Guide to becoming a "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Uk, Nr Earth

Alternate Evil Gamers [aeg]


Originally Posted by Mixie
Maxing titles? Why should anyone be wasting time on this, except for showing off? Play the game for fun, don`t grind it.
When i sat back and thought about it, it very much did seem like grinding but when i went out and vanquished and explored a couple of areas while getting sunspear and lightbringer points and chests with my lockpicks (phew) it all adds up and feels great, Does not feel like grind in any way!

I personaly like this thread, it has inspired me to start working on a few titles because i have to admit i have been a little bit idle recently when it comes to guild wars and reading the original post makes it look and seem much easier than i originaly thought it would be to get one or two titles.

And the way i see it is if it feels like grind or you are not enjoying it! then dont do it? but if you enjoy doing it then who is to stop you go have fun...



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2007


Originally Posted by Mixie
Maxing titles? Why should anyone be wasting time on this, except for showing off? Play the game for fun, don`t grind it.
I really want to know how one "play for fun" from you.

Do quest, missions, GVG, HA, TA, RA, farm? Well, it might surprised you, that title hunters do them too. Actually, people who doesn't do Title and those hunting for titles are doing the same thing. Surprising, huh?

Statement like yours is just parroting the bandwagons what seems like a good thing to say but meaningless in a practical point of view.

Skyy High

Skyy High

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2006


Originally Posted by GrimEye
I really want to know how one "play for fun" from you.

Do quest, missions, GVG, HA, TA, RA, farm? Well, it might surprised you, that title hunters do them too. Actually, people who doesn't do Title and those hunting for titles are doing the same thing. Surprising, huh?

Statement like yours is just parroting the bandwagons what seems like a good thing to say but meaningless in a practical point of view.
What he said.

Only difference is, a title hunter wants to do it all, faster. And they don't generally spend their money on purdy stuff until they're done with the money requiring titles. You get pretty pixels in your char's hand, I get them under his name; who's to say which is better?

Nemo the Capitalist

Nemo the Capitalist

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006

Trust me you dont want to know my Chasms of Despair

Zaishen Brotherhood


retract post above it ^ ^...plz ^ ^

The Way Out

The Way Out

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007

In my peanut brain

Zomg Zombies [OMG]


How did a guide to help us max titles because a flaming thread? This thread was supposed to be informative. This is one of the reason I get so pissed at some of the moderators on guru. They allow this crap to happen and close relevant threads and /flex /roar with superiority calling people noobs and retards.

Here are my suggestions moderators...

1. Go back in this thread and delete any comments that are not helping the guide or giving constructive feedback.

2. Take the usernames of the people flaming and being little keyboard-thugs in this thread and do some research on all their trolling negative posts.

3. Ban them from a community forum, because they have no friggin concept of community.

4. Be actual moderators and not elitist thread closers... help the friggin community and stop the true retards from pissing all over anything that is helpful.

Nemo the Capitalist

Nemo the Capitalist

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006

Trust me you dont want to know my Chasms of Despair

Zaishen Brotherhood


you are completly right...
*bows head*




Join Date: Jan 2008

Team Apathy [aFk]


Originally Posted by The Way Out
How did a guide to help us max titles because a flaming thread? This thread was supposed to be informative. This is one of the reason I get so pissed at some of the moderators on guru. They allow this crap to happen and close relevant threads and /flex /roar with superiority calling people noobs and retards.

Here are my suggestions moderators...

1. Go back in this thread and delete any comments that are not helping the guide or giving constructive feedback.

2. Take the usernames of the people flaming and being little keyboard-thugs in this thread and do some research on all their trolling negative posts.

3. Ban them from a community forum, because they have no friggin concept of community.

4. Be actual moderators and not elitist thread closers... help the friggin community and stop the true retards from pissing all over anything that is helpful.
Chill out broski, don't read the posts if they offend you so much.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Uk, Nr Earth

Alternate Evil Gamers [aeg]


Chill out or not i agree with him, most threads on this forum these days are so full or crap and flames plus some people being down right rude for no reason.

Nobody cleans things up, people dont even get warned half the time but when someone posts 30 mins early in ventari’s corner they get banned and there thread closed Crazy but something needs doing.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2007



you do get some gold back from wisdom if you sell some of the mods

Sorn Xarann

Sorn Xarann

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

Us Are Not [leet]


Thanks for this guide, its great, reading it really got me to get my shit together, and play a bit more purposefully.


