If pugs are so bad, then how did you meet your guildies?
Legitimate question here.
Unless you're playing with people that you've known before Guild Wars, or signed up with a large guild without ever having played with them beforehand, pugging is the only way to actually play with others.
I may be a dinosaur dating from the beginning of GW, but I find it strange that hating on pugs is all the rage here.
Looking back on the old days, the choice between terrible players (which we all were to some extent) or even more terrible lifeless henchies was clear.
And hey, this is how I actually met my guildies. People I'm still playing with today.
Well, not literally today, as we've all pretty much quit playing.
This day and age, people hero/hench everything and think this is actually a good thing.
And I'm jumping on the perma-H/H bandwagon myself, as forming a party with real people pretty much implies Ursan Blessing now, which often makes me accidentally press Alt-F4 while forming up (couldn't help it, pressed Alt to find the Xunlai and F4 to switch to Weapon Set 4 — but now that I'm out, I don't think I'll log back in).
So how did you meet your guildies?
Unless you're playing with people that you've known before Guild Wars, or signed up with a large guild without ever having played with them beforehand, pugging is the only way to actually play with others.
I may be a dinosaur dating from the beginning of GW, but I find it strange that hating on pugs is all the rage here.
Looking back on the old days, the choice between terrible players (which we all were to some extent) or even more terrible lifeless henchies was clear.
And hey, this is how I actually met my guildies. People I'm still playing with today.
Well, not literally today, as we've all pretty much quit playing.
This day and age, people hero/hench everything and think this is actually a good thing.
And I'm jumping on the perma-H/H bandwagon myself, as forming a party with real people pretty much implies Ursan Blessing now, which often makes me accidentally press Alt-F4 while forming up (couldn't help it, pressed Alt to find the Xunlai and F4 to switch to Weapon Set 4 — but now that I'm out, I don't think I'll log back in).
So how did you meet your guildies?
PvP, through friends, answering/asking questions, forums etc.
Malice Black
First few guilds - Random invites
Rest - Guru people
Rest - Guru people
It's not that ALL PUGs are horrible.
It's just that an awful lot of them are.
Plus, from both sides of the coin, H/H seem more appealing: if you're extremely proficient at your class, a pickup group that may be full of inexperienced peeps is not a nice prospect. If you're new to your class, a pickup group that may be full of highly experience peeps who will laugh at your ineptitude is a similarly unpleasant prospect.
In comparison, Alesia has never, ever complained about the hundreds upon hundreds of times I've got her killed.
Anyway, to answer your actual question: from other places outside of GW.
It's just that an awful lot of them are.
Plus, from both sides of the coin, H/H seem more appealing: if you're extremely proficient at your class, a pickup group that may be full of inexperienced peeps is not a nice prospect. If you're new to your class, a pickup group that may be full of highly experience peeps who will laugh at your ineptitude is a similarly unpleasant prospect.
In comparison, Alesia has never, ever complained about the hundreds upon hundreds of times I've got her killed.
Anyway, to answer your actual question: from other places outside of GW.
Family, Real Life friends...and GWG.
Maybe a chance meeting or two...
Maybe a chance meeting or two...
pming someone who posted a guild announcement on this site about 2 years ago. Through guildmates I met other people, then other people and on and on
Random invites. HA runs and gvg guesting. Oh and guru lf guild posts.
First guild was random, rest were through contacts.
I original started playing with a friend I'd known for years. We joined a random guild together. He quit, I left taking a few friends I'd made from that guild with me.
I still play regularly with one person from that initial guild and made a couple of other friends from forming farm groups in SF when the greens there were sellable. I was to play with two I met there over the next two years. Never really pugged much after that, we would just take henchmen for the rest- until heroes arrived much later.
Now I'm just in a guild on my own in an alliance with another one-person guild. Best arrangement I've had guildwise.
Hi Lagg, LC was good while it lasted
It's still good to play with you lot when I get the chance.
I still play regularly with one person from that initial guild and made a couple of other friends from forming farm groups in SF when the greens there were sellable. I was to play with two I met there over the next two years. Never really pugged much after that, we would just take henchmen for the rest- until heroes arrived much later.
