Originally Posted by Lagg
We traveled deep into the fires of The Foundry of Failed Creations, where Ursan Blessing was forged, the one place it could be destroyed.
— ArenaNet! Cast it into the fire! Destroy it! — No. — ArenaNeeet! ArenaNet kept Ursan Blessing. It should have ended that day, but evil was allowed to endure. |
New Build Today Ursan Related
Ursan from the distance is (was) just a bug. Bears cannot attack from the distance.
Originally Posted by Shanaeri Rynale
Too little, too late. Touch Range does little to dent it's effectiveness
Really, lol at people who now think that this nerf reduced effectiveness of ursan by measurable margin. Its not like you shouldn't have been in mele range anyway.
Lets see:
* Ignoring all shutdown. check
* Ignoring all defenses. check.
* Armor/Health buff. check.
* 10s recharge AOE interrupt, check.
* Enemybebuff/party buff, check.
* Ability to AOE kdlock enemies with 5 ursans. check.
yeah. its sooooo weak now.
whinning noobs ruined another skill..keep going guys your doing well moaning gw into the ground..
Squishy ftw
This is hardly worth calling a nerf..UB should get hit by the nerf stick a lot harder IMO.
dont feel no pain
Originally Posted by Pupu
whinning noobs ruined another skill..keep going guys your doing well moaning gw into the ground..
Originally Posted by Pupu
whinning noobs ruined another skill..keep going guys your doing well moaning gw into the ground..
... as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and realized that there is looming chance they would have to become better players ...
Originally Posted by zwei2stein
* 10s recharge AOE interrupt, check.
* Ability to AOE kdlock enemies with 5 ursans. check. |
IMO I found it a buff to the c-space + mash button scheme as your main attack now ensures you are adjacent for the AoE knockdown/damage. Maybe once the QQ'ers figure out what a spamable 2s AoE knockdown actually means (since they apparently weren't using it before) they will be even happier than before - especially so if they ever figure out how to time all their knockdowns instead of just having them all go at once.
Why do you people even care if Timmy the noob can get in a group of pugs? PLEASE give the we want him to get better BS a rest. Those crying for nerfs wouldn't take Timmy the noob even if he got better they have a set of friends and guild they go with already (saying you would and DOING it are not the same thing .. too many examples in the forums of class hate).
PvP calling for nerfs is bad enough. PvE is just retarded .. you have your OWN instance. WHO CARES what Timmy does in his. "Elite" player paid same amount of money for this game that Timmy the "noob" did. Who the hell is "elite" player to try and dictate how Timmy plays. They nerfed the skill for those casters that have trouble getting a group. With the onset of title grind .. many are forced to play one char. Many of those chars happen to be casters. Personally I found my monk friend to be funny as all hell running around with UB. She has played monk since launch was like watching someone release 31 months of pent up frustration.
This is about Epeens and "noobs" encroaching on "elite" players farms. Feel free to call me a noob .. 31 months played and almost 9000 hours logged. My primary char is a warrior so even if I was using UB this wouldnt change anything. Just makes me gag the excuses you people try to float on why you the "elite" feel it should be nerfed.
Anet keep listening to forum people and you will drive so many away that when GW2 launches .. you will sell as many copies as a Vanilla Ice greatest hits cd.
PvP calling for nerfs is bad enough. PvE is just retarded .. you have your OWN instance. WHO CARES what Timmy does in his. "Elite" player paid same amount of money for this game that Timmy the "noob" did. Who the hell is "elite" player to try and dictate how Timmy plays. They nerfed the skill for those casters that have trouble getting a group. With the onset of title grind .. many are forced to play one char. Many of those chars happen to be casters. Personally I found my monk friend to be funny as all hell running around with UB. She has played monk since launch was like watching someone release 31 months of pent up frustration.
This is about Epeens and "noobs" encroaching on "elite" players farms. Feel free to call me a noob .. 31 months played and almost 9000 hours logged. My primary char is a warrior so even if I was using UB this wouldnt change anything. Just makes me gag the excuses you people try to float on why you the "elite" feel it should be nerfed.
Anet keep listening to forum people and you will drive so many away that when GW2 launches .. you will sell as many copies as a Vanilla Ice greatest hits cd.
