GW2 Suggestions Thread
Jin Kodo
Many people find the GW series too limited because of the path one is forced to take.
Compared to WoW, the game is only one road leading to an end. What you would be wise to add was a more free-roaming world with several paths to choose, and maybe add alternative endings for quests and the game itself, depending on which path you’ve chosen. To make the dungeon exploring more like the one found in WoW, but it an own twist, would also help the game to feel fresher.
Another element that would make the customization part of GW2 a fresh breeze would be armor drops that players could wear instead of being limited to a set variation of armors. Armors for special achievements would also be a nice addition.
An important feature to add to the free-roaming effect could be more interactive shops inside buildings. Maybe even a poker bar where one could play poker and bet money. The cards would of course have pictures which relate to the GW universe.
Interactive cities with buildings and guards and NPCs who have set routines would complete the overall feel of an interactive world instead of the inactive NPCs represented in the previous games.
Mounts are highly wanted in the GW universe, and if you removed all the portals and just had the old “Fast travel” ability in addition to mounts, the outcome would be even better than the one present in WoW.
Furthermore it would be interesting if you introduced new professions in addition to the present ones, and as Aeon_Xin said - don't tie body type to class(armor tied to class is OK):
- Whip mastery -
Where one could have a character who’s got a Castlevania feel with different types of attacks which affect different types of monsters. Abilities in addition to different attacks which affect different monsters could be stunning and poisons which are brought out by the whip itself or applied poisons.
This mastery could also have a talent called poison brewing for making poisons to apply to ones weapons.
The effects of the poison and the anti-monster abilities are in addition to runes etc.
Suggestions for a name for this profession could be:
- monster hunter
- viper(because of all the stunning effects and the poison, like a viper’s hunting abilities)
- soldier of fortune
- Gun mastery/ gunman/ bandidos -
A profession where one relies on one or two guns or one big gun(like a hunter with different bows: one ranged and one for close combat).
Talents related to this profession could be a talent where one specializes in better aiming, resulting in more hits and a bigger chance of getting critical hits.
Another talent could be one where you get to make different sorts of gunpowder and the bullets which add different effects to your shots eg.
- Silver bullets - many dark creatures suffer more damage
- Exploding bullets – your bullets will explode on impact, often resulting in critical hits
- Swift gunpowder – your bullets move 10% faster
The effects of the gunpowder and the bullets are in addition to runes etc.
It would also be fun if every profession had a talent like poison brewing and gunsmith to add new effects to skills.
Important list:
- a free-roaming environment
- new professions
- new playable races
- armor as loot/drops
- weapons with your character’s name on it eg. “Jin’s Blade”(maybe as a reward for a really hard quest a NPC could produce such a weapon, and you could choose the components)
- more interactive NPCs and environment(open houses and castles etc.)
- the ability to walk up/down steep environment
- Guild Wars Poker
- better dungeons
- mounts in addition to "Fast travel"
- several paths to choose in PVE
- interactive shops
- dressing room - Shft click on an item to see how you would look with it equiped
It is so hard to get one's findings sold just by spaming the channels. One may stand there for hours because the channels are so filled with spaming, that it's almost impossible to read the different auctions before another one pops up. Add an auction house like the one in WoW, but with the ability to add comments and prefered/alternative payment.
Compared to WoW, the game is only one road leading to an end. What you would be wise to add was a more free-roaming world with several paths to choose, and maybe add alternative endings for quests and the game itself, depending on which path you’ve chosen. To make the dungeon exploring more like the one found in WoW, but it an own twist, would also help the game to feel fresher.
Another element that would make the customization part of GW2 a fresh breeze would be armor drops that players could wear instead of being limited to a set variation of armors. Armors for special achievements would also be a nice addition.
An important feature to add to the free-roaming effect could be more interactive shops inside buildings. Maybe even a poker bar where one could play poker and bet money. The cards would of course have pictures which relate to the GW universe.
Interactive cities with buildings and guards and NPCs who have set routines would complete the overall feel of an interactive world instead of the inactive NPCs represented in the previous games.
Mounts are highly wanted in the GW universe, and if you removed all the portals and just had the old “Fast travel” ability in addition to mounts, the outcome would be even better than the one present in WoW.
Furthermore it would be interesting if you introduced new professions in addition to the present ones, and as Aeon_Xin said - don't tie body type to class(armor tied to class is OK):
- Whip mastery -
Where one could have a character who’s got a Castlevania feel with different types of attacks which affect different types of monsters. Abilities in addition to different attacks which affect different monsters could be stunning and poisons which are brought out by the whip itself or applied poisons.
This mastery could also have a talent called poison brewing for making poisons to apply to ones weapons.
The effects of the poison and the anti-monster abilities are in addition to runes etc.
Suggestions for a name for this profession could be:
- monster hunter
- viper(because of all the stunning effects and the poison, like a viper’s hunting abilities)
- soldier of fortune
- Gun mastery/ gunman/ bandidos -
A profession where one relies on one or two guns or one big gun(like a hunter with different bows: one ranged and one for close combat).
Talents related to this profession could be a talent where one specializes in better aiming, resulting in more hits and a bigger chance of getting critical hits.
Another talent could be one where you get to make different sorts of gunpowder and the bullets which add different effects to your shots eg.
- Silver bullets - many dark creatures suffer more damage
- Exploding bullets – your bullets will explode on impact, often resulting in critical hits
- Swift gunpowder – your bullets move 10% faster
The effects of the gunpowder and the bullets are in addition to runes etc.
It would also be fun if every profession had a talent like poison brewing and gunsmith to add new effects to skills.
Important list:
- a free-roaming environment
- new professions
- new playable races
- armor as loot/drops
- weapons with your character’s name on it eg. “Jin’s Blade”(maybe as a reward for a really hard quest a NPC could produce such a weapon, and you could choose the components)
- more interactive NPCs and environment(open houses and castles etc.)
- the ability to walk up/down steep environment
- Guild Wars Poker
- better dungeons
- mounts in addition to "Fast travel"
- several paths to choose in PVE
- interactive shops
- dressing room - Shft click on an item to see how you would look with it equiped
It is so hard to get one's findings sold just by spaming the channels. One may stand there for hours because the channels are so filled with spaming, that it's almost impossible to read the different auctions before another one pops up. Add an auction house like the one in WoW, but with the ability to add comments and prefered/alternative payment.
Complete character customization, and interchangeable armour.
Characters are too limited, and I'd like to change so much more than just hair and body type. I'd like to completely create my character. The sims body shop could do it, so I don't see why it shouldn't be possible for GW character creation. Perhaps leave it as a choice. You can choose from pre-defined characters, or completely customize your own...
Armour at the moment is too limited. I'd like to see armour that you can buy one bit of, and then add another part of a different armour. If I could do it now for instance, I would take my mesmer, and I would use the rogue's top, but the bottom half of what was the virtuoso armour. (The part that is currently part of the top, not the bloomers...) That way even armour would be far more customizable, giving so much more scope for individuality. The armour is simply not designed to look good mix-matched, which I think should change for GW2.
Characters are too limited, and I'd like to change so much more than just hair and body type. I'd like to completely create my character. The sims body shop could do it, so I don't see why it shouldn't be possible for GW character creation. Perhaps leave it as a choice. You can choose from pre-defined characters, or completely customize your own...
Armour at the moment is too limited. I'd like to see armour that you can buy one bit of, and then add another part of a different armour. If I could do it now for instance, I would take my mesmer, and I would use the rogue's top, but the bottom half of what was the virtuoso armour. (The part that is currently part of the top, not the bloomers...) That way even armour would be far more customizable, giving so much more scope for individuality. The armour is simply not designed to look good mix-matched, which I think should change for GW2.
Jin Kodo
Originally Posted by pamelf
Complete character customization, and interchangeable armour.
Characters are too limited, and I'd like to change so much more than just hair and body type. I'd like to completely create my character. The sims body shop could do it, so I don't see why it shouldn't be possible for GW character creation. Perhaps leave it as a choice. You can choose from pre-defined characters, or completely customize your own... Armour at the moment is too limited. I'd like to see armour that you can buy one bit of, and then add another part of a different armour. If I could do it now for instance, I would take my mesmer, and I would use the rogue's top, but the bottom half of what was the virtuoso armour. (The part that is currently part of the top, not the bloomers...) That way even armour would be far more customizable, giving so much more scope for individuality. The armour is simply not designed to look good mix-matched, which I think should change for GW2. |
I can't say I have the patience to read through all of these suggestions, so I don't know if this has been posted before.
I love the way the armor system works in GW, I love the max. armor part, armor traders and ascended armor and I think there should be something alike it in GW2. But I suggest we take one step further. Let there Boss Armor (whatever to call it...) that can only be found via killing certain monsters, and as I said before I love the way things are now. So therefor I think they should be quite extraordinary, but only when it comes to looks. You could of course make some sort of index to it... What kind of norn would be able to wear the armor of an asura...
Just something I thought up, hope it's usefull
I love the way the armor system works in GW, I love the max. armor part, armor traders and ascended armor and I think there should be something alike it in GW2. But I suggest we take one step further. Let there Boss Armor (whatever to call it...) that can only be found via killing certain monsters, and as I said before I love the way things are now. So therefor I think they should be quite extraordinary, but only when it comes to looks. You could of course make some sort of index to it... What kind of norn would be able to wear the armor of an asura...
Just something I thought up, hope it's usefull