Now I'm just in a guild on my own in an alliance with another one-person guild. Best arrangement I've had guildwise.
Hi Lagg, LC was good while it lasted

It's still good to play with you lot when I get the chance.
Chik N Nuggets
i met mine in a PUG.

I made my own guild, I invited people I knew personally.
An existing online community, we founded a guild based on existing friendships.
The situation is slightly different for me in other MMOs I play:
Two guilds I joined after doing a lot of RP, and repeatedly meeting members of it during those events.
Another I created based on a concept and both RL and existing ingame friends joined.
The situation is slightly different for me in other MMOs I play:
Two guilds I joined after doing a lot of RP, and repeatedly meeting members of it during those events.
Another I created based on a concept and both RL and existing ingame friends joined.
Originally Posted by DDL
Plus, from both sides of the coin, H/H seem more appealing: if you're extremely proficient at your class, a pickup group that may be full of inexperienced peeps is not a nice prospect. If you're new to your class, a pickup group that may be full of highly experience peeps who will laugh at your ineptitude is a similarly unpleasant prospect.
Back when I was actively pugging, the game was newer and there was an added challenge of finding good people to play with. Of course, no one was really experienced back then.
Even then you could tell if someone was a plain bad player (both in terms of skill and in terms of being fun to play with) and of all the people I've ever played with, I'd say only 1 in 100 is still on my friends list today.
I've played with a heck of a lot of people over the first year or two. A few of those I still sometimes play with today, which I can't help but find much more rewarding than the monotonous robotic efficiency of H/H.
While things have gotten a lot easier because of this, the game has really turned from a brilliant multiplayer to an average single player RPG for me.
PvP is the multiplayer part? Yeah, I've heard that before.
In the current state its in, I'll pass on that one.
random invites.
I don't care enough to look for a guild
I don't care enough to look for a guild
Originally Posted by Lagg
Decent lfg message netted decent group, etc ... Thats how i met people from my first guild. (which died just like OPs)
Problem of pugs is that majority of former newbies transformed to noobs.
Originally Posted by DDL
It's not that ALL PUGs are horrible.
It's just that an awful lot of them are. |
The problem is when you feel you've milked out the area - all your PUGs within a mostly alliance groups (which back then, averaged the 6/8 or 7/8 guild players nightly) suddenly start to suck (when HM came out, ugh) and you move to other forms of recruitment - Guru is one of them. Our old alliance is another (unfortunate, but still gotta consider it).
Today, if I PUG, it's an Ursan group for DoA or UW, or the random FoW group I'll join (not Ursan though... always preferred running good ol' builds in there). Haven't met a lot of people I'd ask to be in the guild though.
EDIT: Note that I include my alliance members as my guildies, we're just one big bunch of weirdos under different guild names :P.
Originally Posted by zwei2stein
Back in early days pugging was not that bad. Just like most people i puged at beginning of game: everyone was inexperienced and thus a bit humble, pug-related problems we less of a issue because of that.
Decent lfg message netted decent group, etc ... Thats how i met people from my first guild. (which died just like OPs) Problem of pugs is that majority of former newbies transformed to noobs. |
Team: gogogogogogogog
(Screen comes up but so does the return to outpost button)
However my longest standing guild my friend met in a FoW PUG. Cept he was the only PU in that PUG. So it was more of a group filler for the guild situation.
I met my guildmates back when we were all noobs, and most people were still noobs, and people were willing to help and learn with each other.
when i first started playing i got a random invite from this guy who also invited my bf (me and my bf bought the game at the same time) but other than the guy we were the only 2 active players
all the guy did was shout at us and get us to hold stuff for him in pre so he can take his character post and make another well we both got fed up and left then a rl friend invited us to our current guild and i wouldnt leave them now for all the tea in china
all the guy did was shout at us and get us to hold stuff for him in pre so he can take his character post and make another well we both got fed up and left then a rl friend invited us to our current guild and i wouldnt leave them now for all the tea in china

First guild was RL friends and we were God awful, next guild was through a PUG (but we were horrible, then got a little less horrible I think) the others were through GW friends.
Now I'm just in a guild with my girlfriend, playing with heroes is much better - if anything goes wrong, it's their fault.
