Guide to becoming a "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

The Way Out

The Way Out

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007

In my peanut brain

Zomg Zombies [OMG]


Originally Posted by Jeremy Untouchable
Guys, this poor thread needs a water hose. I came over here to post that the first phase of my GoMM is done. and i'm working on maxing Gw:EN titles next. XD
Congratulations, man, and I apologize for the negativity. This is a good guide that I reference often.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2008

For those that have money and EoTN hard mode unlocked dwarven boxing is by far the way to go. If you can do the run kilroy stonekin's punchout extravaganza in under 10 minutes you can buy a lightbringer scroll and get around 42-45k xp per run. I can do it in 8 as an ele with full prismatic, armor of salvation, essence of celerity, and customized daggers. I have not tried hard mode without the essence of celerity and armor of salvation as of yet though. I wanted to get done as quickly as possible. I believe it took me around 6 hours after I made it to gunnar's hold to get my survivors title. Was slightly spendy though.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2007


Very good guide, Props to you.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2008

Very good =)

Nemo the Capitalist

Nemo the Capitalist

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006

Trust me you dont want to know my Chasms of Despair

Zaishen Brotherhood


Originally Posted by DreamRunner
Its laughable that you call me trolling, when you were starting how everyone on guru needs a massive clean up. Not only do you generalize people, you flamed me with many insults that didn't have any reference at all. Just like your other post to flame me as well.
Here is a tip, If you don't want to derail the thread or post your opinions on the community is such as this thread, then dont start it. Its easy.
But did I grave attention? Not really, I could careless if you responded to my post or not. I will continue to think you are immature and a troll for exactly the post that you just posted.
*Lets keep the positivity in here*

I understand the arguements in here can become a bit childish, BUT lets talk about how GWAMM is "easier" to get due to Party animal and Killroy quest for Boxing great money maker( Title was never easy to begin with as you need to inveest 1500hrs in order to get title if you make it your priority).. But IMHO i love HFF safe hate the lag kill in boxing.

As always great guide



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2008



Very good job thank you for this guide


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Soundless Rebellion [TsR]


nice guide, but although i wasn't going to go for the title (at least any time soon :P) i was thinking about the top and bottom parts, about the legendary survivor, as far as i know theres a boxing thing in eye of the north that gets it easilly, but also, luxon FFF which can be done, though i think you'd have to stand back a bit :P and if your a (good) monk you should be fun, and, like the kurzick quest its 150g, 400 lux faction and 2k exp, though its a little slower.

Nice guide anyhow, i might go for the title once i got SOTL

Chief Rocker

Chief Rocker

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2008


a quite awesome guide, currently slogging my way through Survivor and its cool to actually have a roadmap for what to do afterwards


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2008

Kindred Order Of Souls [KOS]


The prices for the Party Animal items should be changed,they don't go for 100g a point anymore,not many people are selling but when you find someone who is they go for 200g a point



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

The Black Hand Gang [BHG]


During the dragon festival it was easy to get them at 100g per point.

The Way Out

The Way Out

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007

In my peanut brain

Zomg Zombies [OMG]


That always happens... until they get a dedicated party animal merchant... hahaha... queue the whining... and scene!

Prices are low around the holidays and increase when they are over. All my friends grind hard during festivals and make a ton of gold afterwards selling stacks at double the prices.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2006

Surrey, BC

[DL] Desolation Lords


Originally Posted by Elemental Labrat
Yes I do agree that doing it all in one would go faster, yet you don't say where all the money for this was achieved, and most people would go insane working on 10 titles at a time, people just want to focus on one at a time.....Your sanity is worth it

Also, how you gonna cap 3 skills with 2 professions, and with each map usually cantaining only a single boss of a profession, not to mention the lack of 3 usefull skills in your bar to help you vanquish.

Good idea though
Money? You don't really need much doing titles, skill capping sure but spend some time farming, and you're good to go. I'm doing all these titles at once, Vanquish + Map + Guardian (Tyria) + GWEN reps + Master of the North, too bad I've done Skill Capping before HM came out. I find doing all these titles at once makes it more interesting, instead of grinding for 1 title at a time. If you want instant gratification, yeah sure do 1 at a time, but I prefer multiple title farming.

Also, getting runs for Vanquishing/Guardian... for me, defeats the purpose of this game, I was a mission runner once, I had a service thread and everything here in guru, and I find that most people just take those services because they're lazy. Hey! If you really need help on those mission/vanquishes, go hire runners, but if you're just lazy and want the "easy" way, maybe you should evaluate if you still want to play this game.

