Originally Posted by Ogrefist Hellchaser
"The winner of the annual Wintersday battle between Grenth and Dwayna has been announced: Grenth, God of Death and Ice, was declared overall victor of the nine individual face-offs that took place on Wintersday. This means that winter will linger for just a while longer in Tyria and Elona.
Through Noon PST (20:00 GMT) on Thursday, January 11, 2007, players can continue to compete in the Snowball Arena, farm the hell out of the holiday quests trying to get a polar bear, and dodge Grentchies in Kamadan and Lion's Arch.
The extension of the Wintersday Festival will afford players everywhere the opportunity to join the event, for many of them had extreme lag and disconnects.
Enjoy the Winterday Festivities for a few days longer, and we wish you all the best in the New Year!"
January 11th is a Sunday... not a Thursday and 2007 is kinda a year behind
Ya they extended it according to this post. Though from the date this might be from last year as there were also alot of DC's and alot of lag last year. So if this post is right, Grenth did win and Wintersday is extended.
(PS: This would be the post I have been running off of so far thus the reason I believe it will be cheaper)
EDIT: The quoted text IS in fact from last year. Therefore we will still wait on the official announcement. Please regard all of my previous post an the basis that I believe Grenth won, which in effect would extend Wintersday. If it is not extened the Polar Bear will be more expensive then Pandas fairly easily due to it being more rare.