Originally Posted by Savio
E-denial was never a viable PvE tactic because monsters can't run out of energy. Feel free to try something else to troll about.
Monsters do run out of energy if you force them to... which the DoA famine/smite is built off of (and the Urgoz Smite farming builds).
Besides that, before this thread became a pissing contest, the trivium is still in effect.
Having said that, is it me, or have I been seeing a ton of warriors drifting from good ol' tanking and becoming the damage dealing beasts they should be?
I am in an Elite PvE guild (and Elite meaning we do nothing else but Hard Mode everything... including FoW, UW, Urgoz, Deep, etc...) and we have players that play every profession. I am also familiar with running with every character class.
If anyone here has stated that it takes no intelligence to play a class (choose one)... you are absolutely right. Anyone can create any character and screw it up and make it look retarded and unusable. After running with people with intelligence running varying classes... I have concluded the following...
Play with a retarded monk long enough and you think that all monks suck...
Play with a really good monk and you think they are easy to play with...
Play with a retarded assassin and you think that all assassins suck...
Play with a really good assassin and you think they are easy to play with...
Same goes for mesmers, rangers, elementalists, paragons, etc...
I see a lot of people who don't accept sins, paragons, dervishes, or mesmers into their parties because they are only looking for Monks, Nukers, and Tanks. ... which some of us older players know has been the unbroken trivium in all of gaming.
In short, players with intelligence play any character class and find the utility in them. Hence, the constant nerfing of skills and builds.
Anyone who calls a Ranger a moderate damage dealer hasn't been on the oppossing side of a spiking crip ranger...
Anyone who calls a sin easy to play hasn't played with one that has no intelligence and runs into mobs arbitrarily. That same assassin then gets mad at the monks because they don't heal him fast enough.
People with intelligence generally know that a warrior can "tank" more damage, not because they have been traditionally called tanks, but because the mechanics of the friggin system are that warriors have the most armor. Doesn't mean they are tanks, or that their soul purpose is to just hold aggro, but it means that they are more resilient to damage. Understood?
Anyone here who engages in any kind of pissing contest about which profession sucks and which is the uber leetage, needs to do two things...
Play another profession in both PvE and PvP and test it for yourself. Become leet at it and utilize the classes as they are designed, and not throw UB on and swear you are a great sin in PvE.
Make educated opinion on topics like mesmers, i.e. play one, or play with one consistently, then comment on it.
Well over half the people in this forum suffer from PvXwikitis... a very common disease that originally helps noobs, but sometimes lingers in veteran players, crippling their minds and making them conformists that snap at anyone who doesn't run their build because they are unfamiliar with it and don't understand how it works.