Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Chthon, I am not going to tell you you're wrong, or chide you for bringing up the fact that, after more than a year, players still cannot change their user names, in certain circumstances. The truth is, you're absolutely right. There are few things that frustrate me more than this issue. (The second, if you're interested, is the length of time it is taking us to add additional in-game store payment options for our players. I mean, we need IVR, and expanded SMS, direct payment, if it's possible, and PayPal, too. Do you know when I first asked about PayPal? Early 2005.  )
Because my job is not about talking to players, but is about taking with players, and because I see myself as having a wonderful opportunity to advocate for what you want (and in this case need!) I ask about this situation frequently. I'm told it's a complex issue, with the tie between Guild Wars, the in-game store, and the PlayNC store. I don't have a recent status update and I will ask for one. In the meantime, I have no excuses to offer, only a very sincere apology for what I agree is taking us far too long to accomplish.
Gaile, thank you for the remarkably forthright response. I really do appreciate it. Since this issue, while extremely important, is only tangential to the problems in China, I'm going to restrain myself from pontificating about it any further in this thread.
Originally Posted by Bale_Shadowscar
Can I ask a question that relates to china (Although not about the server outage?)
Because China are on different and completely separate servers from the rest of the world, why was the pet Panda taken out the game apparantley due to restrictions in china preventing seeing damage to a panda? (Thats what I've heard)
Could it not have just been put on the other area servers but not the china ones? (and china given another pet?)
Not complaining, just wondering? 
I've often wondered about that myself. My best guess is that they were expecting/hoping that Chinese players would be able to come out and play with the rest of the world at the time they made the decision to yank the Panda....
Anywho, it's more or less moot now, as you can use texmod to turn your black bear or polar bear into a panda bear.
Originally Posted by Saphrium
Server campaigns are restored, but items are all lost.
We are currently gathering info on losses.
Thank you for the ongoing translations.