Will you buy GW2?
Malice Black
Maybe some of the decent people will make a come back...
Maybe some of the decent people will make a come back...
Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
Failed at what though?
Seems they've been pretty bloody sccessful so far, especially considering Guild Wars is NCSofts number 1 European and North American franchise |
I've actually decided that if Izzy is fired/more intelligent skill balancers are hired I'll buy the game. I'm not prepared to waste 2-3 years on a game if "abuse it and prove me wrong" is the way skill balancing is going to work.
Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
Failed at what though?
Seems they've been pretty bloody sccessful so far, especially considering Guild Wars is NCSofts number 1 European and North American franchise |
Now with GW2 ... even if i liked its leveling premise and all that stuff (which i dont), how am i suppoed to believe that deves wont screw it up. They did already give out PvE skills and consumables to break skill-based game (even more than it was already broken). How should i believe believe that they won't give out X to break level/equipment/whatever grind accomplishments in order to trow casuall players a bone and make that carrot waved in front of them look closer.
I can already imagine how people would react to update where anet introduces cheap xp scrolls to gw2 and "become max level for 30 minutes" consumables. Inverted ursan threads with all the glory.
Those of you who will be joining GW2, i'm looking forward to running across you ingame.
Don't worry about the people who say that aren't comming. After a few media releases they'll either:
A. Get excited and create a new forum account so they can change their mind without sounding like an idiot
B. Get excited and pretend like nothing happened
C. Get excited and admit to changing their minds
D. Refuse to even consider it
E. Not like what they see and never buy the game
Slapping the number 2 on a MMO scares people. Even if it was exactly like GW just with a trade system. Happens all the time, there are people who refuse to change over. Its okay with me as long as they dont cause a commotion.
Don't worry about the people who say that aren't comming. After a few media releases they'll either:
A. Get excited and create a new forum account so they can change their mind without sounding like an idiot
B. Get excited and pretend like nothing happened
C. Get excited and admit to changing their minds
D. Refuse to even consider it
E. Not like what they see and never buy the game
Slapping the number 2 on a MMO scares people. Even if it was exactly like GW just with a trade system. Happens all the time, there are people who refuse to change over. Its okay with me as long as they dont cause a commotion.
Originally Posted by Spike
If thats the case why buy an ONLINE game AT ALL why not just got an OFFLINE RPG like oblivion and be done with it. That way you can be AWAY from everyone.
And I do play Oblivion, but I have no idea why you brought it up. It'd be hard to come up with two RPG's that operate on more different mechanics than GW and Obliv. GW2's more a sort of evolution of Diablo 2, and that's certainly the itch it scratches. Since player interaction was optional it being online didn't stop me from enjoying it.
Oh and HOW MANY does it take for it to be massively multiplayer 24? 40?. If its more than that then LOTRO and wow are not MMO's either. For me anyway if I can play with ANY of the approx one million people who have bought guild wars that massively mulitplayer. |
Semantic debate aside, I don't play persistent world games. Period. Considering that most people play GW with local chat off, I find it frankly bizarre that so many of you seem to want to play in an explorable world populated by the very idiots you go out of your way to ignore in the current game.
But, let's face it, GW2 isn't being made for me or anyone like me. It's being made to capture disaffected and bored WoW players, and that may actually work as a business model. Nevermind that it's basically a complete betrayal of the original game, it's somewhat brilliant to design a game specifically to capture as many of those 10 million WoW players as possible when they get bored or frustrated with the game they're playing (as most inevitably will). You provide them a fee-free WoW-like MMORPG with a different world and subtly different mechanics (but nothing scary, like requiring actual tactical thought) and they probably WILL flock to you. I suppose I'll wish Anet luck on this one, they've entertained me for better than a thousand hours with the current game, I can't really begrudge them heading off into the sunset to look for a bigger piece of the pie.
Originally Posted by Vinraith
Semantic debate aside, I don't play persistent world games. Period. Considering that most people play GW with local chat off, I find it frankly bizarre that so many of you seem to want to play in an explorable world populated by the very idiots you go out of your way to ignore in the current game.
The only time i have it open is if my corp is at warand I need to see if someone we're at war with is in that system
Same as in Guild wars 2, I'll have Local chat off most of the time... No different than when I'm in an outpost in Guild wars, only that the local chat will work everywhere instead
And the idiots don't matter, as they will have no effect on your game playing in GW2 as they currently do in GW... There will be no PK'ing, no loot stealing, etc as already stated, so what difference will there be?
