players would learn that if they ventured too near that cave (or several others in the area) that hill giants often come pouring out. To prevent players from camping and farming those spawn points the enemy should send out forces to balance that of the players, or that are immediately aggro to the farmer(s). If folks are over-farming the Hill Giants, the Lord of the Hill Giants should send out an army to protect his underlings (and put the boot down on any farmers in the area). Farming problem solved + exciting new quest for high-level raid parties to undertake (i.e. clear the mountains of the recent overwhelming Hill Giant problem).
- Enemies should be more unique.
There's nothing that takes the realism out of the game like an army of clone trolls coming after you. Put a slight random height difference on enemies when they spawn – maybe even minor color differences?
Rare weapons/items should be rare.
If every player in the game has Urgoz's Longbow, it's not really that unique, is it? Named items should be one-of-a-kind (or drastically rare), however, high-level items with skins similar to the named items could still be available (having a named item would simply be a special treat).
- Renowned weapons.
As players progress through levels, their weapons could take on unique abilities that cannot be attained any other way. For example, Jeni the ranger makes it a point to interrupt/shutdown all monks/spell casters in any enemy groups that her party encounters. Her old Ascalon longbow begins to "learn" from her tactics and after enough successful interrupts, gains the "Magebane" attribute that increases dazed duration by 10%. Additionally, she becomes so notorious (high level, titles, etc) at her particular skill set, that her bow becomes known as "The Silencer" and is renown throughout the land.
Some time later, Jeni and her party kill a an elite boss which drops a bow that, in most regards, is better than "The Silencer"... now she has a choice to make. Keep her tried-and-true bow, or go for the new one? Imagine how freakin awesome it would be if “The Silencer” dropped for another ranger several weeks later because Jeni discarded/donated it to the game?
Nerf exploits.
I love the 55 build. It was one of the original exploits of the game, and to this day is still used by thousands of players to farm enemies that they normally wouldn't be able to handle on their own. But I'm fairly certain builds like that screw up the economy of the game. Why didn't Anet nerf this build a long time ago? Yes, some of the first folks to discover/use the build would have a slight advantage over those that didn't get to use it, but they wouldn't likely be able to ruin the economy of the game singlehandedly. Please nip these kinds of things in the bud before they get too out of hand.
Make silly things like hats/minipets more convenient to use. Anet did a great job with the festival hat situation by allowing you to get the stupid things out of your inventory if you weren't using them. Minipets are really exciting for a lot of players, but if you have to use up an inventory spot, remember to take them out, etc, they become a nuisance. Let them be active permanently if the player chooses to have one. It would also be nice if they had some insignificant benefit (i.e. gives your character +1 hp, or +1 armor, etc)... nothing dramatic, but beneficial nonetheless.
Playable mobs.
I don't think this is an entirely new MMO concept, but what if, after attaining a certain level in the game (50+), you could occasionally “possess” an enemy related to your level (i.e. 50 level chars can possess 10th level mobs, 60 level chars can possess 20th level mobs, etc) instead of logging in as your character? You could do this if you needed a break from the usual grinding, or to explore an area from the eyes of the enemy (i.e. you wouldn't have to worry about aggro). You'd most likely get pwned by the first party that comes your way, but you could give them a run for their money by using a little more tactics than the regular AI would. Or you could attempt a raid on a town... with some of your other level 10 buddies...
Level cap thoughts
I generally like the idea that there would be no level cap in an MMO, but I think many people immediately assume that a 120 level character should be twice as tough as a level 60 character. How about, as levels increase, the benefit becomes exponentially less? There will always be some benefit, but it will almost not be worth attaining/grinding for (it will just be nice to get as it happens).
For example, say a player receives 25 extra health every level until they reach 20, giving them a total of 500. At level 21, they get another 12 health - pretty nice. At level 22, they receive 6 health, and so on. At levels on upward of 60, 100, etc, they may have to gain several dozen levels just to get a single health point. It's something to shoot for, but nothing that will unbalance the game (i.e. a level 60 char wont get owned by a level 120 char because there will only be a minor benefit for the 120 char).
- No limit on available attribute points
I think the maximum amount of points you can put into a category should still exist, but what if you could attain more than 120 skill points? This would allow characters to have even more variety in their skill arrangement/strategy without messing up the game play.
Take an existing level 20 GW monk for example. Assume all of her attribute points are put into Healing and Divine Favor. She'll have a few leftover points that don't really do her any good, since her skill bar is entirely filled with Healing and Divine Favor skills. Now imagine if a level 90 GW2 monk had 400 attribute points and he had the exact same skill setup as the GW monk. No big advantage yet. Let's say the GW2 monk, however, can also max out Protection Prayers and decides to swap out 2 of his healing skills with some prot skills... is that monk now "overpowered" as compared to the first, or does he just have more opportunity to become better with a varied skill set?
Round robin drops.
There is nothing more frustrating than doing ten DoA runs in a row and having one of your guild mates or some PuG bozo get every single gem that drops (think it doesn't happen? I have screen shots..). Is GW really set up to drop randomly? That's horrible! Please make GW2 have a "round robin" approach to good drops. If the first person in a group gets an ecto, then the next person should get the next ecto... same with good weapons/items/etc.
Get in the game.
There's something about the perspective in GW that never really made me feel like I was "in" the game. I always felt like I was "above" my characters in GW... more akin to an RTS or the like. Other games I've played like WoW, Fable, etc. make me feel like I'm actually in the world sometimes, even though the camera view is still behind the character. Maybe its the height of the camera off the ground, the distance away from the character, the angle... I don't know, but its just one of those things that really bothers me and would be great if it could be addressed.
- Players should be able to move "anywhere"
I know it was mentioned that characters would be given the ability to jump/etc, but I'd like to request that characters be allowed to go ANYWHERE in the game. One of my biggest disappointments in GW was the inability to see what was on the other side of a mountain range, or to simply slide a little way down a hill to get to a chest that would take me an extra 10 minutes to reach by taking the "path" around to it.
- Too much “text” on screen
One of the things I find most distracting about entering a town is the amount of text/numbers/blah that gets spammed across my screen (not just in the chat window, but the stuff above character's heads, names, etc). I really like the fact that I have to hold down a button to see certain labels in the game – can we get that option for every textual item?
Attacks/spells targeted at a location.
Imagine a hoard of demons charging your party. Instead of having to wait until the enemy is within "range" before you can fire your arrow, you could time the enemy's approach and fire a volley the instant they are within your range, giving you an extra hit against them before they reach you. Now that's the kind skill I'd like to see nurtured in an MMO. Or consider how useful it would be to target a Meteor Shower at your party's location just as the leader calls a retreat to help cover your party's escape! Or what if your guild just wanted to throw up some Firestorms for the new year? Please remove the requirement to have a target before a skill can be used!
Enemies don't "spawn", they arrive.
I believe Perfect eluded to something similar in a prior post, but I wanted to throw in my two bits. Spawning enemies promotes farming (i.e. you simply wait for them to appear again and again) and it's not very realistic (yes, I realize this is a fantasy game, but boars materializing out of thin air is dorky). A more realistic solution to spawning would be the inclusion of several locations in each zone that enemies can "arrive" from. From those spawn points, groups of enemies can travel to the locations that they are commonly found in (or even travel randomly to different locations).
For example, your party slays a large group of Hill Giants in the mountains northwest of Kryta. In a common persistent world MMO, the hill giants would simply materialize out of thin air several minutes after they were killed - either falling prey once again to the group that just killed them or totally surprising the next group of players that were simply exploring (and likely ruining their day if they were unprepared). A better solution would be to have the hill giants exit from a cave several leagues away and return to their common zone.
Players would learn that if they ventured too near that cave (or several others in the area) that hill giants often come pouring out. To prevent players from camping and farming those spawn points the enemy should send out forces to balance that of the players, or that are immediately aggro to the farmer(s). If folks are over-farming the Hill Giants, the Lord of the Hill Giants should send out an army to protect his underlings (and put the boot down on any farmers in the area). Farming problem solved + exciting new quest for high-level raid parties to undertake (i.e. clear the mountains of the recent overwhelming Hill Giant problem).
- Enemies should be more unique.
There's nothing that takes the realism out of the game like an army of clone trolls coming after you. Put a slight random height difference on enemies when they spawn – maybe even minor color differences?
Rare weapons/items should be rare.
If every player in the game has Urgoz's Longbow, it's not really that unique, is it? Named items should be one-of-a-kind (or drastically rare), however, high-level items with skins similar to the named items could still be available (having a named item would simply be a special treat).
- Renowned weapons.
As players progress through levels, their weapons could take on unique abilities that cannot be attained any other way. For example, Jeni the ranger makes it a point to interrupt/shutdown all monks/spell casters in any enemy groups that her party encounters. Her old Ascalon longbow begins to "learn" from her tactics and after enough successful interrupts, gains the "Magebane" attribute that increases dazed duration by 10%. Additionally, she becomes so notorious (high level, titles, etc) at her particular skill set, that her bow becomes known as "The Silencer" and is renown throughout the land.
Some time later, Jeni and her party kill a an elite boss which drops a bow that, in most regards, is better than "The Silencer"... now she has a choice to make. Keep her tried-and-true bow, or go for the new one? Imagine how freakin awesome it would be if “The Silencer” dropped for another ranger several weeks later because Jeni discarded/donated it to the game?
Nerf exploits.
I love the 55 build. It was one of the original exploits of the game, and to this day is still used by thousands of players to farm enemies that they normally wouldn't be able to handle on their own. But I'm fairly certain builds like that screw up the economy of the game. Why didn't Anet nerf this build a long time ago? Yes, some of the first folks to discover/use the build would have a slight advantage over those that didn't get to use it, but they wouldn't likely be able to ruin the economy of the game singlehandedly. Please nip these kinds of things in the bud before they get too out of hand.
Make silly things like hats/minipets more convenient to use. Anet did a great job with the festival hat situation by allowing you to get the stupid things out of your inventory if you weren't using them. Minipets are really exciting for a lot of players, but if you have to use up an inventory spot, remember to take them out, etc, they become a nuisance. Let them be active permanently if the player chooses to have one. It would also be nice if they had some insignificant benefit (i.e. gives your character +1 hp, or +1 armor, etc)... nothing dramatic, but beneficial nonetheless.
Playable mobs.
I don't think this is an entirely new MMO concept, but what if, after attaining a certain level in the game (50+), you could occasionally “possess” an enemy related to your level (i.e. 50 level chars can possess 10th level mobs, 60 level chars can possess 20th level mobs, etc) instead of logging in as your character? You could do this if you needed a break from the usual grinding, or to explore an area from the eyes of the enemy (i.e. you wouldn't have to worry about aggro). You'd most likely get pwned by the first party that comes your way, but you could give them a run for their money by using a little more tactics than the regular AI would. Or you could attempt a raid on a town... with some of your other level 10 buddies...
Level cap thoughts
I generally like the idea that there would be no level cap in an MMO, but I think many people immediately assume that a 120 level character should be twice as tough as a level 60 character. How about, as levels increase, the benefit becomes exponentially less? There will always be some benefit, but it will almost not be worth attaining/grinding for (it will just be nice to get as it happens).
For example, say a player receives 25 extra health every level until they reach 20, giving them a total of 500. At level 21, they get another 12 health - pretty nice. At level 22, they receive 6 health, and so on. At levels on upward of 60, 100, etc, they may have to gain several dozen levels just to get a single health point. It's something to shoot for, but nothing that will unbalance the game (i.e. a level 60 char wont get owned by a level 120 char because there will only be a minor benefit for the 120 char).
- No limit on available attribute points
I think the maximum amount of points you can put into a category should still exist, but what if you could attain more than 120 skill points? This would allow characters to have even more variety in their skill arrangement/strategy without messing up the game play.
Take an existing level 20 GW monk for example. Assume all of her attribute points are put into Healing and Divine Favor. She'll have a few leftover points that don't really do her any good, since her skill bar is entirely filled with Healing and Divine Favor skills. Now imagine if a level 90 GW2 monk had 400 attribute points and he had the exact same skill setup as the GW monk. No big advantage yet. Let's say the GW2 monk, however, can also max out Protection Prayers and decides to swap out 2 of his healing skills with some prot skills... is that monk now "overpowered" as compared to the first, or does he just have more opportunity to become better with a varied skill set?
Round robin drops.
