better before or after
so do you like the game as is now or before skills and drops and such started to get nerfed? just a general wondering.
i liked it before dont see too much fun now in the game when you dont have to work for anything really anymore.
lets keep this fire proof and flame free just let me know what you think
i liked it before dont see too much fun now in the game when you dont have to work for anything really anymore.
lets keep this fire proof and flame free just let me know what you think
I thought it wasn't so much worse or better but different. Now the game requires a slightly different way to make money.
Chief Odoacer
I think there have been both good nerfs and bad nerfs. If you think about it, if they hadnt changed UW and added the Dying Nightmares, ectos would be worth little to nothing now, because 55's could have their way with anything in UW. However, some of the nerfs i havent agreed with, but hey, cant agree with everything.
The game was awesome back in Prophecies. Now the game is (insert word here that's not as strong as bad).
not to be an ass, but why do we need the exact same thread once a week?
Originally Posted by Yichi
not to be an ass, but why do we need the exact same thread once a week?
You can't see me
Before Zaishen Chest- Better
After Zaishen Chest- Worse.
That basically was the final blow to cater to casual players.
After Zaishen Chest- Worse.
That basically was the final blow to cater to casual players.
I like how you put "let's keep this flame-free" on obvious trollbait so that it would kind of mask it or something.
Originally Posted by You can't see me
Before Zaishen Chest- Better
After Zaishen Chest- Worse. That basically was the final blow to cater to casual players. |
Game was great at factions.
Once nightfall came out, the gamed suck ass, no actually thats not true
Once nightfall came out, the game felt to.....neglected
Been playing since launch, this game has done nothing but improve upon itself, I was sad to see some things die off, and not being able to level in the underworld makes me sad on occasion, but its a casual game, and I like it that way.
First off, skills have ALWAYS been nerfed. Boon prot monks anyone? There is no before/after nerf time period. Before there was nerfs, there was no GW.
Anyway, I think the game was more fun before. But that's just because I've done "everything." There isn't a lot new left to do (been to HoH, won GvGs, won AB, RA win streaks, visited every single explorable zone, vanquished, protectored, cartographer etc.). I liked the game when there was content that I still felt was new.
Anyway, I think the game was more fun before. But that's just because I've done "everything." There isn't a lot new left to do (been to HoH, won GvGs, won AB, RA win streaks, visited every single explorable zone, vanquished, protectored, cartographer etc.). I liked the game when there was content that I still felt was new.
The game is much better now than it has ever been. It has improved so much that all of the "positives" outweigh the "negatives". For example, improvements such as removing attribute refund points, adding traders into the game, and heroes.
I liked it better back in the days. Things were much simpler imo.
Originally Posted by Arkantos
The game was awesome back in Prophecies. Now the game is (insert word here that's not as strong as bad).
Originally Posted by Qual
Get a new game ?
Bryant Again
It'll sound weird, but I felt like there were too many skills added. So in terms of that, I'd say before. In terms of content, continents and the campaigns, couldn't be better.
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by Arkantos
Welcome to riverside, where every thread is copied because the previous one is full of flames and trolls.
Proph days were better, but meh, all games "evolve" I miss old skool days.

Originally Posted by Arkantos
I'm not saying I don't like Guild Wars, I'm saying it's not that great. I've been playing for 2 years, I'm not going to just stop because I feel that this game isn't as good as it used to be. Ask players who've been around since prophecies, I'm sure lots will say something similar to what I said.
I've got no problems with skills getting nerfed, or anything that effects the economy (short of severe exploits like duping), or heroes, or lootscaling; none of that. I understand why people complain about those things, I just don't agree with them. The only thing I really don't like is PvE skills (in their current state), and titles that offer any in-game advantages. I don't like them, but I can live with them.
As far as the "state of the game" since I started playing (almost two years), I haven't noticed much of a difference. I mean sure, there are little differences here and there (some would call them huge, game-breaking changes, such as a skill nerf here, or a rare item made common there - who cares, really), and there is two more campaigns and an expansion, which does tend to dilute the player base a bit, but really it's just added content. It's still Guild Wars, and it's still one of the best games out there, to me.
If you're playing the game just to have fun, it's better than ever because there's a lot more to do. If you're playing just for the content, it's still better than ever because there's plenty more content. If you're playing for the challenge in PvE, it's still better because they've introduced much more high-end areas and hard mode. If you're playing for the challenge in PvP, well, you'd have to ask someone who's a bit more of a regular PvPer. If you're playing just to show off items, wealth, and other achievements, it's still better because there's more items and there's titles.
