Guide to becoming a "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"
great sir s
yep its 600 to count

If you 2 would read closely, he's asking for a nice running spot AFTER he finishes Treasure Hunter to complete Lucky as well, since you'll have a 90+% retention rate if you go to a lower area, while still getting lucky points.
Yeah he definitely means lowest level chests purely for lucky points. Any of the noob islands or old ascalon areas should be easy to run. I can't think of any that would have an abundance of chests or be particularly quicker. I reckon plains of Jarin, since it is the most open.
Any profession can be a decent runner with EotN and high dwarf and norn ranks. Chug a spiked eggnog, dwarven stability + drunken master = 3 minutes of +33% speed. I am unstoppable = extra armor and no KD or cripple. Then you just need shadow form or spell breaker for if one is buried amongst spellcasters.
Any profession can be a decent runner with EotN and high dwarf and norn ranks. Chug a spiked eggnog, dwarven stability + drunken master = 3 minutes of +33% speed. I am unstoppable = extra armor and no KD or cripple. Then you just need shadow form or spell breaker for if one is buried amongst spellcasters.
Nemo the Capitalist
its 600 gold man no wonder ur still a Desert Nomad ///jk
Elemental Labrat
hehe also, I think its 60g chests your looking for
I hear that right outside the first city (forgot its name) In Gwen is a good spot
I hear that right outside the first city (forgot its name) In Gwen is a good spot
Originally Posted by mr_groovy
And this is why you are a pre-sear cadet >.>
Treasure hunter title chests only count if they are above 650gp for keys . |
What is more funny is the part that you totally did not get that Daluderant's point was raising the lucky title...

hush I blame 4 hours sleep & not reading it quit well ^^.
Lucky with boardwalk will prob be there again with Canthan New Year
Btw if your going for rank 6 from scratch it would be advisable to do Skill Hunter & Survivor at the same time. I capped most skills in Elona & Tyria to get my survivor and skill hunter titles. Having Legendary Survivor is a great bonus because that leaves you only with 1 of the Nasty Titles (Kurzick, Luxon, Treasure Hunter, Wisdom, Lucky, Unlucky)
Lucky with boardwalk will prob be there again with Canthan New Year

Btw if your going for rank 6 from scratch it would be advisable to do Skill Hunter & Survivor at the same time. I capped most skills in Elona & Tyria to get my survivor and skill hunter titles. Having Legendary Survivor is a great bonus because that leaves you only with 1 of the Nasty Titles (Kurzick, Luxon, Treasure Hunter, Wisdom, Lucky, Unlucky)
Drunkard being not-nasty? 
After I finish vanquishing and the 5 eotn, I should be at 28
Guess that leaves kurzick which finances drunkard T_T Looking forward to it

After I finish vanquishing and the 5 eotn, I should be at 28

Guess that leaves kurzick which finances drunkard T_T Looking forward to it

Yang Whirlwind
Having to do two of the "nasty" ones,- oh well can't be helped! Want this title on my primary character and Survivor wasn't around back then!
getting my 15.th title this week (4 areas in Tyria to go) - lots of the others comming along nicely!
getting my 15.th title this week (4 areas in Tyria to go) - lots of the others comming along nicely!

Could someone confirm that Lucky counts. I keep reading when you reach the 2.5 million that it still goes up and that no one is sure if there's going to be another level.
Plz Plz thnks
Plz Plz thnks
Originally Posted by puffzilla
Could someone confirm that Lucky counts. I keep reading when you reach the 2.5 million that it still goes up and that no one is sure if there's going to be another level.
Plz Plz thnks |
So many people max lucky already =o
I believe it's still keep going up over 2.5m but no more title
Well I know people have it max.. just want a for sure confirmation that it counts for koabd title track
Sirugel Kai
Originally Posted by puffzilla
Well I know people have it max.. just want a for sure confirmation that it counts for koabd title track
I Might Avenge U
Well it helps to know what types of titles would work in a logical order.. Of course it might be better to do the reputation titles after LB/SS titles so you can do Ursanway DoA in order to fund some of your other titles when the money runs out..
I also think it'd be nearly impossible to retain interest in this game after doing Savior of the Kurzicks, but it is a main money maker...
This all the titles in the game?
I also think it'd be nearly impossible to retain interest in this game after doing Savior of the Kurzicks, but it is a main money maker...
This all the titles in the game?
Cuthroat Dibbler
Originally Posted by Guides 4 You
Try that, talked to her, took em 15k hours @_@ But please don't everyone spam him/her |
Nice guide