There is nothing more frustrating than doing ten DoA runs in a row and having one of your guild mates or some PuG bozo get every single gem that drops (think it doesn't happen? I have screen shots..). Is GW really set up to drop randomly? That's horrible! Please make GW2 have a "round robin" approach to good drops. If the first person in a group gets an ecto, then the next person should get the next ecto... same with good weapons/items/etc.
For ArenaNet and NCSOFT I don't think there is anyway to get around a new game. You can't stay the same and hold you top spot title forever. But GW is not in the top spot.
The competition is in the lead with more people. Why? What do they have the GW does not? You can play GW for free or pay the other guys, yet more people pay the other guys to play their game. Why?
Guild Wars has a number of things going for it. Free game play, a skill based game, a great story, a great looking game and so on. So why do so many others pay for a game that does not have these?
The answer is that it is a basic nature of a person to want to win and do well. Games with long roads of challenge after challenge and victory after victory over previously impossible odds will win over the greatest number of people every time. No one wants a char that is wimpy and can't get better. GW is so dependent on teams that each char is really quite limited compared to other games. You almost can't do a thing without a team following you around. For the purpose of the original GW, it requires that chars not be able to get too powerful or the game is over. Skills keep the game going, but not for many, as the char must hash it out with other people or hench and heros.
GW 2 SHOULD give you the feeling that you have a strong group that is made up of strong individuals, not a strong group made up of weak individuals. It SHOULD be a game where teamwork is rewarded, it SHOULD give you the opportunity to invest in your char and have a better char to show for it. It SHOULD have chars that have the freedom to work in and outside of groups.
ArenaNet and NCSOFT have done a great job, but other games still hold titles that GW can never have with it's limited chars that keep the game in balance. GW 2, if done correctly will take that title and be the top game around with people wining and losing all over the place and always able to get better wherever they fall short. Few things will drive a player more than knowing that his char can be a great one.
I see allot of people saying "All those levels will make the game dependent on levels not skill". But from what I hear PvP will have equalizing factors so that it does not go so far off balance. So those levels will go to work in PvE, and I don't see anything wrong with that, let the levels pile up. Let the chars become strong and powerful and keep the challenges that even they will need help with. A person that is not very good with skills may need lots of levels to win, well, if he can't do it any other way, let him have that one advantage so that even he can win.
The competition is in the lead with more people. Why? What do they have the GW does not? You can play GW for free or pay the other guys, yet more people pay the other guys to play their game. Why?
Guild Wars has a number of things going for it. Free game play, a skill based game, a great story, a great looking game and so on. So why do so many others pay for a game that does not have these?
The answer is that it is a basic nature of a person to want to win and do well. Games with long roads of challenge after challenge and victory after victory over previously impossible odds will win over the greatest number of people every time. No one wants a char that is wimpy and can't get better. GW is so dependent on teams that each char is really quite limited compared to other games. You almost can't do a thing without a team following you around. For the purpose of the original GW, it requires that chars not be able to get too powerful or the game is over. Skills keep the game going, but not for many, as the char must hash it out with other people or hench and heros.
GW 2 SHOULD give you the feeling that you have a strong group that is made up of strong individuals, not a strong group made up of weak individuals. It SHOULD be a game where teamwork is rewarded, it SHOULD give you the opportunity to invest in your char and have a better char to show for it. It SHOULD have chars that have the freedom to work in and outside of groups.
ArenaNet and NCSOFT have done a great job, but other games still hold titles that GW can never have with it's limited chars that keep the game in balance. GW 2, if done correctly will take that title and be the top game around with people wining and losing all over the place and always able to get better wherever they fall short. Few things will drive a player more than knowing that his char can be a great one.
I see allot of people saying "All those levels will make the game dependent on levels not skill". But from what I hear PvP will have equalizing factors so that it does not go so far off balance. So those levels will go to work in PvE, and I don't see anything wrong with that, let the levels pile up. Let the chars become strong and powerful and keep the challenges that even they will need help with. A person that is not very good with skills may need lots of levels to win, well, if he can't do it any other way, let him have that one advantage so that even he can win.
Broken Tree,
I like your post, I think it would be a very cool game if they did many of those ideas.
Also, in the section about Get In The Game, I think what gives you that feeling is the freedom to be yourself and the freedom to do what you want.
There is a simple limitation to any organization, it is a flaw that all that work in a group must live with. It is that to work in a team you must do your part and in doing so, you can't do everything you are capable of. You must do the limited thing that is need of you and allow others to play their part, which is after all what an organized group is. For this reason, all people that work in a group must limit themselves to what is needed and the true potential of any one person will never be realized.
GW is great, but the reliance on a team also means that your char will never be a great solo char, he will always be limited and restricted so that he HAS to work in a group and be dependent on others to make up for his flaws. This rule on the flaw of an organization is one of those laws of the universe, like gravity. This is the reason ArenaNet and NCSOFT gets pressure from players to be allowed to have more freedom. It is why people pay money for the other games. I just hope they realize that these limitations are only required in a group and that a char should be able to function outside of a group and have the freedom to do so should he choose. Organized groups are always more powerful than individuals and in GW2 they should always have there attractiveness. But working in a team can be fun (I like it), and the freedom to solo should be earned with some hard work.
I like your post, I think it would be a very cool game if they did many of those ideas.
Also, in the section about Get In The Game, I think what gives you that feeling is the freedom to be yourself and the freedom to do what you want.
There is a simple limitation to any organization, it is a flaw that all that work in a group must live with. It is that to work in a team you must do your part and in doing so, you can't do everything you are capable of. You must do the limited thing that is need of you and allow others to play their part, which is after all what an organized group is. For this reason, all people that work in a group must limit themselves to what is needed and the true potential of any one person will never be realized.
GW is great, but the reliance on a team also means that your char will never be a great solo char, he will always be limited and restricted so that he HAS to work in a group and be dependent on others to make up for his flaws. This rule on the flaw of an organization is one of those laws of the universe, like gravity. This is the reason ArenaNet and NCSOFT gets pressure from players to be allowed to have more freedom. It is why people pay money for the other games. I just hope they realize that these limitations are only required in a group and that a char should be able to function outside of a group and have the freedom to do so should he choose. Organized groups are always more powerful than individuals and in GW2 they should always have there attractiveness. But working in a team can be fun (I like it), and the freedom to solo should be earned with some hard work.
Alright, I know this has been discussed in nsole
but I feel that with a lot of the new features being discussed in GW2 (swimming, jumping, etc), this has become an even more viable topic. It definitely has the potential to be great on a console. Both the PS3 and the Xbox360 should have the resources able to make it look nice, and I feel that the controllers would easily function for guild wars. The layouts for each are almost identical. Map the face buttons to actions like jump, swim, use, etc. The D-pad for target switching. Left stick move, right-stick look. The four shoulder buttons could be skills. Press select to change between skills 1-4 and skills 5-8. I actually used a similar layout on a logitech pad to play for a while. I think that GW's gameplay, and business model would highly appeal to console gamers.
Also, for the Devs that might be reading, re-releasing GW1 campaigns on a console would be a way to attract more gamers to the series (and +$$$) since there is a little bit of a time gap between now and the scheduled release of GW2 (please don't pull a HL2 on us...).
If the discs were value-priced, I wouldn't mind re-purchasing the software for the convenience of a console. Bonus content would sweeten the deal even more for the addicts.
And hey, If FFXI can do it (and succeed), why can't GW?
but I feel that with a lot of the new features being discussed in GW2 (swimming, jumping, etc), this has become an even more viable topic. It definitely has the potential to be great on a console. Both the PS3 and the Xbox360 should have the resources able to make it look nice, and I feel that the controllers would easily function for guild wars. The layouts for each are almost identical. Map the face buttons to actions like jump, swim, use, etc. The D-pad for target switching. Left stick move, right-stick look. The four shoulder buttons could be skills. Press select to change between skills 1-4 and skills 5-8. I actually used a similar layout on a logitech pad to play for a while. I think that GW's gameplay, and business model would highly appeal to console gamers.
Also, for the Devs that might be reading, re-releasing GW1 campaigns on a console would be a way to attract more gamers to the series (and +$$$) since there is a little bit of a time gap between now and the scheduled release of GW2 (please don't pull a HL2 on us...).
If the discs were value-priced, I wouldn't mind re-purchasing the software for the convenience of a console. Bonus content would sweeten the deal even more for the addicts.
And hey, If FFXI can do it (and succeed), why can't GW?
I'm stoked for GW2. 619 hours into GW1 and I have so much left to do, I actually think that the timing on GW2 will be good--another two years to get ready.
I have faith that ANet knows that the 'core' gameplay of GW is what differentiates it from 'the rest of the pack', and that they need to keep that core alive and well in GW2. By this, I mean:
-Relatively quick ascension to a level playing field. Perhaps not a hard l20 cap like GW1, but even in PvE, I don't want to have to play 4 hours/day, every day in order to feel like I'm on par with others. Others have suggested a 'soft cap', after which the benefits of leveling drastically reduce to the point where they're not really having a tangible effect. I'm all for this plan. People may complain about the l20 cap, but it really does have concrete benefits, and IMO is one of GW's chief strengths. The sidekick feature holds promise, as well.
-8 skill bar. *Please Don't Touch This™* After much time with GW, I've come to believe that this is the perfect number. It forces players to plan their build out, and at the same time helps the 'level the playing field' argument above, by mitigating the benefit of someone with 500 skills playing with someone with 100.
-Quick and unlimited re-speccing of attribute points. The ability to play my character one way, hit a town and re-spec to try a new build, rocks. Please don't take this ability away!
Some general suggestions for GW2 and the transition from GW1 --> 2:
-I actually like that we won't be pulling characters forward. After all, I would like to maintain the ability to play those characters in GW1! I think that what we've been told about the Hall of Monuments is the right track.
-The tiny, quick-to-install-from-the-Internet client is another big strength of GW. No matter where I'm at, if I have broadband, I can be playing Guild Wars on my account in ten minutes. Please keep this design for GW2. Ideally, keep the same singular client for both. I think that if we can just log into our account within the client, and then choose GW1 or 2 like we choose the character to play today, this will both ease the transition and encourage people to continue playing GW1--after all, it will always be right there on their system even after they move the bulk of their time to GW2.
-I've read that henchmen and heroes are going away, replaced by 'solo-friendly' areas and one sidekick/player. Please reconsider, if this is the case. Solo-friendly doesn't just mean 'you can venture out on your own and survive'. The ability to be the only human, yet have a full group, is key. Especially the Hero system--this allows those who play at oddball hours, or who just prefer playing alone, to feel as though they're in a real party. I understand that this may not be feasible due to the other changes taking place for GW2 (persistence, etc), but just understand that you're making a fundamental change which is bound to tee a lot of players off.
-Auction house / trade system. Definitely needs to be fundamentally better than what we have now; spamming chat was never an acceptable option, and despite a year and a half of promises, we still have just that option. In the end, it doesn't bother me that much since I rarely farm or have to buy/sell with other players, but it is something I would use if it were more functional. With a new game being built from the ground up, please take this into account this time.
All in all, I'm looking forward to GWEN and GW2, and have faith that you know what you're doing!
Gail and Alex, thanke for keeping up with our posts; heavens know it must be difficult to deal with all the whining each day.
I have faith that ANet knows that the 'core' gameplay of GW is what differentiates it from 'the rest of the pack', and that they need to keep that core alive and well in GW2. By this, I mean:
-Relatively quick ascension to a level playing field. Perhaps not a hard l20 cap like GW1, but even in PvE, I don't want to have to play 4 hours/day, every day in order to feel like I'm on par with others. Others have suggested a 'soft cap', after which the benefits of leveling drastically reduce to the point where they're not really having a tangible effect. I'm all for this plan. People may complain about the l20 cap, but it really does have concrete benefits, and IMO is one of GW's chief strengths. The sidekick feature holds promise, as well.
-8 skill bar. *Please Don't Touch This™* After much time with GW, I've come to believe that this is the perfect number. It forces players to plan their build out, and at the same time helps the 'level the playing field' argument above, by mitigating the benefit of someone with 500 skills playing with someone with 100.
-Quick and unlimited re-speccing of attribute points. The ability to play my character one way, hit a town and re-spec to try a new build, rocks. Please don't take this ability away!

