Remove hb from ta plz
Its awful, if i wanted to cap shrines and hold alters id go pve. Surely there is another way to generate interest in hb..I dunno maybe leave the maps in and disable the pve stuff. They apparently thought hb would be a smashing success on par with gvg, its not, dont force those of us who enjoy ta to play it plz. Why cant ta remain pureish 4v4 pvp...
/agree, HB maps in TA/RA is RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing idiotic. In ra I want to kill shit not cap shit.
Neo Nugget
Don't you Cap on a few maps on RA too? When you say HB that makes me think Hero Battle, which i'm pretty sure thats not what your talking about, unless it's holding builds. I don't see the big deal in capping in TA, it's a good change from the ruthless deathmatches.
Wait, when do you cap in pve?
Wait, when do you cap in pve?
Originally Posted by Neo Nugget
Don't you Cap on a few maps on RA too? When you say HB that makes me think Hero Battle, which i'm pretty sure thats not what your talking about, unless it's holding builds. I don't see the big deal in capping in TA, it's a good change from the ruthless deathmatches.
Wait, when do you cap in pve? |
Originally Posted by Neo Nugget
Wait, when do you cap in pve?
I think they should split it in to 2 arenas really, normal TA, and HvH with 4 humans... Those who want to recall around can play the HvH version, and those who want to play a bad 4v4 format can TA, everyone wins.
instead of bringing Hb into Ta we should bring Ta into Hb,to the slaugther!!!!
Neo Nugget
Originally Posted by MisterB
Aurora Glade, sort of. Various Nightfall missions like Grand Court, Sunspears in X quests, etc.

I actually just read the update notes, they did add hero battle maps to TA. Yeah, doesn't sound like a lot of fun, but ill hold judgment until i actually give it a whirl.
Master Ketsu
/seconded. Dumbest decision ever.
Adding those maps makes no sense whatsoever, especially given the state HB is in now.
Bryant Again
To this update I say:
Master Ketsu
And they included it in RA too. Could someone explain how putting HB Maps that are designed to be commanded by one person in a style of PvP that has no team coordination whatsoever is a good idea ?
Not the one who complains a lot, but I agree completely.
I don't join RA to run around all day capping shrines. If I wanted to, I would AB. RA should be quick, simple matches.
I don't join RA to run around all day capping shrines. If I wanted to, I would AB. RA should be quick, simple matches.
HB maps are retarded to begin with, then to fix that, you add them to other arenas? wtf?
Originally Posted by Master Ketsu
And they included it in RA too. Could someone explain how putting HB Maps that are designed to be commanded by one person in a style of PvP that has no team coordination whatsoever is a good idea ?
I'm guessing they are doing this due to the sucesss of costume brawl, which was the same thing. But really, the only reason people played costume brawl was because they wanted gamer points and liked the fact that the skill bars were uniform.
The actual game type is not fun.
This is a terrible decision. tries SO HARD to push HBs on everybody that they have atually put them into a different game. Why won't they just get the hint that the product is unpopular and not push it on everybody? I got bored of hero battles after 2 days. Why? Because its full of cookie cutter holding builds and there is little actual fighting.
The actual game type is not fun.
This is a terrible decision. tries SO HARD to push HBs on everybody that they have atually put them into a different game. Why won't they just get the hint that the product is unpopular and not push it on everybody? I got bored of hero battles after 2 days. Why? Because its full of cookie cutter holding builds and there is little actual fighting.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
This is a terrible decision. tries SO HARD to push HBs on everybody that they have atually put them into a different game. Why won't they just get the hint that the product is unpopular and not push it on everybody?
Now we'll have teams with dedicated splits running around and breaking people's winning streaks on the HB maps in TA!
Okay, stupid question, what's HB?
Hero battle?
Hero battle?
Nadia Roark
Originally Posted by «Ripskin
Okay, stupid question, what's HB?
