Guide to becoming a "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ashford Abbey

Hey Mallyx [icU]


Originally Posted by Zidane Ortef View Post
Morostav Trail Vanq- 35 min vanq ~20k faction per run
From my experiences it's around 40 minutes and 23k faction.

Ultima pyromancer

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2007

Club Of A Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


Urgoz runs in HM = 15-17k in 30 mins, *12 people which makes 384k faction per hour. A lot more fun than vanquishing and good drops, best way to do the kurzick title imo

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

There you go guys, I updated the guide, please inform me of mistakes, as I'm sure I made some.

Also, I agree with cataphract. A necro is probably the best choice as later on, if you choose to use sabway/discordway for vanquishing areas and such, a necro really comes in handy.

That being said, I believe it only makes a tiny bit of a difference, and ultimately I would say to choose the class that you can stand to play for a while

Primero Espada

Primero Espada

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2009

Perfectionists Cult [NICE]


Nice, I like it. If someone happens to not be going for LDoA and die while going for LS, what title would you suggest be maxed in place of LS?

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

If you have a lot of money, go with wisdom, but keep in mind it will cost you about 3 million (Thats after selling all your golds to the merchant). If not, kurzicks the way to go. If you want kurzick read the optional titles part of the guide at the very bottom.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2008

pink animal clan [pink]


I would suggest you put drunkard in the beginning instead of party animal. Party animal costs tons more and takes a lot less time to do. If you are constantly drunk, you will need something into 16 days to max drunkard. Getting party animal just depends on howmany times you want to click.
Imagine 2 clicks per second (very slow). This will take 5000 seconds to do. That's 1h 23 minutes 20 seconds to max party. I prefer to get drunkard faster because of that.

Primero Espada

Primero Espada

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2009

Perfectionists Cult [NICE]


Originally Posted by Guides 4 You View Post
If you have a lot of money, go with wisdom, but keep in mind it will cost you about 3 million (Thats after selling all your golds to the merchant). If not, kurzicks the way to go. If you want kurzick read the optional titles part of the guide at the very bottom.
K, thanks for the tip.

Divinus Stella

Divinus Stella

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


Steel Phoenix

Im one of those people trying to decide which title to go for instead of survivor, il prob wait til i have 29 before deciding just incase anet add another easy title in :P

I'm not really keen on faction farming but those urgoz runs mentioned above look like better numbers.

I already have 2k golds identified so its tempting to finish that title off but it may take just as long to buy all those golds as it would be to get the kurzick title maxed.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2008

None atm


I think I'm gonna do this but what is a good profession to do this?



Desert Nomad

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Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Uk, Nr Earth

Alternate Evil Gamers [aeg]


Originally Posted by dejong12 View Post
I think I'm gonna do this but what is a good profession to do this?
To be honest i dont think there is a better one for the job, I now have 26 titles on my necro and i am close to that amount on my warrior (forget how many) and i know many people seem to have gwamm on there elementalist

If you check this screenshot thread there seems to be a lot of elementalists and warriors with the max title ::

The best thing to do is pick your favourite profession or at least a profession that you are going to be happy playing for 2000+ hours, i prefered my necro but just recently i play warrior mostly and before that i used to play my elementalist (Total Addict)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2008

pink animal clan [pink]


Originally Posted by dejong12 View Post
I think I'm gonna do this but what is a good profession to do this?
Could you please not cross post. You already made your own thread about it and everybody said thesame there: play what you like. Every profession can get gwamm, it just takes some patience. Read this guild and that's bolded at the start.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2009

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Unexpected Advantage (UA)


ey just started a pve monk in proph and was wondering what is the titles i should be going for first through to getin gwamm. I have always wanted to get this title.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

Limburgse Jagers [LJ]


Originally Posted by D A R K S O I F O N View Post
ey just started a pve monk in proph and was wondering what is the titles i should be going for first through to getin gwamm. I have always wanted to get this title.
I could say, 'start by reading the first post of this thread', but since I'm a nice guy, and distracted by your avatar, I will just copy/paste the answer.

Originally Posted by Guides 4 You View Post
Legendary Defender of Ascalon/Survivor

The first max title you should worry about is either legendary defender of ascalon, or the survivor title. Because technically you cannot do both (although technically it is possible...not getting into that) you should focus on just one. Survivor is the better choice because not only does it take less time, you can be progressing through the game, and through other titles whilst you do this.

The survivor title requires you to reach 1,337,500 experience points without dying a single time. You can check how many times you have died by typing in /deaths. If your death count is higher then 0, then you can no longer progress any further into this title. If you die, you will not loose your title, but you wont be able to get any higher survival title.

The Legendary Defender of Ascalon requires you to get to level 20 before the searing happens in Tyria. If you are not a Tyrian character, then you can not get this title.