Some general suggestions for GW2 and the transition from GW1 --> 2:
-I actually like that we won't be pulling characters forward. After all, I would like to maintain the ability to play those characters in GW1! I think that what we've been told about the Hall of Monuments is the right track.
-The tiny, quick-to-install-from-the-Internet client is another big strength of GW. No matter where I'm at, if I have broadband, I can be playing Guild Wars on my account in ten minutes. Please keep this design for GW2. Ideally, keep the same singular client for both. I think that if we can just log into our account within the client, and then choose GW1 or 2 like we choose the character to play today, this will both ease the transition and encourage people to continue playing GW1--after all, it will always be right there on their system even after they move the bulk of their time to GW2.
-I've read that henchmen and heroes are going away, replaced by 'solo-friendly' areas and one sidekick/player. Please reconsider, if this is the case. Solo-friendly doesn't just mean 'you can venture out on your own and survive'. The ability to be the only human, yet have a full group, is key. Especially the Hero system--this allows those who play at oddball hours, or who just prefer playing alone, to feel as though they're in a real party. I understand that this may not be feasible due to the other changes taking place for GW2 (persistence, etc), but just understand that you're making a fundamental change which is bound to tee a lot of players off.
-Auction house / trade system. Definitely needs to be fundamentally better than what we have now; spamming chat was never an acceptable option, and despite a year and a half of promises, we still have just that option. In the end, it doesn't bother me that much since I rarely farm or have to buy/sell with other players, but it is something I would use if it were more functional. With a new game being built from the ground up, please take this into account this time.
All in all, I'm looking forward to GWEN and GW2, and have faith that you know what you're doing!

