Where is your GW home?
mazey vorstagg
I read in an Anet interview something along the lines of "In Prophecies we established a player home early on but then destroyed it to move the plot along. This left some players feeling lost and dis-satisfied as they had nowhere they could 'relax'"
Now, those weren't the exact words but you get the jist. Even if you don't think about it to much there is a place somewhere in game you think of as a home for your character.
Mine is definitely the HoM. I always return there if I know I'm not going to play my ele for a day or three, and I go there after dungeons and such to sell my stuff.
So where's yours?
Now, those weren't the exact words but you get the jist. Even if you don't think about it to much there is a place somewhere in game you think of as a home for your character.
Mine is definitely the HoM. I always return there if I know I'm not going to play my ele for a day or three, and I go there after dungeons and such to sell my stuff.
So where's yours?
- Guild Halls
- Main cities (Ascalon, LA, etc.)
- Other cities (ToA)
- Outposts that lead to popular farming areas
- Main cities (Ascalon, LA, etc.)
- Other cities (ToA)
- Outposts that lead to popular farming areas
Operative 14
Lions Arch or Kamadan basically. Usually Kamadan for my Nightfall characters, and Lions Arch for my Prophicies characters. However, I'd have to say a majority of my characters go to rest in LA.
Good topic by the way, I've always been curious about this particular subject in the community.
Good topic by the way, I've always been curious about this particular subject in the community.

super strokey
LA, even though i hate it there lol
Each of my characters have their own homes...
Warrior - Droknar's Forge. His Ascalon armor makes him nice and toasty there.
Ranger - Tomb of Primevil Kings. One of my favorite places to hang out to hear some semi non-intelligent conversation, and kill the occasional Grasp that slips through the gate.
Necro - Temple of Ages. Mostly for trade chatter and to help out the occasional PuG.
Ritualist - Fisherman's Haven. By far my favorite town with my favorite character.
Dervish - homeless. She's my active character, so she normally doesn't camp out anywhere. You can find her in Rata Sum trying to solo Oola's quest right now.
Warrior - Droknar's Forge. His Ascalon armor makes him nice and toasty there.
Ranger - Tomb of Primevil Kings. One of my favorite places to hang out to hear some semi non-intelligent conversation, and kill the occasional Grasp that slips through the gate.
Necro - Temple of Ages. Mostly for trade chatter and to help out the occasional PuG.
Ritualist - Fisherman's Haven. By far my favorite town with my favorite character.
Dervish - homeless. She's my active character, so she normally doesn't camp out anywhere. You can find her in Rata Sum trying to solo Oola's quest right now.
I move around a lot, but recently I've been 'kicking it' in Kamadan. As a cartographer I find it hard to stay in one place. From a lore-side though, Doomlore Shrine is Tatile's homestead, where she keeps her books and food. Generally though, I'd say my Guild Hall.
Old Man Of Ascalon
My guild hall probably, but that is a cheap answer. My main character is Tyrian, but my first was Canthan, therefore I have always felt particularly drawn to and comfortable in Kaineng Center. That is normally my first stop when I want to buy or sell something and usually where I will go to when setting up a party for a canthan mission.
Mekhet Ossa
All my characters rest in the safety of my Guild Hall