Drake Eleric
I think they shod have armr drops that can be put together like one boss drops a set of metal shoulderpads and another one drops a tabbard and a third one drops a leather huaberk then you go to the armor crafter to get them put together into a new piece of armor, but thats just a dream.
Another thing i wish they had is that you could make a character different from the rest in wheight and height
Another thing i wish they had is that you could make a character different from the rest in wheight and height
PROPOSITION. => Something offered for consideration.
A "preposition" links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. It's a part of speech. (Examples: for, of, as, behind)
I know, I know, "the language police are here" and all that. Honestly, just offering some help. This is not intended in any way as a put down of the ideas presented.
A "preposition" links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. It's a part of speech. (Examples: for, of, as, behind)
I know, I know, "the language police are here" and all that. Honestly, just offering some help. This is not intended in any way as a put down of the ideas presented.
i think it was not mentioned before.
- add dwarfs as a playable race
- add tengu as a playable race (Maybe in an addon like GW2:Cantha)
- add centaurs as a playable race (Maybe in an addon like GW2:Elona)
Add some kind of gunslinger/mechanic profession with guns, grenades, mines, mechnical robots.
Maybe restrict certain professions to certain races (i.e. Gunslinger only for Asura / no Necros for Norn) or bind professions to regions (ritualist can only originate from cantha and only from races who live there like humans and tengu)
Please make GW2 work out of the box together with wine in a Gold or Platinum state unlike GW1 that has only a silver state.
Kill all forms of grinding.
i think it was not mentioned before.
- add dwarfs as a playable race
- add tengu as a playable race (Maybe in an addon like GW2:Cantha)
- add centaurs as a playable race (Maybe in an addon like GW2:Elona)
Add some kind of gunslinger/mechanic profession with guns, grenades, mines, mechnical robots.
Maybe restrict certain professions to certain races (i.e. Gunslinger only for Asura / no Necros for Norn) or bind professions to regions (ritualist can only originate from cantha and only from races who live there like humans and tengu)
Please make GW2 work out of the box together with wine in a Gold or Platinum state unlike GW1 that has only a silver state.
Kill all forms of grinding.
Since new games use better technologies i don't see a problem in using a scanned in picture of your own face on your character, with some technology to project and adjust your face onto the character, that would make everything way more realistic... it shouldn't have too ofc but it would be nice if it could no?
Originally Posted by arrowofthewood
Since new games use better technologies i don't see a problem in using a scanned in picture of your own face on your character, with some technology to project and adjust your face onto the character, that would make everything way more realistic... it shouldn't have too ofc but it would be nice if it could no?
We all know some genius will scan in some genitals for their fav char "Sir Pecker" or "Alota Fagina". Best to keep the imagery under control from the outset than wait for reports of abuse (unless they plan on putting a XXX rating on the game, and fully enforcing it). The game is currently rated for teens, and there is a reason you can't strip beyond your undies.
Originally Posted by countesscorpula
We all know some genius will scan in some genitals for their fav char "Sir Pecker" or "Alota Fagina". Best to keep the imagery under control from the outset than wait for reports of abuse (unless they plan on putting a XXX rating on the game, and fully enforcing it). The game is currently rated for teens, and there is a reason you can't strip beyond your undies. |
This circumvents the whole genital scanning issue, although it is possible to make a character so ugly you WISH you were looking at someone's genitals instead...
I think this would be a great addition for character creation, that way our characters would be truly our own. The technology exists, so we all know it's possible.
Originally Posted by pamelf
They had this addition in The Sims Deluxe, you could scan your face and place it on a character, but due to abuse they changed it for The Sims 2. The changes made everything custmizable through sliders. You could change the size, height etc of lips, eyes, nose, chin and basically everything else. This way you could make a character that looked exactly how you wanted. It could be you, or anyone you know, or even someone you just imagined.
This circumvents the whole genital scanning issue, although it is possible to make a character so ugly you WISH you were looking at someone's genitals instead... I think this would be a great addition for character creation, that way our characters would be truly our own. The technology exists, so we all know it's possible. |
Originally Posted by mrt181
Maybe restrict certain professions to certain races (i.e. Gunslinger only for Asura / no Necros for Norn)
Ok, perhaps I'm getting emotional about this, but I really don't see a good reason why there should be restrictions. I wanted a Night Elf Warlock in WoW, but they said no. I wanted a Ranger/Necro in GW, and they said: "Sure, enjoy!"
I think most people will adopt the races and classes that fit together well, and that make more sense. But I see no reason to enforce that! In short:
Restricting certain professions to certain races is racial discrimination!
Why not make it that females can only be monks, elementalists, mesmers, and rangers, and males can only be warriors, sins, dervishes, and paragons.
thats absolutely sick