1. PLEASE, I beg of you, don't decrease the amount of skills each profession has. I played WoW for a month but couldn't handle the fact that there was hardly any spells/abilities for my class, and that most of the time I found myself upgrading the same spell over and over again.
Guild Wars is far superior in the way that there's SO many options to choose from. It's also awesome that spells don't have the same "animations" and all look different when cast. Please don't take out this aspect of Guild Wars :P
2. Auction House. Everyone seems to be mentioning it, so I don't think it can be ignored anymore. It's needed...I can't handle the spam anymore and find myself shouting at spammers in Local Chat.
3. Hairdresser NPC. As with the auction house, this is a much requested feature. It would make Guild Wars 2 much more immersive and realistic.
4. Currently Guild Wars doesn't have much to do besides finish the campaign, trade random things (for what reason?) and PvP. I'd like to see something added that makes me keep coming back for more. I presently have no clue what this could be, but it would be fun having something else to do besides the usual MMO things.
. An in-game mailing system would be nice. Instead of having to wait until a friend comes online, I could send them a message which they can read in their own time. Maybe even a courier system so that people can trade easier. This could be the way items are delivered by the auction house.
The above have mostly been mentioned before, but I'd like to stress the fact that this is what many members of the community want
Guild Wars is far superior in the way that there's SO many options to choose from. It's also awesome that spells don't have the same "animations" and all look different when cast. Please don't take out this aspect of Guild Wars :P
2. Auction House. Everyone seems to be mentioning it, so I don't think it can be ignored anymore. It's needed...I can't handle the spam anymore and find myself shouting at spammers in Local Chat.
3. Hairdresser NPC. As with the auction house, this is a much requested feature. It would make Guild Wars 2 much more immersive and realistic.
4. Currently Guild Wars doesn't have much to do besides finish the campaign, trade random things (for what reason?) and PvP. I'd like to see something added that makes me keep coming back for more. I presently have no clue what this could be, but it would be fun having something else to do besides the usual MMO things.
. An in-game mailing system would be nice. Instead of having to wait until a friend comes online, I could send them a message which they can read in their own time. Maybe even a courier system so that people can trade easier. This could be the way items are delivered by the auction house.
The above have mostly been mentioned before, but I'd like to stress the fact that this is what many members of the community want

1: Guild wars desperately needs an auction house imo
2: IG name changer + apperance
3: An IG Team Speak type system instead of having to use vent or the actual TS.
4: More special effects such as building blowing up or when meteors hit the ground it will leave a huge crator (in game play not trailers.)
5: TONS MORE STORAGE SPACE (or increase the material size we have now to atleast 1000
6: Maybe a HUGE PVP battle ground such as like 50vs50 play ground no need for setting up party you just go in and KILL KILL KILL KILL!
7: Emotes... not a big deal to most people and not really to me just kinda cool stuff that makes a game great i guess. But lets say there is a place to sit down in a town bench chair stool ect type /sit ur character will actually go sit on the chair instead of just sitting on the ground.
8: Town Raid's like kurzick and luxon one town could battle another for more land... instead of just having faction for owning towns... but of course you would have to AGREE to the battle sort of like a gvg i guess.
Thats all i can really think of now ill edit my post later if i can think of anything more.
2: IG name changer + apperance
3: An IG Team Speak type system instead of having to use vent or the actual TS.
4: More special effects such as building blowing up or when meteors hit the ground it will leave a huge crator (in game play not trailers.)
5: TONS MORE STORAGE SPACE (or increase the material size we have now to atleast 1000
6: Maybe a HUGE PVP battle ground such as like 50vs50 play ground no need for setting up party you just go in and KILL KILL KILL KILL!
7: Emotes... not a big deal to most people and not really to me just kinda cool stuff that makes a game great i guess. But lets say there is a place to sit down in a town bench chair stool ect type /sit ur character will actually go sit on the chair instead of just sitting on the ground.
8: Town Raid's like kurzick and luxon one town could battle another for more land... instead of just having faction for owning towns... but of course you would have to AGREE to the battle sort of like a gvg i guess.
Thats all i can really think of now ill edit my post later if i can think of anything more.
I have recently been informed by a guild member of the press release of Guild Wars: Eye of the North and Guild Wars 2. Upon reading further into these two, I have come across quotes and clips which all hint at what we will be able to do with our existing characters.
By this point in time, many people are becoming aware of the fact that Anet is not allowing people to transfer characters OR items from GW1 into GW2. Even in this thread that I am replying to, several people have led the outcry for the option to keep playing with our existing characters in GW2. This topic truly is the biggest concern (and verifiably the greatest disappointment if nothing changes) over the release of GW2.
Having said that, I will (please forgive me) use my necromancer as an example... I have played with him for almost 2 years now, and over that large chunk of my precious time have obtained Obsidian armor, and other top-of-the-line equipment (not to mention that I have spent time on 5 other characters as well). Therefore, if, upon the release of GW2, I (and EVERY PLAYER WHO HAS ENDEAVORED TO MAKE THEIR CHARACTER STAND OUT) was forced to abandon my necromancer and other characters that I have put my precious time into, I personally would be HUGELY disappointed. People have played hard for over 2 years now, farming and PvP'ing, and to see all of this work coming to naught so that we all "start afresh" in GW2 is close to an outrage, in my humble opinion.
Of course, there will be objections (similar to those already noted in this thread) to the option of transferring characters. Taking place 100 years in the future should not prevent people from using their existing characters, rather (as has been stated) can be used to form a very interesting twist in the plot of the storyline (the Gods calling heroes from the past to fight again, etc.). And, frankly, I feel that an even better reason for ignoring this temporal lapse is this: IT IS A VIDEO GAME... nothing is impossible! Why on Earth should a lapse in the time frame of fictional characters render it "impossible" for Anet to allow us to bring our characters into the new game. EVEN THEIR EQUIPMENT! I would be perfectly content with creating a new character from scratch to avoid a level gap between old and new players, if I were allowed to keep the armor and weapons that I have worked so hard to get. As previously mentioned in this thread, certain skins appeal to different people, and those people went out and worked hard to get those items. In my case, and many others, it was armor from the FoW, my favorite looking set of equipment in the game. A possible solution to transferring items to new characters (as previously mentioned) is to make the armor rating consistent with level (much like, for example, sword damage is based upon swordsmanship... once you hit the required swordsmanship that the sword dictates, you will deal max damage with said sword).
As far as learning the new game mechanics (ie jumping, swimming, etc) goes, I feel that this is a rather silly objection to bringing existing characters into the game... the time it took for my friend to get used to playing WoW after having played GW for a year was a few hours at most. Having said that, if we merely transfer our existing items to new characters who have the same names as our existing ones (I have read that names will be reserved, making it easier for customizable items such as armor to be transferred) then we will have to learn the mechanics anyway, but will still be content with our hard-earned equipment.
Therefore, I am pleading with to enable players who have spent their time and money buying the GW campaigns (in order to empower their existing characters and to get new items which further distinguish them from people who did not buy the updates) to ALLOW US, THE PLAYERS, the option of continuing to keep the equipment that we have spent SO MUCH of our time obtaining, and don't force us to start anew, rather, give us the choice of doing so.
Thank you (Dev's and gwguru community) for taking the time to read my request.
By this point in time, many people are becoming aware of the fact that Anet is not allowing people to transfer characters OR items from GW1 into GW2. Even in this thread that I am replying to, several people have led the outcry for the option to keep playing with our existing characters in GW2. This topic truly is the biggest concern (and verifiably the greatest disappointment if nothing changes) over the release of GW2.
Having said that, I will (please forgive me) use my necromancer as an example... I have played with him for almost 2 years now, and over that large chunk of my precious time have obtained Obsidian armor, and other top-of-the-line equipment (not to mention that I have spent time on 5 other characters as well). Therefore, if, upon the release of GW2, I (and EVERY PLAYER WHO HAS ENDEAVORED TO MAKE THEIR CHARACTER STAND OUT) was forced to abandon my necromancer and other characters that I have put my precious time into, I personally would be HUGELY disappointed. People have played hard for over 2 years now, farming and PvP'ing, and to see all of this work coming to naught so that we all "start afresh" in GW2 is close to an outrage, in my humble opinion.
Of course, there will be objections (similar to those already noted in this thread) to the option of transferring characters. Taking place 100 years in the future should not prevent people from using their existing characters, rather (as has been stated) can be used to form a very interesting twist in the plot of the storyline (the Gods calling heroes from the past to fight again, etc.). And, frankly, I feel that an even better reason for ignoring this temporal lapse is this: IT IS A VIDEO GAME... nothing is impossible! Why on Earth should a lapse in the time frame of fictional characters render it "impossible" for Anet to allow us to bring our characters into the new game. EVEN THEIR EQUIPMENT! I would be perfectly content with creating a new character from scratch to avoid a level gap between old and new players, if I were allowed to keep the armor and weapons that I have worked so hard to get. As previously mentioned in this thread, certain skins appeal to different people, and those people went out and worked hard to get those items. In my case, and many others, it was armor from the FoW, my favorite looking set of equipment in the game. A possible solution to transferring items to new characters (as previously mentioned) is to make the armor rating consistent with level (much like, for example, sword damage is based upon swordsmanship... once you hit the required swordsmanship that the sword dictates, you will deal max damage with said sword).
As far as learning the new game mechanics (ie jumping, swimming, etc) goes, I feel that this is a rather silly objection to bringing existing characters into the game... the time it took for my friend to get used to playing WoW after having played GW for a year was a few hours at most. Having said that, if we merely transfer our existing items to new characters who have the same names as our existing ones (I have read that names will be reserved, making it easier for customizable items such as armor to be transferred) then we will have to learn the mechanics anyway, but will still be content with our hard-earned equipment.
Therefore, I am pleading with to enable players who have spent their time and money buying the GW campaigns (in order to empower their existing characters and to get new items which further distinguish them from people who did not buy the updates) to ALLOW US, THE PLAYERS, the option of continuing to keep the equipment that we have spent SO MUCH of our time obtaining, and don't force us to start anew, rather, give us the choice of doing so.
Thank you (Dev's and gwguru community) for taking the time to read my request.
Originally Posted by GoldenGreek01
I have recently been informed by a guild member of the press release of Guild Wars: Eye of the North and Guild Wars 2. Upon reading further into these two, I have come across quotes and clips which all hint at what we will be able to do with our existing characters.
By this point in time, many people are becoming aware of the fact that Anet is not allowing people to transfer characters OR items from GW1 into GW2. Even in this thread that I am replying to, several people have led the outcry for the option to keep playing with our existing characters in GW2. This topic truly is the biggest concern (and verifiably the greatest disappointment if nothing changes) over the release of GW2. Having said that, I will (please forgive me) use my necromancer as an example... I have played with him for almost 2 years now, and over that large chunk of my precious time have obtained Obsidian armor, and other top-of-the-line equipment (not to mention that I have spent time on 5 other characters as well). Therefore, if, upon the release of GW2, I (and EVERY PLAYER WHO HAS ENDEAVORED TO MAKE THEIR CHARACTER STAND OUT) was forced to abandon my necromancer and other characters that I have put my precious time into, I personally would be HUGELY disappointed. People have played hard for over 2 years now, farming and PvP'ing, and to see all of this work coming to naught so that we all "start afresh" in GW2 is close to an outrage, in my humble opinion. Of course, there will be objections (similar to those already noted in this thread) to the option of transferring characters. Taking place 100 years in the future should not prevent people from using their existing characters, rather (as has been stated) can be used to form a very interesting twist in the plot of the storyline (the Gods calling heroes from the past to fight again, etc.). And, frankly, I feel that an even better reason for ignoring this temporal lapse is this: IT IS A VIDEO GAME... nothing is impossible! Why on Earth should a lapse in the time frame of fictional characters render it "impossible" for Anet to allow us to bring our characters into the new game. EVEN THEIR EQUIPMENT! I would be perfectly content with creating a new character from scratch to avoid a level gap between old and new players, if I were allowed to keep the armor and weapons that I have worked so hard to get. As previously mentioned in this thread, certain skins appeal to different people, and those people went out and worked hard to get those items. In my case, and many others, it was armor from the FoW, my favorite looking set of equipment in the game. A possible solution to transferring items to new characters (as previously mentioned) is to make the armor rating consistent with level (much like, for example, sword damage is based upon swordsmanship... once you hit the required swordsmanship that the sword dictates, you will deal max damage with said sword). As far as learning the new game mechanics (ie jumping, swimming, etc) goes, I feel that this is a rather silly objection to bringing existing characters into the game... the time it took for my friend to get used to playing WoW after having played GW for a year was a few hours at most. Having said that, if we merely transfer our existing items to new characters who have the same names as our existing ones (I have read that names will be reserved, making it easier for customizable items such as armor to be transferred) then we will have to learn the mechanics anyway, but will still be content with our hard-earned equipment. Therefore, I am pleading with to enable players who have spent their time and money buying the GW campaigns (in order to empower their existing characters and to get new items which further distinguish them from people who did not buy the updates) to ALLOW US, THE PLAYERS, the option of continuing to keep the equipment that we have spent SO MUCH of our time obtaining, and don't force us to start anew, rather, give us the choice of doing so. Thank you (Dev's and gwguru community) for taking the time to read my request. |

Here's something I just thought of: if there's any canthan content, I'd like to see kimonos and things like that for the PCs.
Maybe warriors can get those samurai traveling clothes that is depicted in anime.
Maybe warriors can get those samurai traveling clothes that is depicted in anime.
Quid Pro Quo
Originally Posted by Broken Tree
Level cap thoughts
I generally like the idea that there would be no level cap in an MMO, but I think many people immediately assume that a 120 level character should be twice as tough as a level 60 character. How about, as levels increase, the benefit becomes exponentially less? There will always be some benefit, but it will almost not be worth attaining/grinding for (it will just be nice to get as it happens). |
So lets say the new 20 is 100. So after you get to 100 the gain you get past that is much less then it was previously. Very nice idea not sure if the gain should be as small as you described past the soft cap but definetly nothing to unbalance the game.
Renowned weapons. As players progress through levels, their weapons could take on unique abilities that cannot be attained any other way. For example, Jeni the ranger makes it a point to interrupt/shutdown all monks/spell casters in any enemy groups that her party encounters. Her old Ascalon longbow begins to "learn" from her tactics and after enough successful interrupts, gains the "Magebane" attribute that increases dazed duration by 10%. Additionally, she becomes so notorious (high level, titles, etc) at her particular skill set, that her bow becomes known as "The Silencer" and is renown throughout the land. Some time later, Jeni and her party kill a an elite boss which drops a bow that, in most regards, is better than "The Silencer"... now she has a choice to make. Keep her tried-and-true bow, or go for the new one? Imagine how freakin awesome it would be if “The Silencer” dropped for another ranger several weeks later because Jeni discarded/donated it to the game? |
I love this idea....Love it with all my heart!
Playable mobs. I don't think this is an entirely new MMO concept, but what if, after attaining a certain level in the game (50+), you could occasionally “possess” an enemy related to your level (i.e. 50 level chars can possess 10th level mobs, 60 level chars can possess 20th level mobs, etc) instead of logging in as your character? You could do this if you needed a break from the usual grinding, or to explore an area from the eyes of the enemy (i.e. you wouldn't have to worry about aggro). You'd most likely get pwned by the first party that comes your way, but you could give them a run for their money by using a little more tactics than the regular AI would. Or you could attempt a raid on a town... with some of your other level 10 buddies... |

