02 Dec 2007 at 02:52 - 1042
Ok, everyone who doesn't have the BMP seems to have some inane reason why they couldn't get it. For me, I simply had a gift card to gamestop, no credit cards, and parents unwilling to pay when I could essentially get it for free.
But in the end, had I known what the pack was like, I would of found a way to get it, and I'm pretty everyone who didn't get it could of found some way in the apparent 4 months to get it. Hell, on November 28th, after seeing EotN, I still wouldn't have gotten it if I had the chance.
But here A-net is with something truly amazing, as I'm sure everyone here can attest to. I admit my mistake in not getting the pack when I could of, but there seems to be absolutely no reason why it shouldn't be available to everyone. There were tonnes of previous arguments: A-net is here to make money, why give away something for free? Well I am willing to pay for it, it isn't exactly free.
And people saying, well I missed out on the box. Well, not only would the box be undoubtedly worth less than the amount I am willing to pay, but given the chance, if I were to trade you my box, manual and disc for your access to BMP, would you take it? Of course not, we both know which one is more valuable.
People say it was a promotion, and I missed out, citing examples of DVDs and bananas - both of which are still fully available, albeit at a higher price. The only reason left is spite - you have something I don't, and you want to keep it that way. It will in no way harm you, yet you just don't want to see the rest of the community experience some of the greatest skins, and missions in the history of GW.
In conclusion: I payed for EotN - actually more than the on-line store would have cost (40 CDN =/= 30 USD), I'm willing to wait, but it makes no sense to lose out on money and players to lose out on gameplay. /signed.