Originally Posted by Sha Noran
It is very easy to point the finger at Ursan Blessing and declare that it is the sole destructor of your beloved PvE, however if you were to do that, you would be wrong. If this is your claim, I have bad news for you: a combination of consumables, other PvE skills and heroes are the source of your PvE woes, you just don't understand it.
Originally Posted by Lagg
I've given up on Guild Wars, but not yet on ArenaNet.
I've made an example many times before about why it's not always a "good" thing that players play together: You could, and probably will get players to PUG if you made it so 10000k would drop each time you scored a kill in an all-human party. People playing together? Sure, but for what reasons and at what cost to the game?
Originally Posted by the_jos
A way of solving this would be to enable the PvE skills only in elite areas and Hard Mode.
But do you know what I'm not in total disagreement with? A difficulty slider. This way players can come to better conclusions and knowledge of their builds and what works/doesn't work in an areas. Of course there would have to be a few limitations on it (maybe decreased drop rates?) but it'd be a faaar much better learning tool than Ursan.
And sorry to take a snip there, Jos. I liked your post, but just took that little portion to bring out a comment.