An in-game mailing system would be nice. Instead of having to wait until a friend comes online, I could send them a message which they can read in their own time. Maybe even a courier system so that people can trade easier. This could be the way items are delivered by the auction house. |
5: TONS MORE STORAGE SPACE (or increase the material size we have now to atleast 1000 |
also I think I read somewhere that there will be random PvP arenas where you'll click on enter match (or something) and be taken into a huge area with hundreds of players batteling for weeks at a time. The system selects the team you play in and the battles are really enormous. I'd like that too

oh, and I had another idea while reading this topic: it's about the monument thing and not having our characters transfered. how about if you could have your previous character (GW1 character) put into the storyline as a 120 or 140 year old kind of Guru character who would help guide you, get you through the tutorial and give you advice? Your GW1 character would have the same armor as before and everything would be the same, he would only be a 100 years older (well, life does lenghten - or maybe he could be a hologram or something

well I think that's about it for my first post...
Well there have been some good ideas. So think I’ll chip my 2 pennies worth in.
What to Keep
Firstly let’s start with what basically I think should be kept in (obviously not an exhaustive list):
Obviously the basic mechanics of only been able to take 8 skills into battle has to remain, or it just isn’t guild wars.
The armour and the weapons be kept at the current easily obtainable level i.e. you don’t have to play for months just to get a half good weapon or armour.
The World
They say that they are going to have a mixture of persistent and instanced, now I don’t know how they are going to work this but here my idea:
OK you start in a town (where you adjust your skills) then you move out into the near town where there are a few hostiles and lots of players say 100 as you get further away from the town there are fewer players until you reach the area where there is only your team. E.g. if they use the portal method when you move the next area, which has a maximum of 8 teams in it, you would be put in a district with less than 8 people in it. If they are full then you make a new instance of the area and other people join it until it reaches the cap. (I hope that makes sense)
I think that this will give more of the feeling that you are moving off the beaten track. Also it will prove you with an opportunity to form a team whilst moving towards where you want to go, as anyone heading in the same direction is more likely to be doing the same quests.
Oh yes and to a certain extent if you clear an area that area should remain depopulated for a bit. As I think everyone gets tired of killing the same mob every time they enter an area (this however is a complex area and I am lazy so I won’t go there).
Levels, attributes and what have you.
I say get rid of levels all together, at the moment they only really tell you how many attribute points someone has and the minimum number of skills they have.
My next suggestion will be controversial. Get rid of the professions and let everyone have access to all the attributes leave the cap on the maximum an attribute can be though. I think a maximum number of attribute points to spend. This means that one character can pick up all the skills (and mix and match to their hearts content) but it would be a really bad player that tries to use more than say three or four attribute lines.
Finally an idea to throw out there regarding quests. I think it would be fun if one of the quests required you to kill another player.
e.g. one side of the quest might be: guard object X.
the otherside would be: steal object X
but there are problems with that and that is probably a discussion for somewhere else.
What to Keep
Firstly let’s start with what basically I think should be kept in (obviously not an exhaustive list):
Obviously the basic mechanics of only been able to take 8 skills into battle has to remain, or it just isn’t guild wars.
The armour and the weapons be kept at the current easily obtainable level i.e. you don’t have to play for months just to get a half good weapon or armour.
The World
They say that they are going to have a mixture of persistent and instanced, now I don’t know how they are going to work this but here my idea:
OK you start in a town (where you adjust your skills) then you move out into the near town where there are a few hostiles and lots of players say 100 as you get further away from the town there are fewer players until you reach the area where there is only your team. E.g. if they use the portal method when you move the next area, which has a maximum of 8 teams in it, you would be put in a district with less than 8 people in it. If they are full then you make a new instance of the area and other people join it until it reaches the cap. (I hope that makes sense)
I think that this will give more of the feeling that you are moving off the beaten track. Also it will prove you with an opportunity to form a team whilst moving towards where you want to go, as anyone heading in the same direction is more likely to be doing the same quests.
Oh yes and to a certain extent if you clear an area that area should remain depopulated for a bit. As I think everyone gets tired of killing the same mob every time they enter an area (this however is a complex area and I am lazy so I won’t go there).
Levels, attributes and what have you.
I say get rid of levels all together, at the moment they only really tell you how many attribute points someone has and the minimum number of skills they have.
My next suggestion will be controversial. Get rid of the professions and let everyone have access to all the attributes leave the cap on the maximum an attribute can be though. I think a maximum number of attribute points to spend. This means that one character can pick up all the skills (and mix and match to their hearts content) but it would be a really bad player that tries to use more than say three or four attribute lines.
Finally an idea to throw out there regarding quests. I think it would be fun if one of the quests required you to kill another player.
e.g. one side of the quest might be: guard object X.
the otherside would be: steal object X
but there are problems with that and that is probably a discussion for somewhere else.
Just two things:
#1. KEEP IT INSTANCED! ... I won't be able to play GW2 if I have to share the battlefield with every other gimp, retard and elitist git on the face of the planet.... or even from the one country. It is too much.
#2. KEEP THE HENCHIES! ... I do not want to be penalised in-game because there is nobody decent around. I do not want to be penalised because I decide to play the game at half-past-seven in the morning. I do not want to be penalised because nobody wants an assassin in their party. AI won't discriminate. AI is always to hand. Give us the comp helpers without penalties... damnit!
The rest they can pretty much mess around with as much as they like.... but if they do mess up those two things as they've suggested they will .... then GW2 won't be worth playing.
#1. KEEP IT INSTANCED! ... I won't be able to play GW2 if I have to share the battlefield with every other gimp, retard and elitist git on the face of the planet.... or even from the one country. It is too much.
#2. KEEP THE HENCHIES! ... I do not want to be penalised in-game because there is nobody decent around. I do not want to be penalised because I decide to play the game at half-past-seven in the morning. I do not want to be penalised because nobody wants an assassin in their party. AI won't discriminate. AI is always to hand. Give us the comp helpers without penalties... damnit!
The rest they can pretty much mess around with as much as they like.... but if they do mess up those two things as they've suggested they will .... then GW2 won't be worth playing.
I strongly believe instead of having a mini pet as some friend that you only look at. The mini pets should give an aura that helps you. i.e. Speed, Experence, ect. Also they should aloow more than one mini pet, also they should be bigger! I can barely see my asura and my pig. thnx

Also there should be as much possibilities at character creation as least three times as many options as there are now, plus new stuff like weight, age, all colors for the hair (yes and I sign the heirdresser idea...I'd also love a tattoo artist
) and armor, tattoos, piercings etc. It would also be nice if the male characters didn't mostly look like a bunch of retards...I mean the women are quite sexy and good looking, while the guys all have that conan look or they look like a 14-year old warrior...

Legandary Spartan
This post will proably be read over and ignored (like all my other posts **sigh**) But i am a nerd who is in love with his warrior/ assasin. It hurts deeply to see that buying Factions the second week it came out and pre-ording NF CE 2 days after it was annonced and + 1,700 something hours on my warrior is going to get dumped to start over! I have played Guild Wars for a 60 hours a week for the last year! That was through High school, college and a part time job! My account has close to 1,900 hours and in 2 years it's only going to double the time and make it harder to "drop my guys are start over"! This is crazy, I can't believe im gonna have to start over and give another $50 bucks only to have GW2 turn to GW3. There is a very fine line between customer satisfaction and making money. Aparently anet could care less about fat loyle nerds who play GW an average of 60 hours a week as their life
I would like to see a lvl cap or no lvl cap in GW2 if done correctly. First let me clarify what I mean by no lvl, no level cap means no player will have a number lvl at all what so ever instead a new method of leveling will be introduced to GW2 in witch I will discuss after my thoughts on a level cap. I like the idea of keeping a level playing field but I also like leveling because it shows the dedication of a player, if there was no level cap meaning it would be just an infinite number, that had no end there will still be a lvl cap at some point, because most players will just get exhausted and it would create a standard lvl in the game or if you can beat most if not all of the enemies in a game in pve then that would become lvl cap of a range of players in the game, however you will have someone that would dedicate their entire life’s to becoming gods in the game – in witch it could spawn a whole range of egoistic problems in the game – the level cap did a few good things it promoted life – life meaning it stopped that level grind most of us hate in mmo’s and similar rgb’s most players have more things to do with my life then to just sit at the computer and level to the highest – if GW2 was to go to a lvl 60+ without having the player feel that grind, the game mechanics would have to change drastically – it will have to be more action orientated, with hoards of enemies coming at you at a time similar to Diablo 1&2 so players wont feel the grind of leveling.
My thoughts on a lvl-cap. Levels mean nothing with out stats elevating - i think they should replace lvl numbers with titles for thos veteran players that have reached the lvl-cap. to get true recognition - these titles will change beyond the lvl-cap (if anet chooses to use lvls in numbers at all) - after a player reaches the lvl cap and ends the games story line, they need more challenging missions and quests to stay interested. these types of missions and quests can be labeled as heroic and these heroic missions and quests will change a player that has reached the lvl-cap and ended the games storyline in more ways then one – special titles will be gained for these heroic missions that will increase a players attribute points not life or mana - life and mana after the lvl cap can be increased easily with gear especially the gear that drops in these heroic missions and quests. the heroic missions are like missions that make you stronger in skill thus your title will change after completing these heroic missions. heroic missions should be random missions as they wont ever be the same the next time around and the map will also change around like in diablo2 but much better. heroic missions should also have some effect on the world and have a major effect on the underworld since heroic missions will take place in some other parallel universe . titles will ranged from how a player plays the game – there should also be 2 types of titles, a heroic title that you gain only by completing a heroic mission and these types of missions can only be entered once you reach the lvl cap and have ended the games storyline - also the heroic title is consistent and can remain on with normal titles such as light bringer - an heroic title also gives you stats in damage like the light bringer title and also there will be heroic skills that will become more powerful and these skills you will gain after each completion of a heroic mission - I believe there should be guild skills when more then 4 group together to do a heroic mission, there should be a guild skill acquired each time after 2 others guild members have joined a 4 man guild team in an instanced heroic mission. titles are a bit of a problem because there not as infinite as numbers that something that I will have to think about but titles should not just be a single word its should be 2 or more, or it could be some type of guild wars “world” title in a charr language perhaps or a language in any of the other races in the game. Player with these heroic titles over time will gain recognition between all the classes and factions respected by good and feared by evil. I hope the use of titles will be use more strongly since it is what kept me playing through nightfall.
For a no lvl cap option on guild wars part I believe would show a true innovation in a mmo rgb games - and I believe guild wars and their dev team are the ones to do it. alot of other parameters will need to be looked at - stats and lvl will need to be closely looked at because lvl rise life and mana - they also can be assumed to rise stat points also but if it could be looked at as a separate entity then the no lvl-cap might work wonders – no lvl cap meaning no lvl at all, could be tackled with skills and how you use them and how often you use them and what you consistently do in the game - something like oblivion - but they still had lvls in that game and I’m talking about no lvl at all - if you use a skill or set of skills often then you will get better at that skill and that skill will improve in damage accurcy and range plus will it will acquire other modes of damage such as speed rate of fire also at much higher lvls of consistent usage they could have an % of stunning a target or like ryu's haadookin (that randomly turn to a red fire ball at some point) have a projectile weapon or melee weapon acquire fire magic damage on strike in a percentage casing more damage, the more you use it the more you will see fire come out the blade of your sword or even ice or some type of arcane magic. this will work even for non-attack skills if you have a running skill you use alot you will get faster of course, but it could down the line make you walk normal faster because all that running would have developed your legs or increased your stamina - if you have used this run skill for most of the game just by simply running through the world for just the hell of it, then I believe you should leave a trail of smoke behind you and then that smoke will then turn to fire at some point when you hit your highest speed - it will be cool if you have the runing skills base speed very a bit, as you can at some point wile runing on a long stride pick up speed past the base speed of your run skill, so then the smoke trail and trail blazing effects will happen at that point. the advantage of smoke could be the enemy can no longer see the player and it could shrink his line of sight of an enemy on the pve side or it could just blind him a bit making it very hard to target him even with magic bolts that seem to never miss in rgb games - smoke could also spread and turn into fog - that could give enemies be hind the runner the effect of being blinded or effecting there running ability slowing them down when there in the fog perusing the runner. if members or players can see these effects on higher players skill lvl then they will say wow I want to do that when I grow up. I have always though of gw as a skill based game - we had to use skills together to get through tuff missions and had to work together as a team and use skills of our different classes in such away so we could make it thought thos elite missions. I remember many times sacrificing my usual skill set that would have left me prone to die if another team mate didn’t use a skill on the supporting team to cover up that venerability so we could win as a team in a game of underworld or fow. I look forward to the expansion and gw2 and I don’t mind if its going to lvl-cap or no lvl-cap - I just want to see and look forward to something different and innovative in the next mmo rgb’s.
- Armor of Destiny
My thoughts on a lvl-cap. Levels mean nothing with out stats elevating - i think they should replace lvl numbers with titles for thos veteran players that have reached the lvl-cap. to get true recognition - these titles will change beyond the lvl-cap (if anet chooses to use lvls in numbers at all) - after a player reaches the lvl cap and ends the games story line, they need more challenging missions and quests to stay interested. these types of missions and quests can be labeled as heroic and these heroic missions and quests will change a player that has reached the lvl-cap and ended the games storyline in more ways then one – special titles will be gained for these heroic missions that will increase a players attribute points not life or mana - life and mana after the lvl cap can be increased easily with gear especially the gear that drops in these heroic missions and quests. the heroic missions are like missions that make you stronger in skill thus your title will change after completing these heroic missions. heroic missions should be random missions as they wont ever be the same the next time around and the map will also change around like in diablo2 but much better. heroic missions should also have some effect on the world and have a major effect on the underworld since heroic missions will take place in some other parallel universe . titles will ranged from how a player plays the game – there should also be 2 types of titles, a heroic title that you gain only by completing a heroic mission and these types of missions can only be entered once you reach the lvl cap and have ended the games storyline - also the heroic title is consistent and can remain on with normal titles such as light bringer - an heroic title also gives you stats in damage like the light bringer title and also there will be heroic skills that will become more powerful and these skills you will gain after each completion of a heroic mission - I believe there should be guild skills when more then 4 group together to do a heroic mission, there should be a guild skill acquired each time after 2 others guild members have joined a 4 man guild team in an instanced heroic mission. titles are a bit of a problem because there not as infinite as numbers that something that I will have to think about but titles should not just be a single word its should be 2 or more, or it could be some type of guild wars “world” title in a charr language perhaps or a language in any of the other races in the game. Player with these heroic titles over time will gain recognition between all the classes and factions respected by good and feared by evil. I hope the use of titles will be use more strongly since it is what kept me playing through nightfall.
For a no lvl cap option on guild wars part I believe would show a true innovation in a mmo rgb games - and I believe guild wars and their dev team are the ones to do it. alot of other parameters will need to be looked at - stats and lvl will need to be closely looked at because lvl rise life and mana - they also can be assumed to rise stat points also but if it could be looked at as a separate entity then the no lvl-cap might work wonders – no lvl cap meaning no lvl at all, could be tackled with skills and how you use them and how often you use them and what you consistently do in the game - something like oblivion - but they still had lvls in that game and I’m talking about no lvl at all - if you use a skill or set of skills often then you will get better at that skill and that skill will improve in damage accurcy and range plus will it will acquire other modes of damage such as speed rate of fire also at much higher lvls of consistent usage they could have an % of stunning a target or like ryu's haadookin (that randomly turn to a red fire ball at some point) have a projectile weapon or melee weapon acquire fire magic damage on strike in a percentage casing more damage, the more you use it the more you will see fire come out the blade of your sword or even ice or some type of arcane magic. this will work even for non-attack skills if you have a running skill you use alot you will get faster of course, but it could down the line make you walk normal faster because all that running would have developed your legs or increased your stamina - if you have used this run skill for most of the game just by simply running through the world for just the hell of it, then I believe you should leave a trail of smoke behind you and then that smoke will then turn to fire at some point when you hit your highest speed - it will be cool if you have the runing skills base speed very a bit, as you can at some point wile runing on a long stride pick up speed past the base speed of your run skill, so then the smoke trail and trail blazing effects will happen at that point. the advantage of smoke could be the enemy can no longer see the player and it could shrink his line of sight of an enemy on the pve side or it could just blind him a bit making it very hard to target him even with magic bolts that seem to never miss in rgb games - smoke could also spread and turn into fog - that could give enemies be hind the runner the effect of being blinded or effecting there running ability slowing them down when there in the fog perusing the runner. if members or players can see these effects on higher players skill lvl then they will say wow I want to do that when I grow up. I have always though of gw as a skill based game - we had to use skills together to get through tuff missions and had to work together as a team and use skills of our different classes in such away so we could make it thought thos elite missions. I remember many times sacrificing my usual skill set that would have left me prone to die if another team mate didn’t use a skill on the supporting team to cover up that venerability so we could win as a team in a game of underworld or fow. I look forward to the expansion and gw2 and I don’t mind if its going to lvl-cap or no lvl-cap - I just want to see and look forward to something different and innovative in the next mmo rgb’s.
- Armor of Destiny
Ion Soul
When I first came into the Guild Wars world (1 year ago? I think so.
) I looked on the fansites to see how to do stuff. Then I found the word 'Farming' and since the original game I played had the skill Farming in it. I was extremely excited at the thought of a game I could do stuff in with better graphics and maybe a larger content for skills (orginally I thought 'skills' referred to what I am talking about now >.<). As for my suggestion... I wish for Guild Wars 2 to contain Skills/Professions such as fishing, cooking, woodcutting, etc. for those who don't enjoy too much of combat. Whether there is a low level cap or a limitless level cap for the Skills/Professions I would be extremely happy.
And for those flamers out there please don't say something like "Well, if you don't like combat then why play a game with combat". It's just a suggestion that I think would bring in a larger population of players.
Sorry if this suggestion has already been put in.
Stuff for the Skills/Professions:
-Making new Armor!
-Making new types of food. Yumm!
-and Just having different things to do.

