Guide to becoming a "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

Guide to Achieving “God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals”

When I was trying to make it to r6 of the max title titles, I looked around for a guide like this one that would help me reach it, but I was never able to find a good one. Sure, I found out a bunch of information separately, but I couldn’t find a single, unified guide that had the best way to get to “God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals” all wraped up in one guide.

So I decided that when I reached that level, I would make a guide to help everyone who was having the same problem I was.

So here I am….Below is the fastest way, in my opinion, to reach r6 of the max titles titles.

First of all....If you don't have something nice to say, or a polite suggestion....DO NOT POST....nothings more annoying then people who waist their lives trying to put each other down, this guide was made to help people achieve goals, not to help people find a way to insult each other

Also...Do not think that this is an easy task, getting to the 30 max titles takes a lot of dedication and a lot of time, not to mention a lot of grinding

Legendary Defender of Ascalon/Survivor

The first max title you should worry about is either legendary defender of ascalon, or the survivor title. Because technically you cannot do both (although technically it is possible...not getting into that) you should focus on just one. Survivor is the better choice because not only does it take less time, you can be progressing through the game, and through other titles whilst you do this.

The survivor title requires you to reach 1,337,500 experience points without dying a single time. You can check how many times you have died by typing in /deaths. If your death count is higher then 0, then you can no longer progress any further into this title. If you die, you will not loose your title, but you wont be able to get any higher survival title.

The Legendary Defender of Ascalon requires you to get to level 20 before the searing happens in Tyria. If you are not a Tyrian character, then you can not get this title.

If you choose survivor, which you should, the current fastest way is to do Kilroys Punchout Extravaganza. I will not get into much detail, but you should check out Maxiemonsters Survival Guide here on guru. It explains in great detail how to do it. Make sure you don't lag much as this could lead to a death.

Once you reach legendary survivor, you have successfully completed your first max title. The next step is to just run through all the games and beat them. This may take up to a month…but you can’t really go anywhere till all the games are beaten (beating every mission for masters, or in Tyria’s sake Mission and Bonus is a good idea. Doing this will significantly lesson time beating missions in the future).


The next thing you should go for is your protector titles.

This involves beating every mission in Cantha and Elona (Masters), and beating every mission in Tyria (Bonus and Mission)

This is extremely easy to do, and if you followed the steps above, you should have already beaten every mission. Just go back and finish up the missions that you didn’t master, or that you didn’t get the bonus on.

If you are having trouble doing it yourself, get your guild to help you, or just look for groups doing the missions. These are the easiest titles to get.

You should now have 4 max titles.

Skill Capturing

So far you should have accumulated quite a bit of extra cash, unless you spent it on petty things -.-”

It all comes in handy now, because it’s going to cost you about 290k and 194 skill points for these 3 titles. If you don’t have this much, don’t worry, as you capture skills, you will make cash from drops, and if you run out, just continue on with your titles and come back to this when you have enough money.

Basically all you do is buy Capture signets from skill trainers for 1k and 1 skill point and kill bosses with the skill you need to cap. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR PROFFESSION SET TO THE BOSS TYPE YOU ARE CAPPING. For information about where each one is, check Guild Wiki.

The easiest caps are in Cantha, the hardest in Tyria. This takes quite a bit of time and patience, so brace yourself. Truth is, the only hard caps are some monk caps in elona, but just take the Necromancer spell Lingering Curse to counter their spam healing, the rest just take lots of time.

Now you should have 8 max titles.


Now the titles start to get a bit hard, but still its not to bad.

You get this title like the protector title, but you have to do the same thing in Hard Mode (HM).

If you are having trouble beating some of the harder missions, try asking your guild for help, or joining groups that are doing the mission in HM. Another good way to do this is by just paying someone to run each mission for you. You can get some missions done for 10k, and they can be done extremely fast by experts. This is by far the easiest way to get this title if you can afford it. Try doing easy ones, building up cash, then paying for the harder ones you can’t do. Check Guild Guru under services for HM mission runners.