Originally Posted by Alaris
Ok, perhaps I'm getting emotional about this, but I really don't see a good reason why there should be restrictions. I wanted a Night Elf Warlock in WoW, but they said no. I wanted a Ranger/Necro in GW, and they said: "Sure, enjoy!" I think most people will adopt the races and classes that fit together well, and that make more sense. But I see no reason to enforce that! In short: Restricting certain professions to certain races is racial discrimination! Why not make it that females can only be monks, elementalists, mesmers, and rangers, and males can only be warriors, sins, dervishes, and paragons. |
no!!!... that'd be sick....
Originally Posted by Alaris
Restricting certain professions to certain races is racial discrimination!
Why not have the same profession have a couple of different names depending on race, but otherwise be the exact same profession.
For example:
Monks becomes Shamans for Charr and Norns.
Ranger becomes Druid for Sylvari and Charr.
Warrior becomes Mechanic for Asuras.
Paragon becomes Cheerleader for Norns.
So you can still play any Race/Profession you want, and keep the roleplaying aspect alive as well.
Originally Posted by Alaris
Why not make it that females can only be monks, elementalists, mesmers, and rangers, and males can only be warriors, sins, dervishes, and paragons.
Originally Posted by Vergilius
hmm... why not adding another class for a specific race instead of changing a name.
Explain to me why you can't be a Night Elf Warlock in WoW, for example?
It seems very arbitrary.
ok instead of restrictions there would also be the possibility of different quest archs.
i.e.: (only a assumption) Norn have very high respect for the dead an their ancestors so it is very unlikely to see a Norn Necro but not impossible. Norn Necros are Outcasts in Norn society, they are tolerated (read: not killed) but not accepted. So a Norn Necro would have (maybe radical) different quests and quest agents to resolve the main storyline.
Make certain quests only available for certain professions, this could led to a better replayability.
i.e.: (only a assumption) Norn have very high respect for the dead an their ancestors so it is very unlikely to see a Norn Necro but not impossible. Norn Necros are Outcasts in Norn society, they are tolerated (read: not killed) but not accepted. So a Norn Necro would have (maybe radical) different quests and quest agents to resolve the main storyline.
Make certain quests only available for certain professions, this could led to a better replayability.
No class restrictions.
No race restrictions.
I'm happy with the rest. I think it would be cool indeed if some race-class combos were outcasts. Kinda like the Necros in D2. Different quests would be awesome, of course...
And you could also have titles associated with roleplaying, so that you don't have to play your warrior-monk as a paladin, but if you did, you could get a title for it...?
But that's me going nuts.
What matters is:
No class restrictions.
No race restrictions.
Let me be a Norn Cheerleader if I want to.
No race restrictions.
I'm happy with the rest. I think it would be cool indeed if some race-class combos were outcasts. Kinda like the Necros in D2. Different quests would be awesome, of course...
And you could also have titles associated with roleplaying, so that you don't have to play your warrior-monk as a paladin, but if you did, you could get a title for it...?
But that's me going nuts.
What matters is:
No class restrictions.
No race restrictions.
Let me be a Norn Cheerleader if I want to.
Jaythen Tyradel
OK, some suggestions..even though some may have been suggested before.
To tackle some issues with the current GW:
1.Trade/Auction. A definite given. Others have listed ideas on how to improve this so I wont go into detail.
2. Separation of PVP/PVE skills and influence on each other.
Specialized skills for benefits in the PVE world.
Influence of PVP on PVE should be limited to the rez shrines as we see them right now. IF our country has favor, we get the gods avatars to bless us. Keep this for GW2 but this should be the only interaction IMO.
3. More community interaction by:
1. Quests that offer different results of completion depending on which class you take. As someone suggested earlier in this thread, when facing a river or a body of water that is in thier path, each profession has different ways of overcoming the hindrance. Or as in Factions second to last mission, by taking certain NPC's with you allows you to avoid different obstacles based on that NPC's abilities. If each profession has a highly specific skill or ability they can use (outside of what we are familiar with in the current GW), it could open playability to missions and quests if the result could be different each time you play.
2.I love instances since you can take your own time with a quest or mission and not feel rushed or slowed down by others or them by me. However I do agree with others that it would be nice to see others randomly when questing. I know this is already being implemented in GW2, but I still really wish this idea to be implemented in the fullest.
Things I would like to see:
New Armor/More options for armor. Variety in this is area is something I feel GW is lacking.
Also, more options and variance on looks of the characters.
Seeing similar armor on others isn't an issue. Seeing your twin in similar looking armor is kinda a drawback that you aren't unique in your choice as much as you may try to be different. Again, as suggested before, have the 5 armor pieces that make up the set, but add necklaces, bracer, robes,should guards, and other addons to the base armor set to improve the odds of not having similar looks to others. Sure there will be popular ones based on the look of the armor and even based on what the stats are, but if it adds to variety I am for it.
Interactive and dynamic environment. Night/day...fall,winter,summer,spring...rain/snow/wind/hail
Fields of grass/wheat that change in height, blow in the breeze, get trampled, cut down by attacks.
Move rocks/boulders/logs, cut down trees to change, even though temporary, the environment you are currently visiting.
Not a big fan of the crafting idea, but (as a gold sink or alternative to id kit/salvage kit) take items to an NPC that can id items for you or salvage them for you.
To keep it from being too expensive, the prices for id and salvage are based on your exp with salvaging/id'ing items with the NPC. For example, someone taking an item to get id'ed will pay a base rate of 50g to have all items id'ed (max 10 items for that amount of gold); And this goes towards their Treasure Hunter Title. You can have more id'ed at a higher price if you have more on you. After reaching a certain rank, you can have the price reduced since you are a well established customer and hunter of unidentified items.
Same thing can go for the salvage of material. After dealing so much business with the Salvage merchant, to cost he charges you goes down (for being a repeat and loyal customer) and the success of what the NPC can extract for you goes (with the merchants experience with you).
Now, this is not to replace the id kit or salvage kit, but an alternative to carrying a kit around with you, if not an attempt to make the towns more "busy" with people using NPC's to conduct business.
To tackle some issues with the current GW:
1.Trade/Auction. A definite given. Others have listed ideas on how to improve this so I wont go into detail.
2. Separation of PVP/PVE skills and influence on each other.
Specialized skills for benefits in the PVE world.
Influence of PVP on PVE should be limited to the rez shrines as we see them right now. IF our country has favor, we get the gods avatars to bless us. Keep this for GW2 but this should be the only interaction IMO.
3. More community interaction by:
1. Quests that offer different results of completion depending on which class you take. As someone suggested earlier in this thread, when facing a river or a body of water that is in thier path, each profession has different ways of overcoming the hindrance. Or as in Factions second to last mission, by taking certain NPC's with you allows you to avoid different obstacles based on that NPC's abilities. If each profession has a highly specific skill or ability they can use (outside of what we are familiar with in the current GW), it could open playability to missions and quests if the result could be different each time you play.
2.I love instances since you can take your own time with a quest or mission and not feel rushed or slowed down by others or them by me. However I do agree with others that it would be nice to see others randomly when questing. I know this is already being implemented in GW2, but I still really wish this idea to be implemented in the fullest.
Things I would like to see:
New Armor/More options for armor. Variety in this is area is something I feel GW is lacking.
Also, more options and variance on looks of the characters.
Seeing similar armor on others isn't an issue. Seeing your twin in similar looking armor is kinda a drawback that you aren't unique in your choice as much as you may try to be different. Again, as suggested before, have the 5 armor pieces that make up the set, but add necklaces, bracer, robes,should guards, and other addons to the base armor set to improve the odds of not having similar looks to others. Sure there will be popular ones based on the look of the armor and even based on what the stats are, but if it adds to variety I am for it.
Interactive and dynamic environment. Night/day...fall,winter,summer,spring...rain/snow/wind/hail
Fields of grass/wheat that change in height, blow in the breeze, get trampled, cut down by attacks.
Move rocks/boulders/logs, cut down trees to change, even though temporary, the environment you are currently visiting.
Not a big fan of the crafting idea, but (as a gold sink or alternative to id kit/salvage kit) take items to an NPC that can id items for you or salvage them for you.
To keep it from being too expensive, the prices for id and salvage are based on your exp with salvaging/id'ing items with the NPC. For example, someone taking an item to get id'ed will pay a base rate of 50g to have all items id'ed (max 10 items for that amount of gold); And this goes towards their Treasure Hunter Title. You can have more id'ed at a higher price if you have more on you. After reaching a certain rank, you can have the price reduced since you are a well established customer and hunter of unidentified items.
Same thing can go for the salvage of material. After dealing so much business with the Salvage merchant, to cost he charges you goes down (for being a repeat and loyal customer) and the success of what the NPC can extract for you goes (with the merchants experience with you).
Now, this is not to replace the id kit or salvage kit, but an alternative to carrying a kit around with you, if not an attempt to make the towns more "busy" with people using NPC's to conduct business.
1. More magical attributes on armor and Diablo 2(a huge list of magical stats)
2. Rings and amulets
3. Level restrictions on armor and weapons(well atleast armor) I once saw a lvl through Fort Ranik i think(the one were you have to open a gate for Rurik) He obviously had max armor...probably from Droks. Yes it was fortunate for the team, but it was still stupid. And i also see low lvl players asking for max damage req 9 weapons. A level restriction(to were you cant use it till that level) would fix all of that.
4. Guild Wars has plenty of types of weapons and especially armor, but they need more magical stats, not just 3...We need more variety in those types of weapons and armor
5. a feature to were you can look at someone else's equipment on your own...with out that person 'calling' it. Yes i know thats on WoW, but ya know what! its cool isn't it? use it!
Well thats about it, this is kind of an update from my other post.
2. Rings and amulets
3. Level restrictions on armor and weapons(well atleast armor) I once saw a lvl through Fort Ranik i think(the one were you have to open a gate for Rurik) He obviously had max armor...probably from Droks. Yes it was fortunate for the team, but it was still stupid. And i also see low lvl players asking for max damage req 9 weapons. A level restriction(to were you cant use it till that level) would fix all of that.
4. Guild Wars has plenty of types of weapons and especially armor, but they need more magical stats, not just 3...We need more variety in those types of weapons and armor
5. a feature to were you can look at someone else's equipment on your own...with out that person 'calling' it. Yes i know thats on WoW, but ya know what! its cool isn't it? use it!