I'm excited for it...and yes I'll end up buying it. There's just so much time until then... We should make a thread "Things that will happen before the release of GW2" . I mean presidents and olympics are between there lol.
Don Doggy
I'll be buying it but will continue to play GW1 until it is released.
Lyssa Apate
Probably not. My computer can barely run GW at times, wonder what the specs for GW2 will be. And it's still good enough for it's purpose: text editing. So why buy a new computer? :E
If I win the lottery, I'll go for it and buy it when it comes out.
If I win the lottery, I'll go for it and buy it when it comes out.
Brian the Gladiator
to answer your question... yes
Sorn Xarann
simply put, yes.
Tender Wolf
Most definately! I'm so excited for it, I'm getting bored with the current one. lol You'll have to pry me away from my computer when it comes out! muhahahaha
Malice Black
Excited about a video game?!
I've never got excited about a video game, I'll go "oh that looks cool, I'll buy that" but I'll never stand in a mile long queue, or anything stupid like that.
I've never got excited about a video game, I'll go "oh that looks cool, I'll buy that" but I'll never stand in a mile long queue, or anything stupid like that.
Will you buy GW2?
Yes I will as soon as released.....
Yes I will as soon as released.....
Neo Nugget
Yes, and i will pre order it. AND get the CE
Probably won't play it tons like i did when i first started playing GW1, mainly because 09 is when i graduate.
This time...only 1 account, having more than that is such a hassle right now.

This time...only 1 account, having more than that is such a hassle right now.
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
Most definately! I'm so excited for it, I'm getting bored with the current one. lol You'll have to pry me away from my computer when it comes out! muhahahaha
in numerous other threadsyou've berated and belittled GW2 and it has been resoundingly clear that you DON'T intend to get it afterthe supposed fiasco of the BMP
I wonder how many people in this thread who say they won't will end up buying the game?
I'll probably get GW2 as much as I don't want to and end up regretting the decision. However, I'm pretty sure I won't play as many chars in 2. I think I'm going to keep it to a warrior, and maybe a caster or two.
I'll probably get GW2 as much as I don't want to and end up regretting the decision. However, I'm pretty sure I won't play as many chars in 2. I think I'm going to keep it to a warrior, and maybe a caster or two.
Only if it has a great review. A-net has shown me they're only about the money, and are not afraid to show this (compare it to nintendo. Also all about the money, but simply other marketing).
So if GW2 has a 7.5 or less... count me out.
I would like to ask people to follow my example. A-net has the worst customer-service since Sliced-Bread, and we should never reward companies for it.
So if GW2 has a 7.5 or less... count me out.
I would like to ask people to follow my example. A-net has the worst customer-service since Sliced-Bread, and we should never reward companies for it.
Originally Posted by Vinraith
What do I care if a game is online or offline, the question is whether the game is interesting and fun. GW was interesting and fun, and since i could play it by myself or with a friend or two it worked fine for me. I just ignored everyone else, which was no problem in this game. That won't be possible in 2.
Originally Posted by Vinraith
I'm talking about the PvE game, I don't PvP and frankly don't care what you categorize that portion of the game as. In PvE the max party size, with one exception, is 8. Furthermore, you only take those people you want with you into the game. That is not massively multiplayer by any meaningful definition of the term. If it is, then Diablo was also a massively multiplayer game, as has been every other action RPG ever put to market with a multiplayer component. At that point the term MMO becomes so general as to be meaningless, but if that's how you want to define it suit yourself.
Have you actually EVER played an other "MMO" besides GW. Because in the TEN I've played only two (eve and lineage2) can you be attacked by anyone at anytime and only then when you not in "safe" zones. I suppose you could include wow. BUT In wow you have to opt to play on a pvp server. But you still not forced to party with people you don't want to. In fact I know of NO MMO where your FORCED to party with people you have not invited or decided to join. SO I don't know what your problem is. But if that's how you want to define an MMO then suit yourself
Originally Posted by Vinraith
Semantic debate aside, I don't play persistent world games. Period. Considering that most people play GW with local chat off, I find it frankly bizarre that so many of you seem to want to play in an explorable world populated by the very idiots you go out of your way to ignore in the current game.