Now you have 12 max titles.

Sweet Tooth/Party Animal

To get the max in sweet tooth and party animal, you need to consume 10k sugary products and use 10k party products. (check wiki for the lists)

Just spend any extra money you have at any time on candy and party products and you should have these title in no time.

A good time to buy is during holiday events when tons of candy and party products are dropped (Halloween for example)

Vanquishing and Cartography

True, getting the reputation GWEN ranks out of the way now would be easier….but I suggest vanquishing while you still have the money, it’s a lot harder, and you can pay to get it out of the way now.

Vanquishing is clearing out every enemy in HM from every explorable area.

These are in my opinion the most horrible titles to get. They aren't hard persay, but challenging and a major time consumer. Also it gets boring around the middle of your first vanquish X.X

First of all, Canthan vanquishing is extremely easy (except for maybe a couple in the city, and unwaking waters), so just do most of the continent yourself.

You should still have some money, so just pay professional vanquishers to vanquish any vanquishes you cannot handle.

Most people charge 50g per kill, but you may have to pay a bit more for someone who will continuously vanquish while you AFK (away from keyboard). It worth it, because ultimately it goes by MUCH faster because they may vanquish the whole game for you overnight :P Check Guru for professional vanquishing services.

Or if you feel brave, you can vanquish the areas yourself. I recommend either using a sabway trio, or using discordway. Here are the links to each.

I recommend tweaking each build to your liking as they are highly flexable. These two builds are nearly unstopable in nealy every area in Guild Wars.

Consider getting someone to vanquish GWEN while you are at this. Also, if you do get someone to vanquish GWEN for you, map each area while you vanquish, this will save you lots of time in the future.

By the way…you should now have gotten the max sweet tooth title…. If you haven’t, don’t spend any money farther until you do. Always save 100g X the amount of points you need left.

Also, make sure that while vanquishing elona, you are picking up the Sunspear and Lightbringer Bounties in each area, as this will help you later on.

While you are vanquishing, you should be mapping out every area.

Why while you vanquish? Well not only does it save time, but theres no monsters to get in your way cause you killed them all.

Using Texmod is the best way to go. No its not against the terms of use, in fact, Anet said this mod was ok.

You can download Texmod here:

Under “Player made modifications” download “Cantha Made Easy”, “Elona Made Easy”, and “Tyria/Gwen Made Easy”
Save these somewhere you can find them again.

Once you install Texmod, (making sure its in package mode) open it and click on the big folder. Find your Guild Wars program (probably a GW with a helmet symbol, usually under your C drive in program files under Guild Wars folder) Then click the smaller folder above the red X, and select the files you want to use (elona made easy, cantha made easy, etc.) Now click run and when you open your map you will see all the areas you haven’t explored in light brown or light blue in Tyria/Gwen case. From here its easy, just use a running build and a good team and run around every continent clearing all the brown and blue. Quite simple.

Well you should now have 22 max titles


The next titles you should go for are the sunspear and lightbringer titles. These are easy, but take a bit of time.

If you took my advice and got points off of bounties while vanquishing, then you should already have a decent amount of points in in both Lightbringer(LB) and Sunspear(SS). Not to mention the points you should have gotten by doing some of the primary quests.

The BEST way to max these out is by going to the Ruins of sahlahja in Elona and joining a Sunspear and Lightbringer running group. Each run takes about 7-10 mins and nets around 600 LB and 400 SS points, give or take 100.

This run requires two quests “Requiem for a Brain” and “A show of force”. Only one of each quest needs to be existent in your group, so you don’t necessarily need to be the one with them (but trust me, a lot more groups will want you if you have both). You can join a 8 or 6 man group (8 being faster, 6 netting you more cash)

I did it with a 6 man group all the way. (With a 6 man, you can end up with a max of around 200k when you are done, SAVE THE MONEY) Just spam “looking for lb/ss HM 6(8) man group” and say which quests you have if you have either. If you have both, you could hero/hench the run…but the gold drops are less frequent, and trust me, it gets really boring.

