Mission Pack open access for ALL. NO WEAPONS
This is a thread as the title suggests.
Anet give us the Mission Pack at no cost. No Bonus.
Which means, you can play the missions. But you cannot get the weapons.
Weapons remain exclusive to those who qualified for the promo. Just like with Pre-order weapons, which are also promos.
Anet give us the Mission Pack at no cost. No Bonus.
Which means, you can play the missions. But you cannot get the weapons.
Weapons remain exclusive to those who qualified for the promo. Just like with Pre-order weapons, which are also promos.
I'd pay for it, it's bad business to just give it to us for free, they should at least re-offer it though, cause now there is useful stuff in the online store that i'd buy for 30 dolllars and so on.
Wouldn't giving away the same stuff away for free be even worse? Or is this really just about weapons? Like I said in the other topic, the bottom line is, you guys have new toys that you don't want others to play with.
I see no reason they shouldn't just put the FULL pack up in the store, for a small fee. You guys wanting to hoard the new skins to yourself, seem much worse than those who are jealous they can't use them.
/not signed.
I see no reason they shouldn't just put the FULL pack up in the store, for a small fee. You guys wanting to hoard the new skins to yourself, seem much worse than those who are jealous they can't use them.
/not signed.
like other thread, had ur time to get it
/not signed
/not signed
I'd really like to see a dedicated thread with solutions to the "BMP problem," rather than aruging on why people couldn't qualify for it.
Ship out boxes, CDs, and instruction manuals to those who bought EotN from the in-game store under the premise that purchasing from the in-game store would be the only way to access any part of the BMP. Areanet already made a bigger profit off in-game store users, and if they do end up selling it via the in-game store, which so many non-qualifiers suggest, it would result in an even bigger profit. They already have our home addresses (from purchasing in the in-game store), and they'll have the money to be able to afford to ship these boxes out (the boxes have already been made).
Ship out boxes, CDs, and instruction manuals to those who bought EotN from the in-game store under the premise that purchasing from the in-game store would be the only way to access any part of the BMP. Areanet already made a bigger profit off in-game store users, and if they do end up selling it via the in-game store, which so many non-qualifiers suggest, it would result in an even bigger profit. They already have our home addresses (from purchasing in the in-game store), and they'll have the money to be able to afford to ship these boxes out (the boxes have already been made).
I'm for this or something like this. I preorder GW:EN but because I didn't use their store (which has had occasional problems), no BMP.
Originally Posted by CHunterX
Ship out boxes, CDs, and instruction manuals to those who bought EotN from the in-game store under the premise that purchasing from the in-game store would be the only way to access any part of the BMP. Areanet already made a bigger profit off in-game store users, and if they do end up selling it via the in-game store, which so many non-qualifiers suggest, it would result in an even bigger profit. They already have our home addresses (from purchasing in the in-game store), and they'll have the money to be able to afford to ship these boxes out (the boxes have already been made).
Originally Posted by CHunterX
Ship out boxes, CDs, and instruction manuals to those who bought EotN from the in-game store under the premise that purchasing from the in-game store would be the only way to access any part of the BMP.
Buying the BMP from the online store comes totally separately after this - and you guys who did use the limited time offer still come on top, since you got EoTN and BMP for one purchase whereas some people would have to pay twice.
this is alot better than the "buy online" one.
no weapons for the guys who didnt go for online store is ftw.
this one is best for if the BMP goes onto the online store
either this or bring back the collectors editions imo.
no weapons for the guys who didnt go for online store is ftw.
Originally Posted by CHunterX
Ship out boxes, CDs, and instruction manuals to those who bought EotN from the in-game store under the premise that purchasing from the in-game store would be the only way to access any part of the BMP. Areanet already made a bigger profit off in-game store users, and if they do end up selling it via the in-game store, which so many non-qualifiers suggest, it would result in an even bigger profit. They already have our home addresses (from purchasing in the in-game store), and they'll have the money to be able to afford to ship these boxes out (the boxes have already been made). |
either this or bring back the collectors editions imo.
AW Lore
for free to all? not signed.
available through some other promotion of spending money in the online game store for another $29.95 somewhere next year? /signed
available through some other promotion of spending money in the online game store for another $29.95 somewhere next year? /signed
Jongo River
Someone suggested in one of the several threads on this subject to open it during festivals (sorry I forget who). I think that was a great idea. I'm unsure about "No Weapons", though. Maybe a limit of 1 per toon each time the missions are opened to all?
My personal preference would be to just sell the pack, but I'm still going to say /signed for this thread, because any solution to open the pack to all players would be welcome.
