What was "your" moment?
My moment?
Whenever I show off my "attack" build on my Warrior after vanquishing an area with little or no problem. Afterwords, 99% of the time, I get kicked out of the group because of how much people hate it.
Just think Battle Rage + 6 axe attacks + Lion's Comfort.
But a true moment among all others:
Beating Unwaking Waters mission in 5:40 with hero/hench.
Beating Abaddon's Gate mission in 10:34 with hero/hench.
Whenever I show off my "attack" build on my Warrior after vanquishing an area with little or no problem. Afterwords, 99% of the time, I get kicked out of the group because of how much people hate it.
Just think Battle Rage + 6 axe attacks + Lion's Comfort.
But a true moment among all others:
Beating Unwaking Waters mission in 5:40 with hero/hench.
Beating Abaddon's Gate mission in 10:34 with hero/hench.
fow...pre ursan....had lost all but me (ele) two monks, and two other eles. One monk proted me up, i tanked, and the eles and i chain cast meteor show and wiped out a few groups ( we didn't finish but we got a bunch of shards
Way back when very few people did UW quests.. i think it was shortly after faction came out so the group we ran was a balanced, 3 monks, 1 tank, 1 ranger, 1 nec and 2 ele's.
Guild group we got together early one saturday morning to completely do all of UW (we had a theory that the door in that room after the smite area would open up and show us something).
One guy even brought all of gwens stuff (broken flute, little girls cape iris flower etc) just in case Gwen showed up and wanted her shit back... lol
Any way we started out that day did the chamber and village areas the took a break for lunch, continued on and did the smites and the mountains, took a break for dinner. Everything was going great but it had been like 10 hours down there and the drops were so/so. So we did the spawning pits and the chaos plains and it was late (the chaos plains took hours to do) like 2am so we made a plan to camp out down there over night then complete it in the morning seeing how we only had the Queen and then back to the chamber for unwelcomed guests. So we camped out at the entrance to the spawning pits for the night and went to bed.
Woke up in the morning to horror.. 4 people had dc'd over the night we lost the ranger, 1 monk, the nec and 1 ele. But those of use left were determined to complete the damn thing so after several more hours we managed to finished the Dryder area and headed back for the last quest, which after several more hours we were on the last group before the quest would be done and we messed something up and got wiped... oh man did that suck, should have heard the cursing on vent when that happend lol. The total time was around 36 hours down there (including a 8 hour sleep lol). But all in all it was a fun way to waste a weekend.
Guild group we got together early one saturday morning to completely do all of UW (we had a theory that the door in that room after the smite area would open up and show us something).
One guy even brought all of gwens stuff (broken flute, little girls cape iris flower etc) just in case Gwen showed up and wanted her shit back... lol
Any way we started out that day did the chamber and village areas the took a break for lunch, continued on and did the smites and the mountains, took a break for dinner. Everything was going great but it had been like 10 hours down there and the drops were so/so. So we did the spawning pits and the chaos plains and it was late (the chaos plains took hours to do) like 2am so we made a plan to camp out down there over night then complete it in the morning seeing how we only had the Queen and then back to the chamber for unwelcomed guests. So we camped out at the entrance to the spawning pits for the night and went to bed.
Woke up in the morning to horror.. 4 people had dc'd over the night we lost the ranger, 1 monk, the nec and 1 ele. But those of use left were determined to complete the damn thing so after several more hours we managed to finished the Dryder area and headed back for the last quest, which after several more hours we were on the last group before the quest would be done and we messed something up and got wiped... oh man did that suck, should have heard the cursing on vent when that happend lol. The total time was around 36 hours down there (including a 8 hour sleep lol). But all in all it was a fun way to waste a weekend.
Rick Thene
Hell's Precipice back in Proph only days.
My PuG had 2 Wars, 2 Fire Eles, 1 Water Ele, 2 Mesmers and 1 Necro. No Monks, no condition removal.
After narrowly avoiding party wipe on the portals, one War left because he wasn't getting rezzed. The Necro then left during the Rurik cutscene (Man, I was so happy when I staffed Rurik in the face).
The 6 of us pushed on, as we had become so accustomed to failing the mission. We owned Rurik, then stomped the Lich into submission. We didn't even know how to properly kill him, but from memory it only took 2 kills on top of the bloodstone.
God, it felt great to beat that back in the day.
