Possible Solution to the Survivor squabble
From what have read, there are two camps about changes to the survivor title. The first want it to be changed so that there older characters can have a chance at the title because their character existed before the title, or because they didn't care for the title at the time of the characters creation. The other camp doesn't want to cheapen the title by changing it to no death to between deaths, or by making the title account wide. I beleive that this issue could be put to bed with this possible solution.
When a character with legendary survivor talk to the Honor statue in the HoM, on the list of all the title they can display, instead of the standard "display enternal survivor", they get a "survivor options" choice. If this is choosen, they will have three choices, "display enternal surivivor", create a "heart of tranferance", or "nothing at this time".
If they choose to creat a heart, 1337.5k points are removed from the survivor title track. This item could then be tranfered to another character through storage. This desired character could then use the heart, and receive 1337.5k points to their survivor track. Of course the hearts should be like the nesting material, be unable to be drop or traded. The Survivor option menu would then be removed.
If "display eternal surivor" is picked, then the statue is display like before, but the survivor option choice is no longer available. This is to prevent people form displaying the statue with one character, and then removing the title form them. Of course there should be warning screen on both option so people have to comfirm before they do somehting stupid.
I believe this solution for please both camps. Survivor can be tranfered to peoples mains so it maters when gw2 comes along. It also doesn't cheapen the title, they person has to earn it with a brand new character, and also doesn't make the title account wide which also would cheapen it. I also beleive this should be applied to LDoA.
Only problem i see is for people who already displayed this title in teh HoM, so if this is implimented, they should remove the statue so they can have the choice.
Thank you would reading my suggestion, and please leave comments to make it better.
edit: Additions added by suggestion, possiblity of making the heart only work on characters with the same primary and birthplace. Also apply to LDoA without the restriction.
So far the idea have been seen positive, usually there more people who disagrees with survivor changes, i wonder what their views are.
When a character with legendary survivor talk to the Honor statue in the HoM, on the list of all the title they can display, instead of the standard "display enternal survivor", they get a "survivor options" choice. If this is choosen, they will have three choices, "display enternal surivivor", create a "heart of tranferance", or "nothing at this time".
If they choose to creat a heart, 1337.5k points are removed from the survivor title track. This item could then be tranfered to another character through storage. This desired character could then use the heart, and receive 1337.5k points to their survivor track. Of course the hearts should be like the nesting material, be unable to be drop or traded. The Survivor option menu would then be removed.
If "display eternal surivor" is picked, then the statue is display like before, but the survivor option choice is no longer available. This is to prevent people form displaying the statue with one character, and then removing the title form them. Of course there should be warning screen on both option so people have to comfirm before they do somehting stupid.
I believe this solution for please both camps. Survivor can be tranfered to peoples mains so it maters when gw2 comes along. It also doesn't cheapen the title, they person has to earn it with a brand new character, and also doesn't make the title account wide which also would cheapen it. I also beleive this should be applied to LDoA.
Only problem i see is for people who already displayed this title in teh HoM, so if this is implimented, they should remove the statue so they can have the choice.
Thank you would reading my suggestion, and please leave comments to make it better.
edit: Additions added by suggestion, possiblity of making the heart only work on characters with the same primary and birthplace. Also apply to LDoA without the restriction.
So far the idea have been seen positive, usually there more people who disagrees with survivor changes, i wonder what their views are.
The Cold One
I think it would be easier to make a new title actually.
Destro Maniak
HEll yea this is a good idea.
This way the survivor title wouldnt be cheapened. It only would be able to transfer the works to our main char. We would start a new char, obtain legendery surv with it, then transfer to other char. No one that got legendery survivor can whine cause we would be suffered from all the troubles as they did. I think very good idea
HEll yea this is a good idea.
This way the survivor title wouldnt be cheapened. It only would be able to transfer the works to our main char. We would start a new char, obtain legendery surv with it, then transfer to other char. No one that got legendery survivor can whine cause we would be suffered from all the troubles as they did. I think very good idea
You sir, deserve a medal. GG!
Obviously, this is a great idea since survivor is easy enough to get atm but old characters have never had a chance to gain it. Would be pretty nice to get an easy maxed title on my main characters.
Obviously, this is a great idea since survivor is easy enough to get atm but old characters have never had a chance to gain it. Would be pretty nice to get an easy maxed title on my main characters.
great idea........gimme!!!(even though i already have leg survivor)
great idea........gimme!!!(even though i already have leg survivor)
Destro Maniak
Originally Posted by Kyrein
great idea........gimme!!!(even though i already have leg survivor) |

The Bard
if this idea makes it into the game I'll buy you a set of armor!
if this idea makes it into the game I'll buy you a set of armor!

I don't think its a good idea, but I wouldn't mind getting another maxed title on my main. This would at least make people earn the title still.
I don't think its a good idea, but I wouldn't mind getting another maxed title on my main. This would at least make people earn the title still.