Now I'm just in a guild with my girlfriend, playing with heroes is much better - if anything goes wrong, it's their fault.
Originally Posted by Kusandaa
For a while, we ran a lot of partial (4/8, 5/8) guild/alliance groups for ToPK - we'd check out for possible members this way. We'd filter the social, experienced - pleasant - guys and gals, and we'd PM them after a run. "Hey, are you happy with your guild ATM? 'cause we're recruiting and thought you'd be a good addition for us! =D" It WORKED. We gained several good members this way.
Lepton CFd
Originally Posted by DarkWasp
Well, FoW and UW pugs were pretty bad.
Leader: Ok guys DO NOT TALK TO THE GHOST Leader: DO NOT TALK TO THE GHOST Team: gogogogogogogog (Enters) (Loading/Downloading) (Screen comes up but so does the return to outpost button) |
I met my guild during the first Canthan New Years (or Dragon Festival...or something...), the first time they introduced those games of chance where you stand on the circle and essentially lose money every 5 seconds. The person who is now my guild leader asked why I wasn't in a guild and I said that I had just left mine and so she invited me to join. I was a bit concerned that it might be a guild that just recruits anybody since I didn't play with them beforehand or anything, but it actually has turned out to be th e best guild I've been in. Been in it since 7/11/06, and the people are still awesome. So basically now I'm either in a guild group or H/Hing it. Occasionally I'll go for a pug group if I can't H/H well enough or not enough guild members are available. Personally I have not had too many problems with pugs. My only grip (even more so than leeroying warriors or assassins that think they're tanks) is people with just plain horrible builds. The worst thing about being a monk is when you're in a group that deals hardly any damage but takes a beating by any and every foe.
Anyway...I think I answered the question of this topic...

Nemo the Capitalist
met good guilds off elite missions.....other than that off chest running thread
Fern Burntfist
if u just started gw everyone plays with PUGs. at least i did when i was a noobie ^^
Originally Posted by Fern Burntfist
if u just started gw everyone plays with PUGs. at least i did when i was a noobie ^^
The guild i'm in now needed a pug ele for the deep and they picked me.
The guild before that needed a pug ele for DoA, and they picked me.
Before that i cant remember.
The guild before that needed a pug ele for DoA, and they picked me.
Before that i cant remember.
on forums, on IRC and in PvP
plenty of ways to find guilds without pugging till you kill yourself in pure misery
plenty of ways to find guilds without pugging till you kill yourself in pure misery
Worked on a site with one. Then the other guys my friend met while doing the last Proph mission when it was "the hardest mission in the game, " and all pugs failed at doing it. So, afterwords, they formed NATO, and I joined shortly after.
Have known my fellow guildies for half of my life.
PUGs in this game are dogshit.
PUGs in this game are dogshit.
* Met my first guild from knowing all of them from an online-journal website.
* Met my 2nd and 3rd guild from socialising in game. They were good people, we didn't care how each played as everyone was down to earth and (most of them) accepted advice on how not to suck from everyone else.
Am still with all three guilds.
Never pugged outside of ABs. Don't see the need to \o_O/
* Met my 2nd and 3rd guild from socialising in game. They were good people, we didn't care how each played as everyone was down to earth and (most of them) accepted advice on how not to suck from everyone else.
Am still with all three guilds.
Never pugged outside of ABs. Don't see the need to \o_O/
Most PUG members *are* terrible. The ones who aren't stand out, and you end up asking those people questions like "So, do you like your guild?" and "Is your guild recruiting?".
Although actually, I found my current guild through this website.
Although actually, I found my current guild through this website.
When the game first came out i played with my flatmate. We joined a random guild invite. We stayed with that guild for nearly a whole year :P until they split up and we reformed and then they all quit. But yeah i mainly meet new people through contacts now and with people from guru.
Originally Posted by Fern Burntfist
if u just started gw everyone plays with PUGs. at least i did when i was a noobie ^^
I doubt I'm the only one, but when you PUG something you imagine people being relatively of your experience level - 2 years of gameplay, done the mission/area several times, should know how it works by now. Maybe I assume too fast.
Example: the last time I did THK, to help a guildie who was in a group, I came on my monk and had 3 heroes in my team. Filled the group 7/8. I was then promptly kicked because I had heroes.