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2007

Desolation Lords [DL]


I have 28 max titles. Now have started to do HFF kurzick and wisdom titles, last two. Now here is some simple math (i am missing 7000 uninfied golds):

1.from maxed kurzick title(12500 runs) you get +1.875.000,00 g without leachees.
With 2 leaches you get +4.375.000,00 g.
2. from buying 7000 uninfied(7 for 4,5k) golds you spent -4.500.000,00 g
3. from selling this golds after indefication average price is 250g/e(golds are farmed in HM) you get +2.500.000,00g.

so at end you have more gold then you started or 0(same amount get and spent).

And for HFF Lutgardis . People say 50 sec run, that true but they dont calculate time to run to doors and load.Then run with all that become up to 1min and 30sec.
MY titles are:
Legendary Guardian (3+3+1)
Legendary Cartographer(3+1)
Legendary Skill Hunter(3+1)
Legendary Vanquisher(3+1)
Sweet Tooth(1)
Lightbringer (1)
Ebon Vanguard(1)
Master of the North(1)

I decided to do kurzick and wisdom title becuse i dont need anymore farming golds and i can do them parallel. Estimate time to get them is about 80 to 90 days.

Nemo the Capitalist

Nemo the Capitalist

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006

Trust me you dont want to know my Chasms of Despair

Zaishen Brotherhood


gz on the titles wish i had that much time to play...have to shoot for summer



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

The Black Hand Gang [BHG]


Originally Posted by MacReborn1
With 2 leaches you get +4.375.000,00 g.
Are there really that many leachers? Not sure I get this. SH/DR/BR can be done by any class so why would anyone pay. It's not like they can be afk either. So why would they?


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2007

Originally Posted by puffzilla
Are there really that many leachers? Not sure I get this. SH/DR/BR can be done by any class so why would anyone pay. It's not like they can be afk either. So why would they?
people going after Legendary Survivor

Drop of Fear

Drop of Fear

Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006


Originally Posted by puffzilla
Are there really that many leachers? Not sure I get this. SH/DR/BR can be done by any class so why would anyone pay. It's not like they can be afk either. So why would they?
2 clicks every 80 seconds is not afking but is not actively playing either. u can do a lot of stuff meanwhile.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2007


Farming Crew UK [Fcuk]


Originally Posted by Just4Fun
people going after Legendary Survivor
Or just want to watch TV while other do the work for them (when you got a laptop...its easier)

The Way Out

The Way Out

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007

In my peanut brain

Zomg Zombies [OMG]


Originally Posted by credit
Chill out broski, don't read the posts if they offend you so much.
I don't like sifting through forty pages of negativity to get to the answer or suggestion that I need or want. It is not needed. Now can I close my comments here unless they pertain to this guide.

mastar of warrior

mastar of warrior

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006




i got sunspear and all prot .. and i started working on savior of kurzick .. and i wonder if i will really have enough money (3750k) for all the titles that needs paying without taking ppl with me?


And how much money will u have over of you follow ur guide (asuming u did get savior and 3750k)


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


buying your wisdom title is around 8 mill depending what deals you get, drunkard is 1mill, sweet tooth is 2mill.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

The Black Hand Gang [BHG]


Sweet tooth is 1 mil. Just buy sweets during festivals 100g per point. It's only 2 mil if you buy all the sweets from the merchant.

But ya you'd break the budget on either Wisdom or Treasure hunter.

You'll get drops and gold doing legendary Vanq and Guardian. but ya you'll probably need a fair bit of farming in there too.

Edit* Mastar of warrior avoid wisdom and treasure hunter and get the party animal title.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]



you can knock off either wisdom or treasure hunter now

or people that didn't get survivor or LDoA don't have to max both of those now.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

The Black Hand Gang [BHG]


Something that's a bit more interesting for a GOD like thread.... if someone has LDoA or Survivor they can now get 35 titles a fair bit easier. ( It would help you knock off one of the really long ones either Kurzick, luxon or unlucky.

For 35 you would need treasure hunter and lucky.

I didn't get the LDoA or survivor since my char since he's too old. Really don't have time for both luxon and unlucky.

The party animal title should come down in price to 1 mil. People are fighting for the points atm.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Atlanta, GA



Got to love the fact that I used all the stuff I got at christmas and all the other events......oh well off for snowmen runs thats at least 2 points per run and gold to buy more.

The Way Out

The Way Out

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007

In my peanut brain

Zomg Zombies [OMG]


Anyone else feel foolish for using a stack of snowmen in Kamadan American Dis 1 for fun prior to the new title?

... I think I want to shoot myself...