I like it. Decent idea, and let's me get a max title on my main.
I like it. Decent idea, and let's me get a max title on my main.
Zahr Dalsk
It is a great idea, and would let us all farm Survivor on Paragons or Rangers and then switch it to our main characters.
This is actually the first time I have liked a Survivor idea, I was comming here expecting some half-baked idea but this is actually pretty great. It won't take away from the achievement of it, since only one char will gain the benefit, and older characters can get it. You still will need to work on one char to get the original title to, very good idea. PLUS! It would finally put an end to all the QQ let me get Survivor on my old char /cry threads (though this is not one).
/signed for sure, a very good idea!
/signed for sure, a very good idea!
Just make it so if you get 1337.5k xp at once without dying, you get survivor.
The only people against it are elitists with the title that don't want their e-peens shrunk.
The only people against it are elitists with the title that don't want their e-peens shrunk.
Originally Posted by Kanyatta
Just make it so if you get 1337.5k xp at once without dying, you get survivor.
The only people against it are elitists with the title that don't want their e-peens shrunk. |
Vale Todo
/not signed
This is fraud and the character didn't deserve it. Just make a second Legendary title for those of us who have death in between.
This is fraud and the character didn't deserve it. Just make a second Legendary title for those of us who have death in between.
but is it the player that deserves it, or the character they were playing on at the time?
How does the character not deserve it, theres no skill in boxing for a couple hours and it would be equally as easy to box on your main character anyway.
nice idea
really hope this makes it into the game

OK, so now LDOA and Legendary Survivor ARENT mutually exclusive. Both of which take no skill. Now everybody would just go out, make some profession that has a 100% chance of getting Legendary Survivor, make a second that has no chance (or very slim chance) at all to get LDOA, and wow lookee here. As Blu said, "Would be pretty nice to get an easy maxed title on my main characters."
Easy maxed title. That's all the people care about. All you people who whine about not having a maxed Survivor title are no-good people who play the game JUST to max titles out and walk around thinking "Lookee me, I'm leeter than you 'cause I got more titles." No.
And you people who say "I want it because I think it's skillful and I want other people to think I'm skillful." Again, no. Do you walk around in a town and put your cursor on peoples names and see "Oh skidily doo, look at that person he has legendary survivor he's uber skill3d!" No, you dont. And at the rare occasion somebody does walk into your cursor space and you see the title and go "That cheating scum didn't earn it he farmed it."
Don't be hypocrites.
Easy maxed title. That's all the people care about. All you people who whine about not having a maxed Survivor title are no-good people who play the game JUST to max titles out and walk around thinking "Lookee me, I'm leeter than you 'cause I got more titles." No.
And you people who say "I want it because I think it's skillful and I want other people to think I'm skillful." Again, no. Do you walk around in a town and put your cursor on peoples names and see "Oh skidily doo, look at that person he has legendary survivor he's uber skill3d!" No, you dont. And at the rare occasion somebody does walk into your cursor space and you see the title and go "That cheating scum didn't earn it he farmed it."
Don't be hypocrites.
/Signed, though I'd really prefer to do the actual work on my main instead of nursing some other character up to it.
Numa Pompilius
I'd prefer for the title to be renamed "avoider of combat".
Truth in advertising, and all that...
Truth in advertising, and all that...
Diddy bow
Yet another reason just to make all the titles account wide...
Yet another reason just to make all the titles account wide...
What can I say? Couldn't have come up with a better idea myself :P:
What can I say? Couldn't have come up with a better idea myself :P:
dread pirate fargus
signed, good idea, not half assed like most of the similar ideas, it doesnt cheapen the title, just gives us another chance at it on our main charas

I just re-read it and it does make sense, give everyone an equal chance at this title on their main char. It doesn't take a ton of skill after all, just scrolls and boxing
I just re-read it and it does make sense, give everyone an equal chance at this title on their main char. It doesn't take a ton of skill after all, just scrolls and boxing
Charlotte the Harlot
Doesn't seem like it has downsides for anyone really and a chance to get another max title is nice.
Doesn't seem like it has downsides for anyone really and a chance to get another max title is nice.
Shayne Hawke
I may have missed something, but I want to make clear that I don't believe it would be fair to utilize this option multiple times with the same character (as if someone would want to anyways). Once a character makes a Heart of Transference, their Survivor options should be gone again.
I may have missed something, but I want to make clear that I don't believe it would be fair to utilize this option multiple times with the same character (as if someone would want to anyways). Once a character makes a Heart of Transference, their Survivor options should be gone again.
/Signed 100 times
T N Player
/signed love the idea
The Lost Explorer
Best suggestion towards survivor title changes.
Best suggestion towards survivor title changes.
I agree with the idea, but think it should be for all non-account wide titles.
Originally Posted by Kanyatta
Just make it so if you get 1337.5k xp at once without dying, you get survivor.