Originally Posted by leprekan
Why do you people even care if Timmy the noob can get in a group of pugs? PLEASE give the we want him to get better BS a rest. Those crying for nerfs wouldn't take Timmy the noob even if he got better they have a set of friends and guild they go with already (saying you would and DOING it are not the same thing .. too many examples in the forums of class hate).
PvP calling for nerfs is bad enough. PvE is just retarded .. you have your OWN instance. WHO CARES what Timmy does in his. "Elite" player paid same amount of money for this game that Timmy the "noob" did. Who the hell is "elite" player to try and dictate how Timmy plays. They nerfed the skill for those casters that have trouble getting a group. With the onset of title grind .. many are forced to play one char. Many of those chars happen to be casters. Personally I found my monk friend to be funny as all hell running around with UB. She has played monk since launch was like watching someone release 31 months of pent up frustration. This is about Epeens and "noobs" encroaching on "elite" players farms. Feel free to call me a noob .. 31 months played and almost 9000 hours logged. My primary char is a warrior so even if I was using UB this wouldnt change anything. Just makes me gag the excuses you people try to float on why you the "elite" feel it should be nerfed. Anet keep listening to forum people and you will drive so many away that when GW2 launches .. you will sell as many copies as a Vanilla Ice greatest hits cd. |
Originally Posted by Pupu
thats anets biggest mistake, listening to retards on forums.
Dont even scapegoat UB as the source of all pve problems. pve became retarded when save yourself came out, making pve a COMPLETE joke. take 1) d-slash war + for great jsutice + save yourself or 2) take focused anger + save yourself + aggressive refrain? UB jsut made pve brokeness across the board, although i dont really care. as stated before, its YOUR OWN PRIVATE INSTANCE with ppl u want to include. if u really wanna qq and dictate wut others do in the first place, have fun being a communist. broken or not, a skill in pve affects ONLY the monsters u fight.
This was just a dent to its functionality. It still deserves a big nerf along with couple of other PvE skills.
Originally Posted by Pupu
whinning noobs ruined another skill..keep going guys your doing well moaning gw into the ground..
UB is bad, but it allows a bad person to be able to succeed, kind of like IWAY.
Originally Posted by Star Gazer
amen. these god damn whiners qqing about how ub made doa obselete, really need to get over themselves. those comments were the same ones discriminating and preventing others from getting into groups. nice to hear that if i whine loud enough, i could get something too. lets see what we could whine about next.....how about luxon and kurz title tracks being too high?
Dont even scapegoat UB as the source of all pve problems. pve became retarded when save yourself came out, making pve a COMPLETE joke. take 1) d-slash war + for great jsutice + save yourself or 2) take focused anger + save yourself + aggressive refrain? UB jsut made pve brokeness across the board, although i dont really care. as stated before, its YOUR OWN PRIVATE INSTANCE with ppl u want to include. if u really wanna qq and dictate wut others do in the first place, have fun being a communist. broken or not, a skill in pve affects ONLY the monsters u fight. |
Whining doesn't get you anywhere, you have to also be right. That's how it is.
Originally Posted by maraxusofk
Dont even scapegoat UB as the source of all pve problems. pve became retarded when save yourself came out, making pve a COMPLETE joke.
A skill that kills everything. On any profession. And cannot possibly be stopped.
Save Yourselves and There's Nothing to Fear combined (the combo any PvE Paragon runs these days) is already extremely powerful.
Add Ursan Blessing to that and well, why do we even still play this game? To watch things die as we look at them? Drops? Who cares about those since Greens, craftable Rares and the overall devaluation of everything.
Put the illusion of challenge and creativity (MAI SKILBAR IS UB LAWL) back into PvE please.
Originally Posted by Update notes
* Updated the Ursan Strike, Volfen Claw, and Raven Talons skills to touch range to make them more consistent between the mission versions and the Norn title versions. |
Originally Posted by jammerpa
I've just tested it out and ursan strike only works when you're right next to your target instead of being on the edge of the targets aggro bubble.
Originally Posted by Clarissa F
Yeah. UB use goes in inverse proportion to your skill, and correlates neck-and-neck with your laziness.
People use it 1. Because they haven't the skill to get through the area, or they don't have the patience to wait for a time when enough friends/guildies/alliance members can get together to do it. 2. They just want to get in bad pugs and farm the snot out of an area. Suck it up, Buttercups! |
I use UB because noone take pug mesmer in DoA , UW , FoW etc ..