Since you wont be going for wisdom in this guide, you may want to conserve the golds and sell them as unidentified golds to people....good way to make fast cash.

To achieve the max titles in either LB/SS you have to reach 50k points in each.

Because you should already have more SS points than LB points, you will end up finishing both up around the same time.

The run consists of running through the Desolation (in Junundu Wurms) to the bottom left hand corner temple (picking up LB and SS bounties on the way). Then you kill off the monoliths and activate the first shrine on your left ONLY. This will spawn more monoliths and 3 Margonite bosses. Once they are killed, everyone resigns and you repeat till you max both titles. If you don’t understand what you are doing, just follow the group, you will get the hang of it in no time.

Because you are in Wurms and virtually indestructible, the run is in Hard Mode (HM), netting you more money and points.

Although many chests spawn on the way, I recommend not to spend money on lock picks because you will need the money later.

It shouldn’t take more then a week for obsessive people, and not to long for average players.

You should now have 24 maxed titles.

Legendary Master of the North

Skipping the reputation ranks? Why yes, yes I am. Why? Because IF you still have some money left….here is where you want to spend it.

In order to get this, you must explore all of GWEN areas, vanquish all GWEN areas, beat all GWEN dungeons(HM and NM), and beat all primary quests (HM and NM) only once. All the normal mode stuff is way easy, and you just need to run through the game and beat it all. If you were paying attention, and took my advice and already got vanquishing and mapping out of the way, the rest is easy. Just do everything in HM, and if you get stuck, use some money to pay for a run through HM dungeons and primary quests.

If you don’t have any money left for the HM parts, look for HM groups, ask for help from your guild, or just continue up the titles list till you have enough money, then come back.

You should now have 25 titles.

Reputation Ranks

These ranks include Deldrimor, Vanguard, Asura, and Norn points.

You must reach 160k points in each to max them out.

First of all, save the hero handbooks and dungeon handbooks you get, while beating the game, for the asuran and vanguard boosting, since they are the hardest. You need to know what these books are, but I don’t feel like going into it, so just check guild wiki.

Easiest way to do vanguard and asura is to just complete your hero handbook(NM) over and over, gaining 20k points each time, till you reach rank 8 (then you can no longer use NM handbooks) You can even pay around 50k per book to run you through the NM primary quests to fill your books if you can afford it (might want to save the money though for the HM hero handbooks).

Once you get to rank 8 in each, start filling HM hero handbooks, if you can afford it, pay for runners to fill them, if not…well, you are gong to do a lot of hard work, and HM group searching, not to mention guild begging :P

For deldrimor, I recommend running Snowman dungeon HM over and over again, collecting the bounty, plus making lots of cash from drops and end chest.

For Norn, I recommend doing the quest "Path to Revelations" over and over, just collecting bounty, and not the quest reward. You can also just use the books like you did for asura and vanguards….your choice.

Now you have 27 max titles, and, if you have finished sweet tooth and party animal 29.


Fairly straight up....Now you should just be drunk all the time, buying alcohol for around 100g a point, it will cost you around 1 mil to get to the 10k minutes drunk to get the max title, so save up

I reccommend buying the drinks during hollidays like christmas and just sitting back and drinking whenever you can.

CONRGATZ you should now have 30 max titles, and the title "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

Kurzick Faction

Well for those of you who died, or werent Tyrian born, or cant get an above title for whatever reason, heres your alternative.

Currently the best title to get if you can't get one of the above is the Kurzick title. Yes it's a horrible title to get and very painstaking, but in the end you get an amazing title, and "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals".