Compared to now, where, in an 8-man ATFH PuG, we all went /W, took "Charge!" for our elite, then shouted it simultaneously before wiping the Great Destroyer in about 7 seconds.
My PuG had 2 Wars, 2 Fire Eles, 1 Water Ele, 2 Mesmers and 1 Necro. No Monks, no condition removal.
After narrowly avoiding party wipe on the portals, one War left because he wasn't getting rezzed. The Necro then left during the Rurik cutscene (Man, I was so happy when I staffed Rurik in the face).
The 6 of us pushed on, as we had become so accustomed to failing the mission. We owned Rurik, then stomped the Lich into submission. We didn't even know how to properly kill him, but from memory it only took 2 kills on top of the bloodstone.
God, it felt great to beat that back in the day.
Compared to now, where, in an 8-man ATFH PuG, we all went /W, took "Charge!" for our elite, then shouted it simultaneously before wiping the Great Destroyer in about 7 seconds.
Recent moment:
Got 2 voltaic spears from a single run in Slavers. Everyone in the group shyt their pants.
Completing Kathandrax HM (before attempting NM), acting through the dungeon as if I knew every little detail. lol...I was the ele tanker.
Tons of funny moments in aspenwood taunting people (you know the wammos, touch rangers and fire eles). Propaganda FTW.
Got 2 voltaic spears from a single run in Slavers. Everyone in the group shyt their pants.
Completing Kathandrax HM (before attempting NM), acting through the dungeon as if I knew every little detail. lol...I was the ele tanker.
Tons of funny moments in aspenwood taunting people (you know the wammos, touch rangers and fire eles). Propaganda FTW.
well i would say playing against a group with 2 monks/healing rit/war in ra. i was playing a warrior and managed to spike down a couple even with so many heals. i then /flexed as they ragequitted.
and do near moments count too? because i remember a while back me and a friend were doing arborstone and we were at the very end and the rest of the team was dead and i used my res. it was just me and danika healing me. i killed all of the foes and had nearly killed the last guy, the boss, but then he suddenly turned his attention to danika killing her in a couple blows and forcing us to lose the mission..
and do near moments count too? because i remember a while back me and a friend were doing arborstone and we were at the very end and the rest of the team was dead and i used my res. it was just me and danika healing me. i killed all of the foes and had nearly killed the last guy, the boss, but then he suddenly turned his attention to danika killing her in a couple blows and forcing us to lose the mission..
Deimos Zargarda
Before Factions came out I used to help low lvls with Galrath like each day, when we reached his spot I used to lure the 2 big groups just so everyone in my Party would die, I then used IWAY and soloed Galrath, just loved to play the Hero.
Then there was countless of times in FoW where my Party got whiped out but I survived (thanks to IWAY again) and revived them later, yeah, I just love IWAY.
Then there was countless of times in FoW where my Party got whiped out but I survived (thanks to IWAY again) and revived them later, yeah, I just love IWAY.
Lol, all good so far.....
Anyone got osmething from eye of the north, mainly about the orr dungeon, it was nastey!
Anyone got osmething from eye of the north, mainly about the orr dungeon, it was nastey!
Shemsu Anpw
I've had a few personally but the most memerable was in Rragnar Menagire when GWEN first came out. The party wiped several times down to 60 dp leaving the Ranger his Pet and the Experiment or whatever it was called. It took forever, we stayed back and let the Ranger handle it. Rezzing the pet when it died and slowly whittled the boss down since the pet didn't get DP. It was fun watching as we cheared on the Pet.
Skyy High
My moment?
Whenever I show off my "attack" build on my Warrior after vanquishing an area with little or no problem. Afterwords, 99% of the time, I get kicked out of the group because of how much people hate it. Just think Battle Rage + 6 axe attacks + Lion's Comfort. |
Ellix Cantero
Being the only monk in my Defend Kryta Titan quest and finishing it without anyone dying.
Some WA/MO being a real douche in Hell's Precipace, trying to get the team killed, running off 2 of the team, eventually dying himself, and sitting there spazzing on main chat while me (monking again) and 4 teamates went on to finish the mission.
Some WA/MO being a real douche in Hell's Precipace, trying to get the team killed, running off 2 of the team, eventually dying himself, and sitting there spazzing on main chat while me (monking again) and 4 teamates went on to finish the mission.
The first time that i tryed to complete FoW, i failed at the quest "A Gift of Griffons" after 3 hours of play, and having 9/11 missions completed. That day, i was very close to click in "Control Panel" - "Install / Uninstall programs" - "Guild Wars" - "Uninstall" 
But... yesterday, i was able to complete FoW (on my 5ยบ attempt) with 6 heroes in 2h 14m
Some could say "Bah, that's nothing special", but it was a great achivement for me

