29 Jan 2007 at 23:11 - 106
/signed with a hearty backing up
I don't like the idea of extra on your person storage, just for the fact that you've already got a backpack, 2 bags and one pouch, even though it's not graphical, I think it's a good limit where it's at. Can you imagine actaully carrying around 40 big fricken hammers/swords/axes? and you want to add to that?
I think it's a much deserved patch, due to Anet not really contemplating how much a person could actually justifiably need, even just as far as Prophecies is concerned. Expansions are another reason, more player options, more required gear, more loot, more collector items.
Add "pages" to storage like the materals have now.
Simple, relatively easy to program in as it's already been done once.
Make each of the new pages cost 15k. To further that, Make any new storage adjustments per character, except key/dye maybe.
This game is all about status, that's why there's a market for black dye, and anything related to titles. Why else would 15k, FoW, and the rest be no different than normal armor, and so darned hard to get?
I don't get you sharks/trolls in a topic like this. It's a clear and concise, useful patch. I don't see any reason for people to not sign other than to flame and be generally disagreeable, atleast by what's posted here so far.
The only semi valid argument is that carry it, you have the room(aside from the fact that some people collect the armor) To most of you reading on won't be necessary, some people still don't get it about how people could use all that room..
Some combinations of the 2 classes can be VERY flexible. My N/Mo has 3 different builds so far, and I'm working on obtaining 1 elite that will require a whole new set of armor.
That's 4 sets. One build is 55. Every good 55 know's that if you die, you have to change out some armor and offhands(if you solo or the team has the right rez skills) to get your Hp above 1pt. So, in effect a 55 can have 2-3 sets for the 1 build.
Do the math on armor alone, not to mention weaponry for each build, keys, mission items, and you're getting to have very little room for loot.
And to further that, your secondary class is changable, which increases build options and needs.
Using a different character is what alot of people do, but we do it grudgingly, because shuffling that all around is alot of work, not to mention an actual hinderance if a party is waiting on you. Gets to be more troublesome when you have valuable loot you have yet to sell that's in storage too.