In my experiences, the current best way to get kurzick faction is by vanquishing Morostav Trail. You get, on average 23-24k points in about 30 mins, which equates to about 50k points per hour, or 100k points towards your title (remember, your points are doubled when you turn them in.) I always use an essence of celerity as it cuts down about 10 mins, and the vanquish itself covers the cost of the celerity. When I vanquish the area I start from Unwaking Waters and, avoiding the rit boss at the begining till I have at least 11 kills (or you dont get max points for killing him), I work my way West, then South in a circle, then north and then hit the center lake. I use discordway, but I am currently testing out otherbuilds. If you use discordway, you only really need to worry about the warrior boss towards the end. He is in a tight group of a lot of enemies and you can get overwhelmed rather quickly if you dont pay attention and pull correctly.

Make sure you get the Kurzick Blessing from the priest before begining


Many people say that doing Wisdom instead of 1 of the 2 above is a good idea, but lets look at the facts. Over all the time it takes you get these titles, you only ID about 1k golds MAX. So that still leaves you with 9k golds left to ID.

Many people sell 7 golds for 5k, or about 710 each if you do that math. 710 X 9k is 6,390,000 gold it’s going to cost you….. Good way to go if you have inherited God's fortune…but that’s usually not the case. Yes...You do make most of the money back...But trust me, nothings more annoying then having to sell 500 mods that take up the inventory and bank space of 5 characters....Just so you can go on to do it 50 more times. Not to mention the only fast way to get golds involves Americans staying up till 3 AM to beg chinese people to give them golds...

Also, please don't ask to see me title and junk, get enough of the publicity already, hence why I have no registered name. If you have a question, feel free to send me a PM here on guru, and I will try to answer it as soon as possible, 'cause as weird as it may seem I have a life too :P

If you have any changes you recommend, Feeling you want to express, mistakes Iv'e made, or if you just want to say thanks for writing this guide, feel free to post, but please no flaming.

I will update this guide as things change, or as I notice mistakes.

Copyright 2007 (with respects to Anet owning all GuidWars info)

If you would like to use my guide on your website, or for other means, please send me a message asking permission, it's technically illegal otherwise :P

Update, Edit, and Spelling corrections 12/10/07
Udate and Spelling corrections 12/11/07
Edit spelling 12/11/07
12/12/07 Edit and Update
2/9/08 Full edit
1/5/09 Revision after various nerfs.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2007

Great guide



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Great guide!

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

Why thank you, I couldn't find any guides like this anywhere when I needed it the most, so I decided to make one myself :P


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006


Critical Chop [cC]


Isnt this basically common sense imo?

I'm confused why its so great.

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

Originally Posted by stuntharley
Isnt this basically common sense imo?

I'm confused why its so great.
Hmmmm maybe, but trust me, you get confused about what you should do for each title very easily. You have so many people telling you what to do, you don't know what to trust.

The guide is a guide because it guides people in the right direction :P



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2007

(in Jununji Wurms ) its junundu wurms
The drops are junk, but sometimes you get a foeblade - i belive you mean fellblade?

nice guide ^^
i think that if you chestrun snowman dungeon NM - youll have lucky title in not time also - and also the drops from endchest can help quite nice on your sweettooth title - both NM and HM



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Here's an idea on the legendary survivor.

For people who have Eye of the North, dwarven boxing is a fast and easy way to get legendary survivor. I dont know much about it, but if you wanted to make a guide on that, that'd be nice.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007

Originally Posted by Guides 4 You

Copywrite 2007

If you would like to use my guide on your website, or for other means, please send me a message asking permission, it's technically illegal otherwise :P

Update, Edit, and Spelling corrections 12/10/07
Udate and Spelling corrections 12/11/07
1 question how is something about GW copywrited by you? only Anet owns all information about GW.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2006




Nice, now more people will lose their real lives...over a virtual game...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


Originally Posted by stuntharley
Isnt this basically common sense imo?

I'm confused why its so great.
If one would go for GWAMM, he/she would just check out the wiki, and pick 30 of the possible titles, then go fetch those.