Oh one last thing, about your skill capping comment, those 2/3 skills saves u about 5 mins each on skill caps, that goes a long way. I agree that you would lose some effectivity on your build, but i would just compensate that on my team build, thats what heroes are for. Plus the time saved on those skill caps, is well worth it in my opinion.

Thank you for posting this guide, piqued my interest, I'm sure some people would find this useful.

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


It makes it easier for me to know which titles to go for first. Thanks for the guide

You Look Grim

You Look Grim

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2007

Ecnegilletni Laicifitra [朔mud]

wowow, loving the guide.
at the moment i have 1/30,
with my legendary survivor.

lets see how long this takes me to get D:


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Whats Going On [sup]


nice guide, altho, you can bring your drinks for the drunkard title along with missions etc. saves a bit of time, else you have to stand in towns doing nothing but double clicking every minute. and you could do the sweet tooth/party animal at the end. When you vanquish and PvE in general a lot you might save up some money so you have enough for atleast one of the titles. (thats not needed when you have enough money offcourse^^ )

but as I said...
realy nice guide

Horace The Great

Horace The Great

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Netherlands

Lament of the Phoenix [LotP]

Good job. I like it when people make these things



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006



great guide, using sections of it but also doing my own thing as well.
currently at 12/30, getting all the NM stuff out of the way before i start on the HM (but thats only because i had majority of them done before i found this guide) so i'll just finish them off and then its time to get onto the HM and finish hffing (which is very very boring - 270k from r8 and super board lol)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Uk, Nr Earth

Alternate Evil Gamers [aeg]


Originally Posted by Ghostcell
great guide, using sections of it but also doing my own thing as well.
currently at 12/30, getting all the NM stuff out of the way before i start on the HM (but thats only because i had majority of them done before i found this guide) so i'll just finish them off and then its time to get onto the HM and finish hffing (which is very very boring - 270k from r8 and super board lol)
Lucky you i managed to get to rank (2) since factions was released and i am abour ready to rip the rest of my hair out it is soooooo boring, there must be an easier way...



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007


Great guide, it seems to hit the nail on the head!

I'm 29/30 just working on my drunkard (5500/10000)
Spikes are so expensive!

Great Job!

Nemo the Capitalist

Nemo the Capitalist

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006

Trust me you dont want to know my Chasms of Despair

Zaishen Brotherhood


Originally Posted by KennyC
Great guide, it seems to hit the nail on the head!

I'm 29/30 just working on my drunkard (5500/10000)
Spikes are so expensive!

Great Job!
GZ kenny hows it feel to have used 1500+ on GW?

i felt good too



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2007




I'm about 24 max titles and will get 25 soon (just finish Secret Agent)

What I have done?
003 Protector
004 Guardian
004 Cartography
2/4 Vanquish
001 Sugar
001 Master of the North
004 Skill Hunter
3/4 Gwen reputation
002 Sunspear/Lightbringer

My next steps:
1. Finish Ebon Vanguard reputation. (very easy, farming books)
2. Finish Tyria Vanquish. (just need time, easy too)
3. Party Animal. (i already have the cash, easy)
4. Wisdom. (a lot of time selling things but easy)
5. Drunkard. (a lot of time & a lot of cash, boring.... hard)

I wish they add another easy title to get, like Party



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ashford Abbey

Hey Mallyx [icU]


Blah, I'm hating the grind needed for the last one. I'm currently at 28 maxed with (no survivor since the monk was created almost 3 years ago) Party Animal at 5500 points. Decided to go for Luxon allegiance since it requires the same amount of time as Treasure Hunter minus the millions of gold needed. Being account-based helps for other chars, so it's FFF for me for the next couple of months.

I want a playable title.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

died at 587,680 exp (going for survivor) because I couldn't kill anything in the kilroy's punch-out extravaganza quest.
not sure if it's my computer, but when I stand back up, the skills take like 2 seconds to become available, and by then I've already lost half of my health (in hardmode)

Knightly Bird

Knightly Bird

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2008


Teh Dark Empire


Originally Posted by stuntharley
Isnt this basically common sense imo?

I'm confused why its so great.
Exactly what I was thinking...