Leader: kick ur heroes, no heroes
Me: Erm okay... I was keeping 'em in case we'd want to go in right away...
Leader: no heroes *kicks me from the team*
Me, in guild chat: Eh, let's just take hero and a couple henchies. *guildie leaves current group, joins me*
Me, in local: Betcha I clear this faster than you guys :P
I came back in THK after beating the mission, some of them were still looking for a group. I let out a "lol" in local, stayed a minute for any reply from the team leader who had kicked me earlier, and left for my GH after.
EDIT, to stay on topic: Some of my best guildies, I've met via Guru guild advertisement threads. Anyone else having good luck with it?
Men only Bathhouses in the slums of San Francisco of course.
It was still safer than a PUG.
It was still safer than a PUG.
Aera Lure
I met both leaders of the guilds I eventually joined through posts here on the forums. I then met a few other guilds through PUGs wherein I received invites, although I didnt wish to leave my current guilds. A few more through random play in game.
FYI PUGs arent so bad, at least, they didnt use to be in the past (say pre-Nightfall). I had an awful lot of fun in PUG play, and almost always had success with them. They're much worse as of late, and even I agree I wouldnt use them now.
FYI PUGs arent so bad, at least, they didnt use to be in the past (say pre-Nightfall). I had an awful lot of fun in PUG play, and almost always had success with them. They're much worse as of late, and even I agree I wouldnt use them now.
I invited them to get the game and then into the guild. So RL friends.
My first guild was one with some RL friends. Only problem was that two of them moved to the US and different timezone kills activity.
I got into my current guild being pick-up.
I used to 'live' in ToPK with my orders necro back then and got to know a lot of people. It was one of those areas where you could see who was playing for fun and who was playing for cash. I had already teamed up with some of them several times before I got invited.
I also think you have to make a difference between a true PUG and a organised team (guild/alliance/friends) that takes one or two 'pick-up' members.
The true PUG may suck, but the organised team may work even if one or two members are not that great. As long as they listen and follow orders you should be fine.
At the moment, most new members we get are either friends or those 'pick-ups' when we fill an experienced team.
And some from the recruiting our alliance leader does (they recruit for the entire alliance).
We used to recruit on guru and gwo, but that is a while ago.
Some of our best members and officers came from them.
However, while getting very experienced players from guru is fun, I have to say that inviting a pick-up member that is not so experienced and seeing him grow in a couple of weeks is even more rewarding.
I got into my current guild being pick-up.
I used to 'live' in ToPK with my orders necro back then and got to know a lot of people. It was one of those areas where you could see who was playing for fun and who was playing for cash. I had already teamed up with some of them several times before I got invited.
I also think you have to make a difference between a true PUG and a organised team (guild/alliance/friends) that takes one or two 'pick-up' members.
The true PUG may suck, but the organised team may work even if one or two members are not that great. As long as they listen and follow orders you should be fine.
At the moment, most new members we get are either friends or those 'pick-ups' when we fill an experienced team.
And some from the recruiting our alliance leader does (they recruit for the entire alliance).
We used to recruit on guru and gwo, but that is a while ago.
Some of our best members and officers came from them.
However, while getting very experienced players from guru is fun, I have to say that inviting a pick-up member that is not so experienced and seeing him grow in a couple of weeks is even more rewarding.
Originally Posted by Jake_Steel
Men only Bathhouses in the slums of San Francisco of course.
It was still safer than a PUG. |
I met all my guildies through PUGging, except my current guild, because my current guild is just me and I'm not going to invite anyone else (so neener neener).
PUGs are only "always" bad when the player who has the poor attitude toward them refuses to assert him or herself and take a competent leadership position where no other leadership exists. Remember: when somebody is complaining about PUGs, chances are they're 1/8 of the problem.
PUGs are only "always" bad when the player who has the poor attitude toward them refuses to assert him or herself and take a competent leadership position where no other leadership exists. Remember: when somebody is complaining about PUGs, chances are they're 1/8 of the problem.
Originally Posted by Jake_Steel
Men only Bathhouses in the slums of San Francisco of course.
It was still safer than a PUG. |
Met through a pug. been playing with most of them for 2 years now