Originally Posted by Vinraith
But, let's face it, GW2 isn't being made for me or anyone like me. It's being made to capture disaffected and bored WoW players, and that may actually work as a business model. Nevermind that it's basically a complete betrayal of the original game, it's somewhat brilliant to design a game specifically to capture as many of those 10 million WoW players as possible when they get bored or frustrated with the game they're playing (as most inevitably will). You provide them a fee-free WoW-like MMORPG with a different world and subtly different mechanics (but nothing scary, like requiring actual tactical thought) and they probably WILL flock to you. I suppose I'll wish Anet luck on this one, they've entertained me for better than a thousand hours with the current game, I can't really begrudge them heading off into the sunset to look for a bigger piece of the pie.
FYI wow does NOT have 10 million players or even half that amount. It has about 3-4 million at best. Don't bother to point out any blizzard press release about sub figues as thier all LIES.
Also GW requires some actual tactical thought when it comes to skill selection and that frightens off most wow players as they like to have all thier skills availble at once. I hope this is carryed on in GW2 as its part of what makes GW so good.
yeah, im buying a copy of GW2 - and one copy for all the friends i have left after playing mmo's XD
Originally Posted by Malice Black
Maybe some of the decent people will make a come back... |
Why would decent people come back to a game where one of the major reasons they left (anet's bad decisions) is still around?
Originally Posted by Winterclaw
Why would decent people come back to a game where one of the major reasons they left (anet's bad decisions) is still around?
I will be, but only cos im a sucker for collectors editions. If I could go back in time, I'd definitley buy the CE prophecies (and another 4 to put on ebay...) and really regret not buying it now. My factions and nightfall are lonely ='(
I wanna get into this one from the start, get the CE, get all the pre-order pack weapons and make a real go of it. If it sucks, hey, at least the artbooks are always nice *looks at factions evilly*
I wanna get into this one from the start, get the CE, get all the pre-order pack weapons and make a real go of it. If it sucks, hey, at least the artbooks are always nice *looks at factions evilly*
I'm going to buy it 100%!
- Just think they should make like some finals in GW1, like the ultimate and last GVG, HA, just pvp tournaments, that would give the winners some kind of title or something in GW2.
- Just think they should make like some finals in GW1, like the ultimate and last GVG, HA, just pvp tournaments, that would give the winners some kind of title or something in GW2.
Already packed my pennies away for GW2.
Jeremy Untouchable
Allready planning on buying like 5 CE copys, 2 to play and 3 to sell later/or give to freinds..
Red Sonya
Just so you know sequels to other mmo/mmorgps have failed compared to the orgional. Look at Ashersons Call II it's now defunked. Everquest II failed didn't get nearly the population they banked on. GW2 will probably fail as well since most people will just remain in GW1. Why buy a "different' game from the one you already enjoy and don't want to see changed? Most people aren't going to like the unlimited level caps and the persistant KSing PKing worlds that will crop up and won't buy it because of that or won't stay because of it. GW2 is going to be for those that really didn't like GW1, just like the other sequels were different to draw in a different crowd for their games and failed. GW2 might be a success though because there are lots more gamers who like continuous persistant worlds and phat loot and unlimited levels. We'll just have to wait an see. If the loot is like I hope it is and much better and lots more stats than GW1 then I'll buy into it. I don't see moving to a GW2 though just for the satisfaction of separation of pve from pvp not worth it.
EDIT: Oh an if Izzy is still doing the balancing I see no reason to buy into it either.
EDIT: Oh an if Izzy is still doing the balancing I see no reason to buy into it either.

Hellz yes.
The only reason I got WoW is because I'm bored of Guild Wars, and can't wait for GW2, which sounds much better.
The only reason I got WoW is because I'm bored of Guild Wars, and can't wait for GW2, which sounds much better.
I'll buy the game, Guild Wars 2 Collector's Edition.
If I dont like it, I'll whine at GW2Guru forums and then move on, find another game I enjoy playing.
If I dont like it, I'll whine at GW2Guru forums and then move on, find another game I enjoy playing.
I like GW1; I have every confidence that GW2 will be much better.
Even if GW2 isn't at good as I hope it will be, it will still be better than most everything else out there -- including WoW -- at least from a casual/solo-oriented player's perspective. I am confident of that.
I do have some reservations about this "Companion NPC" thing and some concerns over the fate of my good buds, the Heroes and henches, but, yeah, I'll be buying GW2.
Even if GW2 isn't at good as I hope it will be, it will still be better than most everything else out there -- including WoW -- at least from a casual/solo-oriented player's perspective. I am confident of that.
