What do you do with most of your gold?
El Presidente
Spent it on Fissure when back when ectos were expensive, spent about 3 mil on my Q8 15^50 bow collection (so much for HoM), bought high end minis, some towards 29 titles...and now, it's for lockpicks to get the 30th/"God..." title.
Save it usually till I want FoW armor. Trying to save it a bit more this time though.
I spend it. Rarely do I ever have more than 40-50K in my bank at any given time. Other than buying a piece of armor I desire, there's not much else I'm ever in the hunt for. If it's a certain weapon, I'll just go hunt it myself. Saves me money and typically during farming, or chest hunting, I'll pick up some great drops along the way.
I don't want this to sound like an /epeen post.....but there's a point to this.
Like some others, I made it big farming greens just when SF was released, fairly quickly maxed my inv with 1000 plats and all my chars with 90+ plats. Since then I just buy ectos (at around 300 now) with no plans to use them for fow armors -- I got a set for my male para and female necro, and for all the other classes, I found other sets I prefer.
Since I can't compete with the panda/greased lightning/etc buyers who buy and sell in the thousands of ectos, there's not really much to use them for.
I've maxed sugar title and don't really feel like grinding out 10000 minutes on drunk, so I won't buy either of those.
I don't pvp so r8 items don't interest me.
(in other words I took the first option in the poll)
Suggestions on constructive things to do with money, other than giving it to people who post here wanting it for free?
Like some others, I made it big farming greens just when SF was released, fairly quickly maxed my inv with 1000 plats and all my chars with 90+ plats. Since then I just buy ectos (at around 300 now) with no plans to use them for fow armors -- I got a set for my male para and female necro, and for all the other classes, I found other sets I prefer.
Since I can't compete with the panda/greased lightning/etc buyers who buy and sell in the thousands of ectos, there's not really much to use them for.
I've maxed sugar title and don't really feel like grinding out 10000 minutes on drunk, so I won't buy either of those.
I don't pvp so r8 items don't interest me.
(in other words I took the first option in the poll)
Suggestions on constructive things to do with money, other than giving it to people who post here wanting it for free?
ive run out of things to buy.. so i guess i stick it in storage and just look at it.
have fow armor on 2 chars (war and necro.. i really dont like the others) multiple 15k armors on all my other 8 toons... as well as multiple max weapons for each class.
I dont generally go after the Fotw weapon skins, like voltaic spears, Silverwing recurve bows, etc etc... the skin just doesnt warrent the price in my books.
So, lately ive been giving money away to my guildmates who are in need of items or what have you.. really dont mind helping them out, as i really have no more use for money..
have fow armor on 2 chars (war and necro.. i really dont like the others) multiple 15k armors on all my other 8 toons... as well as multiple max weapons for each class.
I dont generally go after the Fotw weapon skins, like voltaic spears, Silverwing recurve bows, etc etc... the skin just doesnt warrent the price in my books.
So, lately ive been giving money away to my guildmates who are in need of items or what have you.. really dont mind helping them out, as i really have no more use for money..
Maria The Princess
i just buy 15k armors

right now i'm just saving up gold for something... big... i don't know what but it will be good once i get it..
Cale Roughstar
I usually save until I hit a reasonably high amount, say 300k, and then spend most of it in one fell swoop, but I like to leave 100k at a minimum, in case something comes along. Every now and then, the thought to save up for some FoW comes along, but I usually brush it off.
Jessica The Mesmer
well I allways try and not spend on FoW...and every time I spend money on FoW..
Teh [prefession]-zorz
Buying armors, funny when people from eF say they are going to buy fow sets, they saved up to get into that guild.
I buy stuff when I can. Lockpicks, armor, weapon skins I like... wondering what I could buy with the money I have right now. Hmmm.
I have a storage account for gold (and some ectos). I buy more character slots to hold more gold
I don't have anything I want to spend it on that I don't already have. I'm fruuuuugal.