Hero battle? |
I'm still used to HB standing for Healer's Boon (I've never Hero Battled in my life and don't plan on it), so the topic kinda caught my attention

Fitz Rinley
If they want PvE players involved in PvP then they should make the PvP rewards viable for PvE. I do Not see capping stands as having anything to do with PvE. Capture the Flag, Capture the Post, are all PvP style play they have been forcing on PvE since Factions. I will AB occasionally if I find enough Freinds that want to. I am not after any towns, the faction is useful.
That is the point they have refused to hear at ANet from inception of the game. PvP does nothing for PvE. O, great I can unlock a skill I still have to farm to pay for. Wow! Make it so that if you unlock a skill in PvP it is unlocked on all characters on the account in PvE or PvP and I guarantee you will see PvE players in there playing PvP. Grant PvE players the ability to make and keep their own weapons and stat sets from PvP and I guarantee you will see PvE players in there Playing PvP. But if it isnt worth the effort - if it is easier to get farming for 2 weeks in PvE, then they won't bother. Want a really radical one? Let PvP Balth points be used to buy hair changes to different hairdos available in any game your account has. That will bring in several PvEers.
PvP offers nothing to PvE. PvP can use PvE to get anthing they want, while PvP is absolutely useless for a PvE character. I have opened a few skills for builds and one for a hero using Balth Points. And most of those points at this time are from AB. I only spent them to get a skill for hero that I am not ready to go cap for myself. Was it a big deal - nope. Jagged Bones is not needed - I can just as easily and effectively use the non-elite and do the same job for my purposes.
That is the point they have refused to hear at ANet from inception of the game. PvP does nothing for PvE. O, great I can unlock a skill I still have to farm to pay for. Wow! Make it so that if you unlock a skill in PvP it is unlocked on all characters on the account in PvE or PvP and I guarantee you will see PvE players in there playing PvP. Grant PvE players the ability to make and keep their own weapons and stat sets from PvP and I guarantee you will see PvE players in there Playing PvP. But if it isnt worth the effort - if it is easier to get farming for 2 weeks in PvE, then they won't bother. Want a really radical one? Let PvP Balth points be used to buy hair changes to different hairdos available in any game your account has. That will bring in several PvEers.
PvP offers nothing to PvE. PvP can use PvE to get anthing they want, while PvP is absolutely useless for a PvE character. I have opened a few skills for builds and one for a hero using Balth Points. And most of those points at this time are from AB. I only spent them to get a skill for hero that I am not ready to go cap for myself. Was it a big deal - nope. Jagged Bones is not needed - I can just as easily and effectively use the non-elite and do the same job for my purposes.
just call me jimmy
So lets get this straight.
In RA you make us have to sit there waiting for the whole team to die before we can leave, or risk not being able to play for 10 min.
Now in TA you want us to run around capping shrines.
Whoever you are that decides this crap, I hope you know you have single handedly ruined every aspect of PVP in this game. GG
I have a great suggestion put all your attention to balancing skills, not changing arenas that have been just fine since day 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In RA you make us have to sit there waiting for the whole team to die before we can leave, or risk not being able to play for 10 min.
Now in TA you want us to run around capping shrines.
Whoever you are that decides this crap, I hope you know you have single handedly ruined every aspect of PVP in this game. GG
I have a great suggestion put all your attention to balancing skills, not changing arenas that have been just fine since day 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just split it to 2 TA's like some other games do if it is such a big deal.
One for playing dm and one for ctf.
One for playing dm and one for ctf.
This is quite possibly the worst idea ever.
Legendary Shiz
What a terribad idea.
I mean honestly, TA is probably the most ignored PvP format in the game and it's a genius idea to add new maps to it. HOWEVER, throwing in your trash Hero Battle maps into the rotation isn't going to do anything but make it into Hero Battles without the heroes.
I love TA, and this really isn't any fun.
I mean honestly, TA is probably the most ignored PvP format in the game and it's a genius idea to add new maps to it. HOWEVER, throwing in your trash Hero Battle maps into the rotation isn't going to do anything but make it into Hero Battles without the heroes.
I love TA, and this really isn't any fun.
They ever thought on just adding new maps?
^or that^
remove the "I'm using Recall" outa TA!
They ever thought on just adding new maps?