And for those flamers out there please don't say something like "Well, if you don't like combat then why play a game with combat". It's just a suggestion that I think would bring in a larger population of players.

Stuff for the Skills/Professions:
-Making new Armor!

-Making new types of food. Yumm!
-and Just having different things to do.

Dean Harper
1. I would like to see the lvl cap stay the same, at 20. That way, the attribute system would stay in place.
Mad King Corn
The biggest suggestion I can offer is to:
Please Keep PVE and PVP seperate!
You will please the majority of customers by doing this and you would end up with a product that will stand out and blow away the competition. I personally don't think I will purchase GW2 unless they are seperated. As a PVE player only, I have had my characters nerfed to death which resulted in a very dissappointing gaming experience for me.
Please Keep PVE and PVP seperate!
You will please the majority of customers by doing this and you would end up with a product that will stand out and blow away the competition. I personally don't think I will purchase GW2 unless they are seperated. As a PVE player only, I have had my characters nerfed to death which resulted in a very dissappointing gaming experience for me.
I think we should get to the pont here I had trouble reading your ideas was taking forever.
Thoughts and Improvements that i thought could be made for guild wars.
-Custom Interface skins
-Improved Graphics*
-less linear worlds (need BIG open green fields)
-integrate massive field battles.(like BIG alliance battles)
-support private and open world maps.
-offer more rewards for balthazar pts (like.. gold)
-Music needs to be more louder. (it seems to have a slow and sad feeling.kinda emo. it might be better if it seemed happier)
-New PvP arenas: Free For All, Same class vs Same Class.1v1 arena.
-npc that sells books on campaign history.
-being able to be a dwarves, elf, etc.. as a character.
-more emotes.such as /slap /surprised /angry
-still have support for dial up users
-additional guild hall stuff. book seller, a bar, house.
- PLEASE PLEASE fix the warriors so they don't look like giant steroid using ogres. very few people would have that much muscle. + the armor makes them look fat.(might look better as the warrior on your advertisements.)
*Increase Bloom quality (it's really dim) as well as supporting HDR.
*Support Anti Aliasing 6x.
*if possible, add ragdolls.(like a meteor shower knocking bodies into the air..)
*improve detail on armor/character. (some of the armor's look pretty blurred even with max settings)
*fix some of the skies to not look soo dark.
*some way to fix the scale to be able to see the sky alot more easier.(i'm finding that i'm staring at the ground more often just to target ppl.)
*most likely, it will all be improved in GW 2 right?
Additional story possibilities:
since guild wars 2 is coming out and is based 100 years later, i'm guessing an Engineer class would be availiable.(just by looking at ppl's votes) If possible, i believe in a fantasy sense, that either islands or ships would be able to fly in the air (dwarves create this. they're like engineers aren't they?). With that, you can have quests in the skies. There'd be a threat to the whole of the world and the threat is located in the skies. the only way to get there would be to get a passage into the sky and vanquish the evil would be to use a dwarven ship. But that could be a near-ending for that. the beginning could start off with 5 or so cultures and kingdoms stuck in a new "Guild Wars" event. They do not realize the danger that is about to become if they keep on ignoring the threat in the sky while they are fighting below. Guild's are constantly fighting over large plains of land for their kingdom's control of land. I think the kingdoms could be the north and western parts of tyria. Ascalon could be green again and their kingdom restored to grgeat power.. with green fields, castles, and towns abundant. Kryta still remains a high power even after the White Mantle conflict. The white mantle were disbanded and the krytans have merged with some of the ascalon refugees 100 years back. 3 other new kingdoms emerge, similar to ascalons. One of the kingdoms could be that dwarven kingdom (an extension to the shiverpeaks. the dwarves have a brother kingdom.) So in some sense, the kingdoms of tyria are having a Guild War with the kingdoms north and west of them. A hero will emerge and is possibly a descendant from a hero 100 years ago. The canthans and Elonians still have contact with the northern kingdoms.. they will probably have some role in being neutral and working on helping the hero fight the threat. The newest god "Kormir" could possibly serve the engineers? i believe that there might be another god as well so it can support new classes. The books i suggested could be for gw2 and gw1. In gw2 it might be lacking the looks of the past GW 1, so with books, people can learn of the conflict 100 years back. (veterans might find this funny when they think back to their time in gw 1). I definately think that more npcs should be added so it matches with the rebuilt kingdoms. the cities will be abundant with ppl walking around, merchants selling their wares, rugs, merchandise, running children.. etc.. Alot more work with the kingdom's people as well. like.. having alot mroe quests with Soldiers from the kingdoms. There would be gigantic castles which are explorable and as well as could be the new guild halls. although i think all of the giant things can be cpu and graphics card intensive, i suggest two formats in which people with slower and faster hardware can play with. (think of call of duty 2 with direct x7 and direct x9 support). so in some sense, the graphics can include the original guild wars type which most ppl should be able to use, and an advanced form which support more of the modern graphics cards and hardware. thus both slower and faster hardware players can benefit. low bandwidth servers also keep players happy. recececntly, lag has occured alot more often because of updates.
so what has happened to the kingdoms the past 100 years?
my guess:
Ascalon has gained a king as Rurik's descendant. The kingdom had greatly improved after the char invasion and the char had been driven away after years of fighting. The fields are no longer war torn nor covered with the stench of blood. The grass had grown back, the sun shining brightly on a reborn kingdom. Castles can be seen across the land as a symbol of Ascalon's reborn power. New ampitheatres have allowed legendary Vabbian actors to entertain the Ascalonian populate. But they keep forgetting their lines when it comes to re-creating Rurik's heroic trek across the shiverpeaks. (a new party of Ascalonians have risen to help the hero. their names are Bhenlo(mhenlo), Eva(eve), Cynthia(cynn), Elana(devona), Eidan(aidan). i made this up just for fun)
The White Mantle have been disbanded after Confessor Dorian's death. The people have taken power again and have greatly improved their trade relations with elona and cantha. Their kingdom had increased and stretched far. Descendants of the Shining Blade (i think that's what they were called) had helped the kingdom get back to a greatly known power again.
Shiverpeak Dwarves:
They have managed to drive out most of the Stone Summit dwarves from Sorrow's Furnace and have begun building a large kingdom. With the help of their northern dwarven brothers, they have been able to build large structures in a very short time. Their views have widened since 100 years back and have been granting passage for fellow humans across the mountains.
Crystal Desert populace:
Of course, the crystal desert has been empty for quite some time.. Elonian scolars and Dervishes started to populate the Crystal Desert in search of past clues and ascension. Glint Had somehow seemed to have gone "missing" ever since after the death of the lich.(glint could possibly help the hero in the skies? that's why she could be missing. like.. the hero could find her on the ground wounded. and learns from her what's going on etc..)
Cantha had changed quite alot since 100 years before. The Kurzicks and Luxons have once again joined together in brotherhood and started to disperse among the Canthan population. With Shiro's death, the jade sea and the Echovald Forest had become normal again (although it doesn't show in the first game). Because of the hero's efforts, the empire was one again. Their relations with Ascalon and Kryta have improved greatly. The Canthan embassy in Ascalon had re-opened. Now Cantha is known as one of the greatest trading Empires ever since the luxons joined their ranks. The kurzicks keep scribes of the 100 years past as well as improve the looks of Kaineng. Their improved trade relations and constant traveling, have allowed them to keep contact with Elona's Whispers.Suun's descendant has the same profession as his grandfather. it's still as interruptive as his grandfather was. Shing Jea Monastery had become an icon among the empire and every emperor had the desire to learn from there.
Elona has grown back to their old roots of Kourna, Vabbi, and Istan. Although they're still separated, they are brotherly allies. Their new patron god is Kormir and they have managed to re-populate the old ancient city of Faranhur. Their combined wealth of vabbi, military of kourna, and trade of istan, have allowed Elona as a whole to grant these three provinces great improvement. Master of the Whipsers had been unheard of since after Abbadon's downfall. He mysteriously went into exile as his "mission" was complete. however, the rest of the organization still roams elona and collects outside info on worldly affairs. The minotaurs have been coexisting with the humans but still haven't gotten rid of that "Two-Legs" talk.
Eye of the North:
i have no idea. it didn't come out when i wrote this.
but yeah, Gw2 could definately remind us of what the "Guild Wars" was by re-creating the conflict. but instead have it with kingdoms north , west , and east of tyria.
How the classes would change:
Warrior: Warriors have gained a greater amount of numbers as troops were needed for a new guild war. Their armor can vary from late medieval to renaissance era armor.
(needs to be greatly improved since they became weaker after the nightfall campaign.)Knights and royalty are in these numbers of strong warriors. They have relied more on technique than brute strength nowadays.
Monk: the usual.
Mesmer: With their exquisite attire, they have gained great fame from acting in Ascalon's great theatres. They constantly shop for new trends in outfits.
Necromancer: Although Necromancy had been somewhat despised by the people, secret guilds have been training more often in necromancy and have improved since 100 years ago.
Ranger: Rangers are the first line of defense when it comes to defending their great castles. They have been also greatly increased due to the new guild war. They have also been using crossbows in some cases. but most trraditional users use a bow.
Elementalist: They are the main type of casters in the populace these 100 years after the first guild wars. Many young apprentices have joined the Mages Guilds in order to become elementalists. They are a 2nd line of defense. Most are guarding royal chambers.
Assassin: Assassins have been used frequently nowadays in order to combat Guilds. Guild leaders have been assassinated many times and the use of the assassin has not decreased at all.
Ritualist: Most ritualists have increased in Cantha as a way to study spirits. Their combat expertise has greatly increased as well. They come from Cantha's shing Jea Monestery.
Dervish: Dervishes have been wandering around the Crystal desert in search of ascension and as well as have been trying to find the Tomb of Primeval Kings. They have also included a new avatar. Kormir.
Paragon: Paragons have thrown away their antique armor and were forced into the military as they were helpful to the legions of troops. the Northern kingdoms have started to incorporate paragons as Captains of platoons.
The hero: His/her fame has not been forgotten. After 100 years past, a new hero will emerge with the soul of the hero that saved the world 100 years ago.
Class Fixes:
Warrior: I think this one definately needs a rebuild or something. maybe perhaps. better armor. Because it's high defense armor is starting to become useless. and when they don't have enough offense (sword warriors) they can't kill as fast either. so they're ending up like peasants to a slaughter. I really think there should be either better armor, or more defensive skills.
Assassin: Could use some skills to help them out in PVE. they're fine in pvp. The BoA sins are annoying, but that matches their profession. Assassin's kill quick and surprisingly.
Paragon: they need some better skills that makes them unique(like dervishes using avatars). it's also hard to solo with them as well.
Mesmer: They'll need slightly better armor.
Every other class: they're ok.
I DO hope this gets to the guild wars staff in some way and they could listen to some of my suggestions as i really enjoy guild wars and it could have big future with new storylines and gameplay. GUILD WARS #1!!!
-Custom Interface skins
-Improved Graphics*
-less linear worlds (need BIG open green fields)
-integrate massive field battles.(like BIG alliance battles)
-support private and open world maps.
-offer more rewards for balthazar pts (like.. gold)
-Music needs to be more louder. (it seems to have a slow and sad feeling.kinda emo. it might be better if it seemed happier)
-New PvP arenas: Free For All, Same class vs Same Class.1v1 arena.
-npc that sells books on campaign history.
-being able to be a dwarves, elf, etc.. as a character.
-more emotes.such as /slap /surprised /angry
-still have support for dial up users
-additional guild hall stuff. book seller, a bar, house.
- PLEASE PLEASE fix the warriors so they don't look like giant steroid using ogres. very few people would have that much muscle. + the armor makes them look fat.(might look better as the warrior on your advertisements.)
*Increase Bloom quality (it's really dim) as well as supporting HDR.
*Support Anti Aliasing 6x.
*if possible, add ragdolls.(like a meteor shower knocking bodies into the air..)
*improve detail on armor/character. (some of the armor's look pretty blurred even with max settings)
*fix some of the skies to not look soo dark.
*some way to fix the scale to be able to see the sky alot more easier.(i'm finding that i'm staring at the ground more often just to target ppl.)
*most likely, it will all be improved in GW 2 right?
Additional story possibilities:
since guild wars 2 is coming out and is based 100 years later, i'm guessing an Engineer class would be availiable.(just by looking at ppl's votes) If possible, i believe in a fantasy sense, that either islands or ships would be able to fly in the air (dwarves create this. they're like engineers aren't they?). With that, you can have quests in the skies. There'd be a threat to the whole of the world and the threat is located in the skies. the only way to get there would be to get a passage into the sky and vanquish the evil would be to use a dwarven ship. But that could be a near-ending for that. the beginning could start off with 5 or so cultures and kingdoms stuck in a new "Guild Wars" event. They do not realize the danger that is about to become if they keep on ignoring the threat in the sky while they are fighting below. Guild's are constantly fighting over large plains of land for their kingdom's control of land. I think the kingdoms could be the north and western parts of tyria. Ascalon could be green again and their kingdom restored to grgeat power.. with green fields, castles, and towns abundant. Kryta still remains a high power even after the White Mantle conflict. The white mantle were disbanded and the krytans have merged with some of the ascalon refugees 100 years back. 3 other new kingdoms emerge, similar to ascalons. One of the kingdoms could be that dwarven kingdom (an extension to the shiverpeaks. the dwarves have a brother kingdom.) So in some sense, the kingdoms of tyria are having a Guild War with the kingdoms north and west of them. A hero will emerge and is possibly a descendant from a hero 100 years ago. The canthans and Elonians still have contact with the northern kingdoms.. they will probably have some role in being neutral and working on helping the hero fight the threat. The newest god "Kormir" could possibly serve the engineers? i believe that there might be another god as well so it can support new classes. The books i suggested could be for gw2 and gw1. In gw2 it might be lacking the looks of the past GW 1, so with books, people can learn of the conflict 100 years back. (veterans might find this funny when they think back to their time in gw 1). I definately think that more npcs should be added so it matches with the rebuilt kingdoms. the cities will be abundant with ppl walking around, merchants selling their wares, rugs, merchandise, running children.. etc.. Alot more work with the kingdom's people as well. like.. having alot mroe quests with Soldiers from the kingdoms. There would be gigantic castles which are explorable and as well as could be the new guild halls. although i think all of the giant things can be cpu and graphics card intensive, i suggest two formats in which people with slower and faster hardware can play with. (think of call of duty 2 with direct x7 and direct x9 support). so in some sense, the graphics can include the original guild wars type which most ppl should be able to use, and an advanced form which support more of the modern graphics cards and hardware. thus both slower and faster hardware players can benefit. low bandwidth servers also keep players happy. recececntly, lag has occured alot more often because of updates.
so what has happened to the kingdoms the past 100 years?
my guess:
Ascalon has gained a king as Rurik's descendant. The kingdom had greatly improved after the char invasion and the char had been driven away after years of fighting. The fields are no longer war torn nor covered with the stench of blood. The grass had grown back, the sun shining brightly on a reborn kingdom. Castles can be seen across the land as a symbol of Ascalon's reborn power. New ampitheatres have allowed legendary Vabbian actors to entertain the Ascalonian populate. But they keep forgetting their lines when it comes to re-creating Rurik's heroic trek across the shiverpeaks. (a new party of Ascalonians have risen to help the hero. their names are Bhenlo(mhenlo), Eva(eve), Cynthia(cynn), Elana(devona), Eidan(aidan). i made this up just for fun)
The White Mantle have been disbanded after Confessor Dorian's death. The people have taken power again and have greatly improved their trade relations with elona and cantha. Their kingdom had increased and stretched far. Descendants of the Shining Blade (i think that's what they were called) had helped the kingdom get back to a greatly known power again.
Shiverpeak Dwarves:
They have managed to drive out most of the Stone Summit dwarves from Sorrow's Furnace and have begun building a large kingdom. With the help of their northern dwarven brothers, they have been able to build large structures in a very short time. Their views have widened since 100 years back and have been granting passage for fellow humans across the mountains.
Crystal Desert populace:
Of course, the crystal desert has been empty for quite some time.. Elonian scolars and Dervishes started to populate the Crystal Desert in search of past clues and ascension. Glint Had somehow seemed to have gone "missing" ever since after the death of the lich.(glint could possibly help the hero in the skies? that's why she could be missing. like.. the hero could find her on the ground wounded. and learns from her what's going on etc..)
Cantha had changed quite alot since 100 years before. The Kurzicks and Luxons have once again joined together in brotherhood and started to disperse among the Canthan population. With Shiro's death, the jade sea and the Echovald Forest had become normal again (although it doesn't show in the first game). Because of the hero's efforts, the empire was one again. Their relations with Ascalon and Kryta have improved greatly. The Canthan embassy in Ascalon had re-opened. Now Cantha is known as one of the greatest trading Empires ever since the luxons joined their ranks. The kurzicks keep scribes of the 100 years past as well as improve the looks of Kaineng. Their improved trade relations and constant traveling, have allowed them to keep contact with Elona's Whispers.Suun's descendant has the same profession as his grandfather. it's still as interruptive as his grandfather was. Shing Jea Monastery had become an icon among the empire and every emperor had the desire to learn from there.
Elona has grown back to their old roots of Kourna, Vabbi, and Istan. Although they're still separated, they are brotherly allies. Their new patron god is Kormir and they have managed to re-populate the old ancient city of Faranhur. Their combined wealth of vabbi, military of kourna, and trade of istan, have allowed Elona as a whole to grant these three provinces great improvement. Master of the Whipsers had been unheard of since after Abbadon's downfall. He mysteriously went into exile as his "mission" was complete. however, the rest of the organization still roams elona and collects outside info on worldly affairs. The minotaurs have been coexisting with the humans but still haven't gotten rid of that "Two-Legs" talk.
Eye of the North:
i have no idea. it didn't come out when i wrote this.
but yeah, Gw2 could definately remind us of what the "Guild Wars" was by re-creating the conflict. but instead have it with kingdoms north , west , and east of tyria.
How the classes would change:
Warrior: Warriors have gained a greater amount of numbers as troops were needed for a new guild war. Their armor can vary from late medieval to renaissance era armor.
(needs to be greatly improved since they became weaker after the nightfall campaign.)Knights and royalty are in these numbers of strong warriors. They have relied more on technique than brute strength nowadays.
Monk: the usual.
Mesmer: With their exquisite attire, they have gained great fame from acting in Ascalon's great theatres. They constantly shop for new trends in outfits.
Necromancer: Although Necromancy had been somewhat despised by the people, secret guilds have been training more often in necromancy and have improved since 100 years ago.
Ranger: Rangers are the first line of defense when it comes to defending their great castles. They have been also greatly increased due to the new guild war. They have also been using crossbows in some cases. but most trraditional users use a bow.
Elementalist: They are the main type of casters in the populace these 100 years after the first guild wars. Many young apprentices have joined the Mages Guilds in order to become elementalists. They are a 2nd line of defense. Most are guarding royal chambers.
Assassin: Assassins have been used frequently nowadays in order to combat Guilds. Guild leaders have been assassinated many times and the use of the assassin has not decreased at all.
Ritualist: Most ritualists have increased in Cantha as a way to study spirits. Their combat expertise has greatly increased as well. They come from Cantha's shing Jea Monestery.
Dervish: Dervishes have been wandering around the Crystal desert in search of ascension and as well as have been trying to find the Tomb of Primeval Kings. They have also included a new avatar. Kormir.
Paragon: Paragons have thrown away their antique armor and were forced into the military as they were helpful to the legions of troops. the Northern kingdoms have started to incorporate paragons as Captains of platoons.
The hero: His/her fame has not been forgotten. After 100 years past, a new hero will emerge with the soul of the hero that saved the world 100 years ago.
Class Fixes:
Warrior: I think this one definately needs a rebuild or something. maybe perhaps. better armor. Because it's high defense armor is starting to become useless. and when they don't have enough offense (sword warriors) they can't kill as fast either. so they're ending up like peasants to a slaughter. I really think there should be either better armor, or more defensive skills.
Assassin: Could use some skills to help them out in PVE. they're fine in pvp. The BoA sins are annoying, but that matches their profession. Assassin's kill quick and surprisingly.
Paragon: they need some better skills that makes them unique(like dervishes using avatars). it's also hard to solo with them as well.
Mesmer: They'll need slightly better armor.
Every other class: they're ok.
I DO hope this gets to the guild wars staff in some way and they could listen to some of my suggestions as i really enjoy guild wars and it could have big future with new storylines and gameplay. GUILD WARS #1!!!
bamm bamm bamm
And of course the most important suggestion ever... a remix of the original theme.
Come on Anet, you know it makes sense.
Come on Anet, you know it makes sense.

