Feedback about the Event..
Fun, I liked the rollerbeetle racing, although, only when I won of course.
I'm normally a huge supporter of the holiday events, but I was particularly let down by this one.
The decorations were nice, there were lots of things to do, and the new Party title is cool, but the crate 'o fireworks, while something new, was a bit of a let down due to its 1-time use. I enjoy collecting minipets, and as such, I'm really disappointed that they were limited to the lucky/rich/farmers -- unless you got lucky with lunar fortunes and got lucky by hoarding minipigs from last year, were independently wealthy, or had the time/patience to farm enough money/fortunes/etc., you weren't getting either of them. One of the fun things about events (or at least afterwards) is having a way to show you were there, but the fireworks and the reused mask don't do this. The only thing left then would be the minipets, but they were too dificult to obtain (at least as part of the festival). Hopefully the prices will come down in the future.
Score: C-
- Rollerbeatle was fun again (sure there's the lag, but the box camping fix was great and at least we weren't being screwed out of a decent chance of getting a mini like with the Greased Lightning...)
- Activities/Quests
- New Party Title
- 2 new minipets
- Reused hat from last year (minor complaint here though -- to be fair, you can only do so much with a lion/dragon theme)
- 5:1 ratio for celestial pig. This was simply absurb. It rewarded hoarding and encourages more of it in the future. Should not have been more than 2:1 or even 1:1.
- Extremely low chance for celestial rat - personally I went through about 200 lunar fortunes without getting 1 rat, and others have reported even worse results - what was up with that? I could understand it if they also gave one out at the end of each finale like last year, but they didn't...
- Crate of fireworks guildhall-only and 1-time use. I understand the guildhall-only part... the lag and what not would be pretty crazy if people were bombing these in LA d1 etc, etc., but they should have at least been everlasting.
The decorations were nice, there were lots of things to do, and the new Party title is cool, but the crate 'o fireworks, while something new, was a bit of a let down due to its 1-time use. I enjoy collecting minipets, and as such, I'm really disappointed that they were limited to the lucky/rich/farmers -- unless you got lucky with lunar fortunes and got lucky by hoarding minipigs from last year, were independently wealthy, or had the time/patience to farm enough money/fortunes/etc., you weren't getting either of them. One of the fun things about events (or at least afterwards) is having a way to show you were there, but the fireworks and the reused mask don't do this. The only thing left then would be the minipets, but they were too dificult to obtain (at least as part of the festival). Hopefully the prices will come down in the future.
Score: C-
The event failed for me due to the extreme lag. I kept getting err7 after 10min~ sessions of lag and was only able to do one feast.
I got a Rat on my 10th fortune but want another for my other main's HoM. Guess I have to pay 30k for one or take my chances with fortunes.

Originally Posted by ValaOfTheFens
Th I got a Rat on my 10th fortune but want another for my other main's HoM. Guess I have to pay 30k for one or take my chances with fortunes.
I'm happy a guildy gave me one of their extras
Mercy's Mirror
I had several ingredients stashed on a mule from last year...but I got together with some guildies and some folks in my alliance and we farmed our butts off so we could make sure we had everything to keep the chefs in our chosen district well-stocked.
It was great fun! I had the chance to get to know some allies I didn't know very well prior to this weekend, so in that respect, it was a success and a whole lot of fun. Plus, our alliance was able to 'sponsor' a district on two different feasts as well as help out with two other feasts, something that I think helped bring us together as well.
As for the rats, I never managed to get one out of a fortune, but I was fortunate enough to have a guildie give me one of hers.
So no real complaints here. Sometimes it's more about the ride than the destination...and I rather enjoyed mine.
It was great fun! I had the chance to get to know some allies I didn't know very well prior to this weekend, so in that respect, it was a success and a whole lot of fun. Plus, our alliance was able to 'sponsor' a district on two different feasts as well as help out with two other feasts, something that I think helped bring us together as well.
As for the rats, I never managed to get one out of a fortune, but I was fortunate enough to have a guildie give me one of hers.
So no real complaints here. Sometimes it's more about the ride than the destination...and I rather enjoyed mine.

Godo th great
I know this has been used before but somehow it is the only way I can put.