Originally Posted by Legendary Shiz
remove the "I'm using Recall" outa TA!
Martin Alvito
Please send the Alliance Battles mechanic back where it belongs - in Alliance Battles only. Please cease and desist all instances of its use in HA, TA, and RA. (If you insist on keeping it in Hero Battles, I won't object. I never go there and never will.)
Please send the Alliance Battles mechanic back where it belongs - in Alliance Battles only. Please cease and desist all instances of its use in HA, TA, and RA. (If you insist on keeping it in Hero Battles, I won't object. I never go there and never will.)
It's ironic. People flame me in the other thread "Hey, Izzy does work, stop insulting the great Izzy!", then this happens.
Originally Posted by Zinger314
It's ironic. People flame me in the other thread "Hey, Izzy does work, stop insulting the great Izzy!", then this happens.
Skyy High
Originally Posted by just call me jimmy
So lets get this straight.
In RA you make us have to sit there waiting for the whole team to die before we can leave, or risk not being able to play for 10 min. Now in TA you want us to run around capping shrines. Whoever you are that decides this crap, I hope you know you have single handedly ruined every aspect of PVP in this game. GG PS I have a great suggestion put all your attention to balancing skills, not changing arenas that have been just fine since day 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Originally Posted by unienaule
This is quite possibly the worst idea ever.
Capping shrines is retarded in HB, and now its in RA too!

Now all we need is HB in guild battles too. Come on anet you know you want to... /sarcasm
Bigger Redd
I find it fantastic they decided to add different scenery to RA/TA. However, remove the shrines!
NO NO NO, RA is fundamentally here for quick access pvp to be able to do what you want quickly without having to get incredibly involved. Now matches go on for 10 minutes minimum? wtf? if ur going to change RA into HB then make a different map. RA is meant for quickness so that we can test builds or play acouple games fast, or have some fun in a short period of time. I HATE CAPPING. its BS
I know everyone hates talk about glad points but here we go.
Since the points conversion it takes 2-3 times as long to get the same amount of points in the old system + games now take 2-5 times as long with this capping crap AND you will be paired with idiots (RA wise).
At least dumb-down the title if its going to take longer to finish games
Since the points conversion it takes 2-3 times as long to get the same amount of points in the old system + games now take 2-5 times as long with this capping crap AND you will be paired with idiots (RA wise).
At least dumb-down the title if its going to take longer to finish games
Tea Girl
Originally Posted by Neo Nugget
Wait, when do you cap in pve?
Lately people posting here have been talking with Andrew Patrick on IRC in Lonesamurai's Ascension show.
The impression given was that TEAM ARENA = SUXX. It was not regarded a viable PvP format.
Maybe this is why they try to add other mechanics to it.
But be honest, what is not declared to SUCK here?
RA sucks - it's for noobs?
TA sucks - cookie cutters, some builds imba there, blabla?
AB/FA/JQ sucks - "it's PvE, lulz", "maps are inbalanced"?
HB sucks - "it is not PvP with AI henchmen"?
what else, HA/HoH sucks probably, too, because of the latest FotM gimmick!
GvG is the holy grail, but is it really that good? First, you need some 6-8 players, not too easy for many guilds out there. So it does not happen that often.
Yeah, no wonder that GW PvP gets declared DEAD over and over again. There does not seem to be a single viable game mode out there... this was no sarcasm, just my observations.
Speculation: I think TA is and was indeed the least populated game mode. It already requires some sort of organization in smaller numbers. They wanted to make it more viable. If this is the right way, that is another story.
What they are testing right now is costume brawl without fixed skillbars and 1 less player.
The impression given was that TEAM ARENA = SUXX. It was not regarded a viable PvP format.
Maybe this is why they try to add other mechanics to it.
But be honest, what is not declared to SUCK here?
RA sucks - it's for noobs?
TA sucks - cookie cutters, some builds imba there, blabla?
AB/FA/JQ sucks - "it's PvE, lulz", "maps are inbalanced"?
HB sucks - "it is not PvP with AI henchmen"?
what else, HA/HoH sucks probably, too, because of the latest FotM gimmick!