Well thats about it, this is kind of an update from my other post.
1ord i3eans
I don't care to see my GW1 characters in GW2 ('cause they'd be so different), but I want something real dang nice and will actually be useful (for maxed lvl characters in GW2).
From the 2007 June nerf wishlist:
I hope in GW2 every class will be able to do basic things, like condition or enchantment removal (see phoenixtech's suggested skills), but different classes will be better at different things. Eg, every class could have access to knockdowns, but they would all have disadvantages to their knockdown skills (elementalist - large energy cost, necro - sacrifice life, monk - one of your allies loses an enchantment, etc.), except say the warrior. Skills within the same class and attribute that have the same purpose should be tottaly balanced. For example, there should be 3 types of hexes:
(Ensign was talking about something totally different btw, I'm just using this as an example for what I'm trying to say)
I think GW2 should have a ranger minionmaster!!! And the necro could be for individual hexes, life steal, and mellee shutdown. And the mesmer could be for AoE hexes (imagine a mesmer mesmerizing a group of stupid monsters with a cheap card trick!), energy steal, and caster shutdown. If GW2 even has any of those classes.
I want 10 skills on mine skillbar!
another quote:
From the 2007 June nerf wishlist:
Originally Posted by phoenixtech
Its a decent list, but I much rather see more creative buffs
The GW game mechanics have changed gradually with each expansion, in proph the basic mechanics were pretty balanced, factions added "weapon" spells, offensive/defensive rituals and nightfall added a huge buff to the shout mechanic. Alot of the "problems" today is due to the lack of proper counters to these new mechanics hence the paraway + rit spike teams. Izzy once said a long time ago that they want to see more self-sufficiency in the classes (I think the word he used was holistic). Basically, you want to give every class more basic self-heals and basic counters to shutdowns since they will make the class more versatile. A warrior is a perfect example of this, he is a specialized melee based damage dealing machine, but at the same time he has some basic heals (heal sig) and some basic counters to shutdown (interupts/kd). What I rather see is buffs to each class as to make them more versatile. Of course you are never going to have a warrior outheal a monk, or a monk doing more melee damage than a warrior. Here are some examples of what I rather see: (I'll only make warrior suggestions since I don't have time to do this for every class, but the idea is to buff EVERY class and make them versatile). Whirling Axe Elite Axe Attack. If Whirling Axe hits, you strike for +5...17 damage. If it is blocked, Whirling Axe is disabled for 10 seconds and your target loses an enchantment. Battle Rage Elite Stance. For 5...17 seconds, you move 25% faster and gain 50% more adrenaline from attacks. Battle Rage ends if you use any non-attack skills. When Battle Rage ends, you lose all adrenaline AND 1 hex. Skull Crack Elite Melee Attack. If it hits, this attack interrupts the target's current action. The target foe loses all shouts/refranes/echos. If that foe was casting a Spell, that foe is Dazed for 10 seconds. Steady Stance Elite Stance. For 10 seconds, the next time you would be knocked down, you gain 1...3 strikes of adrenaline and lose a hex/condition instead. Increase to 10r. Soldier's Stance Elite Stance. For 4...9 seconds, you attack 33% faster while under the effects of a Shout or Chant. AND 33% of your attacks CANNOT miss. Basically, you buff existing skills like this to serve dual purpose. Buffing it so a class like warrior can counters such as ageis/sod/hexes/conditions/etc is what I rather see. I don't have time to do this for every class but I hope people get the general idea. I also rather see more synergy in skill combos, and I'm not talking about assasin-style combos. I mean stuff like sever-gash. I think this game is better served by making CREATIVE buffs and making classes more versatile, instead of the non-stop cycle of nerfing things that lack proper counters. Also, creative buffs will not have as much adverse effect on the non-GvG population and will have less negative PR hit. At the end of the day though, most of these changes are fine and it's always easier just to nerf things since all it's the easiest way to go, and since ANET is prob too busy with GW:EN and GW2 to care about improving the game anyways. Oh yeah, since I'm going against popular opinion in this thread I'm sure all of the rabid sheeppl will come out in force and flame me to hell, that's fine, but before you reply remember the golden rule: READ, THINK, ONLY THEN REPLY. |
Originally Posted by Ensign
One, hexes that destroy someone completely, but have short durations and long recharges; two, hexes that last a long time, but are a nuisance and have long recharges; and three, hexes that are spammable, but don't last long and don't destroy a victim.
I think GW2 should have a ranger minionmaster!!! And the necro could be for individual hexes, life steal, and mellee shutdown. And the mesmer could be for AoE hexes (imagine a mesmer mesmerizing a group of stupid monsters with a cheap card trick!), energy steal, and caster shutdown. If GW2 even has any of those classes.
I want 10 skills on mine skillbar!
another quote:
Originally Posted by Genova
If we want to have all the classes (or builds) balanced a huge amount of work have to be done. The mechanics of the new classes and whatever amount of interesting variation they offer to the game seems to not have been evaluated beforehand. This reminds me of WoW balance : fun mechanics but broken from the start. Most posters here already explained in substance what is a balanced build and why it works that way. And yes r/p/s is a viable choice for a competitive game as long as there are meaningful counters for each strategy and you are not gimped because of your build, you should always have a way to win by changing tactics / strategy. Unfortunately we should realise that the incredible amount of skill variety (hex, condition, heal, degen, physical damage, elemental damage, enchantment, regen, health gain, health loss, disruption, interrupt, stances, attack, spellcast, signet, skill use, energy, adrenaline, etc...) makes it impossible to counter them all in the same build with only 64 skills, without assuming that a certain skillset is balanced. Hence the justification of the balanced build providing a standard of good, interesting and rewarding gameplay. If there were a hard line and a strong definition for each class, a lot of problems could be avoided. Actually it is a mess and there is a lot of overlapping (I am personaly disgusted of mesmerish abilities given to other classes). Futhermore, if there was no mean for the players to choose a secondary profession, it would be easier to balance the game, but that's not the case. The abuse of other classes secondary professions is the perfect demonstration of lack strong class definition. Other problems are broken mechanics like : shouts who stacks, cast instantly and are unremovable ; shadow steps without significant drawback (offensive or defensive) ; spirits (passive gameplay) ; aoe enchantments and hexes (aegis, blurred vision) when you have mostly single hex and enchantment removal skills ; immunity (avatar of melandru, spellbreaker) without significant drawback ; soulreaping (do I need to explain why ?). All this makes a game unbalancable, and that's why Guild Wars is doomed, Arena.Net will never adress these issues. However there is still hope, Fury is in beta and Starcraft 2 is in progress. |
Originally Posted by Vergilius
First thing: you came here with a wish list, not a preposition list. I didn't ask YOU why not add a race specific class... it was a rhetorical question. And it is also not important what YOU want. It is important what most of US want.

