Originally Posted by Davros Uitar
I think that there has been a lot of focus on the emotive and "legal" aspects of the topic, but just doing some musing myself on what the upcoming decision means for the business model that ANET was (or is) trying to encourage.
From all accounts, the on line store direction has been about keeping costs of production / distribution down to a minimum. They offered a bonus promotion to get people to take up / comply with that model. I am sure that weighing into the upcoming re-release decision are thoughts on : 1) What percentage made the swap and what did that do to the ANET bottom line? 2) How many would abandon the online store if the BMP were offered again (ie return to wanting a box and waiting for the next propmotion to be reversed by weight of popular opinion) 3) Given that people now have some idea of the value of ANET promotions, if they don't re-release, what percentage might they shift over to the online store next time they have a new promo / release (ie people seeing that not getting onboard is a choice with consequences). Now I can say I am in category 1, and I would more than likely migrate back to category 2 if I felt that things could be reversed with a darn good ruckus and bleating. Gaile is right - the decision will make some happy and others not. I think there will be a large proportion of players with in interest in that, so either way some significant number is going to be pleased and another similar number will be peeved. There is no doubt that ANET can make some extra money out of a re-release of the BMP, but they are going to have to be careful not to kill their push towards online distribution. Its going to be interesting to see where this goes. I have the BMP and am not totally opposed to a re-release - both sides have merit to their arguments. I think though that if ANET wants to maintain (or indeed accelerate) a push towards the online store then they will more than likely need to price it high enough that people who swapped away fro the box see that they got sufficient value. I am thinking of a promo something like a minimum 20 dollars spent through the online store allows you the rights to buy the BMP for another 15 dollars. Lets face it - the rest of us had to spend a minimum 30 dollars in the store for it and not all of us did that just by buying GWEN. Well - thats my 2 cents anyway ![]() |
Also, about the whole reversal thing. Next time, ANet won't have a good reason to go back and make it available again. This time, they do. Additional payment options had not been implemented yet. However, my guess would be that *if* the BMP becomes available again, that would be after those additional payment options have been added. Which means no one would have an excuse not to participate unless they choose to.
The problem with the current promotion has always been that some people in some countries didn't have a choice. It was boxed version or nothing due to the lack of a CC, access to pepaid ones or whatever. If however sufficient payment options are added, it becomes a matter of choice on the consumer's behalf, in which case they won't have a reason to ***** and complain afterwards except "it r purty, me want". As it is now, a lot of European players (including myself) wanted to buy from the OLS, but simply couldn't. That issue would/should be fixed by the next promotion, which removes the main reason why the BMP should be rereleased.