Titles Maxed: Sunspear, Lightbringer, Wisdom, Treasure, Sweet, Drunk, Guardians, Vanquishing ,Skills, Cartographys, Protectors, Reputations & Master of the North
My title was achieved by lots of play with short jolts of intesnse play as a title neared it max. With the exception of Treasure which i did actively go for...insane? Looking likely isnt it ;-)
Treasure hunter, was, of all of them, THE most mind numbing title to get. If ever there was a Title thatt really should be account wide its that one, not because of expense, and it IS expensive, but because of the complete emptiness of head required to achieve it. Just my view on that one.
Wisdom was one that surprised me...it worked out cheaper than I expected, but as another poster pointed out, price of UnID's should be as low as poss to reduce losses. Prices have dropped for mods significantly recently so altho not as profitable as it used to be, I wager that at the very least you should break close to even. And dont forget, once tis one is done, YOURE the one making the 4-5k per 7 items. These usually go to Guildies that are also hunting or just want to bump their current level.
To my knowledge the max Lucky DOES add to you KoaBD track as it IS the Max. Its the UNLUCKY one thats the REAL nasty (and near damn impossible) one to get.
For those of you that like numbers...
I have played this character (A Necromancer) for 12,076 hours.
EDIT: I have so far talked to another 4 Gods in game and know of another 3 via Forums... we should have a Gathering...
Originally Posted by Ouchie
Wow--- gotta say way to lessen the value of titles here - textmode? - why not actually map the areas - paying people to play the game for you? Anet should cash in and sell the titles themselves I guess.
I took most of this year off playing GW. I needed a break. I Started playing again about a month and 1/2 ago - I have to say things sure did change. Cartographer was a very impressive title at the begining of 2007. |
I do however see a difference in using a visual aid to find the last few nooks that you're missing, I'm at 91.2% and am having a VERY hard time finding that other 8.8%. It's not cheating in my mind, so devalue my title if you want, it's meant for me and not for you anyway.
Anyone getting titles to show off their 1337ness is just wasting their time.
Adlaf Gandaci
Excellent guide, very interesting, thx a lot!
gratz on that, and respect for your devotion and pathetic work ;-)
I do like numbers, but this one was really shocking for me...
Insane, but quite impressive nonetheless.
Originally Posted by Cuthroat Dibbler
Titles Maxed: Sunspear, Lightbringer, Wisdom, Treasure, Sweet, Drunk, Guardians, Vanquishing ,Skills, Cartographys, Protectors, Reputations & Master of the North
Originally Posted by Cuthroat Dibbler
For those of you that like numbers...
I have played this character (A Necromancer) for 12,076 hours. |

Drop of Fear
creating new char --> god shouldn't take more then 1500 hours of PURE 30 titles hunting. love ppl playing the same char for 10k+ hours but that's not the amount needed to achieve the 30+ titles in any way or form.
and ye at 2.500.000 points lucky counts as +1 in the kobd track, aswell as unlucky at 500.000 points
i don't realy see the point of this guide because anyone seriously going for 30 maxed already knows that he has to complete the 27 regular gameplay titles and choose 3 out of the 8 bad ones (or 4 if survivor/ldoa are left behind).
good luck tho
i can write u a guide to achieve 35 maxed titles :
"max them all"
cool guide isn't it?
and ye at 2.500.000 points lucky counts as +1 in the kobd track, aswell as unlucky at 500.000 points
i don't realy see the point of this guide because anyone seriously going for 30 maxed already knows that he has to complete the 27 regular gameplay titles and choose 3 out of the 8 bad ones (or 4 if survivor/ldoa are left behind).
good luck tho
i can write u a guide to achieve 35 maxed titles :
"max them all"
cool guide isn't it?
:claps: --> Drop of ear
I've known which titles I'll finish for a while. Knowing that lucky counts is pretty cool though. Mind you I would have just maxed out wisdom otherwise. I might still do that too.