I like to spend my gold on presents for my friends :3
Jumping Is Uselss
Where is this pudding you speak of, I want some. 
on topic: I do everything on that poll. But recently all my gold has just been collecting dust in my storage.

on topic: I do everything on that poll. But recently all my gold has just been collecting dust in my storage.
Jessica The Mesmer
lol...its also funny when people sound like a jackass cause their ignorant of what they talk about

Originally Posted by neighto
ive run out of things to buy.. so i guess i stick it in storage and just look at it.
have fow armor on 2 chars (war and necro.. i really dont like the others) multiple 15k armors on all my other 8 toons... as well as multiple max weapons for each class. I dont generally go after the Fotw weapon skins, like voltaic spears, Silverwing recurve bows, etc etc... the skin just doesnt warrent the price in my books. So, lately ive been giving money away to my guildmates who are in need of items or what have you.. really dont mind helping them out, as i really have no more use for money.. |

I only buy the armors and weapons I personally like, because I don't play the game for epeen. I don't title grind because it's repetitious and boring to me, and I don't really care about the HoM. All of my heroes are fully decked out with gear and runes, I've capped and unlocked every skill in the game. I have everything I could want or need, even a mule to hold all the extra armor sets my characters aren't wearing at the moment. I have all the weapons I want/need across all my toons. Nothing really for me to blow money on now.
So yeah, what have I been doing with my money? Buying gifts for my gaming pals/guildies and buying stuff as prizes for guild contests. Just collecting dust otherwise!
Little Lagger
'Ello ^_^
I'm trying to save up until I have 500k again. Then I want to get Elite Flameforged armor for my Ele. But until then, I'm just being bored. :[
You guys are lucky, I've never had FoW armor or any prestige armor.
I'm trying to save up until I have 500k again. Then I want to get Elite Flameforged armor for my Ele. But until then, I'm just being bored. :[
You guys are lucky, I've never had FoW armor or any prestige armor.
Consumables and passage scrolls.
Originally Posted by Avatar The Element
I hate myself, i would have over 1 million gold right now if i didnt buy 10 15k armor sets
But I use my money to buy random things... But always make sure I'm at least over 300k in-case I have friends coming back to the game that need the money.
Main part of the reason for my thriftiness is that there just isn't a lot of stuff in the game to spend my money on.
Sure, there's armor sets but to be honest, I generally find the standard sets more attractive than the elite sets in almost all cases, so I've only bought 2, maybe 3, 15k sets.
And as for getting multiple sets for the same char, yes, I have I think 4 chars that have 3 sets of armor but with space at a premium as it is, I realized it's kind of foolish to use 1 bag just to hold 2 sets of armor. One reason I stopped picking up white and blue drops is that most of my toons generally have only 10-12 empty slots available, so I have be selective about what I pick up.
I've prob spent 600-800k over the course of playing but that might actually be closer to upwards of a million. Who can really keep track?
Sure, there's armor sets but to be honest, I generally find the standard sets more attractive than the elite sets in almost all cases, so I've only bought 2, maybe 3, 15k sets.
And as for getting multiple sets for the same char, yes, I have I think 4 chars that have 3 sets of armor but with space at a premium as it is, I realized it's kind of foolish to use 1 bag just to hold 2 sets of armor. One reason I stopped picking up white and blue drops is that most of my toons generally have only 10-12 empty slots available, so I have be selective about what I pick up.
I've prob spent 600-800k over the course of playing but that might actually be closer to upwards of a million. Who can really keep track?
Zahr Dalsk
Originally Posted by silv3rr
But that doesn't even put you anywhere near 1mil =p
But I use my money to buy random things... But always make sure I'm at least over 300k in-case I have friends coming back to the game that need the money. |
Black Dye goes for around 7k right now. Per set that comes to 5x7k=35k
For all sets, then, 10x35k=350k
1,100,000 gold.
And that's not counting crafting materials, which are often in and of themselves particularly expensive for some sets.
As with all polls, I chose the pudding option.
Gimme now!!
Gimme now!!
Operative 14
I save up until I reach my benchmark savings amount (currently 215k), then I start saving up for the next item I want. Currently, I'm going for a 15k set of Templar for my Warrior. 
Beyond that, most of my gold has gone to armors. About four sets of vanity armors for my Dervish up to this point. However, I do splurge sometimes; for instance, I spent a good amount on a on a nice minipet collection a month or two ago. Not to mention spending lots and lots outfitting and developing new characters, whether they are mine or friends.