But... yesterday, i was able to complete FoW (on my 5ยบ attempt) with 6 heroes in 2h 14m
Some could say "Bah, that's nothing special", but it was a great achivement for me

Horace Slughorn
Lol, all good so far.....
Anyone got osmething from eye of the north, mainly about the orr dungeon, it was nastey! |

Anyways i heard through the grapevine that smiting was super-helpful. So I loaded up Ogden and Dunk with some hard core smite attacks, and even runed up Talkora so she could handle a hybrid prot/smite enchant build with reversal of damage and judges insight. The builds looked ridiculous on my hero panel, but you should have seen how fast the mobs went down as my heroes spammed their smite signets

Since normal mode was such a cake walk. I went with an necro friend of mine in HM. We took 5 smiters (rofl), some handy wards/wells and SY! and laughed our way to the end chest.
Our guildies were quite jealous

Shards of Orr had been kicking my butt hardcore for sometime. I had beaten all of the eotn dungeons in both normal/hardmode (including Slaver's thanks to my awesome guildies
![]() Anyways i heard through the grapevine that smiting was super-helpful. So I loaded up Ogden and Dunk with some hard core smite attacks, and even runed up Talkora so she could handle a hybrid prot/smite enchant build with reversal of damage and judges insight. The builds looked ridiculous on my hero panel, but you should have seen how fast the mobs went down as my heroes spammed their smite signets ![]() Since normal mode was such a cake walk. I went with an necro friend of mine in HM. We took 5 smiters (rofl), some handy wards/wells and SY! and laughed our way to the end chest. Our guildies were quite jealous ![]() |
Yup, I used 6 SoJ smiters/prot (I'm ele, friend was imba) - we laughed and c-spaced our way through Shards HM! if you are low on monks, load those eles as ER Smiters. Damn, I need to find that screenshot...
My best moment wasn't with a pug group, it was when I first started vanquishing Tyria, being the fool/stubborn SoB I am I decided to start in ascalon. I was able to cruise through Old Ascalon and Regent Valley with my newly outfitted Sabway +1(me a Necro too
) however things hit a brick wall when I failed on the last mob(s) of grawl in the eastern frontier, 2 mobs had somehow conjoined their partrol routes into one making them one very large group that couldn't be pulled apart.
Being very steamed at having been defeated by such an underhanded tactic I went back to the drawing board determined to show those pissant grawl what strength in numbers is really about, by revising a 4 person Minion Master team I'd fiddled around with some time before, with some modifications the "new" team set out.
Once the army got up and running we simply steamrolled everything. But being that the grawl just north of the wall had screwed me over before I wanted to save them for last to throw the full power of 35+ minions at so I wiped the bottom of the area first before looping around and going for the grawl. The poor things never stood a chance. But when we're down to the 3 last patrols of grawl I lose connection, I stare blankly at the screen for a minute or two horrified...after what seemed like an age I am able to regain my connection but to find that my former army of 37 had been reduced to 8 most of which were jagged horrors spawned when the main force died in my nearly 10 minute absence.
Knowing this tiny force couldn't hope to outdamage the Ulodytes healing I hatched a plan; I took my remaining forces and swept the map for every last moa bird I could find (thank the gods I left them alive) once we'd gained our re-enforcements we were back up to 21.
The final battle against those grawl is still one of the most nerve-wracking and in the end, satisfying battles I've ever had in GW or indeed any game.
Being very steamed at having been defeated by such an underhanded tactic I went back to the drawing board determined to show those pissant grawl what strength in numbers is really about, by revising a 4 person Minion Master team I'd fiddled around with some time before, with some modifications the "new" team set out.
Once the army got up and running we simply steamrolled everything. But being that the grawl just north of the wall had screwed me over before I wanted to save them for last to throw the full power of 35+ minions at so I wiped the bottom of the area first before looping around and going for the grawl. The poor things never stood a chance. But when we're down to the 3 last patrols of grawl I lose connection, I stare blankly at the screen for a minute or two horrified...after what seemed like an age I am able to regain my connection but to find that my former army of 37 had been reduced to 8 most of which were jagged horrors spawned when the main force died in my nearly 10 minute absence.
Knowing this tiny force couldn't hope to outdamage the Ulodytes healing I hatched a plan; I took my remaining forces and swept the map for every last moa bird I could find (thank the gods I left them alive) once we'd gained our re-enforcements we were back up to 21.
The final battle against those grawl is still one of the most nerve-wracking and in the end, satisfying battles I've ever had in GW or indeed any game.
First of all sorry for my bad english.
About 1,5 years ago I was guildleader in small PvE guild. We going to try GvG. We done some scrimages training, installed vent and so on. Only 3 or 4 from us was played GvG before. One good player was invited from other guild.
Of course we loose first battle, then second. I give away some tonics and drinks for free and we was prepared not to give up. After thirth loose we fight with guild in very low rank, but loose anyway. One of guildies fall in panic, start agitate left guild and others was in bad mood also.
Finaly I and 5 other grab 2 heroes and just go to last battle.
At start was very close fight, flag goes from one side to other.
After 5 minutes we overpressed enemies and win.
Of course in a minutes I show screenshot with "FLAWLESS VICTORY" in guild forum.
About 1,5 years ago I was guildleader in small PvE guild. We going to try GvG. We done some scrimages training, installed vent and so on. Only 3 or 4 from us was played GvG before. One good player was invited from other guild.
Of course we loose first battle, then second. I give away some tonics and drinks for free and we was prepared not to give up. After thirth loose we fight with guild in very low rank, but loose anyway. One of guildies fall in panic, start agitate left guild and others was in bad mood also.
Finaly I and 5 other grab 2 heroes and just go to last battle.
At start was very close fight, flag goes from one side to other.
After 5 minutes we overpressed enemies and win.
Of course in a minutes I show screenshot with "FLAWLESS VICTORY" in guild forum.