i want guild wars 2 to be able to do quest for skills
I think there should be more physics in the game overall. My warrior should be able to bull-rush an enemy and knock him off a ledge. The huge fireball that exploded right next to me should have a chance of sending me flying. Maybe some adding movement and navigation to combat would make things a lot more interesting. Sure, the big old ogre is scary, but he'd be a lot threatening if he could grab me and fling me into a wall for massive damage.
As far as classes go, I think they should keep their lettered abbreviations, but they could have unique names, at least partially. A human Warrior is just a Warrior, but a Charr Warrior is a Brute. A Charr Mesmer is a Chaot, etc.
A few race-exclusive skills wouldn't hurt either.
Finally, current system of weapon mods, attachments, insignias and runes is cool, but makes things seem a bit too modular. I think in GW2, this sort of thing should be relegated to crafter/vendor items. Loot should more often be unique, or at least more difficult to modify. I do, however, think we should be allowed cosmetic modifications to weapons. I mean, how cool would it be if I could choose if my breastplate was dented and torn, bloodsmeared, shiny, patched-together, or highly decorated? That would add a ton of variety to characters' appearances. A personal symbol I could inscribe on my equipment would also be cool.
As far as classes go, I think they should keep their lettered abbreviations, but they could have unique names, at least partially. A human Warrior is just a Warrior, but a Charr Warrior is a Brute. A Charr Mesmer is a Chaot, etc.
A few race-exclusive skills wouldn't hurt either.
Finally, current system of weapon mods, attachments, insignias and runes is cool, but makes things seem a bit too modular. I think in GW2, this sort of thing should be relegated to crafter/vendor items. Loot should more often be unique, or at least more difficult to modify. I do, however, think we should be allowed cosmetic modifications to weapons. I mean, how cool would it be if I could choose if my breastplate was dented and torn, bloodsmeared, shiny, patched-together, or highly decorated? That would add a ton of variety to characters' appearances. A personal symbol I could inscribe on my equipment would also be cool.
Father Blood
Ok I just got done reading the may pc gamer, and I hope to see these things in gw2.
MY BIGGEST BEEF WITH GW!! MOVEMENT! I saw that there will be better movement, i.e. swimming, climbing, jumping, that sort of stuff. This is one of my huge complaints of gw. Please make it so your player can climb up the top of mountains, or cross a river, and they wont get stuck by a 1 inch twig on the ground that makes him go around. I like how in WoW, if you push foward, your character goes foward. If there is a cliff, he jumps over it and falls, if there is a mountain, he climbs it, if there is water, he swims thru it. Not like in gw where ur stuck walking on pre-determined routes.
Next: SAME CRAP ARMOR STATS FOR 2 YEARS: Please give us better equipement and armor. I hate the fact that I've been playing this game for 2 years, and I get stuck with the same damn armor stats as someone who just started 2 days ago. Give me something that not only looks differn't but will actually improve my stats! (I understand your worried about pvp, you want to keep everyone as equal as possible and let the builds decide, but cmon, look at the pve side (which is supposed to be a bigger concern then pvp anyway, but we wont start that arguement right now) of it too, and make some kind way you can have both)
Next: AUCTION HOUSE: This is detailed in another thread on these forums and in about every suggestion I have read, and everyone is trying to get it in EotN or as an update for right now. That would get GREAT!!! but....if its not possible, please just copy WoW's auction house and put it in gw2. IT IS VERY MUCH NEEDED!
STORAGE! Hello!?!? Why am I forced to use my pvp characters as mules to carry stuff? I have to buy them bags and runes to double their bags, and then stuff them full of stuff from my pve guys, then have to memorize where I put everything, and have to log off and on when I want to try and sell something or get something for another character, then always worry about deleting a pvp character b/c he has tons of my stuff on him. Bottom line is, people find ways of storeing more stuff then your stupid 1 box storage chest! So just save us the hastle and make our storage box bigger! Or, how about your own house at your guild hall? A place where you can store an endless ammount of stuff?
Rewards for countless hours in GW1: I read about being able to pass down stuff from gw1 to gw2. Please give us more then just titles and mini pets! At the very least give us weapons and armor also. And I know your going to say no, but it would be nice to transfer our characters level and hard earned skills, especially if there is going to be a 100+ level cap or no level cap at all.
ANNOYING HEROS AND HENCHIES: Am I the only one who is just kinda getting sick of them? Your really improving them and all, and thats great. But.... I feel that the more you improve them, the more that people just want to play with their heros and not other people. When it was just henchies, on hard missions it would always require a real group, because real people are better. But now with heros, and their insane interupts and completely controlable weapons armor and skills, people are using them instead of other real people. Can you limit it to maybe 1 hero per person in a quest?
1 on 1 DUELING: Put in a dueling part!! Dammit!! I want to 1 on 1 someone every once in a while. It would be better if you could do it like in WoW where you can challenge anyone anywhere, but.... if you have to make a certain "area" where u can duel, that would be fine too.
World vs. World Worrys! The whole differn't worlds and World vs World pvp is worrying me. I see 1 world that is ALWAYS FULL, and impossible to get into, and the other two really sucking with no one playing in them.
That doesnt even begin to take in account that the really full world, will have half of the people not even speaking english cuz they are chinese or korean.
I could probably keep going but it's saturday night, and I have to get ready to go out, so I'll leave it with that much for now. I can only hope someone at gw actually read all that, I know it was pretty long.
MY BIGGEST BEEF WITH GW!! MOVEMENT! I saw that there will be better movement, i.e. swimming, climbing, jumping, that sort of stuff. This is one of my huge complaints of gw. Please make it so your player can climb up the top of mountains, or cross a river, and they wont get stuck by a 1 inch twig on the ground that makes him go around. I like how in WoW, if you push foward, your character goes foward. If there is a cliff, he jumps over it and falls, if there is a mountain, he climbs it, if there is water, he swims thru it. Not like in gw where ur stuck walking on pre-determined routes.
Next: SAME CRAP ARMOR STATS FOR 2 YEARS: Please give us better equipement and armor. I hate the fact that I've been playing this game for 2 years, and I get stuck with the same damn armor stats as someone who just started 2 days ago. Give me something that not only looks differn't but will actually improve my stats! (I understand your worried about pvp, you want to keep everyone as equal as possible and let the builds decide, but cmon, look at the pve side (which is supposed to be a bigger concern then pvp anyway, but we wont start that arguement right now) of it too, and make some kind way you can have both)
Next: AUCTION HOUSE: This is detailed in another thread on these forums and in about every suggestion I have read, and everyone is trying to get it in EotN or as an update for right now. That would get GREAT!!! but....if its not possible, please just copy WoW's auction house and put it in gw2. IT IS VERY MUCH NEEDED!
STORAGE! Hello!?!? Why am I forced to use my pvp characters as mules to carry stuff? I have to buy them bags and runes to double their bags, and then stuff them full of stuff from my pve guys, then have to memorize where I put everything, and have to log off and on when I want to try and sell something or get something for another character, then always worry about deleting a pvp character b/c he has tons of my stuff on him. Bottom line is, people find ways of storeing more stuff then your stupid 1 box storage chest! So just save us the hastle and make our storage box bigger! Or, how about your own house at your guild hall? A place where you can store an endless ammount of stuff?
Rewards for countless hours in GW1: I read about being able to pass down stuff from gw1 to gw2. Please give us more then just titles and mini pets! At the very least give us weapons and armor also. And I know your going to say no, but it would be nice to transfer our characters level and hard earned skills, especially if there is going to be a 100+ level cap or no level cap at all.
ANNOYING HEROS AND HENCHIES: Am I the only one who is just kinda getting sick of them? Your really improving them and all, and thats great. But.... I feel that the more you improve them, the more that people just want to play with their heros and not other people. When it was just henchies, on hard missions it would always require a real group, because real people are better. But now with heros, and their insane interupts and completely controlable weapons armor and skills, people are using them instead of other real people. Can you limit it to maybe 1 hero per person in a quest?
1 on 1 DUELING: Put in a dueling part!! Dammit!! I want to 1 on 1 someone every once in a while. It would be better if you could do it like in WoW where you can challenge anyone anywhere, but.... if you have to make a certain "area" where u can duel, that would be fine too.
World vs. World Worrys! The whole differn't worlds and World vs World pvp is worrying me. I see 1 world that is ALWAYS FULL, and impossible to get into, and the other two really sucking with no one playing in them.
That doesnt even begin to take in account that the really full world, will have half of the people not even speaking english cuz they are chinese or korean.
I could probably keep going but it's saturday night, and I have to get ready to go out, so I'll leave it with that much for now. I can only hope someone at gw actually read all that, I know it was pretty long.
Why not just let them make the game the way they want for once and just let the patches, updates etc decide the future.. for once! I know I got a suggestion about travelling for CURRENT guild wars. But all these suggestions, make up store, hairstyler, blablabla are driving me, and not only me, nuts.
*Votes for ANET to decide all comming changes/updates to GW2*
Imo, new game, new rules.
Give the game a chance before making all these suggestions, have you guys even played it yet? No.
If you want and or are worried that GW2 wont satisfy your needs there are always game making programs where you can make your own game..
At least give it a chance before reading and getting all worried becouse it SAYS so on a paper..
Whitestarzero's comment>
-Custom Interface skins -WoW?!
-Improved Graphics*
-less linear worlds (need BIG open green fields) -Solution: WoW
-integrate massive field battles.(like BIG alliance battles) -Solution:WoW
-support private and open world maps.
-offer more rewards for balthazar pts (like.. gold) -Solution: You can farm gold
-Music needs to be more louder. (it seems to have a slow and sad feeling.kinda emo. it might be better if it seemed happier) -Solution:EMO?! EMO is what Ive heard, metal and that kinda stuff, Guild Wars got classic music. And to solve that, theres always winamp..)
-New PvP arenas: Free For All, Same class vs Same Class.1v1 arena.
-npc that sells books on campaign history.
-being able to be a dwarves, elf, etc.. as a character.
-Solution:Asura, Norns, Charrs are the classes in GW2
-more emotes.such as /slap /surprised /angry -WoW
-still have support for dial up users
-additional guild hall stuff. book seller, a bar, house.
-Solution: (Bar = WoW, Book seller too, and a house in a hall would look odd o_o)
Easy solutions for those "problems" go play WoW ^^
And if anyone thinks GW is like or will be like WoW.. imo your wrong, Guild Wars is a game of its own and if you are a big fan you dont see it for anything else or compare it to anything else.
Over N out.
*Votes for ANET to decide all comming changes/updates to GW2*
Imo, new game, new rules.
Give the game a chance before making all these suggestions, have you guys even played it yet? No.
If you want and or are worried that GW2 wont satisfy your needs there are always game making programs where you can make your own game..
At least give it a chance before reading and getting all worried becouse it SAYS so on a paper..
Whitestarzero's comment>
-Custom Interface skins -WoW?!
-Improved Graphics*
-less linear worlds (need BIG open green fields) -Solution: WoW
-integrate massive field battles.(like BIG alliance battles) -Solution:WoW
-support private and open world maps.
-offer more rewards for balthazar pts (like.. gold) -Solution: You can farm gold
-Music needs to be more louder. (it seems to have a slow and sad feeling.kinda emo. it might be better if it seemed happier) -Solution:EMO?! EMO is what Ive heard, metal and that kinda stuff, Guild Wars got classic music. And to solve that, theres always winamp..)
-New PvP arenas: Free For All, Same class vs Same Class.1v1 arena.
-npc that sells books on campaign history.
-being able to be a dwarves, elf, etc.. as a character.
-Solution:Asura, Norns, Charrs are the classes in GW2
-more emotes.such as /slap /surprised /angry -WoW
-still have support for dial up users
-additional guild hall stuff. book seller, a bar, house.
-Solution: (Bar = WoW, Book seller too, and a house in a hall would look odd o_o)
Easy solutions for those "problems" go play WoW ^^
And if anyone thinks GW is like or will be like WoW.. imo your wrong, Guild Wars is a game of its own and if you are a big fan you dont see it for anything else or compare it to anything else.
Over N out.
-Jeremy Soule's music
-Movement in 3 dimensions
-ability to climb ledges, ladders, etc. and jump down for more damage due to hgiher g-forces
-physics engine? (like in Aion)
-optimization of engine so I get higher fps (using fmod was a step towards this)
-taking the crappy drm stuff out out of directsong bonus tracks, since it adds about 10 seconds of load time. I like the CDs better because of this, but the collectors edition bonus tracks are only available in 128kbps wmvs. They ought to have it on the CDs themselves.
-build community, people are getting so rude nowadays on the internet
Yomi layers as a balancing mechanism for the game's skills/professions
( ;
-Jeremy Soule's music
-Movement in 3 dimensions
-ability to climb ledges, ladders, etc. and jump down for more damage due to hgiher g-forces
-physics engine? (like in Aion)
-optimization of engine so I get higher fps (using fmod was a step towards this)
-taking the crappy drm stuff out out of directsong bonus tracks, since it adds about 10 seconds of load time. I like the CDs better because of this, but the collectors edition bonus tracks are only available in 128kbps wmvs. They ought to have it on the CDs themselves.
-build community, people are getting so rude nowadays on the internet
Yomi layers as a balancing mechanism for the game's skills/professions
( ;
Originally Posted by Batmaniii
Why not just let them make the game the way they want for once and just let the patches, updates etc decide the future.. for once! I know I got a suggestion about travelling for CURRENT guild wars. But all these suggestions, make up store, hairstyler, blablabla are driving me, and not only me, nuts.
*Votes for ANET to decide all comming changes/updates to GW2* Imo, new game, new rules. Give the game a chance before making all these suggestions, have you guys even played it yet? No. If you want and or are worried that GW2 wont satisfy your needs there are always game making programs where you can make your own game.. At least give it a chance before reading and getting all worried becouse it SAYS so on a paper.. AND EDIT: Whitestarzero's comment> -Custom Interface skins -WoW?! -Improved Graphics* -less linear worlds (need BIG open green fields) -Solution: WoW -integrate massive field battles.(like BIG alliance battles) -Solution:WoW -support private and open world maps. -offer more rewards for balthazar pts (like.. gold) -Solution: You can farm gold -Music needs to be more louder. (it seems to have a slow and sad feeling.kinda emo. it might be better if it seemed happier) -Solution:EMO?! EMO is what Ive heard, metal and that kinda stuff, Guild Wars got classic music. And to solve that, theres always winamp..) -New PvP arenas: Free For All, Same class vs Same Class.1v1 arena. -npc that sells books on campaign history. -being able to be a dwarves, elf, etc.. as a character. -Solution:Asura, Norns, Charrs are the classes in GW2 -more emotes.such as /slap /surprised /angry -WoW -still have support for dial up users -additional guild hall stuff. book seller, a bar, house. -Solution: (Bar = WoW, Book seller too, and a house in a hall would look odd o_o) Easy solutions for those "problems" go play WoW ^^ And if anyone thinks GW is like or will be like WoW.. imo your wrong, Guild Wars is a game of its own and if you are a big fan you dont see it for anything else or compare it to anything else. Over N out. |
isn't it better to not critisize other people's suggestions? if it's driving you nuts, then make suggestions without dissing other people's suggestions. It's true that the game hasn't been made yet, but there's a reason why this is a suggestion forum is it not? people give their ideas for on how they think guild wars can be improved and possibly how guild wars 2 can be built. If guild wars decides on making a game by themselves, then isn't that just ignoring the public opinion? forums are places where people can share their ideas. guild wars was meant for the people is it not? forums were the area where the people can give guild wars their ideas. guild wars wouldn't really improve if the guild wars staff did it alone. that's how most other rpgs and mmo's have lost. I'm not voicing my ideas for WoW. in fact, i've never played it. i've only played guild wars and i think it could be really improved if it listens to what the public say. nice of you to inform me of what's WoW or what's not. but don't diss it like you don't like it.
with regards to 1 on 1 duelling you can do that already at your guildhall
invite someone and then activate a scrimage
invite someone and then activate a scrimage
here comes all my suggestions.
i dont know if you guys olready tought about this, but it would be great if you could add all the Remaining continents,isles,lands to GW2. And all the old bosses aswell. Including the weapons.
as for the new stuff, it would be great if every enemy had a slightly improved AI. So that they laugh at you when you die or are about to die.
Some of them should be cowardly, And some of them are crazy.
Every boss should have their own Unique Skills, wich you cant take from them.
And let every monster have their own biography in a book or as a reward for killing them.
Warriors shouldnt be So damn large. Make them less brutish.
Dervishes look fine as they are. As for paragons, nothing concerns me.
everyone else looks fine.
and the last suggestion is the graphics. But i guess the almighty Annet takes care of that.
Hit me with a book for spelling or if these ideas lacked your interests
i dont know if you guys olready tought about this, but it would be great if you could add all the Remaining continents,isles,lands to GW2. And all the old bosses aswell. Including the weapons.
as for the new stuff, it would be great if every enemy had a slightly improved AI. So that they laugh at you when you die or are about to die.
Some of them should be cowardly, And some of them are crazy.
Every boss should have their own Unique Skills, wich you cant take from them.
And let every monster have their own biography in a book or as a reward for killing them.
Warriors shouldnt be So damn large. Make them less brutish.
Dervishes look fine as they are. As for paragons, nothing concerns me.
everyone else looks fine.
and the last suggestion is the graphics. But i guess the almighty Annet takes care of that.
Hit me with a book for spelling or if these ideas lacked your interests
One thing i cannot stress enough is the need to bringover collectors editions that i have from this one. The fact that i have a Divine aura is one of the few things that sets me apart showing the fact that i'm a veteran to Guild Wars (It also is a good chance to fool newbies into thinking i'm Rank 50 or something hehe)
But like i would hate to see that everyone gets a chance to get this, because then while yes, i do have the original, everyone would have the same thing, and for all people know i could just be some newbie who got the collectors edition.
It would be nice if the CE from other expansions were brought over also, to include Factions and Nightfall (I got factions CE, but not Nightfall)
Even if the new CE for guild wars 2 gives the exact same thing, maybe just something different would be nice, just anything that is noticeable, and can prove that i've been around that long.
But like i would hate to see that everyone gets a chance to get this, because then while yes, i do have the original, everyone would have the same thing, and for all people know i could just be some newbie who got the collectors edition.
It would be nice if the CE from other expansions were brought over also, to include Factions and Nightfall (I got factions CE, but not Nightfall)
Even if the new CE for guild wars 2 gives the exact same thing, maybe just something different would be nice, just anything that is noticeable, and can prove that i've been around that long.
After 500+ hours on 9 characters for 23 months (All three chapters) as of tonight, I would like to see:
#1 - Adaptable gameplay. If I wanna go out and explore with another person, I should be able to. If I wanna go fight baddies with 7 other people I should be able too. Flexibility would be amazing. I don't ALWAYS wanna have to take 8 people with me and fight group after group after group. My mood and play styles change. It always seems like I have to take a full group or face a wipe. In fact I explore more than anything. Missions just help me get from A to B and give me the resources to get good gear.
2 - Fixed price economy. If they want to make sure that no one can horde items and sell them for an advantage, make the economy static so it doesn't directly affect me. The devs already influence prices with drop rates so I don't see why they can't set prices so I am not affected by malicious people.
3 - Lots of storage. Thank you x20 for the current storage upgrade. That was/is the thing I have to fight with the most. Swapping things in and out of storage for different characters is a pain.
4 - Different kinds of goals. Killing groups gets kinda old fast. And the little things help add fun (Easter eggs, Drake Kabobs, mini games). The game is supposed to be fun. Puzzles and other types of goals would be refreshing for quests.
5 - Get rid of skill points. Make the costs of skills restrict people from going wild if you don't want them to have a bunch of skills that they can afford with the current system.
6 - Be able to re-spec whenever. I never understood why I could learn a secondary instantly but have to wait till I went through half the game to change my mind. What is the problem with being able to switch to adapt to when you need to? I always hated refund points too
7 - Be playable on 56k. Yes I have it... no I can't afford to switch here.
8 - Separate PvP and PvE. Store a modifier value or something to change the skills on the fly.
9 - Better trading/spam ignore. I always check the Party window and almost always people are using Local to advertise and not the party window. A bigger ignore list would also be great considering there are people who think spamming actions and messages are cool.
10 - Quest log / progress tracker
The game is great. The locations and idea that the devs come up with are great. I am about 85% sure I am going to get GW2 because they come up with some awesome ideas. I have a few screenshots that have become backgrounds. Games are meant to be fun.
---------- Added
11 - Indoor areas. How atmospheric would it be to have a Tavern that you can walk into that has tables and is lit by a fire and you can buy drinks and other items from the people working in there. I feel so disjointed from the work because I can almost never go indoors. Our guild hall has some caves but that isn't the same. Player bought houses might be a bonus too.
12 - Merchants for upgrades. I have seen FEW dagger tangs, hammer hafts, etc but yet I have tons of hammer handles. Why is this so unbalanced?? How do monsters know how to make a hammer and only special handles.
13 - Ways to make money that don't involve trying to sell items to other players. I HATE sitting there waiting for someone to buy my stuff and the merchants don't give you much. The only reason I have most of the money I do is from selling the mini pets I didn't like.
14 - No missions like Vizunah. I try and boycott that mission unless a friend has to do it.
15 - Open areas like Nightfall. Restricted somewhat but nowhere near Factions.
#1 - Adaptable gameplay. If I wanna go out and explore with another person, I should be able to. If I wanna go fight baddies with 7 other people I should be able too. Flexibility would be amazing. I don't ALWAYS wanna have to take 8 people with me and fight group after group after group. My mood and play styles change. It always seems like I have to take a full group or face a wipe. In fact I explore more than anything. Missions just help me get from A to B and give me the resources to get good gear.
2 - Fixed price economy. If they want to make sure that no one can horde items and sell them for an advantage, make the economy static so it doesn't directly affect me. The devs already influence prices with drop rates so I don't see why they can't set prices so I am not affected by malicious people.
3 - Lots of storage. Thank you x20 for the current storage upgrade. That was/is the thing I have to fight with the most. Swapping things in and out of storage for different characters is a pain.
4 - Different kinds of goals. Killing groups gets kinda old fast. And the little things help add fun (Easter eggs, Drake Kabobs, mini games). The game is supposed to be fun. Puzzles and other types of goals would be refreshing for quests.
5 - Get rid of skill points. Make the costs of skills restrict people from going wild if you don't want them to have a bunch of skills that they can afford with the current system.
6 - Be able to re-spec whenever. I never understood why I could learn a secondary instantly but have to wait till I went through half the game to change my mind. What is the problem with being able to switch to adapt to when you need to? I always hated refund points too

