Originally Posted by HayesA
Damn, just spent 2+ hours clearing UW. We killed 95% of the mobs, then decided to start the quests.
So, yeah, Unwelcome Guests was first. Started off fine, i s'pose. Then somehow 3 of the Aaxtes got aggro'd on the Reaper. Which was a "eh, dammit" moment. We tasked 1 of our 4 monks on keeping him alive while we killed the other Dryder groups. Well, we did... but then the aaxtes didn't break aggro off the reaper, nor died after we killed their leader dryder. D: It was totally bugged!
This quest is totally bugged. It has to be. The mission objective says kill the Keeper and the Aatxes will "follow him into death". Turns out, even after the Keeper of Souls is dead, the Vengeful Aatxes still only seem to die when the player(s) who are in the aatxes' aggro die first. We've been doing UW runs in my guild lately, and we usually have one person draw the Vengeful Aatxes into aggro, then we all run by him/her and kill the Keeper. This doesn't kill the Aatxes, however, We have to ask he/she who aggroed the Aatxes to die or else the Aatxes won't die, at all.
There's NO WAY that quest was designed to be like that. As far as I know, there aren't any other quests in the game that require a player to actually DIE in order to proceed. The questlog would give you instructions to die, if that were the case, and it doesn't:
Maybe my reading comprehension skills are failing me, but to me that seems to instruct me to simply kill the Keeper of Souls and then Vengeful Aatxes die immediately after.