I've known which titles I'll finish for a while. Knowing that lucky counts is pretty cool though. Mind you I would have just maxed out wisdom otherwise. I might still do that too.
Hi Guys
Quick question regarding textmod, I tried it out for the maps and what have you, but today when I scanned my computer It told me that Textmod.exe was a TR/Agent.597287 *Trojan* but I scanned it when I got it and I have done loads of times since then but it's just today that it happened.
could it be a false positive?
Any information regarding the specifics of the Tr/agent would also help
P.s I downloaded it from the Wiki link in the OP
Quick question regarding textmod, I tried it out for the maps and what have you, but today when I scanned my computer It told me that Textmod.exe was a TR/Agent.597287 *Trojan* but I scanned it when I got it and I have done loads of times since then but it's just today that it happened.
could it be a false positive?
Any information regarding the specifics of the Tr/agent would also help
P.s I downloaded it from the Wiki link in the OP
Originally Posted by Drop of Fear
creating new char --> god shouldn't take more then 1500 hours of PURE 30 titles hunting. love ppl playing the same char for 10k+ hours but that's not the amount needed to achieve the 30+ titles in any way or form.
and ye at 2.500.000 points lucky counts as +1 in the kobd track, aswell as unlucky at 500.000 points i don't realy see the point of this guide because anyone seriously going for 30 maxed already knows that he has to complete the 27 regular gameplay titles and choose 3 out of the 8 bad ones (or 4 if survivor/ldoa are left behind). good luck tho i can write u a guide to achieve 35 maxed titles : "max them all" cool guide isn't it? |
go go "Max them all" guide
almost 31

now a question.....
for 1, i cant cap the legendary survivor or the defender of ascalon, my char was too old before this stuff was released.... any alternative for this title?
for 2, im luxon... any luxon fast faction farming?
who knows?
for 1, i cant cap the legendary survivor or the defender of ascalon, my char was too old before this stuff was released.... any alternative for this title?
for 2, im luxon... any luxon fast faction farming?
who knows?
question 1 Nope no alternative.......Restarting your main is the only (although crazy ) solution.
Caged Fury
Originally Posted by Dograzor
for 2, im luxon... any luxon fast faction farming?
who knows? |
Originally Posted by mr_groovy
question 1 Nope no alternative.......Restarting your main is the only (although crazy ) solution.
and any links on the luxon FF?
Caged Fury
Originally Posted by Dograzor
and any links on the luxon FF?
http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Scout_the_Coast (not as easy or fast as the Kurzick HFFF)
Just notice this thread about the scouting one.
Originally Posted by Dograzor
yes, i understood that... but my issue is... what could i do to replace this title so i can get 30...?
Lady S Shiva
nice guide, and i guess pvp titles are out of the way.
Originally Posted by Dograzor
yes, i understood that... but my issue is... what could i do to replace this title so i can get 30...?
and any links on the luxon FF? |
Skillhuter *4
Vanquisher *4
Cartographer *4
SS+LB *2
Eye of the North *5
Drunkard + Sweeth Tooth *2
That are the 28 normal Titles. 29 would be either Survivor or Ldoa.
If these aren't there your are stuck with 2 times the crappy titles.
Which are:
Lucky/ Unlucky, Wisdom, Treasure hunter, Luxon or Kurzick. You could try & go for rank 15 too

