Originally Posted by Arduinna
Haha, spark discussion, like there are not already 10+ threads about this very subject 
Well, I had hoped the Guru community would be smarter than it has so far. I posted a 'nerf' to get people to talk about ideas to change the skill. MANY people feel the skill is imbalanced. I don't think my idea is 100% perfect, and I haven't figured out a way to make it such. I had hoped people would see my idea, and expand on it, and improve on it. OR, post why it is bad, and make new suggestions that would be good. The other threads I have read on Ursan all turn into arguements, and I had hoped starting one with some humor would lessen that.
I thought wrong apparently.
I will ask 1 of 2 things at this point.
1) post ideas to change the skill in ways that will benefit the people who like it AND dislike it
2) Mod to close it before it becomes more flame/QQ/+1
Your choice all, I just wanted to try something fun AND constructive.