Same with me Old Man of Ascalon.
My main character is Tyrian, yet I find myself going to kaineng centre the most in order to chat, buy, sell, ect.
My main character is Tyrian, yet I find myself going to kaineng centre the most in order to chat, buy, sell, ect.
Anywhere in EotN for me.
Old Man Of Ascalon
Originally Posted by Redfeather1975
Same with me Old Man of Ascalon.
My main character is Tyrian, yet I find myself going to kaineng centre the most in order to chat, buy, sell, ect. |
Kaineng is nice, clean, imperial and everything seems to be pretty handy and not spread out to much. (Storage in Lions Arch seems like it's on the other side of a 18 hole golf course from where you normally spawn in.)
Fried Tech
If you need to find my ele he will be on wizard isle in the lighthouse he calls home. Ready to drop a nuke on any who invade the [Yeti] hall.
I like to hang out at Droknar's Forge. That place has a special place in my heart. I remember the first time I saw it, I thought it was HUGE and a new place to start adventures.
Fishermen's Haven is by far the most relaxing outpost for me, I just love it to sit afk on the island.
Shanaeri Rynale
Originally Posted by Slabby
Fishermen's Haven is by far the most relaxing outpost for me, I just love it to sit afk on the island.
My mules reside in Tsumei, except for 1 at the Monastery that I haven't bothered to walk over there.
Characters I'm not currently playing are usually in Kaineng City. Ones I am playing I usually leave where I last played them.
Characters I'm not currently playing are usually in Kaineng City. Ones I am playing I usually leave where I last played them.
Originally Posted by Old Man Of Ascalon
I think the fact that it isn't a crap hole helps too. Lions arch is all moldy and Kamadan is just full of nooby players spamming for Docks runs.
Kaineng is nice, clean, imperial and everything seems to be pretty handy and not spread out to much. (Storage in Lions Arch seems like it's on the other side of a 18 hole golf course from where you normally spawn in.) |
I think Kaineng's way out place isn't so easy to notice, and I rarely see people in it.
I don't have one. I "camp" wherever I logout at, which depends, of course, on what I am doing at the time.
GH...aka Guild Home~
former homes:
Grotto (back in the day)
Fisherman's (back in the day)
Ice Caves of Sorrow
former homes:
Grotto (back in the day)
Fisherman's (back in the day)
Ice Caves of Sorrow
~ Dan ~
Guild hall..
Kamadan is where I'm usually hanging out. L.A. is OK for festivals and all that. Can't stand kaineng center - too laggy and I hate the lay-out of the place.
Warrior's Isle, my guild hall. Always been home in Guild Wars.
Bryant Again
Cavalon is one of my favorite places in the game. The Jade Sea is generally my favorite kind of area.
Hm. That's probably what I should change my GH to...
Hm. That's probably what I should change my GH to...
I have not been to Cavalon in ages!
The giant turtles scare the snot out of me.
You can even see them breathing.
The giant turtles scare the snot out of me.
You can even see them breathing.
Gates of Kryta...i find that most people there are "newish" players looking for a bit of help...and it was one of my favorite farming places back in the day...i used to love to run the drakes...
I used to live in Tombs of the Primeval King... but since the pet nerf we haven't done it much. Now I spend my time in Zos Shivros on my rit for farming, rest of my chars are either stationed in ToA or move around (like my necro),
well seeing as I dont have a guild hall to hide out at....
my monk used to like port sledge (he likes snow), now he hangs out in the norn area. Some of my others like venturis refuge. While my newest hang out is the basalt grotto or Kodash bazaar. (my mules stay where they were created, though with the festivals and stuff I have tried to move them to the next outpost over---tsumei villiage or ss great hall)
my monk used to like port sledge (he likes snow), now he hangs out in the norn area. Some of my others like venturis refuge. While my newest hang out is the basalt grotto or Kodash bazaar. (my mules stay where they were created, though with the festivals and stuff I have tried to move them to the next outpost over---tsumei villiage or ss great hall)
Guild Hall, LA, Droknar's, Yaks.
I like snowy places, and also peaceful looking like towns.
I used to enjoy Shing Jea Monastery with its nice music and chinese feel, but i started going less because the 12 year old kids there are just annoying.
I like snowy places, and also peaceful looking like towns.
I used to enjoy Shing Jea Monastery with its nice music and chinese feel, but i started going less because the 12 year old kids there are just annoying.
I like to camp my sin on the cliff on the western side of Camp Rankor and /sit, and just look out over the beautiful mountains and valleys
'Home' is pre-sear for me but it was destroyed. For a long time after that I felt my home was Ascalon City, but now I rarely go back there and it feels like going back in time. Plus it's been nuked and therefore a pretty depressing place anyway.
My warrior has done a bit of chest running and I am used to logging on and finding her in Port Sledge. I guess that's a kind of home.
Before my guild had kitted out its GH properly with NPC's I used to gravitate back to House zu Heltzer whenever I finished a session, wanted to sell up with NPC's etc.
But now the guild hall is 90% sorted (I refuse to pay 100k for a Materials Trader) I start and finish there.
By the way I recommend Isle of the Dead as a GH because all the NPC's are so close to where you spawn. Time saved adds up! Everyone I invite to the guild comments on this.
My warrior has done a bit of chest running and I am used to logging on and finding her in Port Sledge. I guess that's a kind of home.
Before my guild had kitted out its GH properly with NPC's I used to gravitate back to House zu Heltzer whenever I finished a session, wanted to sell up with NPC's etc.
But now the guild hall is 90% sorted (I refuse to pay 100k for a Materials Trader) I start and finish there.
By the way I recommend Isle of the Dead as a GH because all the NPC's are so close to where you spawn. Time saved adds up! Everyone I invite to the guild comments on this.
Jumping Is Uselss
Shing jea or any Drakkar Lake.
Like alot of other people my home is in LA, always chill in ID1

In former times for ettin farming, now just to park chars in fast loading, lag-free zones.
It is also in Kryta, and I consider Kryta my "GW home". I would like to say Ascalon, but it was destroyed and the cold shiverpeaks and the destroyed post-searing landscape did not really do it for me.
I also like fighting the White Mantle.
So it is Kryta for me, I used to log in in Beetletun to zone in to LA after that.
In former times for ettin farming, now just to park chars in fast loading, lag-free zones.
It is also in Kryta, and I consider Kryta my "GW home". I would like to say Ascalon, but it was destroyed and the cold shiverpeaks and the destroyed post-searing landscape did not really do it for me.
I also like fighting the White Mantle.
So it is Kryta for me, I used to log in in Beetletun to zone in to LA after that.

Sabriel Benirus
All of my character's reside in the Guild hall, reading the Guild/Alliance chat, and hanging out on Vent..
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
Ritualist - Fisherman's Haven. By far my favorite town with my favorite character.
My other chars are usually in the Guild Hall but I mostly play on my Ele.
I hang at the Guild Hall - drinking the beers
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Redfeather1975
I think Kaineng's way out place isn't so easy to notice, and I rarely see people in it.
I actually didn't know of the alley until I started wallcrawling for my cartographer title.
My home turf is Kamadan and Lions Arch - although I'd like to rearrange both, so that all merchants and crafters were in one place, spawn was closer to merchants, and chest was next to merchants. I only go to Kaineng to trade, because merchant, spawn and chest are too far apart.
Crom The Pale
One of the reasons I bought the guild hall was so that I allong with all my guild members would have a home to call our own.
Every char I Have logs on and off from my guild hall and same with most of my guild. Its where we go to hang and chat.
Every char I Have logs on and off from my guild hall and same with most of my guild. Its where we go to hang and chat.
Edge Martinez
The Guild Hall is most definitely home, although I have been known to take winter excursions to Marhan's Grotto.
Guild Hall