UB open the gate for me and i can now get to the partys with ursan

Originally Posted by strcpy
Interestingly enough, this update makes that *easier* since your main skill now takes the same range. In fact, I had always thought that was a large part of the "power" of UB and you were in melee range to begin with.
IMO I found it a buff to the c-space + mash button scheme as your main attack now ensures you are adjacent for the AoE knockdown/damage. Maybe once the QQ'ers figure out what a spamable 2s AoE knockdown actually means (since they apparently weren't using it before) they will be even happier than before - especially so if they ever figure out how to time all their knockdowns instead of just having them all go at once. |
lol, I like how this change does NOTHING to the skill. Nice one Anet.
Originally Posted by Lagg
Protection against non-armor ignoring damage (and utterly useless if you're tanking properly and the tank is overprotted anyway). Mostly a safeguard in case of broken aggro (heck, it's called Save Yourselves for a reason).
vs. A skill that kills everything. On any profession. And cannot possibly be stopped. Save Yourselves and There's Nothing to Fear combined (the combo any PvE Paragon runs these days) is already an extremely powerful combo. |
Shanaeri Rynale
All this will do is encourage people to take SY, consumables and other passive armor buffs to protect the ursans up front. Get a nice SY or TNTF paragon, maybe add in a vanguard ward or 2 and all of a sudden we have a whole load of casters at the armor cap with supercharging skills and an unkillable party.
We may as well press ~ and enter iddqd to play
We may as well press ~ and enter iddqd to play
Originally Posted by Lagg
We traveled deep into the fires of The Foundry of Failed Creations, where Ursan Blessing was forged, the one place it could be destroyed.
— ArenaNet! Cast it into the fire! Destroy it! — No. — ArenaNeeet! ArenaNet kept Ursan Blessing. It should have ended that day, but evil was allowed to endure. |
Next update for Ursan Blessing. Change in to an avatar of the bear when activate the skill.
Originally Posted by viens87
I use UB because noone take pug mesmer in DoA , UW , FoW etc ..
UB open the gate for me and i can now get to the partys with ursan ![]() |
Shameless pimp, I know, but cut me some slack.
Personally, I only play Trinity professions and wish it could be otherwise.
I think this nerf is a step into the right direction.
My suggestion is to make this a NORMAL attack skill, affected by armor not a touch skill. Then you can blind the bears and stuff like that.
Compared to MY suggestions this is a VERY MILD nerf:
My suggestion is to make this a NORMAL attack skill, affected by armor not a touch skill. Then you can blind the bears and stuff like that.
Compared to MY suggestions this is a VERY MILD nerf:
Guildmaster Cain
It would affect the Ursan people that used the skill as ranged, and that is actually the way it should be used. Don't get me wrong, it suits the skill more to be touch. But using it as ranged while meleeing another foe, you could do ranged spikes on the monks.
Also places like DoA Foundry will be harder with all the Rage Titans doing PBAoE dmg.
All ppl saying UB is imba or overpowered should go back to PvP. U cant say that stuff about PvE. Ever noticed how imba Mallyx, Duncan, Shiro and about all the foes is GWEN are? It's a PvE skill, so dont complain about it, its supposed to be imba.
U dont like UB? Dont use it.
Also places like DoA Foundry will be harder with all the Rage Titans doing PBAoE dmg.
All ppl saying UB is imba or overpowered should go back to PvP. U cant say that stuff about PvE. Ever noticed how imba Mallyx, Duncan, Shiro and about all the foes is GWEN are? It's a PvE skill, so dont complain about it, its supposed to be imba.
U dont like UB? Dont use it.
Oooo handbags at dawn! The arguments of those with equal intelligence! And this UB change is near miniscule. All the "casters" are forgetting this also adds additional armour. I use the term "casters" loosely.
Nice change, needs moar change!
For people who always whine about UB being easymode, they need to go with PUGs. A failsauce PUG will still be a failsauce PUG, just with a slightly higher chance of succeeding, not guaranteed. If you're in a group with a clue, then of course it's easier, just like with anything else... .