Sorn Xarann

Sorn Xarann

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

Us Are Not [leet]


yea, me and 2 friends used 750 snowmen in the eye of the north. like, 3 weeks ago. >:|



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

Well, the guide should now read:

Get the "usual" 26 titles (7 Guardian, 4 Vanquisher, 1 Master, 4 Skill Hunter, 4 Carto, 6 Faction) and then get 4 of the really BLASTED activity titles:

1. Sweet Tooth
2. Party Animal
3. Drunkard
4. Item Id (buy unids)

All are just a matter of MONEY, and EBAY is your partner! :>

The positive thing is, it is now easy to become a god - you do no longer need to FFF or run chests at all.

The skill over time philosophy is gone, grind rules and titles have become the game. A bad thing.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

V??xj??, Sweden

Stop Stealing [agro]


yea its a matter of money but i hope you were joking about ebay >.>



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2007

[BAAA] guest me NOW


Originally Posted by Akolo
yea its a matter of money but i hope you were joking about ebay >.>
Hmm considering you can get r6 purely with ebay now, i am sure that there will be people who will opt for that option. Its sad but true

Motoko Kusanagi War

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2007

Team Paradigm [pd]


The order of getting these titles is bad...
Start with

Legendary Survivor ~ Via boxing
All 6 Rep Titles ~ Farm them, they will help make doing everything else easier
Master of the North ~
then the rest of it



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006


Originally Posted by Motoko Kusanagi War
The order of getting these titles is bad...
Start with

Legendary Survivor ~ Via boxing
All 6 Rep Titles ~ Farm them, they will help make doing everything else easier
Master of the North ~
then the rest of it
That's quite bad too.

Legendary Survivor (by playing through the game and getting your Protector titles and working on Skill Hunter)
Finish Skill Hunter and Protector Titles
Legendary Master of the North
All 4 EotN Reputation Titles (shouldn't have that much left after LMotN, they will help with the rest)
Vanquish + Map Elona
Sunspear + Lightbringer Titles (SS should be maxed after vanquishing, probably just need to patch up LB)
Then just do the rest, finish up Guardian and then Vanquish + Map the other continents simultaneously.

Then do the alliance, sweet tooth, and party animal.

Nemo the Capitalist

Nemo the Capitalist

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006

Trust me you dont want to know my Chasms of Despair

Zaishen Brotherhood


Party Animal is a Welcome addition to Guild wars and the community of title grinding players on this thread will Agree:

Less HFF is a good thing

Guides 4 You

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

OK...Thats it...You may think I have no life...But half the people here have nothing better to do then find a guide, enter it, then write everything thats wrong with it then scream at each other....Doesnt that seem a bit wrong?

I have done a complete edit of it to incorporate the new title....Please... Please.....Stop with all the "your guide sucks" or "I can write a better guide" or "You should have..." Because dont you think I like my guide? Dont you think that if you could write one you would have already done it? Dont you think that I would change it if I felt that my guide Should have some other way?

Have fun with the new job and please just enjoy it

I Have redone most of it please politely tell me if you find any mistakes in it because I was just rearanging titles and I might have made some errors Thanks, have a ncie day



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


The guide looks a bit more logic now, tho I don't understand how you think people have 2 mil+ just lieing around. I think you kinda forgot that you can no longer do FFF and thus miss out on 3-4 mil, maybe it's handy to change that a bit.

Nemo the Capitalist

Nemo the Capitalist

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006

Trust me you dont want to know my Chasms of Despair

Zaishen Brotherhood


Originally Posted by Guides 4 You
OK...Thats it...You may think I have no life...But half the people here have nothing better to do then find a guide, enter it, then write everything thats wrong with it then scream at each other....Doesnt that seem a bit wrong?

I have done a complete edit of it to incorporate the new title....Please... Please.....Stop with all the "your guide sucks" or "I can write a better guide" or "You should have..." Because dont you think I like my guide? Dont you think that if you could write one you would have already done it? Dont you think that I would change it if I felt that my guide Should have some other way?

Have fun with the new job and please just enjoy it

I Have redone most of it please politely tell me if you find any mistakes in it because I was just rearanging titles and I might have made some errors Thanks, have a ncie day

Hes done a good enough good in letting the community Understand what titles to do etc....

Yes some of us already knew but a very good guide none the less.

May seem misleading to novices thinking legendary Vanquisher guardian easy etc ( but it goes with the territory give him a break Sheesh).

~thank you for guide again

Motoko Kusanagi War

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2007

Team Paradigm [pd]


Originally Posted by Guides 4 You
OK...Thats it...You may think I have no life...But half the people here have nothing better to do then find a guide, enter it, then write everything thats wrong with it then scream at each other....Doesnt that seem a bit wrong?