If you choose survivor, which you should, the current fastest way is to do Kilroys Punchout Extravaganza. I will not get into much detail, but you should check out Maxiemonsters Survival Guide here on guru. It explains in great detail how to do it. Make sure you don't lag much as this could lead to a death.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ashford Abbey

Hey Mallyx [icU]


Originally Posted by D A R K S O I F O N View Post
ey just started a pve monk in proph and was wondering what is the titles i should be going for first through to getin gwamm. I have always wanted to get this title.
I'd go for survivor. LDoA takes way too much time and is tedious. Besides, you can get survivor while playing through quests and missions.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2007



Not going to ready the 300 something posts I saw however vq moro trail is not the fastest. DTSC is. It uses a split form with a couple different 600/smiter with different skills and a perma sin. They run in 3-4 different paths and clear the whole thing in like 8-12 minutes for 17k faction. I have never actually done one but there was a link in one of the threads here a couple days ago to a german site with the guide. Now google automatically interprets it for you so I read it even though some things were obviously not interpreted correctly you can get the jist of it. You can also just go on the run they are easy from what I have heard.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005


Song, which run is faster, MQSC or DTSC?


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005


Can I say this is a rather poorly thought-out "guide"? "First do this, then do this, then do this, then pay for all of this, then you're done."

The OP assumed most players couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag, always saying to "pay for vanquishes, pay for runs, pay for this and that." You don't need to pay, and the money you save while actually playing the game for yourself can go towards the drunkard/part/sweet title tracks.

This guide only lessens the achievement of anyone who sports the title is going to be accused of buying it. What a shame, because there are still players out there (me) who are really working on the title, not just paying people to do it for them.

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

Updated a few spelling errors.

Originally Posted by Puebert View Post
Song, which run is faster, MQSC or DTSC?
Im pretty sure MQSC is the fastest atm for luxon side. As for the kurzick side, Moro trail works very well if you don't have a full party of humans to rely on, but I'm sure there are faster ways.

Originally Posted by A11Eur0 View Post
Can I say this is a rather poorly thought-out "guide"? "First do this, then do this, then do this, then pay for all of this, then you're done."

The OP assumed most players couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag, always saying to "pay for vanquishes, pay for runs, pay for this and that." You don't need to pay, and the money you save while actually playing the game for yourself can go towards the drunkard/part/sweet title tracks.

This guide only lessens the achievement of anyone who sports the title is going to be accused of buying it. What a shame, because there are still players out there (me) who are really working on the title, not just paying people to do it for them.
As for you, the title barely means anything anymore, as there are so many titles available, as long as you are a decent player, you can get it rather quickly, and so many people have it.

If you didn't notice, which you probably didn't as you probably only read the first line of the guide, its meant to be the quickest way to achieve the title. You may think of paying for a vanquish as stupid, but the money has to come from somewhere, it didn't just pop into your hands, and now you are paying for the run without working for it.. No, you had to earn the cash someway....
So as for the people who you say "actually work on the title" You guys are just doing it a different way.

I tried to make the guide as simple as possible so that new people have something to look at...

And honestly, once you get the title, people don't ask how you got it. No one cares that "you" were such a big guy and vanquished Joko's domain by yourself. No, in the end, you are just the same as someone else with the title. And no cares if you tell them your enthrawling details about how you downed alcohol like a "real man" and sat there for 10k min waiting for a title. Honestly, no one will ever ask.

I can tell you that I myself did it the way you are doing it. I did everything myself. But this guide isn't meant for that, its just supposed to be a quick way to achieve the title.

Oh and its obvious that you didn't read the whole guide, because you would have seen the mutliple "The money you should make from vanquishes, you must put towards your sweet/party/drunkard title".

Have a good day


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005


I read the whole guide. That's how I know that it's just tossing an order of operations out there without giving any advice other than "pay for a run." Also, it's faster to actually complete the vanquishes and missions in general doing it yourself than waiting around for someone running the mission/vanquish, using a smaller-than-max team build thus taking longer to vanquish an area or complete said missions.

I think if you're going to make a guide, order out the processes to take to achieve the titles, but give multiple options on how to complete it with their respective pros and cons. All you did was say 'run this and that' without saying why it's better (probably because there's no reason why other than you can afk it...).

I know for a fact as someone who has maxed all three consumable titles that it's not nearly enough money from vanquishes and mission completions to max them. I'm 8 areas away from completing the vanquish and I had to farm most of my sweets, party and alc items. I pick up everything and merchant. I salvage and sell max mods off of golds. I still didn't have enough to max. You're not going to make even a million gold from legendary vanquisher, and that's only enough to max one title, especially if you're paying for runs and not getting loot.

Elemental Labrat

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2007


Scions of Carver [SCAR]


All I see is QQ since you don't have max and cant possibly think of anything better to do then to annoy someone else who is trying to help others....If you think your so great, write your own guide... oh wait... you would rather bother someone else about theirs.