As far as the "state of the game" since I started playing (almost two years), I haven't noticed much of a difference. I mean sure, there are little differences here and there (some would call them huge, game-breaking changes, such as a skill nerf here, or a rare item made common there - who cares, really), and there is two more campaigns and an expansion, which does tend to dilute the player base a bit, but really it's just added content. It's still Guild Wars, and it's still one of the best games out there, to me.
If you're playing the game just to have fun, it's better than ever because there's a lot more to do. If you're playing just for the content, it's still better than ever because there's plenty more content. If you're playing for the challenge in PvE, it's still better because they've introduced much more high-end areas and hard mode. If you're playing for the challenge in PvP, well, you'd have to ask someone who's a bit more of a regular PvPer. If you're playing just to show off items, wealth, and other achievements, it's still better because there's more items and there's titles.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
I've got no problems with skills getting nerfed, or anything that effects the economy (short of severe exploits like duping), or heroes, or lootscaling; none of that. I understand why people complain about those things, I just don't agree with them. The only thing I really don't like is PvE skills (in their current state), and titles that offer any in-game advantages. I don't like them, but I can live with them.
As far as the "state of the game" since I started playing (almost two years), I haven't noticed much of a difference. I mean sure, there are little differences here and there (some would call them huge, game-breaking changes, such as a skill nerf here, or a rare item made common there - who cares, really), and there is two more campaigns and an expansion, which does tend to dilute the player base a bit, but really it's just added content. It's still Guild Wars, and it's still one of the best games out there, to me. If you're playing the game just to have fun, it's better than ever because there's a lot more to do. If you're playing just for the content, it's still better than ever because there's plenty more content. If you're playing for the challenge in PvE, it's still better because they've introduced much more high-end areas and hard mode. If you're playing for the challenge in PvP, well, you'd have to ask someone who's a bit more of a regular PvPer. If you're playing just to show off items, wealth, and other achievements, it's still better because there's more items and there's titles. |
Originally Posted by Arkantos
I'm not saying I don't like Guild Wars, I'm saying it's not that great. I've been playing for 2 years, I'm not going to just stop because I feel that this game isn't as good as it used to be. Ask players who've been around since prophecies, I'm sure lots will say something similar to what I said.
I tried World of Warcraft a month or so ago, thinking it would be the closest Match to GW in terms of the type of game it is. I wanted to try it for sake of comparison, and frankly, GW has a nicer interface, better graphics, more newbie-friendly it seems to me. GW just seems like a much more "polished" game, a better product, despite the changes which have occured.
I remain playing because, despite the fact GW isn't as "good" as it used to be, it's still not worth dropping in favour of another game.
Originally Posted by Rahja the Thief
Proph days were better, but meh, all games "evolve" I miss old skool days.

dont feel no pain
I like the game when it was just proh! :d GOOD OLD DAYS
Do people really believe that they shouldn't BALANCE an online game?
I've been around since Prophecies was first released, but didn't particularly like it, I only started really playing when Nightfall was released, and they brought in Heroes.
I've been around since Prophecies was first released, but didn't particularly like it, I only started really playing when Nightfall was released, and they brought in Heroes.
It was better back when it was only Prophecies. I didn't play as much back then (yeah, I don't know why), but I know it was better.
Crom The Pale
Personaly I would have liked it if prophicies remained untouched and the new AI and skill changes were chapter specific, though that would certainly cause other problems it would open up the concept of people going back to prophs for fun while the more challenging areas were accessable in the new chapters.
Ofcourse that would also require all skills be split between PvE and PvP so balance could still occur.
Ofcourse that would also require all skills be split between PvE and PvP so balance could still occur.
Originally Posted by You can't see me
Before Zaishen Chest- Better
After Zaishen Chest- Worse. That basically was the final blow to cater to casual players. |
Personally, I loved GW all the way from Proph - very early NF (grenth train + sf). Around this time skill balances began to suck, good guilds stopped playing and most of the friends I had made from 05 quit. Nerfs to warrior solo farming also made the game less enjoyable for me because it was a really fun thing to do when I wasn't gvging or tombing.
Even though I don't consider myself to be a PvE-orientated player, I definitely see the introduction of heroes/titles as the point where GW started to rapidly decline in its quality.
Shadow Spirit
Better now. Heroes FTW!
Updates I Love:
Letting level 10's into GWEN (I can finally level up all those characters I had lost interest in, b/c I've done the beginning stuff so many times).
Bonus Mission Pack: So glad I bought the 3 slots to qualify. I love the new skins, and the missions were some of the best ever.
All in all, Anet has rekindled my faith that GW2 is going to rock.
Letting level 10's into GWEN (I can finally level up all those characters I had lost interest in, b/c I've done the beginning stuff so many times).
Bonus Mission Pack: So glad I bought the 3 slots to qualify. I love the new skins, and the missions were some of the best ever.