Also, it's spelled copyRIGHT.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Feb 2007

Trinity of the Ascended [ToA] | Ex-Officer [TAM]


Nice guide and gratz on your title


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006



Geez, you make it sound so easy However, your guide forgot to mention where to go for psychiatric care once you have completed all of this.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

very nice guide, but whats wrong with wisdom .. i maxed that no problems :P

people say buying golds is a waste, but if you get them for the right price, by the time you sold them bk to merch you only lost 2kish ..

and if you get a decent item, u start making profit lol

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

Originally Posted by IslandHermet
1 question how is something about GW copywrited by you? only Anet owns all information about GW.
You can copyright all writings.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006


^haha that made my head spin just reading that.

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

Originally Posted by Saphatorael
If one would go for GWAMM, he/she would just check out the wiki, and pick 30 of the possible titles, then go fetch those.

Also, it's spelled copyRIGHT.
Thats why I wrote this, wrap it all up in 1



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2006

Wolf of Shadows [WoS]


For advice to add on the legendary survivor. Do the wurms outside of boreal station. As long as your a ranged character you will never get attacked. If you beat gwen already you can also do it in hard mode for even more experience. Unlike the boxing where you could die if you don't stand up soon enough, that has a 0 chance risk unless you decide to run into melee range of the wurms.

Pyro maniac

Pyro maniac

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by onerabbit
very nice guide, but whats wrong with wisdom .. i maxed that no problems :P

people say buying golds is a waste, but if you get them for the right price, by the time you sold them bk to merch you only lost 2kish ..

and if you get a decent item, u start making profit lol
I did make profit, just took me some time of spamming in kamadan

altough I'm just halfway r4 atm >.>


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006


Great guide! Just out of interest, how many hours did it take for you to do this?

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

Well being obsessive as I am, I think it only took me like 1500 hours...thats with fooling around doing pvp and other stuff. Probably 500-1000 if you are fully focused and obsessive. However I know some people who only got to it after 15k hours.....they said they just played through the game endlessly, not necessarily focusing only on the titles

Oh and wisdom just took way to long for me...much faster titles



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005




it took me 500-1000 hours to get my 15 maxed titles
Now i'm sick of title grinding
can someone post a picture of the title? havent seen anything more than rank 4 so far.

Stone Bloodlust


Join Date: Nov 2007

USA Baby


Good stuff, overall not my area of exptertise, so very helpful.

One additional hint for norn and asuran farming. For Asura, I run/fight and clear the zone outside Viox Falls. With an mm hero and heros hench- keeping that Rampage Bonus up once you get it - I average 4-6k rep a 45 min run. Same thing with the norn. Outside Olafstead, 5-7k a run which takes about 40 minutes - and of course you can open chests on the way (but keeping rampage up is of primary importance). Both these zones, I run a generally "clockwise" route and I never have a problem keeping rampage up because there's one mob right after another - slaying 300-350 enemies a trip and getting all the shrine bonuses.

Other then that though, good stuff. Good stuff that I'll never get around to doing most likely getting gods title, but still, good stuff, lol

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

Try that, talked to him/her, took em 15k hours @_@

But please don't everyone spam him/her

El Presidente

El Presidente

Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Lookout Post #1, Andes Mountains

Custer Was Ganked [7th]


Originally Posted by Guides 4 You

Try that, talked to him/her, took em 15k hours @_@

But please don't everyone spam him/her

15k hours??? Seems way, way too long...I'm at 29 titles with just shy of 5,200 hours...most of that afk/games, etc.

Still, a good thread for those just starting for it, wanting an all-in-one post w/ hints and not wishing to check multiple pages to see what's needed...



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2007

United Provinces of the Netherlands

Legend of the White [Moa]


Originally Posted by =DNC=Trucker
Geez, you make it sound so easy However, your guide forgot to mention where to go for psychiatric care once you have completed all of this.
if he signes for schizophrenia, at least he can say he was succesful in one of his lifes

still, love the guide. Don't think I'll go for it but it's nice to have a general and 'quickest' guide to have when i intend to go. Chapeau.