You failed to read the guide because he offers several options besides paying for everything you do...

You make it seem like theres more then two options to everything.... but really theres only do it yourself or pay someone else to do it. He even gives options as to what to do if you can't max some of them... alternatives.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by Elemental Labrat View Post
All I see is QQ since you don't have max and cant possibly think of anything better to do then to annoy someone else who is trying to help others....If you think your so great, write your own guide... oh wait... you would rather bother someone else about theirs.

You failed to read the guide because he offers several options besides paying for everything you do...

You make it seem like theres more then two options to everything.... but really theres only do it yourself or pay someone else to do it. He even gives options as to what to do if you can't max some of them... alternatives. I'm 3 mil kurzick faction (pre-donation) and 8 vanquishes away from GWAMM. If I spend a good solid month of current per-day hours just farming faction, I can have it the next day when I finish vanquishing. Therefore, no QQ from me just because I "don't have GWAMM". I'm offering constructive criticism, and if he wants to tout himself as the premier Guide-writer on this board (evident from his choice of name), then he should possibly learn to be a little more robust in his explanations, rather than gravitating back to "buying runs". Again: I DID READ THE DAMN POST. There might be options, but every other line (exaggeration) was "pay for runs".

Once you get to rank 8 in each, start filling HM hero handbooks, if you can afford it, pay for runners to fill them, if not…well, you are gong to do a lot of hard work, and HM group searching, not to mention guild begging :P
My point is clear: he assumes that the average person going for GWAMM lacks the ability to complete these titles self-sufficiently. Pay for titles or else you'll have to work hard or beg for help from, pretentiousness abounds.

First of all, Canthan vanquishing is extremely easy (except for maybe a couple in the city, and unwaking waters), so just do most of the continent yourself.
General consensus: If it's easy, you can do it yourself. If not...well you're going to need help.

A good game guide does not assume the person reading it is a total moron who is bad at the game. A good game guide assumes the player can do most of the game on his/her own but might not be able to find everything out for themselves. I'm not saying do a play-by-play of vanquishing every area...I'm saying give the reader the benefit of the doubt that they have the ability to do everything on their own. I'd suggest changing every mention of "runs" to something like "this is what you have to do, and there are runners available for anything you find yourself unable to do." This is much different than assuming only the easiest parts of the game can be completed alone.

Proof of being close to GWAMM:


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2009


first of all sorry if this has been mentioned but im not gonna read 20 pages to find it
Originally Posted by Guides 4 You View Post
Guide to Achieving “God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals”

The first max title you should worry about is either legendary defender of ascalon, or the survivor title. Because technically you cannot do both (although technically it is possible...not getting into that) you should focus on just one. Survivor is the better choice because not only does it take less time, you can be progressing through the game, and through other titles whilst you do this.

mind explaining the bold part?


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006


there used to be a way to do both, but you cant do it anymore

Icy The Mage

Icy The Mage

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2008



A Quest that gave you an item and exp as a reward, if you had a full inventory you'd accept the quest, still get the exp, but wouldn't get the item, and you could repeatedly accept the quest.

Artisan Archer

Artisan Archer

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2007

Free Wind


you can do it with the fire imp, but it would take 14 years of playing

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

You had no contructive critisism. I think the closest you came was:

"I think if you're going to make a guide, order out the processes to take to achieve the titles, but give multiple options on how to complete it with their respective pros and cons."

but thats about it, the rest is just complaining, and pointing out things you think are not up to your standards.

I have no doubt you can max kurz, because if you spend as much time ingame as you do QQing on these boards you should have it in no time.

I never said I was the best guide writer on these board. I never touted myself as anything special. Infact my name is Guides 4 you, yet I've only written 1 guide on these forumns.

Originally Posted by A11Eur0 View Post
Please refraim from using foul language on my post.

Oh and yes, it used to be possible to max out both title. There have been several glitches which used to allow it (using your pet to level up monsters, transfering tomes from other characters to buy hard rezes, etc). Sadly all but 1 method have been fixed, and that one method is so cheap and probably way against the rules.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by Guides 4 You View Post
You had no contructive critisism. I think the closest you came was:

"I think if you're going to make a guide, order out the processes to take to achieve the titles, but give multiple options on how to complete it with their respective pros and cons."

but thats about it, the rest is just complaining, and pointing out things you think are not up to your standards.

I have no doubt you can max kurz, because if you spend as much time ingame as you do QQing on these boards you should have it in no time.

I never said I was the best guide writer on these board. I never touted myself as anything special. Infact my name is Guides 4 you, yet I've only written 1 guide on these forumns.

Please refraim from using foul language on my post.