GvG is the holy grail, but is it really that good? First, you need some 6-8 players, not too easy for many guilds out there. So it does not happen that often.
Yeah, no wonder that GW PvP gets declared DEAD over and over again. There does not seem to be a single viable game mode out there... this was no sarcasm, just my observations.
Speculation: I think TA is and was indeed the least populated game mode. It already requires some sort of organization in smaller numbers. They wanted to make it more viable. If this is the right way, that is another story.
What they are testing right now is costume brawl without fixed skillbars and 1 less player.
Originally Posted by Longasc
Lately people posting here have been talking with Andrew Patrick on IRC in Lonesamurai's Ascension show.
The impression given was that TEAM ARENA = SUXX. It was not regarded a viable PvP format. Maybe this is why they try to add other mechanics to it. But be honest, what is not declared to SUCK here? RA sucks - it's for noobs? TA sucks - cookie cutters, some builds imba there, blabla? AB/FA/JQ sucks - "it's PvE, lulz", "maps are inbalanced"? HB sucks - "it is not PvP with AI henchmen"? what else, HA/HoH sucks probably, too, because of the latest FotM gimmick! GvG is the holy grail, but is it really that good? First, you need some 6-8 players, not too easy for many guilds out there. So it does not happen that often. Yeah, no wonder that GW PvP gets declared DEAD over and over again. There does not seem to be a single viable game mode out there... this was no sarcasm, just my observations. Speculation: I think TA is and was indeed the least populated game mode. It already requires some sort of organization in smaller numbers. They wanted to make it more viable. If this is the right way, that is another story. What they are testing right now is costume brawl without fixed skillbars and 1 less player. |
They say something is too hard to kill, they "can't counter it": they whine. It gets nerfed. More people whine. Stuff gets boosted. Then it becomes too powerful and the ones who were whining for stuff to get boosted are now regretting their choice: they whine more. And all over again everytime there's a major skill balance.
All in all... as long as there will be multiple maps, classes, skills, there's gonna be whining. So as long as there will be a game, there will be whining.
EDIT: Oh, I agree with Fritz. Aside unlocking skills for heroes, that we have to buy to use ourselves anyways, PvP doesn't benefits PvE like PvE benefits PvP (weapons and armor skins, now available via automated tournaments... kinda sad IMHO, but eh). But a hairdresser wouldn't make me play PvP anyways.
This sucks hard.
Seriously... What were you thinking? TA was my favourite PvP play. It was really skill-based and you had to face several different builds.
No, I'm disappointed to such an extent I really start to wonder why I'm still playing this game.
Seriously... What were you thinking? TA was my favourite PvP play. It was really skill-based and you had to face several different builds.
No, I'm disappointed to such an extent I really start to wonder why I'm still playing this game.
Terra Xin
Originally Posted by unienaule
This is quite possibly the worst idea ever.
Standing around and waiting for a bunch of arrows to full up a bar is NOT a popular FAD!! Please come up with something that 'doesn't' revolve around shrine capping.
HB map requires a very different playstyle, and by introducing this into TA has made those arenas too specialized to be able to do well in. People are going to be forced into choosing from a more narrow set of builds in order to cater to the extended randomness that has been introduced.
The maps shouldn't even be in RA, its random enough as it is, you might as well open up the doors and say "Free punch in the face for all new players, get the experience FIRST HAND!!"
Originally Posted by Kusandaa
Meh, people are never happy. That's why. They'll ALWAYS find something to cry about.
They say something is too hard to kill, they "can't counter it": they whine. It gets nerfed. More people whine. Stuff gets boosted. Then it becomes too powerful and the ones who were whining for stuff to get boosted are now regretting their choice: they whine more. And all over again everytime there's a major skill balance. All in all... as long as there will be multiple maps, classes, skills, there's gonna be whining. So as long as there will be a game, there will be whining. |
Originally Posted by Zinger314
It's ironic. People flame me in the other thread "Hey, Izzy does work, stop insulting the great Izzy!", then this happens.