7 - Be playable on 56k. Yes I have it... no I can't afford to switch here.
8 - Separate PvP and PvE. Store a modifier value or something to change the skills on the fly.
9 - Better trading/spam ignore. I always check the Party window and almost always people are using Local to advertise and not the party window. A bigger ignore list would also be great considering there are people who think spamming actions and messages are cool.
10 - Quest log / progress tracker
The game is great. The locations and idea that the devs come up with are great. I am about 85% sure I am going to get GW2 because they come up with some awesome ideas. I have a few screenshots that have become backgrounds. Games are meant to be fun.
---------- Added
11 - Indoor areas. How atmospheric would it be to have a Tavern that you can walk into that has tables and is lit by a fire and you can buy drinks and other items from the people working in there. I feel so disjointed from the work because I can almost never go indoors. Our guild hall has some caves but that isn't the same. Player bought houses might be a bonus too.
12 - Merchants for upgrades. I have seen FEW dagger tangs, hammer hafts, etc but yet I have tons of hammer handles. Why is this so unbalanced?? How do monsters know how to make a hammer and only special handles.
13 - Ways to make money that don't involve trying to sell items to other players. I HATE sitting there waiting for someone to buy my stuff and the merchants don't give you much. The only reason I have most of the money I do is from selling the mini pets I didn't like.
14 - No missions like Vizunah. I try and boycott that mission unless a friend has to do it.
15 - Open areas like Nightfall. Restricted somewhat but nowhere near Factions.
We need a playable Insectoid race! Not only would it be cool for some of us to play as, but that would also add (another) unique flavor to the GW universe not found in most other MMO's.
I'm thinking bug-eyed, antennas, multiple legs, with front legs doubling as extra arms to do praying-mantis style attacks (see below). Customizing appearance includes appearance of eyes, fangs, antennas, and body / appendages markings.
Instead of buying armor, you change exoskeleton parts.
Race-specific skills would include the use of those praying mantis arms to do crippling attacks, and also one for using webs to slow down ennemy movement. Extra skill for speed boost would also make sense, with wings appearing, except that they are not strong enough to support flight.
Their race would be highly cooperative, with a high reverence placed on the Queen mother. They place themselves in the service of their Queen mother, with all other concerns placed beneath, including their personal well-being. They thus see other races as disorganized and always engaged in futile within-species battles of dominance, ultimately doomed to self-destruction due to the lack of a hierarchy.
I'm thinking bug-eyed, antennas, multiple legs, with front legs doubling as extra arms to do praying-mantis style attacks (see below). Customizing appearance includes appearance of eyes, fangs, antennas, and body / appendages markings.
Instead of buying armor, you change exoskeleton parts.
Race-specific skills would include the use of those praying mantis arms to do crippling attacks, and also one for using webs to slow down ennemy movement. Extra skill for speed boost would also make sense, with wings appearing, except that they are not strong enough to support flight.
Their race would be highly cooperative, with a high reverence placed on the Queen mother. They place themselves in the service of their Queen mother, with all other concerns placed beneath, including their personal well-being. They thus see other races as disorganized and always engaged in futile within-species battles of dominance, ultimately doomed to self-destruction due to the lack of a hierarchy.
slayer skoll
As people know they are talking about raising the level cap or abolishing it complete. This sounds to me like they might end up loosing the skill based play they have at the moment and more having a level based game. Because of this would I recon the skill system should be changed. I have hosted a thread about this, just so i can see peoples critism about my idea more clearly.
thread name: Gw2 skill system surgestion, critism please
thread name: Gw2 skill system surgestion, critism please
okay i did not read through all of the posts but i did skim and i would like to add something to this idea
i would like to see that you free your old chars SPIRIT not his body. with new races and new face and bosy templates you may want your char to look diff, cause all transfers would be human, so to transfer the char you make him a body, like choose race and appercence, then you get his spirit. he will still have all his titles skills armor items and such BUT he doesnt have to be humna if you dont want. well what do you think?
Originally Posted by ctran
The PC Gamer article has stated "You won't have the option to migrate characters from Guild Wars 1 to Guild Wars 2..." This is probably THE most desired feature among those who look at the transition from GW1 and GW2 with trepidation. I thought such a feature would be a no-brainer until I considered why Anet might not want us to transfer our GW 1 characters:
1) GW2 is suppose to take place hundreds of years in the future. All our beloved GW 1 characters would rightfully be dead. 2) GW2 is an entirely new and different game. Every GW player needs to re-learn the game mechanics and leveling new characters from scratch would teach us how the new system works. 3) Anet does not want GW2 to initially be flooded with high level characters. That would create a barrier for entry for those starting out in GW 2 who hadn't played the first game. My proposal is for Ancestral Characters, a way to have our cake and eat it too Addressing Problem #1: Temporal Anomaly Hundreds of years into the future, Koss is dead, Devona is dead, and [insert favorite character's name] is--you guessed it, dead! But what is death to the heroes who closed the Door of Komalie, defeated Shiro the Betrayer, and slew a god? There is a place that exists for such legends, and it is called the Hall of Heroes, where the souls of those who have saved the world rest. In Tyria's bleakest hour, wouldn't the gods see fit to release these heroes of old so that they could bring salvation? A story of how the gods called upon ancient champions to assist mortals could be used to explain how GW 1 characters show up in Tyria hundreds of years after the events in Eye of the North. Addressing Problem #2: Brave New World Ok, so you have a level 20 character because you transfered your toon from GW 1, but you haven't the foggiest idea how to jump, slide, or hit a mob with your Ugly Stick. But wait... what if in order to transfer characters to GW 2 you must first commune with the gods and petition them for help! Anet could make sure GW 1 players go through all the proper tutorials and get their GW 2 training by requiring a native GW 2 character to reach a certain skill level before GW 1 characters can be transfered to that account. Addressing Problem #3: No Pain, No Gain! New Player: "Hey, how come you have a level 20 character just because you played GW 1, while I had to start my guy at level 1?" Old Player: "Listen kid, before I could petition Balthazar for the aid of my ancestors, I had to prove I was worthy. I paid my dues, believe you me!" The nearest great temple of Balthazar is at the edge of a volcano, guarded by scores of level 24 fire drakes, a level 35 Charr shaman boss, and the demon prince Menzies himself! Anet could require Herculean trials before allowing characters to be transfered from GW 1. If a native GW 2 character has to climb Mt. Doom to free his GW 1 ancestors, he himself would have to be high level, and by that time having access to level 20 characters would not be a big deal. I am only guessing at the reasons why Anet does not plan to support character transfers from GW 1 to GW 2. However, whatever their reasons, I am sure they could be overcome. Please do not dismiss this request out of hand, this is at the top of the list of what your fans want! Sincerely, Chinh a.k.a Arcadian Mandragon |
There are some points that kept many of my friends from playing Guild Wars. The game today isnt really a MMORPG, which many of my friends need. I'd really like to see that in Guild Wars 2, including:
-No more portals between the areas. The world should be one, as in other games. The cities should be aswell. It is so disturbing when you have the right feeling, and walk into a portal, to find a loading screen... -.-
-Make servers instead of town districts. Make different servers as you have districts now, with abillity to swap between different servers to make it possible to play with any of your friends.
-No more portals between the areas. The world should be one, as in other games. The cities should be aswell. It is so disturbing when you have the right feeling, and walk into a portal, to find a loading screen... -.-
-Make servers instead of town districts. Make different servers as you have districts now, with abillity to swap between different servers to make it possible to play with any of your friends.
Master Sword Keeper
The biggest suggestion I can offer is to: Please Keep PVE and PVP seperate! You will please the majority of customers by doing this and you would end up with a product that will stand out and blow away the competition. I personally don't think I will purchase GW2 unless they are seperated. As a PVE player only, I have had my characters nerfed to death which resulted in a very dissappointing gaming experience for me. |
As people know they are talking about raising the level cap |