Oh and yes, it used to be possible to max out both title. There have been several glitches which used to allow it (using your pet to level up monsters, transfering tomes from other characters to buy hard rezes, etc). Sadly all but 1 method have been fixed, and that one method is so cheap and probably way against the rules.
I made the constructive criticism saying what I saw was wrong with the "guide", then I elaborated on those points. What do you want..."bad guide is bad"? You worded the entire guide like you were talking to a 5 year old, you assumed anyone reading it would be too "bad at the game" to actually do any of the "hard parts" by themselves. The only options you gave people for the "hard parts" were paying for runs or asking guildies for help. Psht.

I'll use any language I see fit which abides by the rules of the board. Just because you started the thread, doesn't mean you can dictate the language to be used by other members of this forum in it.




Join Date: Mar 2007

SMS (lolgw2placeholder)


Sadly all but 1 method have been fixed, and that one method is so cheap and probably way against the rules.
There is no legal method to obtain both titles. Please refrain from spreading misinformation.

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

Originally Posted by A11Eur0 View Post
You worded the entire guide like you were talking to a 5 year old
Im begining to think that I am

Originally Posted by Katsumi View Post
There is no legal method to obtain both titles. Please refrain from spreading misinformation.
I didn't spread misinformation... I said theres only 1 way that I know of, and its against the rules.. *pokes your post above* I never said it was legal....




Join Date: Mar 2007

SMS (lolgw2placeholder)


Let me rephrase: there's no way to get both titles.

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

There is definitely 1 way, but it involves a third party program.. So yeah it's against the rules...


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Gatineau, Qc, Canada

Kiss of Anguish [KISS]


Originally Posted by Guides 4 You View Post
There is definitely 1 way, but it involves a third party program.. So yeah it's against the rules...
You could use GWx2 if you had two accounts, have one die over and over to death level ennemies and rez using your other

Technically you could have one of the characters not die while the other dies repeatidly to level ennemies which you would then kill.

Using GWx2 is allowed

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

They fixed that, as in the only rez available in pre is a rez sig... One use only, so you cant deathlevel another character and then kill the enem yourself.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2009

Broken Ecto Delvers


I have been doing the Protector and Guardian Titles for a few months, i do not play the game a lot but i still find these the easiest to start with. After you have got those titles you will have some extra cash which you can use to help you on other titles



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2009

Metalic Gerbulls


Dunno if this has already been addressed, but in my honest opinion Luxon faction is MUCH easier to earn through Hero Fast Faction Farming (as that is the only place now you can HFFF). Just thought I'd point that out!


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by Zez View Post
Dunno if this has already been addressed, but in my honest opinion Luxon faction is MUCH easier to earn through Hero Fast Faction Farming (as that is the only place now you can HFFF). Just thought I'd point that out!
MQSC gives you 12k~~ factions in 8mins with good teams, way better than hfff...

Black Metal

Black Metal

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2009


I'm at 32 titles and nearly at close to those, in fact, that I can get them just by playing regular with my nearly-seared Ranger (350 chests from treasure hunter, and 2000 or so from unlucky, which I can just get from breaking some picks playing the main storylines). This on my main, created days after launch of Proph, so never had a shot at Survivor.

Anyways, my bit of advice is trying to group together as many title grinds as possible: chest farming in HM is huge (advances lucky, unlucky, wisdom, and treasure hunter about evenly). MQSC for Luxon is awesome (hit all chests along the way). You'll max Norn, Asuran, and Ebon Vanguard while getting Legendary Master of the North (may have messed up the name of that one). I did the HM ones shortly after HM came out, and everyone was doing that; now you may have to pick them off as they are offered as Zaishen missions. Might as well do vanquishes in the same zones as Zaishen bounties. Again, hit all chests, so having a big income source to buy stacks of picks is very helpful. During weekend alc/party/sweet drops, farm those vaettirs/raptors till your eyes glaze over, esp if they are 3 pointers (at this point with most of the holidays over, you may be better suited farming trade-ins for Wintersday and Halloween).



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2007



Got my GWAMM title last week. Finally

Currently working on the Treasure hunter/wisdom/lucky-unlucky/Kurzick.
On my permanent pre character I'm aiming for LDOA.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

There actually is a way of getting both titles still and its pretty legal... little bending the rules but no1 could ban u for it...
with 2 pcs and 2 accounts... but it would take better part of 4 years of constant playing... so its pretty much futile...
i mean just 2 titles in 6500 hours... thats futile...

Sponge of Bob

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2008



Currently at 26 - 27th will come tonight when I become Savior of the Luxon...

The titles puting me over the top will be Sweets, Party and Kurz ... What slowed me down a lot was thinking I should do chests while vanq silent surf for faction (yes after reading many posts here, I seemed to have farmed Luxon faction the hard way). When I stopped opening chests and donated that same gold solely to sweets title, I've hit 5k sweet point in 2.5 weeks.

Now switching to a Kurz Guild: Trail still best place to faction farm?