On that topic, I agree that voting would be great, so here's a website with a way to add suggestions for GW2 and to vote for them. Not my making, but I think it's a great idea. Go there, and participate. The link is to my page there, with links to my ideas. Go vote for or against them, give feedback.
In other words, let's all work towards making GW2 a great game for all of us!
Originally Posted by Vergilius
And about Nelf locks... if you knew ANYTHING about Warcraft history, you would know that Night Elves NEVER, NEVER took something so dark in their hands. But illidian did, so he ain't a nelf anymore.
Same here, humans ain't shamans.. Charrs are.... |
However, even you admit that Night Elves can take something so dark in their hands, as Illidan chose to. And as far as I am concerned, he did so as an attempt to save his race. Soooo.... why can't I as a WoW player choose to follow Illidan's ways? Perhaps I too find that the goal justifies the means, no?
My opinion, which means that you don't have to agree with it.
Originally Posted by Alaris
here's a website with a way to add suggestions for GW2 and to vote for them.
Shadow Kurd
Some simple things...
* Abililty to walk. I hate to sprint/jog/run all the time
* Make characters more customizable. GW2 is going to be a HUGE game, even bigger than the current one so we need a lot of customization options or else we're going to see copy's of ourself running around everywhere.
Nothing more... ArenaNet didn't let me down the first time, I'm pretty sure they wont when GW2 comes
* Abililty to walk. I hate to sprint/jog/run all the time
* Make characters more customizable. GW2 is going to be a HUGE game, even bigger than the current one so we need a lot of customization options or else we're going to see copy's of ourself running around everywhere.
Nothing more... ArenaNet didn't let me down the first time, I'm pretty sure they wont when GW2 comes

I'm not going to waste my ideas on this forum, but those who know me and are impressed with my work are welcome to see my new work in the NikiWiki.
You can vote on topics, which really doesn't mean much to me, but if you have ideas to discuss than maybe I can work with you.
You can vote on topics, which really doesn't mean much to me, but if you have ideas to discuss than maybe I can work with you.
Shadow Kurd
Woohoo!! this is exactly what i meant, if they implemented this GW2 would be the next-NEXT-generation MMO
Woohoo!! this is exactly what i meant, if they implemented this GW2 would be the next-NEXT-generation MMO
Jaythen Tyradel
OK, when a guild establishes themselves, one of their goals is to get a guild hall.
However, IMO, the guild "halls" don't look as such. They are guild islands to be more exact. Even more so they "halls" are the maps the guild will fight at during GvG matches.
So for GW2, please have HALLS for the guilds to use.
The basic idea is to have an indoor/outdoor area in which the guild members can hang out and interact with other members.
The outdoor area will have a portal that leads to the halls "battle" area where th GvG takes place. The indoor is just for meetings, get together for fun, alliance battle grouping, GvG prep, and just a place to hang out.
Keep the NPC's that we can currently purchase, but lets add one more.
Guild musician.
Tying into the music downloads that we have available from directsong, guilds that buy a musician can "buy" music for the musicians to play. Whether it be the holiday event music, exploration music, or if possible, specially made music for the guilds to use as a theme song or party music.
Lastly, thematic elements to the guild halls.
Using some primary professions as example:
Necro hall..lets have some random NPC minions running around, bodies lying on tables as part of minion experiments/curses training...ghost floating/haunting the hall
Elementalists...more "wizardy" with training and proving grounds of spell...multiple environments of cold, heat, water, air, earth to show the elementalists various study of the world around them
Monk..kinda "shrine"ish/temple"ish" where devotion to healing the body,mind, and spirit take place.
just a start with these ideas.
However, IMO, the guild "halls" don't look as such. They are guild islands to be more exact. Even more so they "halls" are the maps the guild will fight at during GvG matches.
So for GW2, please have HALLS for the guilds to use.
The basic idea is to have an indoor/outdoor area in which the guild members can hang out and interact with other members.
The outdoor area will have a portal that leads to the halls "battle" area where th GvG takes place. The indoor is just for meetings, get together for fun, alliance battle grouping, GvG prep, and just a place to hang out.
Keep the NPC's that we can currently purchase, but lets add one more.
Guild musician.
Tying into the music downloads that we have available from directsong, guilds that buy a musician can "buy" music for the musicians to play. Whether it be the holiday event music, exploration music, or if possible, specially made music for the guilds to use as a theme song or party music.
Lastly, thematic elements to the guild halls.
Using some primary professions as example:
Necro hall..lets have some random NPC minions running around, bodies lying on tables as part of minion experiments/curses training...ghost floating/haunting the hall
Elementalists...more "wizardy" with training and proving grounds of spell...multiple environments of cold, heat, water, air, earth to show the elementalists various study of the world around them
Monk..kinda "shrine"ish/temple"ish" where devotion to healing the body,mind, and spirit take place.
just a start with these ideas.
Originally Posted by Bazompora
I have strong doubts the devs will consider your small secluded unlisted (and thereby unknown to the majority) site as a valid voice of the GW community. The most democratic polls are those on the sites with the largest GW playing population, which are no doubt the listed ones.
You were saying?
1ord i3eans
Originally Posted by Alaris
No class restrictions.
No race restrictions. |
But even if there are class restrictions, I'll be fine if humans can play any class
With GW2, the devs have decided to make a real entry in the MMORPG world, as well as to expand beyound the current limitations in gameplay, which are (besides the obvious lacking of Z-axis):
PvE: after having finished the strongly predictible storyline, on which the player has no substantial impact and is forced into a totally predefined role, players are left to repeat the same missions over and over again; outside the storyline repetitive farming and trading for estethics and gold are the only possible occupations; instancing made the whole even more predictible and produces the lonelyness of a single-player game; no creative liberties are given to the players; the smooth and excellent skill combat system aside, it feels either like playing a rich hack&slash game or a very poor RPG;
PvP: limited to strictly regulated small-sized matches, for trophees, titles, guild publicity and outposts in which the "owner" has no authority; no geopolitical stakes, nor any RPG-value whatsoever; feels like playing sport games for sport prizes.
Thus, as great as GW1 is, it lacks sufficient complex interactive liberties, necessary to keep roleplayers attached. There is no doubt no more complex and interactive gameplay, than one that allows a great freedom of action between human players. But so far GW failed to offer this kind of deepgoing interactivity, for it lacked 2 key elements: "persistency" and "open PvP" (="world PvP", according to
Having summarised the major shortcomings of the present, I shall follow it up by contributing to the suggestions for the future.
PvE: after having finished the strongly predictible storyline, on which the player has no substantial impact and is forced into a totally predefined role, players are left to repeat the same missions over and over again; outside the storyline repetitive farming and trading for estethics and gold are the only possible occupations; instancing made the whole even more predictible and produces the lonelyness of a single-player game; no creative liberties are given to the players; the smooth and excellent skill combat system aside, it feels either like playing a rich hack&slash game or a very poor RPG;
PvP: limited to strictly regulated small-sized matches, for trophees, titles, guild publicity and outposts in which the "owner" has no authority; no geopolitical stakes, nor any RPG-value whatsoever; feels like playing sport games for sport prizes.
Thus, as great as GW1 is, it lacks sufficient complex interactive liberties, necessary to keep roleplayers attached. There is no doubt no more complex and interactive gameplay, than one that allows a great freedom of action between human players. But so far GW failed to offer this kind of deepgoing interactivity, for it lacked 2 key elements: "persistency" and "open PvP" (="world PvP", according to
Having summarised the major shortcomings of the present, I shall follow it up by contributing to the suggestions for the future.