My personal preference would be to just sell the pack, but I'm still going to say /signed for this thread, because any solution to open the pack to all players would be welcome.
Nah, it has to be the whole BMP or nothing. There's no point whatsoever to sell just the weapons or just the missions.
Originally Posted by Traveller
Nah, it has to be the whole BMP or nothing. There's no point whatsoever to sell just the weapons or just the missions.
I would prefer the whole package, but yes, weapons are the main attraction. I thought that was clear to everyone?
You had your chance, don't give me bull about not being able to use any payment method. Every country in Europe have pre paid credit cards available to them, as does the US, Canada and Australia.
Originally Posted by Traveller
I would prefer the whole package, but yes, weapons are the main attraction. I thought that was clear to everyone?
the BMP after this update if put in online store should only contain the actual missions
Fril Estelin
This is a GREAT idea. If Anet is thinking of doing that, they should announce it right away (it'd calm down some people, though not immediatly). If not, seriously think about it.
This is a GREAT idea. If Anet is thinking of doing that, they should announce it right away (it'd calm down some people, though not immediatly). If not, seriously think about it.
Originally Posted by tyla salanari
those who only want it for the weapon are not deserving of the BMP
the BMP after this update if put in online store should only contain the actual missions |
In the whole BMP discussion I haven't quite grasped this strange attitude of some of the people who have it are making towards those of us who don't and would simply like another method to acquire it.
I guess it all comes down to perspective. I have some of the things people who have played longer than others might have. Mini-pets, special dances, special hand animations. Should they sell these things in the online store, I would still continue to have 'em.
I would have the option to think "This is an outrage, I've played longer and paid more than those n00bs, how can A-Net put them on the same level as me" and I could also think "Cool, now they can enjoy the glowing hands as well".
Gaile mentioned that they had much work put into this as a special effort.
it might as well be a weapons pack otherwise.
thought for the curling of hair.
think of how many over the top threads there would be if the weapons could be sold for 100k plus ectos?
Jongo River
Originally Posted by tyla salanari
those who only want it for the weapon are not deserving of the BMP
the BMP after this update if put in online store should only contain the actual missions |
Originally Posted by Traveller
So, in other words, you would decide based on spite?
In the whole BMP discussion I haven't quite grasped this strange attitude of some of the people who have it are making towards those of us who don't and would simply like another method to acquire it. I guess it all comes down to perspective. I have some of the things people who have played longer than others might have. Mini-pets, special dances, special hand animations. Should they sell these things in the online store, I would still continue to have 'em. I would have the option to think "This is an outrage, I've played longer and paid more than those n00bs, how can A-Net put them on the same level as me" and I could also think "Cool, now they can enjoy the glowing hands as well". |
and the BMP weapons are also an added bonus - potentially if you got the bonus AFTER limitations,you dont get it.
leave the weapons for the people who qualified.
we didnt get the casing and some people like to have a complete guildwars collection of stuff.
if they let the weapons on people who didnt qualify - it would also make a QQ thread again.
Originally Posted by Jongo River
So long as they don't get what they want, you're happy, eh?
am i QQing over it?
seemingly because you're bringing up the argument against it
Jongo River
Originally Posted by Loviatar
think of how many over the top threads there would be if the weapons could be sold for 100k plus ectos?
Actually, I've been wondering why there isn't another "they killed the economy" thread. They may not be tradeable, but I don't see many of us BMP owners *buying* weapons anymore.

street peddler
the weapons are the motivation.
also, you missed your chance, youll be over it in a week.
also, you missed your chance, youll be over it in a week.
Originally Posted by street peddler
the weapons are the motivation.
also, you missed your chance, youll be over it in a week. |
Originally Posted by tyla salanari
if they let the weapons on people who didnt qualify - it would also make a QQ thread again.
Originally Posted by street_peddler
also, you missed your chance, youll be over it in a week.

Silly Warrior
It does make sense, Anet gains nothing and loses nothing from simply allowing everyone to play in the bonus missions.
Then again, the BMP was intended as a BONUS for those who bought 30$ worth of products from their online store. So I feel as a customer, I deserve the BMP, and not those who haven't bought anything from the company in years.
With that said, I don't have an opinion on this, whatever Anet feels is right for their company they should do.
Then again, the BMP was intended as a BONUS for those who bought 30$ worth of products from their online store. So I feel as a customer, I deserve the BMP, and not those who haven't bought anything from the company in years.
With that said, I don't have an opinion on this, whatever Anet feels is right for their company they should do.
Originally Posted by Traveller
I'm actually anxious to see what happens next.

Originally Posted by Silly Warrior
It does make sense, Anet gains nothing and loses nothing from simply allowing everyone to play in the bonus missions.