Likes naked dance offs

Join Date: Aug 2005

The Older Gamers [TOG]

The correct order should be:
1) Vanquisher
2) Master of The North
3) Cartographer
4) Skill Hunter
5) Lightbringer/SS/Reputation
6) Guardian
7) Chesthunter
This will reduce your time signficantly, because you can multitask. While vanquishing, you can do your mapping, cap 1-3 skills, open chests and gain faction/reputation - slashing the amount of work you need to do in later steps. The same goes for others (eg while skill hunting you're earning rep points and opeing chests etc).

Elemental Labrat

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2007


Scions of Carver [SCAR]


Originally Posted by cellardweller
The correct order should be:
1) Vanquisher
2) Master of The North
3) Cartographer
4) Skill Hunter
5) Lightbringer/SS/Reputation
6) Guardian
7) Chesthunter
This will reduce your time signficantly, because you can multitask. While vanquishing, you can do your mapping, cap 1-3 skills, open chests and gain faction/reputation - slashing the amount of work you need to do in later steps. The same goes for others (eg while skill hunting you're earning rep points and opeing chests etc).
Yes I do agree that doing it all in one would go faster, yet you don't say where all the money for this was achieved, and most people would go insane working on 10 titles at a time, people just want to focus on one at a time.....Your sanity is worth it

Also, how you gonna cap 3 skills with 2 professions, and with each map usually cantaining only a single boss of a profession, not to mention the lack of 3 usefull skills in your bar to help you vanquish.

Good idea though

Elemental Labrat

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2007


Scions of Carver [SCAR]


Originally Posted by El Presidente
15k hours??? Seems way, way too long...I'm at 29 titles with just shy of 5,200 hours...most of that afk/games, etc.

Still, a good thread for those just starting for it, wanting an all-in-one post w/ hints and not wishing to check multiple pages to see what's needed...
Yeah the 15k hours wasn't just only title must have been his account where he did everything.



Likes naked dance offs

Join Date: Aug 2005

The Older Gamers [TOG]

Originally Posted by Elemental Labrat
Yes I do agree that doing it all in one would go faster, yet you don't say where all the money for this was achieved
Money for what? All the titles mentioned either have minimal costs (skill hunter) are neutral (treasurehunter) or earn you money (vanq, cart, rep).

Originally Posted by Elemental Labrat
and most people would go insane working on 10 titles at a time, people just want to focus on one at a time.....Your sanity is worth it
Thats just it, you're not "working" on your faction or treasurehunter titles while you're vanquing, it just gives you a huge head start when you do.

Originally Posted by Elemental Labrat
Also, how you gonna cap 3 skills with 2 professions, and with each map usually cantaining only a single boss of a profession, not to mention the lack of 3 usefull skills in your bar to help you vanquish.
Many zones have more than one boss of the same class which allows you to do multiple caps.

As for the missing skills, the H/H are perfectly capable of vanquishing almost every 8man zone on their own and only require your assistance for the harder ones like Joko's Domain or Tasca's Demise. I remember vanquing Predition Rock with 6 cap sigs, grenth's balance and putrid explosion and finishing the zone with 7 elites on my bar (no longer possible thanks to the pve skill limit ).

Drop of Fear

Drop of Fear

Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006


3100 hours for 33 titles including kurzick + 2 @ half way including luxon.
u just need to carefully plan what u're going to do and the amount of time required is not that mad. if i went for titles only i could easily take that down to 1600-1700 hours i guess, a lot of actual gameplay in tose 3100 hours

main suggestion: take advantage of 2x weekends BADLY. saves a HUGE amount of time.
there's a 2x gold rate from eotn chests atm? GO FOR IT. 60% gold rate in normal mode and 100% guaranteed in hard mode. wisdom goes way faster now.
u're seriously thinking to max a faction reputation title? should a 2x ab weekend or 2x overall donations come FARM FARM FARM AGAIN.

oh and a small fix. whitman's chestrun always has 3 chests, no more no less ever



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006



Well I was gutted to find out about titles after my main char had died several times and left pre . He is currently on 21 titles, with 48/54 vanquished in Tyria, 18/34 in Elona and 4/33 in Cantha (I get bored easily and need change of scenery ) .So when I am done with those will be on 25, then I will HFF kurz title, buy sweets and drinks, finish off LB....then I was thinking Wisdom, but you guys make treasure sound so easy! Ah sod it I will do both

Anyway quite a nice laid out guide, but I would agree with cellardweller for those who are going for this with a new char (all campaigns completed on account).