Reasons for implication: imposing peace through game mechanics is most artificial and generates ragequitters and "lamers" exploiting flaws to "player-kill" anyway; player characters should be able to assassinate other player characters and innocent NPCs for roleplaying reasons, such as: honor, conquest, robbery (

Reasons for implication: finding a player group is often too much of a hassle and there's nothing more boring and unsatisfying than having henchmen and heroes take out the enemy for you.

Reasons for implication: People will finally experience the fear for death and the thrill from avoiding death by an inch. Also, rivalling players will see their victory morally rewarded when their slain opponent doesn't return in the following minutes.

Reasons for implication: slightly more realistic, all the while still calculateable; to allow players to inflict defeat without death upon others; to give players a chance to save another from peril.

• places where alot of killing occurs attract specific carnivore mobs to the location;
• when a species is often farmed, its percentage of the total local mobs will diminish and another local species will increase in percentage;
• neutral creatures may turn hostile towards bleeding or crippled players.
Reasons for implication: more organic mob spawns and influencible behaviour will only make PvE more interesting.

Reasons for implication: players should be able to compose a uniform dress across all professions if they wish to.

Reasons for implication: to give PvP-loving roleplayers more objectives to strife for; this would see great fit in player-to-player roleplay.

- "Open Portable Storage" (allows storage place for up to 100 items)
- "Pick up Portable Storage Box" (turns the Portable Storage Box into a "bundle" item, that can be picked up, carried in hands and dropped on the ground)
- "Return Box to inventory" (this option is only avaible if the Portable Storage Box is empty)
Reasons for implication: extra space to carry items found on a journey, at the risk of loss if not carried over to inventory, Xunlai Storage or Merchant; to allow players to have their own portable treasure chests, for long trips or other necessitating situations, and to give robbers somethin' to rob.

Reasons for implication: serves as a cooperative project for adventurers who seek for epic battles; something to rally a tight community against a common enemy; if valuable NPCs (such as unique armor crafters) take up residence in the settlements, players have something substantial to defend.

When a guild holds control over a throne, the objectives for other guilds taking on this Master Quest are to: fight a way through the "evil NPC army" units guarding the stronghold and capture the throne from any "owner guild" members defending the throne room (the "evil NPC army" units guarding the stronghold should be enough of a challenge for a prepared "assaulting guild", for the "owner guild" might not be with enough members online at all times to mount a defense at the throne room).
Reasons for implication: there needs to be an opportunity for machiavellian players to enjoy the control of a dark NPC army and show their acquired might (especially if NPCs quote the name of the "owner guild" alot), by causing a minor nuisance to the persistent world.
The following 3 suggestions are about the few features from GW1 that need to be left out in GW2, as they are not beneficial to long-term enjoyment of the game:
No Map Travel: Map Travel virtually shrinks the in-game world and detaches the player from it; with persistency implicated, Map Travel would act as an anti-persistency factor as it prohibits encounters while "map-travelling"; allowing players to intantly travel to any destination is way too artificial and prevents a more natural population spread.
Key locations can very well be linked together by roleplay-compatible means of transportations, such as Teleports and Portals
(locations, that are not part of the storyline, should not be linked through teleportation, because the "so-casual-that-I-really-need-Map-Travel players" don't have time to visit those in the first place anyway
No Compass (except for GvG, HA, TA & RA):
• the Compass actually reduces fun, as eventually combat comes down on playing Asteroids with the moving dots and the triangles on the Compass;
• without Compass, players will use more immersive approaches, such as scouting and observing mob behavior;
• without Compass, players will experience the thrill of potential hostile encounters behind every corner;
• without Compass, ambushes and surprise attacks will be possible in World PvP.
No Ctrl/Alt-vision through obstacles: without Ctrl/Alt-detection, players will investigate graphical indications to find objects and closely watch the scenery to locate mobs, and can attempt to hide from other players in persistent areas.

Key locations can very well be linked together by roleplay-compatible means of transportations, such as Teleports and Portals
(locations, that are not part of the storyline, should not be linked through teleportation, because the "so-casual-that-I-really-need-Map-Travel players" don't have time to visit those in the first place anyway

• the Compass actually reduces fun, as eventually combat comes down on playing Asteroids with the moving dots and the triangles on the Compass;
• without Compass, players will use more immersive approaches, such as scouting and observing mob behavior;
• without Compass, players will experience the thrill of potential hostile encounters behind every corner;
• without Compass, ambushes and surprise attacks will be possible in World PvP.

