Guide to becoming a "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007


Originally Posted by Sponge of Bob View Post
Now switching to a Kurz Guild: Trail still best place to faction farm?
Drazach Thicket Speed Clear from Saint Anjeka's Shrine (Europe German) (Perma + 7 Monks) or from The Eternal Grove with 8 Monks..
You find some pugs from saint anjeka, not sure about eternal though.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2006

Wolf of Shadows [WoS]


Eternal Grove is europe/ french district usually. Mo/n and Mo/me (even though they use no secondary skills) are what you should be to find groups easily.

Sponge of Bob

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2008



Thank you very much!!!

This is INCREDIBLE!!! I picked up 2.2 million faction in 5 days and was told I was slow...LOL!!! This has to be the fastest title to gain if you can consistantly get with good groups (that's the key).



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2007

I need opinions which of these titles should I max to get my GWAMM



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011

Random Arena

Noble Honor


I have both max Lux and Kuz. I would say play as Lux if your going for the title and want to do some Alliance Battles. Lux seem to be the stronger side in the 4 years I have played A.B but on the other hand my guild and alliance has just changed to kuzzicks so maybe Lux is not the best side now


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2011

Shaemoor University [UoS]


[QUOTE=Guides 4 You;3430038]Well being obsessive as I am, I think it only took me like 1500 hours...thats with fooling around doing pvp and other stuff. Probably 500-1000 if you are fully focused and obsessive.

My friend(paragon) is currently going for gwamm as am i, i am 6 maxed titles she is 27, he sent me a screenshot of his titles and playtime and he only has 150 hours on his character. Obviously he grinds ALOT.( and is super F****** rich so he can just buy runs etc. whenever;P)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2008


Originally Posted by IslandHermet View Post
1 question how is something about GW copywrited by you? only Anet owns all information about GW.
It is not copyrighted, many people think just because they make a topic about something its all their work, but if you want a real copyright, your going to have to go thru anet first, then go get the copyright rights liscensed for the piece of work which you wish to copyright, so in the future, dont put copyrighted by "" because its not really copyrighted,



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

Limburgse Jagers [LJ]


Originally Posted by basestar779 View Post
It is not copyrighted, many people think just because they make a topic about something its all their work, but if you want a real copyright, your going to have to go thru anet first, then go get the copyright rights liscensed for the piece of work which you wish to copyright, so in the future, dont put copyrighted by "" because its not really copyrighted,
Considering you are replying to a post from 2007, your suggestion for the future is a bit.... late.

My New Name

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2008

so,got gwamm but want lucky unlucky maxed (around 1/4 of the way there -_-) so, people who got them how did you do it? it seems that it takes an ridiculous amount of time...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2011



Coming back to the game and wondered whats a better class to do this? Ele or Necro? Was thinking a necro could be better for pve with spiteful spirit build nm/hm?

Yellow D. Flash

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2008


is this still the best gwamm guide out there?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2011

Canada [GMT -5]

Krazy Guild With Krazy People [KrZy]


I guess it is, It's still pretty usefull.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

It's got some outdated info in it, mainly about Survivor and LDoA (which are no longer mutually exclusive and fairly easy and cheap to obtain - read wiki for details), but it seems to be otherwise filled with decent information. Most if it is common sense though, and could use a good update (for example, you can farm the entire sweet and party titles (and a lot of drunkard too, presumably) over wintersday).

Cursed by Grenth

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2009


I vq'd Elona as fast a I could for max ss and nearly max lb, then i got my rep titles asap. Made all the other content easier since my pve skills were buffed. (+buff when vqing eotn and ascalon)