It's also nice that you can spend a bit less time getting some stuff done and that people from ANY profession can join in on an area, rather than "ZOMG wut r u doin here nubcake?!" It doesn't matter as much for me, since I can always hop on some other character, but for people who only focus on one or two characters, it's easier. Before, if you had to PUG in The Deep for the HoM monument, a Ranger most likely wouldn't be making it into the groups, but with UB, anyone can.
For the groups who really knew what they were doing, there'd be a warrior or para tanking out the damage, while the rest hung back to spam Ursan Strike. It'll affect playstyle, but it doesn't completely ruin UB either, though it'll definitely change walling.
It's also nice that you can spend a bit less time getting some stuff done and that people from ANY profession can join in on an area, rather than "ZOMG wut r u doin here nubcake?!" It doesn't matter as much for me, since I can always hop on some other character, but for people who only focus on one or two characters, it's easier. Before, if you had to PUG in The Deep for the HoM monument, a Ranger most likely wouldn't be making it into the groups, but with UB, anyone can.
For the groups who really knew what they were doing, there'd be a warrior or para tanking out the damage, while the rest hung back to spam Ursan Strike. It'll affect playstyle, but it doesn't completely ruin UB either, though it'll definitely change walling.
Guildmaster Cain
The only goal of posts from sad people like Aapo/Pupu is to infuriarate other people. It doesnt matter what you say, they only read your post to twist your words around and say something insulting about it. People like this have probably had a very rough childhood, always being made fun of by their classmates or something. Posting on the internet on forums is their only way they feel they can do the same to other people. We should actually feel sorry for them, for they are the victims of a harsh childhood.
Either that or they are still in their childhood.
UB is nerfed by this, but it is hard to predict the outcome. It will be slower a bit. Things like the Cave in Gloom and the whole Foundry will be a lot harder I fear.
This is because the casters in Cave do freezing (harder to reach now) and the Foundry has Rage titans who do massive PBAoE dmg.
Either that or they are still in their childhood.
UB is nerfed by this, but it is hard to predict the outcome. It will be slower a bit. Things like the Cave in Gloom and the whole Foundry will be a lot harder I fear.
This is because the casters in Cave do freezing (harder to reach now) and the Foundry has Rage titans who do massive PBAoE dmg.
Sub Frost
Wasn't really necessary, but hey at least some of the "UB IS EVIL!!!!!" people have something new to talk about.
When a build becomes a staple so quickly its not really about nerfing, it's about balance. When you see now full groups of 8 using the same elite doesn't that just seem... well... kinda not right?
dont feel no pain
iIts not been hit hard enought for people completely reliant on it leaving it be.
If they want to stop UB from being used it needs major changes, like real major lol
UB can only be used in norn territory
it would kill it for exploiting, but still remain strong for the norn stories, seems fair
If they want to stop UB from being used it needs major changes, like real major lol
UB can only be used in norn territory
it would kill it for exploiting, but still remain strong for the norn stories, seems fair

Originally Posted by Guildmaster Cain
Ever noticed how imba Mallyx, Duncan, Shiro and about all the foes is GWEN are? It's a PvE skill, so dont complain about it, its supposed to be imba.
If the bosses are imba (which they are not IMO), they need to be balanced. You suggested that the balancing solution was to introduce an imba skill as counter. Now would that not be incredibly bad for the gameplay?
Ursan Blessing is still THE way for people who just want to do everything without having to try hard. To do things they did not manage to do before at all. It is easy, effective and overpowered.
And this still has not stopped, the bear is still more IMBA than the bosses you depicated as "imba".
Originally Posted by dont feel no pain
iIts not been hit hard enought for people completely reliant on it leaving it be.
Well, ANet cant satisty everyone, thats a fact. UB continues to be a very powerfull skill, speed buffs maybe needed, so what? I liked it how it was, but then again, they nerfed a small detail, nothing to complain about.
Originally Posted by Guildmaster Cain
All ppl saying UB is imba or overpowered should go back to PvP. U cant say that stuff about PvE. Ever noticed how imba Mallyx, Duncan, Shiro and about all the foes is GWEN are? It's a PvE skill, so dont complain about it, its supposed to be imba.
U dont like UB? Dont use it. |
And what is exactly point of having to selfdesignen ultrahardmodeascalon to get challenge? Challenge should make player to play the best he can, using best tools to overcome it. Not to start with selfpwning.
Originally Posted by Antheus
It nerfssssss, It nerfssss ussss.