I'm cool with a high level cap, but none of this unlimited stuff. I want a goal to work at.
Max item levels. I really like how there's max weapon damage/abilities, max armour bonus, and what not.
More facial customization. EA Sports does it, Sims does it, I know it can be done, please do it
Maybe make the plotline more flexible, but keep a PLOT LINE. The worst thing about WoW is the 30-odd levels of aimless wandering in the early game. You aren't trying to accomplish anything, you're just shuffling around doing unrelated tasks for random people. I need something to get hooked on.
Auction House of course, it kinda goes without saying.
Two-handed axes/swords maybe.
Loving the skill over grind, strategy based game you've got going here, so make sure any changes you make preserve these characteristics! Unlimited level changes the entire game concept in a bad way, and sacrificing fun and action in combat for the sake of realism (look at attack rate and spell interuption in WoW) just isn't cool.
Max item levels. I really like how there's max weapon damage/abilities, max armour bonus, and what not.
More facial customization. EA Sports does it, Sims does it, I know it can be done, please do it

Maybe make the plotline more flexible, but keep a PLOT LINE. The worst thing about WoW is the 30-odd levels of aimless wandering in the early game. You aren't trying to accomplish anything, you're just shuffling around doing unrelated tasks for random people. I need something to get hooked on.
Auction House of course, it kinda goes without saying.
Two-handed axes/swords maybe.
Loving the skill over grind, strategy based game you've got going here, so make sure any changes you make preserve these characteristics! Unlimited level changes the entire game concept in a bad way, and sacrificing fun and action in combat for the sake of realism (look at attack rate and spell interuption in WoW) just isn't cool.
Broken Tree
After several weeks of hard work, I'm pleased to announce NikiWiki:Gw2 - the first site dedicated to the development of new concepts for Guild Wars 2!
Do you like the idea of an in-game auction house? Perhaps you hate recent talk about no level cap? Maybe you have a great idea for a new character race? That's exactly what NikiWiki:Gw2 is designed for!
Some GW fans have already done a fantastic job helping us through the site's initial stages and have come up with some great new concepts. Come vote on their ideas, post your own new concepts, and even post other peoples ideas (just make sure you reference them)! Let's all help to make Guild Wars 2 the game we want it to be!
Note: NikiWiki:Gw2 is not meant to replace forums, it is designed to organize concepts for easier access by players and developers. It also has these distinct advantages over standard forums:
Do you like the idea of an in-game auction house? Perhaps you hate recent talk about no level cap? Maybe you have a great idea for a new character race? That's exactly what NikiWiki:Gw2 is designed for!
Some GW fans have already done a fantastic job helping us through the site's initial stages and have come up with some great new concepts. Come vote on their ideas, post your own new concepts, and even post other peoples ideas (just make sure you reference them)! Let's all help to make Guild Wars 2 the game we want it to be!
Note: NikiWiki:Gw2 is not meant to replace forums, it is designed to organize concepts for easier access by players and developers. It also has these distinct advantages over standard forums:
- Searchable, organized content - Even if a user doesn't search for their particular idea, the minute they attempt to create an "Auction house" concept, they'll be shown that one already exists.
- Auto-integrated user polls - So what if someone already posted your idea? Show the developers that you really want that idea implemented by voting on it!
- Twists - Someone already thought of an "Auction house" before you? But their idea isn't exactly what you were thinking... Make a twist! The next time someone finds the "Auction house" concept, they'll see your twist too! If your idea is popular, they may even see that your twist has more votes than the original concept!
- Ease of use - NikiWiki:Gw2 provides an environment that easy for both players to post their ideas, and developers to find them. No more searching through endless repetitive forums that oftentimes wander off topic anyway. No more signing up for an extra dose of spam in your inbox just because you want to share your thoughts - voting is open to anyone, and editing only requires a standard wiki username/login.
- NO ADS! - Currently, NikiWiki:Gw2 is free and the developers would like to keep it that way.
- More to come! - Wiki's are driven by the community that uses them. Make this wiki work for you!
Guildmaster Cain
I havent read the pages before, so if it has been said before, dont flame me.
A lot of ideas I would have seen in GW arent possible due to game mechanics, I hope this will be possible in GW2, since they are still building the mechanics from scratch now.
Basically current GW copes with certain flaws:
Some of these ideas should tackle them.
1) Player Rating System, similar to the one used on guru auctions. To stop scammers from scamming and ruining the game for a lot of new people that worked hard for those few k's they get scammed out of. Only people that just made a trade with a person can give credits, to prevent whole guilds flaming people. No more scamming in GW2.
2) Advanced Quest Log, a log that shows quests that you have completed already, including conversations (similar to Elder Scrolls logs), also shows current quests ofcourse and quests that havent been started yet, but have been unlocked on you account (another character might have found the quest already). It's part of the 'gotta catch em all' concept that drives a lot of players and should further increase the replayability of GW2.
3) The fabled Auction house, I'm sure anyone suggested this before and all know what its about.
4) Integrated wiki-shell, basically all pages on some official wiki should be written in a certain format, this format can be read by GW2 to make ingame wiki-windows possible. This greatly speeds up the time that new people get to know GW2, all questions about stuff can be found in the ingame wiki, that is accesible to all.
5) Similar to the player rating system, something can be done to prevent botting. Every time a player interacts with a NPC or player, it gets automatically 'humanity'-points. If it keeps interacting with the same NPCs it will get negative points every time. If it has too high negative points, the account gets flagged. Ofcourse farmers would also get negative points, especially when they keep using the same routines. But most farmers get bored after spending hours doing the same routines, botters do not. So as long as the threshold is high enough, regular farmers should be safe. Or ANet has found something for GW2 that negates farming totally.
A lot of ideas I would have seen in GW arent possible due to game mechanics, I hope this will be possible in GW2, since they are still building the mechanics from scratch now.
Basically current GW copes with certain flaws:
Some of these ideas should tackle them.
1) Player Rating System, similar to the one used on guru auctions. To stop scammers from scamming and ruining the game for a lot of new people that worked hard for those few k's they get scammed out of. Only people that just made a trade with a person can give credits, to prevent whole guilds flaming people. No more scamming in GW2.
2) Advanced Quest Log, a log that shows quests that you have completed already, including conversations (similar to Elder Scrolls logs), also shows current quests ofcourse and quests that havent been started yet, but have been unlocked on you account (another character might have found the quest already). It's part of the 'gotta catch em all' concept that drives a lot of players and should further increase the replayability of GW2.
3) The fabled Auction house, I'm sure anyone suggested this before and all know what its about.
4) Integrated wiki-shell, basically all pages on some official wiki should be written in a certain format, this format can be read by GW2 to make ingame wiki-windows possible. This greatly speeds up the time that new people get to know GW2, all questions about stuff can be found in the ingame wiki, that is accesible to all.
5) Similar to the player rating system, something can be done to prevent botting. Every time a player interacts with a NPC or player, it gets automatically 'humanity'-points. If it keeps interacting with the same NPCs it will get negative points every time. If it has too high negative points, the account gets flagged. Ofcourse farmers would also get negative points, especially when they keep using the same routines. But most farmers get bored after spending hours doing the same routines, botters do not. So as long as the threshold is high enough, regular farmers should be safe. Or ANet has found something for GW2 that negates farming totally.