Cyclades of Knossos
I REALLY like this idea.
There's just one problem...
What if your character already has the death leveled Defender of Ascalon title?
Then you'd give that character a Survivor's Heart.
That character would get both titles?
There's just one problem...
What if your character already has the death leveled Defender of Ascalon title?
Then you'd give that character a Survivor's Heart.
That character would get both titles?
Originally Posted by Cyclades of Knossos
I REALLY like this idea.
There's just one problem... What if your character already has the death leveled Defender of Ascalon title? Then you'd give that character a Survivor's Heart. That character would get both titles? |
I suggested doing the same treatment to LDoA, mb call it the "Shield of Tranferance" because it being a Defender title.
Mostly my drive for this is the fact that HoM is nto account based, and it seem benefits will only be gotten through one character feats. I, and i'm sure many others, have their first character that they teasured and have most achievements on, and then made a secondary characters to get survivor seeing how their Main couldn't. I would like this achievement on my alt to count for something when GW2 comes along, and this solution allows that to happen.
everything relative has been said.
everything relative has been said.
mostly because this is a very important issue - fairness for everyone, so old players don't get disadvantaged.
For even more fairness I'd add additional requirememt - the heart has to come from a character of the same Profession and continent of birth - so the player has to actually replay the beginning of life of the gimped char and not create a farming monkey to farm survivors for all other chars. Yes, the character giving his/her heart should DIE (have the surv bar removed, not just emptied)
The same could apply to LDoA but with keeping the restriction of LDoA and Survivor being mutually exclusive (a character with LDoA shouldn't be able to use the Survivor Heart, and a Survivor(1+) shouldn't be able to use the LDoA one)
But there is need and room for improvement - the achievements of LDoA and Survivor should matter, even if it's on an odd char that has no other titles. Which is why I'd rather see improvements to the general achievement aggregation mechanics - Kind of a Big Deal title track should count unique max'ed titles on the account, so a character that's not LDoA can't display it but the title still counts. And obviously HoM should undebatably be account based, so even if your favorite character has never been able to achieve one of those titles, and won't display them, he can still see the monuments in the common HoM belonging to the whole 'family'.
mostly because this is a very important issue - fairness for everyone, so old players don't get disadvantaged.
For even more fairness I'd add additional requirememt - the heart has to come from a character of the same Profession and continent of birth - so the player has to actually replay the beginning of life of the gimped char and not create a farming monkey to farm survivors for all other chars. Yes, the character giving his/her heart should DIE (have the surv bar removed, not just emptied)
The same could apply to LDoA but with keeping the restriction of LDoA and Survivor being mutually exclusive (a character with LDoA shouldn't be able to use the Survivor Heart, and a Survivor(1+) shouldn't be able to use the LDoA one)
But there is need and room for improvement - the achievements of LDoA and Survivor should matter, even if it's on an odd char that has no other titles. Which is why I'd rather see improvements to the general achievement aggregation mechanics - Kind of a Big Deal title track should count unique max'ed titles on the account, so a character that's not LDoA can't display it but the title still counts. And obviously HoM should undebatably be account based, so even if your favorite character has never been able to achieve one of those titles, and won't display them, he can still see the monuments in the common HoM belonging to the whole 'family'.
Destro Maniak
WEll I really hope anet would make this posible but this probably isnt coiming to be true because this would take alot of time and anet only cares about gw2.
This would be great.
Or perhaps 'Legendary dwarvern Boxer'?
This would be great.
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
I'd prefer for the title to be renamed "avoider of combat".
Shayne Hawke
Originally Posted by Shadowmoon
Yes he would, but LDoA and LS were not always mutually exclusive. At least one person has both titles, a quick forum search would display this screen shot of both title, and how he did it.
I suggested doing the same treatment to LDoA, mb call it the "Shield of Tranferance" because it being a Defender title. |
But now that I think about it, this isn't a problem. If they willingly put into the game a way of making LDoA and LS not exclusive from each other, other people can't complain if they don't have Prophecies. That would be the same as someone that only have Factions and Prophecies complaining that they can't have SS and LB.
Transfer of the LDoA title might break the whole meaning of the title, but I don't suppose you can have transfer of LS without transfer of LDoA.
/Signed. Nice idea.
I do however have 1 additional limitation I'd like to see implemented along with this. Survivor can only be transferred from "like" characters. For example my survivor experience heart can only be transferred from Warrior to Warrior or from Assassin to Assassin, etc.
I've seen other threads where people complain, "well sure, you earned survivor on your backline Elementalist, now try earning it on a frontline warrior"
I do however have 1 additional limitation I'd like to see implemented along with this. Survivor can only be transferred from "like" characters. For example my survivor experience heart can only be transferred from Warrior to Warrior or from Assassin to Assassin, etc.
I've seen other threads where people complain, "well sure, you earned survivor on your backline Elementalist, now try earning it on a frontline warrior"