The Arching Healer
Hmm got 10 maxed atm, aiming for 20 at least before GW2. Playing a long time but started with title hunting not a long time ago.
SS/LB (2)
Guardian titles (5)
Skill Hunter (2)
Sweeth Tooth (1)
Almost got:
Skill hunter (+2)
guardian (+2)
cartographer (+1)
So i can have 15 maxed titles in less than 2 weeks imo... but then i need 5 other titles which i dont know yet..
Not having a lot of time for the other EotN grinding titles, but with those, i can easily make it I think....
SS/LB (2)
Guardian titles (5)
Skill Hunter (2)
Sweeth Tooth (1)
Almost got:
Skill hunter (+2)
guardian (+2)
cartographer (+1)
So i can have 15 maxed titles in less than 2 weeks imo... but then i need 5 other titles which i dont know yet..
Not having a lot of time for the other EotN grinding titles, but with those, i can easily make it I think....
Nemo the Capitalist
[QUOTE=The Arching Healer]Hmm got 10 maxed atm, aiming for 20 at least before GW2. Playing a long time but started with title hunting not a long time ago.
SS/LB (2)
Guardian titles (5)
Skill Hunter (2)
Sweeth Tooth (1)
Almost got:
Skill hunter (+2)
guardian (+2)
cartographer (+1)
hmmmmmm a lot of time
SS/LB (2)
Guardian titles (5)
Skill Hunter (2)
Sweeth Tooth (1)
Almost got:
Skill hunter (+2)
guardian (+2)
cartographer (+1)
hmmmmmm a lot of time
Drop of Fear
Originally Posted by Nemo the Capitalist
Imagine all the money you could have made if you spent 1500 hrs being a working american....(yes i know u might be a kid workers permit).
prob could have made $7,000 yet u play gw instead :{ |
heck if u spend 18 hours a day working instead of the regular 8-9 then u could earn twice the cash u do now... Genius!!!!
seriously, some of these posts are just hilarious
Nemo the Capitalist
retract ...................long titels tho 15k hrs
Maybe some of us already earned our money and do this to take our minds off of Real Life. Thanks for taking the time to make a fool of yourself in front of the kids though. That's priceless.
Originally Posted by Drop of Fear
i don't realy see the point of this guide because anyone seriously going for 30 maxed already knows that he has to complete the 27 regular gameplay titles and choose 3 out of the 8 bad ones (or 4 if survivor/ldoa are left behind).
Originally Posted by Drop of Fear
i can write u a guide to achieve 35 maxed titles :
"max them all" cool guide isn't it? |
This is 110% speculation (yes, it is supposed to be over 100%
), but it looks like you missed the point of the OP which was to show people (likely vetrans) how to get the most synergy from title farming (get SotK, use money from HFF for sweets, etc.). Granted, it could use a little tweaking (ie. vanq and map at same time, or at least map after vanq, maybe even cap while vanqing and mapping), but the idea is good. No need to flame him because you didn't see the purpose.

Originally Posted by theblackmage
This is 110% speculation (yes, it is supposed to be over 100%
![]() |
Originally Posted by MirkoTeran
The veterans should already know this. If they don't I don't really see the point of calling them veterans.
Maxing titles? Why should anyone be wasting time on this, except for showing off? Play the game for fun, don`t grind it.
Fear’s comment that people most likely know what title there going to work on is true but having some pointers is also kind of nice. I just reread the treasure hunter section. Man I was going nuts last night doing the snow man cave for my treasure hunter. I know I can afford the title if I do it there but it’s close to 2 mins per chest there. If skip the end chest I can skip 1 min every run. Most runs have 5 chests some only have 4. I’m rank 5 treasure and lucky so I’m retaining “65%” of the time. I’ve found that I can replace 2 out of 3 picks I break there. But man it’s slow.
Think pointing people to this thread should be a must in the threasure hunter section.
Think I'll try this one out
Think pointing people to this thread should be a must in the threasure hunter section.
Think I'll try this one out
Originally Posted by cellardweller
I'm getting 45-50 chests per hour running Fronis Irontoe's Lair. Best of all, its doable by any class and pretty much impossible to die.
clicky for video |