Originally Posted by chinagw
呵呵....thankyou undeadgun...
中国大陆有几个工会最近在国际服上玩 GVG,但国际封锁IP很严重...中国帐号被封章节几率非常高,我们也想购买正版的卡号,但正版卡号所处 的IP在中国大陆就要被封,也令我们很困惑... 被封的几率太高了... 大多都是购买PVP章节,如果要刷钱,,,PVP章节能去pve刷钱么?现在又买不了pvp章节逼我们去买 pve章节...真是走到绝境了...我们很想放弃了.. 中国大陆这样的环境...国外又封杀IP...今天这样一来,我的二个号和装备金钱都被洗了...没想法了 ... |
too easy to get banned/blocked...
most people just buying PvP edition, but if want to get some fancy gear or weapon, can PvP edition do? But now, we cant even choose PvP edition, they force us to buy PvE instead PvP.... there is no otherway we can do this...we really want to give up.....
today in this whole The9 situation..... anet or NC soft banning/blocking our account(if perchased US or EU version)... my both 2 account got screwed up, i cant think a way to solve this problem.....