All in all, Anet has rekindled my faith that GW2 is going to rock.
posted by Mordakai Bonus Mission Pack: So glad I bought the 3 slots to qualify. I love the new skins, and the missions were some of the best ever. All in all, Anet has rekindled my faith that GW2 is going to rock. |
posted by Celestial Beaver I tried World of Warcraft a month or so ago, thinking it would be the closest Match to GW in terms of the type of game it is. I wanted to try it for sake of comparison, and frankly, GW has a nicer interface, better graphics, more newbie-friendly it seems to me. GW just seems like a much more "polished" game, a better product, despite the changes which have occurred. |
Overall GW is a very polished game the class options very unique and creative. My only exceptions in GW's design are based upon some poor balance choices ANET has made in regards to PvP balance. I don't blame ANET for those choices anymore, but rather the "balance Nazi's" community. I still believe they should have separated PvP skills from PvE skills. A failure to do so is a lack of faith in the community to adapt in both the PvE and PvP. Many of these "balance" changes have made too many skills virtually useless in PvE in most circumstances. Also too many "whiiiinnnners" have made farming almost unbearable now with most FOW Armor almost unobtainable to most casual players.
Malice Black
Old skool <3
I liked Prophecies the best. Less people=tighter community with less tards. Rares were rare in those days, and the game didn't cater to casual players as much (it did somewhat).
Back when I could solo Griffons for fun, or Lornars/Snake Dance/Talus on my Warrior without much challenge. Which is the way it should be considering the best drops you could get were Runes. Ettins were fun too.
But some of the other campaigns added things I thought were fun and good skills. Like Flail and Wisdom title (I actually don't buy rares so its' fun for me).
Back when I could solo Griffons for fun, or Lornars/Snake Dance/Talus on my Warrior without much challenge. Which is the way it should be considering the best drops you could get were Runes. Ettins were fun too.
But some of the other campaigns added things I thought were fun and good skills. Like Flail and Wisdom title (I actually don't buy rares so its' fun for me).
the introduction of Inscriptions is what i regret see implemented the most. I can remember when you were very lucky if you had a "15^50" weapon of any almost any weapon of color can be made perfect....I am all about everyone being able to get "perfect" weapons..but i thought thats what green weapons were for...if anet would just take out inscriptions.....i think the majority of forum pve players would rejoice!
Drops were nerfed (loot scaling)
RA was nerfed (Dishonour)
HA was messed around with but changed back after everyone quit
and HM still isnt 100% solo friendly
Oh, and LoD was made useless
I still play because I like the game, but it could be a lot better.
RA was nerfed (Dishonour)
HA was messed around with but changed back after everyone quit
and HM still isnt 100% solo friendly
Oh, and LoD was made useless
I still play because I like the game, but it could be a lot better.
I play PvE, and PvE has tons more options now (more areas & monsters, more professions, more loot, more minigames, title grind if I feel like it, BMP, etc.). In that sense, GW is better now because there are more ways to have fun, and you can still play the original content. I do think the original game was (and still is) the best GW release.
That said, I do think Anet is too quick to nerf good skills and far too slow to improve bad skills (I'd take the opposite approach). I also think Anet is completely ineffectual and has done nothing but implement bad changes in regards to economics and farming (whether we're talking AI updates, skill nerfs that had no relation to PvP, the old farming code, the loot scaling system, the "no auction house" announcements, whatever).
That said, I do think Anet is too quick to nerf good skills and far too slow to improve bad skills (I'd take the opposite approach). I also think Anet is completely ineffectual and has done nothing but implement bad changes in regards to economics and farming (whether we're talking AI updates, skill nerfs that had no relation to PvP, the old farming code, the loot scaling system, the "no auction house" announcements, whatever).
Originally Posted by HardWonFame
Been playing since launch, this game has done nothing but improve upon itself, I was sad to see some things die off, and not being able to level in the underworld makes me sad on occasion, but its a casual game, and I like it that way.
Still find the game fun. Take breaks when I get bored, come back some months later, love it all over again. Only game that is able to do that for me, replaced my D2.
Only the Half-life series keeps me coming back for more, but thats for an entirely separate reason. Thats to get my action on lol.
GWEN has yet to be completed because I took a hiatus this late summer/fall, but I am back at it and loving it. Its amazing how a little time off the game (plus a new computer) makes all the difference in loving it.
WRONG!!!!! My entire guild thought inscriptions were the greatest thing ever. I don't care what any of the economists say. Because economists like math, and math, is definitely a part of the axis of evil.
Only the Half-life series keeps me coming back for more, but thats for an entirely separate reason. Thats to get my action on lol.
GWEN has yet to be completed because I took a hiatus this late summer/fall, but I am back at it and loving it. Its amazing how a little time off the game (plus a new computer) makes all the difference in loving it.