I do have some reservations about this "Companion NPC" thing and some concerns over the fate of my good buds, the Heroes and henches, but, yeah, I'll be buying GW2.

yes. once I get r6 KoBD+3 sets of FoW+torment weapons+HoM filled, i'll resume playing CS:S
then I'll buy Gw2 once it comes out!
p.s. all of you who know me well in CS:S are goin' down!
then I'll buy Gw2 once it comes out!
p.s. all of you who know me well in CS:S are goin' down!
Red Sonya
Those that say they will buy is no matter what or as soon as it's released are 8 year old who have no money or people with 8 year old brains. Nobody should get that kind of excited over a VIDEO game. It's just childish silly.
Originally Posted by Red Sonya
Those that say they will buy is no matter what or as soon as it's released are 8 year old who have no money or people with 8 year old brains. Nobody should get that kind of excited over a VIDEO game. It's just childish silly.
So you are now concluding that people who say they are going to purchase Guild Wars 2 no matter what or as soon as it's released are 8 year-olds who are poor or people with an 8 year-old intelligent just because you believe that nobody should be that excited over a video game.
Consequently, aren't you a bit childish yourself, since you flamed others just because they have a different opinion about purchasing a video game than you?
While I disagree with Sonya there is a point in there I agree with. I also wouldnt word it quite the same 
Not that its childish or anything, but for those who say they will deffinately buy it would you not change your mind if it had bad reviews or had lots of features you disliked?
I can understand looking forward to a game and getting excited about it, but no matter what I wouldnt blindy hand away my money without getting in beta/trying a demo/checking out reviews etc.
When people say they will get it whatever do they mean whatever or do they mean as long as they dont seriousely ruin it?

Not that its childish or anything, but for those who say they will deffinately buy it would you not change your mind if it had bad reviews or had lots of features you disliked?
I can understand looking forward to a game and getting excited about it, but no matter what I wouldnt blindy hand away my money without getting in beta/trying a demo/checking out reviews etc.
When people say they will get it whatever do they mean whatever or do they mean as long as they dont seriousely ruin it?
Cale Roughstar
Originally Posted by DivineEnvoy
Well we can see two categories in this thread: people who are going to buy Guild Wars 2, and people who are not. And as I can see it, you are one of the people who are not going to buy it.
So you are now concluding that people who say they are going to purchase Guild Wars 2 no matter what or as soon as it's released are 8 year-olds who are poor or people with an 8 year-old intelligent just because you believe that nobody should be that excited over a video game. Consequently, aren't you a bit childish yourself, since you flamed others just because they have a different opinion about purchasing a video game than you? |
Anyways, hell yea, I am going to buy it! Cant wait!
Originally Posted by Red Sonya
Those that say they will buy is no matter what or as soon as it's released are 8 year old who have no money or people with 8 year old brains. Nobody should get that kind of excited over a VIDEO game. It's just childish silly.
Bryant Again
There's nothing wrong with saying "I'm going to get it no matter what!" just as long as you can accept disappointment.
I will buy the CE. but I could indeed change my mind after playing an open beta. I think, note THINK, Anet would make it a super version of GW. I hope with less strange oddities. Mud Brick? wtf? I hope it is everything GW is and more. I hated henchies and later heroes, but now I've grown quite fond of the little meatheads, but after playing around with Morrowind and WoW again for a couple days, I'm missing not being a solo wank. So, w/e. I'm planning on running into GW2 full steam, if it sucks, oh well. if it doesn't, yay.
Originally Posted by Red Sonya
Those that say they will buy is no matter what or as soon as it's released are 8 year old who have no money or people with 8 year old brains. Nobody should get that kind of excited over a VIDEO game. It's just childish silly.
So people complaining about things that they have not seen yet is mature? So people bashing that is yet to exist is mature? People whining about thing that has not happened yet is mature?
ANET may have done some foul up in GW, but on general, the game is decent. From that, I base why I will buy GW2, and not buy it from the the whines. I give the benefit of the doubt that ANET has learned its lesson.
Hayz. it really fascinates how great is our capacity of self-deceit. Sonya, dont you see, your statement reeks of stereotyping immaturity and seem to indicate what kind of mind you have?
I am undecided as I don't like the thought of no lvl cap which means endless play .I have things in GW that I want to complete yes getting some sets of FoW armour is one of them.I would really like to see some issues in the current present day game taken care of.This was suppose to be casual game after all but no it is grind fest as we all have real lifes.