Still, something similar happened with material storage.
Making BMP free, but without weapons for late commer is agreeable to most of people. People wanting to eperience those stories should get their chance, people wating just weapons get no sympathy. Missions are unique, but game has tons of weapons already.
To all those who have this pack and don't want others to be able to buy:
Originally Posted by lyra_song
This is a thread as the title suggests.
Anet give us the Mission Pack at no cost. No Bonus. Which means, you can play the missions. But you cannot get the weapons. Weapons remain exclusive to those who qualified for the promo. Just like with Pre-order weapons, which are also promos. |
Is the BMP so short you have already completed everything? Sry for you.
In case you haven't finished it yet
I don't care about the rewards.
ONLY the final cutscene between Joko and Ossa makes the whole pack worth it.
They advertised it.
They say what it would include.
They set a really wide period to get it.
There are pre-paid credits cards for those that do not have one or are not over 18yo in all countries where GW is available in stores.
Allowing further acquisition of the Bonus pack would be like allowing to acquire again preorder or collector stuff.
ONLY the final cutscene between Joko and Ossa makes the whole pack worth it.
They advertised it.
They say what it would include.
They set a really wide period to get it.
There are pre-paid credits cards for those that do not have one or are not over 18yo in all countries where GW is available in stores.
Allowing further acquisition of the Bonus pack would be like allowing to acquire again preorder or collector stuff.
I Phoenix I
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
I don't care about the rewards.
ONLY the final cutscene between Joko and Ossa makes the whole pack worth it. They advertised it. They say what it would include. They set a really wide period to get it. There are pre-paid credits cards for those that do not have one or are not over 18yo in all countries where GW is available in stores. Allowing further acquisition of the Bonus pack would be like allowing to acquire again preorder or collector stuff. |
Originally Posted by Abnaxus
Lyra _song, instead of wasting your time opening threads withs the sole purpose to provoke people, why don't you follow my suggestion?
GO HOME PLAY THE GAME ENJOY DONT' BREAK THE BALLS TO THOSE WHO WANT TO BUY Is the BMP so short you have already completed everything? Sry for you. In case you haven't finished it yet GO HOME PLAY THE GAME ENJOY DONT' BREAK THE BALLS TO THOSE WHO WANT TO BUY |
We took BMP>casing you took casing>BMP
there are only extremely few valid reasons why you DIDNT get it.
but i /agree - as long as there isnt any weapons and this costs about 5$
I have the bmp.
I wouldnt mind to get all of the bonus weapons or dances for a fee, like the millions edition weapons.
I dont mind they sell or make the bmp offering again.
I wouldnt mind to get all of the bonus weapons or dances for a fee, like the millions edition weapons.
I dont mind they sell or make the bmp offering again.
Bowstring Badass
Along with the QQ threads I will go with my usual /notsigned...
The whole purpose of the BMP is to encourage people to buy from the online store. If you don't buy from the online store, then you don't get the BMP.
Why does it have to be any more complicated than that? No one ever promised it for doing anything else - if you didn't take part in the promotion, then you missed out. Life goes on...
Why does it have to be any more complicated than that? No one ever promised it for doing anything else - if you didn't take part in the promotion, then you missed out. Life goes on...
Originally Posted by Biostem
Life goes on...

/not signed. This is an all or nothing issue.
Now that I know what the BMP missions are all about I'm happy I didn't pay for it. Yes, I'd like some Mursaat and Undead weapons but there's no other attraction to the bonus missions. If I didn't own NF or EoTN then it would great because the weapons are inscribable. But by making the weapons customized automatically it dropped any value they have to zero and virtually killed the replay value of the BMP.
I'll stick with my free additional content. I still haven't done SF, Urgoz's Warren, The Deep, or DoA and in the end I find that content to be better than the BMP. While I play GW for fun, I do have a bottomline and the BMP doesn't contribute to that at all.
Now that I know what the BMP missions are all about I'm happy I didn't pay for it. Yes, I'd like some Mursaat and Undead weapons but there's no other attraction to the bonus missions. If I didn't own NF or EoTN then it would great because the weapons are inscribable. But by making the weapons customized automatically it dropped any value they have to zero and virtually killed the replay value of the BMP.
I'll stick with my free additional content. I still haven't done SF, Urgoz's Warren, The Deep, or DoA and in the end I find that content to be better than the BMP. While I play GW for fun, I do have a bottomline and the BMP doesn't contribute to that at all.
LoL I'll sign yes just because I want to read all the threads about how the people that paid for BmP(via in-store purchases) got ripped off.