I have done a complete edit of it to incorporate the new title....Please... Please.....Stop with all the "your guide sucks" or "I can write a better guide" or "You should have..." Because dont you think I like my guide? Dont you think that if you could write one you would have already done it? Dont you think that I would change it if I felt that my guide Should have some other way?

Have fun with the new job and please just enjoy it

I Have redone most of it please politely tell me if you find any mistakes in it because I was just rearanging titles and I might have made some errors Thanks, have a ncie day
My suggestion was meant as pure improvement. It does not make sense to leave rep titles LAST, when (Ursan) *HINT HINT* Makes the rest of the pve easier. That is only one example of rep titles that help everything else.

The Way Out

The Way Out

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007

In my peanut brain

Zomg Zombies [OMG]


Originally Posted by I D E L E T E D I
I didn't flame the creator of this guide in anyway, to some people it is rather common sense what title to do and when but i also know that there are other people who don't know this and that it will be really helpful for them or to encourage newer players to take this journey.

Secondly most communities are in game or on separate guild forums GWG never has been really close and although i do know a number of people on this people i play and get along very well, there are some people that just don't get along. Every bigger guild has 2 or more people who don't get along.

Giving advice is one thing, but when its wrong i will state my opinion to why its wrong. and i will voice my opinion in a manner that is appropriate to his reply.

Lastly this whole LOLCAT thing has totally gotten out of hand. I can see smug written all over his post with that stupid little picture.

and yeah he might not have worded his initial post very well and it does cause confusion not only for me as you can see in the other people who replied to him. Dont forget that English isn't everyones first language here.

Lastly i didnt mean to flame you in any way, i am merely stating my opinion
Opinions aside, because it is a community thread, and opinions do matter when they come from the community and are geared constructively, do you agree with me about the pissing contest that quickly ensues? Then the bashing? Then talk outside of the actual thread because of people that are angry and miserable in their real lives? That is what I am talking about and that is what I am asking people to be mindful of. Then retards like the guy below me (Dreamrunner) want attention and quote me calling me immature. The very fact that he is trolling for attention throughout this forum disgusts me.

On the other hand, I get into these debates with people a lot on this forum. What I like to do is read some of their other posts beforehand, so I am a bit educated on how they really are. I can safely say that the majority of people here in these forums troll. They want attention and will say and do anything mean to get it. It isn't even funny half the time. I find most of it retarded and lame.





Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006



With the changes made when party animal was release, this is the optimal guide. Only change I'd suggest would be Kurzick over drunkard if you are a survivor, the money from hff would pay for sweettooth/party animal. Alot of people rather not wait for the drunkard title, unless they bot it, which many do actually.

The Way Out

The Way Out

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007

In my peanut brain

Zomg Zombies [OMG]


Originally Posted by Shadowmoon
With the changes made when party animal was release, this is the optimal guide. Only change I'd suggest would be Kurzick over drunkard if you are a survivor, the money from hff would pay for sweettooth/party animal. Alot of people rather not wait for the drunkard title, unless they bot it, which many do actually.
I don't consider that a bot... it is a macro that saves you a lot of time... and doesn't automate anything for you other than a double click every so often. The fact that macro's are not allowed in GW is crap.

I honestly hope no one snowballs this into a bot conversation. People that go for drunkard or sweet tooth know what I am saying.

Jeremy Untouchable

Jeremy Untouchable

Wow Stole my freetime

Join Date: Mar 2006




Guys, this poor thread needs a water hose. I came over here to post that the first phase of my GoMM is done. and i'm working on maxing Gw:EN titles next. XD



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006


Originally Posted by The Way Out
Opinions aside, because it is a community thread, and opinions do matter when they come from the community and are geared constructively, do you agree with me about the pissing contest that quickly ensues? Then the bashing? Then talk outside of the actual thread because of people that are angry and miserable in their real lives? That is what I am talking about and that is what I am asking people to be mindful of. Then retards like the guy below me (Dreamrunner) want attention and quote me calling me immature. The very fact that he is trolling for attention throughout this forum disgusts me.
Its laughable that you call me trolling, when you were starting how everyone on guru needs a massive clean up. Not only do you generalize people, you flamed me with many insults that didn't have any reference at all. Just like your other post to flame me as well.
Here is a tip, If you don't want to derail the thread or post your opinions on the community is such as this thread, then dont start it. Its easy.
But did I grave attention? Not really, I could careless if you responded to my post or not. I will continue to think you are immature and a troll for exactly the post that you just posted.