Really I'd just like to see my characters die already and give them a nice tribute in the Hall of Monuments. I just can't stand my ele anymore...
lol, no really I like my characters and all but they're just getting boring. I want new characters that can inherit stuff from the old, not the other way around. A lot of players are complaining that GW is getting too complicated, too changed, too off the track of its original ideas. If we can just transfer our characters over, you can be assured that GW 2 will die in infancy. What Guild Wars needs is a fresh start to bring it back to its former grandeur. By not allowing it to do so we would be killing off the game we love forever.
My suggestions: Keep everything in its own category. I.E Don't have titles showing inheritance, rather keep it STRICTLY to the Hall of Monuments and have the Hall of Monuments affect the game you play as a whole. The inherited things should be passed through the Hall of Monuments as a conduit to the game. More things in the Hall would mean more perks.
Now another topic: Trading. Anet has stated there WILL be a new trading system in GW 2. My suggestion: AUCTION HOUSE. It's a no brainer. Also, keep the old way as well in addition, and add another way like an open market, where you can post something for a set price and people can buy it even when you aren't playing. (Sort of like the GTS in Pokemon D&P XD).
WIth the level cap idea, I don't know, I think Anet doesn't want to make it a grind. I'd like to see more info first before I judge or suggest.
Instead of titles showing alleigence, make more factions, sort of like in Oblivion, where you can join a regular old faction whenever you want and they provide quests, or some that appear later in the game. Also have some things to tell new players that some factions will be available later in the game, to prevent confusion. Guilds can tie themselves to one major faction, and also ally themselves with multiple smaller, less influential factions that may have a different purpose than a larger faction. In smaller factions, Guilds will get credits for helping out. In larger ones, the same goes, but there should be a ladder within the faction for different guilds. With more perks. But please, don't do something like the Elite Missions for high ranked Guilds because it just leaves the rest of us out, even with the passage scrolls and ferries. Each faction should have a capital or headquarters with lots of attention and hype fed into them. Make them a major part of the game as a whole. Also, Factions don't have to be in war with each other. They may even be Kingdoms that you can assisst and control some of their towns.
Public Profile:
Have something to show who you are, what your titles are, and what you have in the Hall of Monuments. Also show what items you may have up for auction/free market and how long you have played the game and GW 1 for.
Forums In Game:
If we had an in-game forum for Guilds, Alliances, Factions, etc, it would be great. Make faction events too, such as Faction A is going to attack or help Faction B,C,D,E,F,etc, and have them announced on the forums. Now, this isn't to get rid of fansite forums

heh heh. This idea is to make it easier for players to manage their groups inside the game.
Thats all for now, will post later If I'd like to add on to any other idea, including my own.