Get your survivor, then combine vanquishing with mapping and open chests and cap skills on the way. Would save an awful lot of time.... my main had GMC Tyria before HM came out so I had to do it all again in effect.

Mine is 2626 hours old by the way. And 15K hours must be an exagerration. 10 hours a day would mean 1500 days play which is over 4 years!! As servers have only been on little over 2 years he has been playing close to 20 hours a day EVERY day for 2years?!?!? I don't think that is possible and still be alive surely?

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

OK Let's not argue about petty things, that not what this guid is about.

Also, I see that you guys have better ideas, but remember, I wrote these from my experiences, and it's my personal opinion....Sure you may see it as a horrible way to go, but do you think I would write it like this if I ageed? So please don't scream at me because you don't agree.

Elemental Labrat

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2007


Scions of Carver [SCAR]


Believe it or not cellar, some of us aren't gods and can't vanquish as easy as you.

But I do think you are right about the multitasking....It would probably be a lot easier to do SOME things together

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

Originally Posted by mcsumo
Well I was gutted to find out about titles after my main char had died several times and left pre . He is currently on 21 titles, with 48/54 vanquished in Tyria, 18/34 in Elona and 4/33 in Cantha (I get bored easily and need change of scenery ) .So when I am done with those will be on 25, then I will HFF kurz title, buy sweets and drinks, finish off LB....then I was thinking Wisdom, but you guys make treasure sound so easy! Ah sod it I will do both

Anyway quite a nice laid out guide, but I would agree with cellardweller for those who are going for this with a new char (all campaigns completed on account).

Get your survivor, then combine vanquishing with mapping and open chests and cap skills on the way. Would save an awful lot of time.... my main had GMC Tyria before HM came out so I had to do it all again in effect.

Mine is 2626 hours old by the way. And 15K hours must be an exagerration. 10 hours a day would mean 1500 days play which is over 4 years!! As servers have only been on little over 2 years he has been playing close to 20 hours a day EVERY day for 2years?!?!? I don't think that is possible and still be alive surely?

Hmmmm not sure, I oould have sworn thats what he told me...or maybe it was 1,500 hours. This titles made me loose a bit of sanity



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2007

is it possible to reach this title without getting Legendary Survivor or Legendary Defender of Ascalon?

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

Yeah just do lucky/drunkard/wisdom instead...hence the extra section


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006



After 1,200 hours I'm firmly at 25 title, but those last 5 will take me forever. I'm in a luxon guild, and I'm attached to it, so I'm not likely to leave that soon. I'm thinking of farming the yeti quest where you have to hunt down a bunch of bosses (Mount Qinkai, I think) for more faction. Wisdom is painfully low (560, I think) and chest hunter even lower (under 500). I may try to combine lucky (currently at 1.1mil) with chest hunting if I can get the money. I'll be gathering sweets and booze too (again if money is available). I wish I'd made survivor (died at 1.01 mil xp).

Then again, I'd like to start working on getting my FoW armor, so we'll see.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Hi Jinx Rage [Jinx]


So if you didn't have 2 people constantly with you in HFF, you'd end up with 3.5 million gold or so?

Nemo the Capitalist

Nemo the Capitalist

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006

Trust me you dont want to know my Chasms of Despair

Zaishen Brotherhood


seriously thought about getting title to Be God Amongst Mere Mortals..................

than i thought NTY i like my life.....

however tempting it might be

Dont think anet is gonna make the 1500hrs invested in ttile hunting that beneficil for GW2

*****Great guide man btw loved it