Originally Posted by DivineEnvoy
Now, we can divide up the community into four classes:
1. People who have Bonus Mission Pack and are outraged by this new decision
2. People who have Bonus Mission Pack and don't care
3. People who do not have Bonus Mission Pack and don't care
4. People who do not have Bonus Mission Pack, and they want it
I fall in category 3, and have friends in category 1 & 4.
Those in cat.1 are really angry about this decision. To the point they won't participate into any other promotion.
They are the kind of people who buy CE editions, multiple accounts... some go to fanboy levels hard to believe (GW posters behind their desks at work and the like, and I'm talking about adults with family and children)
It is childish IMO, but it is their decision and their money to spend on future Anet stuff.
They feel that they participated in the promotion to have the equivalent of a GW:EN CE, and now their CE is being redistributed... so they feel "Why not divine aura?"... Well, bad for them.
Reading the wording of the promotion I can't blame them. Splitting the hair on the matter and playing around with words won't help.
Let's see:
Seller: "Buy my new lotion. My hair grow a lot."
Customer: "Ok, I'll buy".
Some time later
Customer: "Hey, my hair don't grow, your lotion is a fake."
Seller: "I never said my lotion would make hair grow."
I myself believed that the promotion was the ONLY way to acquire the BMP, but decided to not get it anyway, because I couldn't care less, and I'm happy with my choice.
Those in cat.4 are happy about this new course, because they claim they had no way to fulfill the requirements at the time. So they have access to the new content, altough the 4 missions are really really short, and I'm pretty sure all the fuss is about the shiny weapons.
This way Anet will have a lot more of happy customers. (I think that those who haven't got the BMP are more than those who have it)
I'm for opening the access to everything to everyone, the more options people have, the better.
What everyone forgets is the QUALITY of the BMP. Now it has became something to have, not because it is something so awesome, but solely for the sake of having it.
How much will the BMP cost? I wouldn't pay more than 2/3 euros for the whole BMP. It is less than an hour of gameplay, confronted to a whole campaign (26 euros and hundreds of hours of gameplay)... then you'll have people whining "I payed X money to get this crap? WTF!!!11!!1!ONE!1! ANET 5UKZ!!11!!!1!"
I just wonder what is the sense behind this promotion.
Now Anet has got Cat.#1 who are (were?) amongst the most loyal customers and will be pissed off, and will hardly participate into another Anet promotion, and has got Cat.#3 that will get the BMP and be like "Well, no need to spend money for promotions, we'll get what we want anyway"...
Why do promotions at all, then?