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2007

Free Collar Kingdom


Originally Posted by Ambuu
died at 587,680 exp (going for survivor) because I couldn't kill anything in the kilroy's punch-out extravaganza quest.
not sure if it's my computer, but when I stand back up, the skills take like 2 seconds to become available, and by then I've already lost half of my health (in hardmode)
Maybe u didn't equipped the knuckle that Killroy gives to u...
both white that gold version works, gold is moddable, but mods don't seems to have effects inFronis Irontoe Dungeon.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

V??xj??, Sweden

Stop Stealing [agro]


umm nice but i have one suggestion/complain :P

you said going for vanquisher before maxing out reputation, and thats because you need money to vanquish? o.O. if talking about consumables, you need r3 of each reputation anyway, and if you max all reputation titles before going to vanquish , you have great help through pve skills

nice that you took time to write this :P



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

Limburgse Jagers [LJ]


Originally Posted by Akolo
umm nice but i have one suggestion/complain :P

you said going for vanquisher before maxing out reputation, and thats because you need money to vanquish? o.O. if talking about consumables, you need r3 of each reputation anyway, and if you max all reputation titles before going to vanquish , you have great help through pve skills

nice that you took time to write this :P
The guide stated you can pay people to vanquish the area for you.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

V??xj??, Sweden

Stop Stealing [agro]


then thats cheating. its almost like buying from ebay...



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by TorquemadaXL
Maybe u didn't equipped the knuckle that Killroy gives to u...
both white that gold version works, gold is moddable, but mods don't seems to have effects inFronis Irontoe Dungeon.
I had the knuckles equipped. It's just that i had already lost like half of my heatlh by the time i stood back up. And the energy just kept getting higher and higher lol



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2007

Bran - Romania



if u want to do that dungeon in a caster maybe(LOW AL), u'll have to use an Armor of Salvation(mostly needed if you want to finish the dungeon :P)...also put 12 dagger mastery and mod the gold knuckles with +15-5 energy.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

well I'm at 480k exp on my sin. I made a goal: If my energy gets to 60 in the punch -out-fiesta, then i resign and start over.

Works so far

Phoenix Tears

Phoenix Tears

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

gives better ways to farm quick exp, than punchout, which are also way less risky...

Mr Emu

Mr Emu

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006


The OP reccommends HFF as a good survivor tactic. The question is, are there any failsafe or at least reliable means of getting through missions like Vizhuna Square without dying. There are many areas where your party is trapped in the center while enemies continually spawn and rush you. As far as I know, there is simply no safe way to get through that.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

well so far I'm 10 hours into my sin and I'm at 730k exp

I was going to go for HFF, but getting there is a problem. Once I get legendary survivor, I'll do some HFF when I get there. need that good money lol



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006

Goon Squad [LLJK]


Originally Posted by Mr Emu
The OP reccommends HFF as a good survivor tactic. The question is, are there any failsafe or at least reliable means of getting through missions like Vizhuna Square without dying. There are many areas where your party is trapped in the center while enemies continually spawn and rush you. As far as I know, there is simply no safe way to get through that.
OK, I've never died (as a monk) when doing Vizunah Square. I've done it at least 5 times. It's really NOT THAT HARD...just boring and timeconsuming because it's just a giant fight. Two MMs and nukers makes it a cakewalk.

But if you're worried about dying, wait in the start area and you'll be perfectly safe whilst a friend runs the mission.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2006

Wolf of Shadows [WoS]


Kill wurms outside boreal station (in hard mode preferrably) from long range. They are only melee critters and so if you change secondary or something and just use ranged spells and skills you can kill them nonstop for good experience without ever worrying about a death.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2008



The first max title you should worry about is either legendary defender of ascalon, or the survivor title. Because technically you cannot do both (although technically it is possible...not getting into that) you should focus on just one.
Just wondering, how is it technically possible?

I recommend Labrats running service, I ran a few characters with him, hes fast and talkative, havn't tried the other runners.
Do you have a link? And how much does he charge from KC to Lutgardis?

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

Ahhhh after a long break to Europe I have returned, 'Twas lots of fun.

Anyhoo, Lamoureux, it used to be possible to capture a bear and death level enemies with your bear, but I'm not sure if that way has been nerfed or not, not to mention it would take FOREVER.

To give yo uan estimate....LDoA takes about as long as most people play the game before getting bored, and thats death leveling yourself, imagine having to do it with a bear, being there all the time, no AFK and constantly running for your life and rezzing it.

And I havent actually talked to Elemental Labrat in a while, we talk every once in a while and he is still running HFF as far as I know. I liked him cause he actually talks to you instead of just running over and over, it gets really boring.

Oh and to clear something up, it's very very easy to run a survivor to Lutgardis, in fact, there are many services that offer a run there, however, as far as I know Elemental Labrat doesn't run to lutgardis, he just HFFs, but I may be wrong, try contacting him.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005



I'm at 27/30 right now... got the most expensive titles to go (Sweet Tooth, Drunkard, and Party Animal). Man, they take forever.



Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006

Presearing Ascalon. ;D



Originally Posted by Guides 4 You
waist their lives
Spelling mistake ftl; good guide though.