Originally Posted by Coridan
if anet would just take out inscriptions.....i think the majority of forum pve players would rejoice!
Caged Fury
It was definitely harder to get things (i.e that nice weapon) when it was just Prophecies. My warrior got to end game wielding the reward sword from Villainy of Galrath quest.
I could have gotten collectors or crafted a sword, but good weapon mods wasn't easy to come by either - only decent place to farm apart from UW/FoW were the griffons and hydras in the desert. The following campaigns did make things alot easier - good perfect green items, inscriptions, more farming places, easier to make gold cash. In a way, it did somewhat removed that challenge (lack of a better word) of finding that nice item, working to some extent for Elite armour. Sometimes I do think that it was better when it was Prophecies only, but some of the things introduced by the following campaigns did make my game time in GW much better - mainly the heroes, additional different stories. Some of the skill changes did hurt some of my fun builds, but hey, it's no big deal - there are other builds to play with and discover. I left GW to try other games. I thought Eve Online was great, however I didn't find it as rewarding as GW on many levels so came back and bought NF when EotN was released.
Sorrows Furnace release, around that time was the best time in Guild Wars, so many PuG teams for absoultley anything. ( I remember one group we had spent 1 1/2 hours capping everything in mineral springs, people didnt just leave after there cap). Now a days people just want titles which arent even impressive anymore. Really people want 7 heroes, whats the point because guild wars suck hard as a solo game, if I cant do something with at least one other person I wont do it, im not gunna put too much effort into getting most titles with heroes just to relise that noone cares anymore and theyll probably results in a mini pet in GW2.
Anet have destroyed a lot of the aspects of the game whether you agree or not, mini pets was a bad move, folowed by loot scaling, then 25 heroes with limits of 3, then a expansion which 95% of people seem to think was half done....I wont go on but you get the drift.
Anet have destroyed a lot of the aspects of the game whether you agree or not, mini pets was a bad move, folowed by loot scaling, then 25 heroes with limits of 3, then a expansion which 95% of people seem to think was half done....I wont go on but you get the drift.
all these threads....
I'm gonna get banned I can feel it
I'm gonna get banned I can feel it

I guess I would say better in terms of refining the interface, ways to do things, making the game more accessible... but the skills are terrible and super limited due mostly to pvp nerfs now. Particularly in endgame level 20 content there's not a lot you can take through a given area. Farming is also just as retarded in the super specificness of builds you need. It's alright if you're willing to play ball how Anet has allowed, but I think most players understandably just laugh at the idea of such content and don't bother with it.
This game was a lot of fun from the time of launch to Prophecies. There was a very focused line of PvE, culminating with the UW/FoW and ultimately FoW armor and wealth. PvP was focused in 2 lines. The casual line was RA/TA and to a lesser extent Tombs. The dedicated line was Tombs and GvG, and success was measured on a dynamic (and IMO more fun) ladder ranking and Halls holding runs.
Now observe today. We have players on 3 continents doing their Cartographer, Guardian, title grind, chest running, FFF, AB, HA, Glad point farms, Urgoz, Deep, etc. on top of the original game play.
This has diluted the game community among all these areas, while delivering new content and adding game elements. You can't expand without diluting unless you have a constant inflow of gamers.
On the PvP side of things, the additions of new professions and new skills escalated the pace of GvG and really forced heavily defensive builds, thus narrowing space for creativity in builds. This, along with observer mode, homogenized the PvP community and made it feel...well...kind of like PvE. Same monsters, same skills, different day. To further make it feel inconsequential, the ladder feels stagnant with a win/loss not moving you up or down too much. The ladder went from BCS insanity to the MLB regular season (ZZzzZz...wake me in October).
All in all, it's still a great game. As long as ANET learns from it's experiments with GW1, I can't wait for GW2.
Now observe today. We have players on 3 continents doing their Cartographer, Guardian, title grind, chest running, FFF, AB, HA, Glad point farms, Urgoz, Deep, etc. on top of the original game play.
This has diluted the game community among all these areas, while delivering new content and adding game elements. You can't expand without diluting unless you have a constant inflow of gamers.
On the PvP side of things, the additions of new professions and new skills escalated the pace of GvG and really forced heavily defensive builds, thus narrowing space for creativity in builds. This, along with observer mode, homogenized the PvP community and made it feel...well...kind of like PvE. Same monsters, same skills, different day. To further make it feel inconsequential, the ladder feels stagnant with a win/loss not moving you up or down too much. The ladder went from BCS insanity to the MLB regular season (ZZzzZz...wake me in October).
All in all, it's still a great game. As long as ANET learns from it's experiments with GW1, I can't wait for GW2.