Originally Posted by Bazompora
![]() Reasons for implication: imposing peace through game mechanics is most artificial and generates ragequitters and "lamers" exploiting flaws to "player-kill" anyway; player characters should be able to assassinate other player characters and innocent NPCs for roleplaying reasons, such as: honor, conquest, robbery ( ![]() |
Very annoying to be backstabbed by PvPer while PvEing.
![]() Reasons for implication: People will finally experience the fear for death and the thrill from avoiding death by an inch. Also, rivalling players will see their victory morally rewarded when their slain opponent doesn't return in the following minutes. |
It takes playtime away from the real game that you have to invest in these afterlife quests. Maybe fun for once, but very annoying in the long term.
![]() Reasons for implication: to give PvP-loving roleplayers more objectives to strife for; this would see great fit in player-to-player roleplay. |
Can give a new twist to PvP
Reasons for implication: extra space to carry items found on a journey, at the risk of loss if not carried over to inventory, Xunlai Storage or Merchant; to allow players to have their own portable treasure chests, for long trips or other necessitating situations, and to give robbers somethin' to rob. |
Robbing is not a good idea for a mmo. (And not for rl as well)
Originally Posted by Bazompora
The following 3 suggestions are about the few features from GW1 that need to be left out in GW2, as they are not beneficial to long-term enjoyment of the game:
![]() Key locations can very well be linked together by roleplay-compatible means of transportations, such as Teleports and Portals (locations, that are not part of the storyline, should not be linked through teleportation, because the "so-casual-that-I-really-need-Map-Travel players" don't have time to visit those in the first place anyway ![]() |
This means players will lose valuable play time just by traveling over and over again. I love the current "discover-once-warp-many" system.
![]() • the Compass actually reduces fun, as eventually combat comes down on playing Asteroids with the moving dots and the triangles on the Compass; • without Compass, players will use more immersive approaches, such as scouting and observing mob behavior; • without Compass, players will experience the thrill of potential hostile encounters behind every corner; • without Compass, ambushes and surprise attacks will be possible in World PvP. |
![]() |
At least keep ctrl-alt highlighting available in towns/outposts. Disabling could be something for explorable area's, but I'm still not convinced this is a good idea at all.
My responses are based on what little we know of GW2.
Also, have you thought about putting these up for voting on nikiwiki?
Open PvP will be implemented, but I think dropping items from your inventory is not that fun. Perhaps you get points for kills that gives you some rewards once you get enough.
Soloable PvE will be implemented, so you can take a companion or not, into persistent areas. Instanced areas will most likely involve groups. Fortunately, popular demands point towards higher levels not being much stronger than lower levels, so that the game mechanics are about flattened at higher levels. That means that being twice the level of someone else won't let you solo the area. You'll still need a crazy build to be able to do that. PS: henchies and heroes are pretty good (often better than PUGs), especially if you learn to control them using flags.
/not signed on Afterlife quests
Will quickly get too tedious.
Incapacitations could be fun.
/signed for Interactive Ecosystem
/signed for Advanced armor dyability, especially for the 2 (or 3) color system
/signed for Restorable Settlements
/not signed for No Map Travel
Leave my map travel alone! Greatest invention ever!
/not signed for No Compass
Go in options, and disable it yourself. Leave my compass alone!
/signed for stealth units that don't show on the compass, and need to be located visually. Also signed for some skills to make you disappear from compass.
/not signed for No Ctrl/Alt-vision
Leave my vision alone! However, again, signed for stealth items and/or mobs.
Also, have you thought about putting these up for voting on nikiwiki?
Open PvP will be implemented, but I think dropping items from your inventory is not that fun. Perhaps you get points for kills that gives you some rewards once you get enough.
Soloable PvE will be implemented, so you can take a companion or not, into persistent areas. Instanced areas will most likely involve groups. Fortunately, popular demands point towards higher levels not being much stronger than lower levels, so that the game mechanics are about flattened at higher levels. That means that being twice the level of someone else won't let you solo the area. You'll still need a crazy build to be able to do that. PS: henchies and heroes are pretty good (often better than PUGs), especially if you learn to control them using flags.
/not signed on Afterlife quests
Will quickly get too tedious.
Incapacitations could be fun.
/signed for Interactive Ecosystem
/signed for Advanced armor dyability, especially for the 2 (or 3) color system
/signed for Restorable Settlements
/not signed for No Map Travel
Leave my map travel alone! Greatest invention ever!
/not signed for No Compass
Go in options, and disable it yourself. Leave my compass alone!
/signed for stealth units that don't show on the compass, and need to be located visually. Also signed for some skills to make you disappear from compass.
/not signed for No Ctrl/Alt-vision
Leave my vision alone! However, again, signed for stealth items and/or mobs.
I'd like to re-take the discussion in the beginning of the post.
I feel that all the things that have been showed from the next GW2 are oriented only to players that have left GW and for other MMORPG Wow-like games.
Me, as a current player, feel sad because that Anet seems to be forgeting us. We like GW, that's we are playing it rigth now, if we like Wow-like games, we will playing Wow, or any other free-copy of it.
Please, Think twice to make all that announced changes in the current way so you will be able to get new players, but also, do not loss the players that enjoy with GW.
A lot of us, is in GW as an evolution of D2, we were hard players in Bnet. We love map-travel, we love instantation, we dont think that fishing, mining and all this Ultima online stuff is important, and many other characteristics that GW have inherited from Diablo-kind of games.
Sorry, for this post. But, I'd like to enjoy with GW2 as much as I'm doing and have done with Gw.
I feel that all the things that have been showed from the next GW2 are oriented only to players that have left GW and for other MMORPG Wow-like games.
Me, as a current player, feel sad because that Anet seems to be forgeting us. We like GW, that's we are playing it rigth now, if we like Wow-like games, we will playing Wow, or any other free-copy of it.
Please, Think twice to make all that announced changes in the current way so you will be able to get new players, but also, do not loss the players that enjoy with GW.
A lot of us, is in GW as an evolution of D2, we were hard players in Bnet. We love map-travel, we love instantation, we dont think that fishing, mining and all this Ultima online stuff is important, and many other characteristics that GW have inherited from Diablo-kind of games.
Sorry, for this post. But, I'd like to enjoy with GW2 as much as I'm doing and have done with Gw.
Originally Posted by ReiNaruto
I feel that all the things that have been showed from the next GW2 are oriented only to players that have left GW and for other MMORPG Wow-like games.
A lot of us, is in GW as an evolution of D2, we were hard players in Bnet. We love map-travel, we love instantation, we dont think that fishing, mining and all this Ultima online stuff is important, and many other characteristics that GW have inherited from Diablo-kind of games. |
For example, I've bought every GW out there (incl. GW:EN when it comes out) and I have spent a total of 0$ in other MMO's (if you don't count D2, DS, and DS2, which are not MMO's anyway).
But I would like to see persistent areas that you can explore solo (as long as you still have instanced missions and instanced quests you can solo using henchs and heroes), Z-axis movement, and unlimited levelling (as long as higher levels are mostly cosmetic). But my impression is that the solo areas, persistent areas, and persistent PvP will be added to GW, rather than replace it.
Moreover, GW2 will also most likely be written with casual players in mind. If mining and fishing are implemented, for example, it would not be necessary but rather added as something RPG'ers can do to get into their roles. I predict that map travel and compass will never be removed - those who don't want to use it can do just that.
But all these things are changed made to the requests of GW fans, as ways to improve their experience, and otherwise to keep as much as possible from what made GW such a success.