Beyond that, most of my gold has gone to armors. About four sets of vanity armors for my Dervish up to this point. However, I do splurge sometimes; for instance, I spent a good amount on a on a nice minipet collection a month or two ago. Not to mention spending lots and lots outfitting and developing new characters, whether they are mine or friends.
I just save my money and buy something only when i really want it or think i can turn a handy profit off the item.
Just bought FOW armour for my Ele and started a guild with full guild hall - not much left now

Squishy ftw
Altho I had to try really hard not to select the pudding option, my gold goes to titles. For the moment that means drunkard.
I have no gold left by now, they only valuable stuff is made up of a few rare items. No intention to rack up gold again as there's nothing left which I actually desire (besides a shadow shield maybe
Most stuff was used up on Fow armours of which I have about 8.

Most stuff was used up on Fow armours of which I have about 8.
Even tough i have only one character since GW:EN came out, i still spend every penny i get for skillhunting, armor and secondary profession skills. My monk is becoming more in-depth every day.
I use it to buy skills and lockpicks on my main character. One day, my PvE mesmer will have every skill in the game. Just because.
Sol Deathgard
I try to keep at least 100k in storage, when there's something I wanna buy, if I have enough & like the price, I buy it. I try to stay outta LA, KC, & kamadan though cause I end up with no money after a spending spree.
~ Dan ~
I only save my money when there's something worth saving for. Once i have enough, obviously i spend it; hence i never have any money
I also spend my money on titles, but the poll didn't allow voting for 2 choices

I also spend my money on titles, but the poll didn't allow voting for 2 choices

I'm a big spender. If inscriptions were sold by merchants i'd probably buy those too but right now most of it has gone to armor skins, runes, tool sets, lockpicks, skills. I've always been bad at saving a lot of gold :P. But i keep collecting weapons/shields/staffs, i'm not even using them.
edit: doh
edit: doh

I usually just let the money accumulate 'til I find something I want to do with it. Storage is still pretty empty from buying Rit FoW last month, but what I'm making now is going towards monk FoW. Once I finally have that under my belt I'll just let the cash add up again ^_^
I'm one of the said hoarders, thing is i just don't have anything i really want to buy atm. All my characters have 15k armor or armor that i really like the look of so 15k's or FoW is a no go area, imo all the male FoW armors are fugly anyway.
All of them have all the weps they need, but i guess i could get a few more.
My excuse is i'm waiting for stuff to get cheaper and cheaper so my money will go even further than it does atm
All of them have all the weps they need, but i guess i could get a few more.
My excuse is i'm waiting for stuff to get cheaper and cheaper so my money will go even further than it does atm

I buy unid golds. Often lends me more money than what I spent
save it until there's something i want (like min/maxing all 25 heros for 1 char instead of using the money for FoW) and then save again for something else~
Davros Uitar
What do I do with my gold? All the usual things :
Count it
Polish it
Take it to bed with me
Actually that's a lie - polishing is too much like hard work - I hire someone to polish it for me
Count it
Polish it
Take it to bed with me
Actually that's a lie - polishing is too much like hard work - I hire someone to polish it for me
I give it to people who play Guild Wars more than me and thus would actually do something with it.
Effendi Westland
Option 5 was just too cool 
Seriously tho, I spend most on armor (2-3 15k sets/char, 10 chars and 3 x fow).

Seriously tho, I spend most on armor (2-3 15k sets/char, 10 chars and 3 x fow).
Originally Posted by Vanquisher
I give it to people who play Guild Wars more than me and thus would actually do something with it.