Last year I had a blast running around collecting all of the feast items so our guild could sponsor a District. I think there was only 4 of us doing this but it was fun and it felt good knowing we would insure that everyone in our guild that wanted a mini (they were a bigger deal at the time) would get one. I still have screen shots of a big chunk of our guild in group poses on the steps of Shing Jea wearing our masks. It felt like a festival. Like everyone else I got rid of most of my extra mini pigs after the event because (like above... minis were a bigger deal then and new players appreciated being able to get their hands on one).
This year I went to the first event and got the fireworks crates (3 pts?). I feel sorry for bigger guilds as our smallish guild were disappointed in only one of us could get rid of the storage slot waste one at a time. Once my other guildies got on and saw what they received for the event (9 rings afk). We decided to do an underworld run instead of going to the festival event. Notice anything? Last year we were actively participating in the event proceedings and this year we ignored it and went and did something else instead. Basically because we were sick of the festival as a whole. I went through Fortunes from 11 characters (that's how many red dyes I have in my inventory) 1 mini rat. I bought one for my son for 25K. It would have been nice to save some of those fortunes for throughout the year but hey I was trying to save myself from buying a rat for the kid. The one nice thing though was at least I knew what I had to do to get one. The monster drop rate on the Lunar fortunes was an utter joke.
I guess what I'm trying to say is the event was a big let down due to the fact that last year's event was so much fun. You had a tough road in front of you for this years event (last year you gave away a mini to the whole community). The biggest mistake I see is you let someone tell you that was wrong. I can't say I am going to do anything drastic like stop playing the game or anything. I'm not ready to stop playing and what are my alternatives? WoW (prescription needed no thank you), LotRo (don't know alot about), god help you if there is a viable alternative by the time GW2 comes out, because like your recent actions...I as well feel no loyalty towards this game at all anymore.
Last year I had a blast running around collecting all of the feast items so our guild could sponsor a District. I think there was only 4 of us doing this but it was fun and it felt good knowing we would insure that everyone in our guild that wanted a mini (they were a bigger deal at the time) would get one. I still have screen shots of a big chunk of our guild in group poses on the steps of Shing Jea wearing our masks. It felt like a festival. Like everyone else I got rid of most of my extra mini pigs after the event because (like above... minis were a bigger deal then and new players appreciated being able to get their hands on one).
This year I went to the first event and got the fireworks crates (3 pts?). I feel sorry for bigger guilds as our smallish guild were disappointed in only one of us could get rid of the storage slot waste one at a time. Once my other guildies got on and saw what they received for the event (9 rings afk). We decided to do an underworld run instead of going to the festival event. Notice anything? Last year we were actively participating in the event proceedings and this year we ignored it and went and did something else instead. Basically because we were sick of the festival as a whole. I went through Fortunes from 11 characters (that's how many red dyes I have in my inventory) 1 mini rat. I bought one for my son for 25K. It would have been nice to save some of those fortunes for throughout the year but hey I was trying to save myself from buying a rat for the kid. The one nice thing though was at least I knew what I had to do to get one. The monster drop rate on the Lunar fortunes was an utter joke.
I guess what I'm trying to say is the event was a big let down due to the fact that last year's event was so much fun. You had a tough road in front of you for this years event (last year you gave away a mini to the whole community). The biggest mistake I see is you let someone tell you that was wrong. I can't say I am going to do anything drastic like stop playing the game or anything. I'm not ready to stop playing and what are my alternatives? WoW (prescription needed no thank you), LotRo (don't know alot about), god help you if there is a viable alternative by the time GW2 comes out, because like your recent actions...I as well feel no loyalty towards this game at all anymore.
Originally Posted by dark eliminator
I realy think its a realy Bad Event.
(1) no rewards, need Victory Tokens and you get onl Lunar. (2)no Token Farming.They Nerfed it. (3)All ppl Selling those pigs... realy realy bad...when they nerfed the Token Farming, they nerfed the fun fom the event. what do u think? Update: For Anet(Gaile Gray or anyone else) look on the Feedbacks..your Event was really really a Big Disappointment. And your "Final reward" the one you "built" on it the Fireworks for 10 Min...its an idiot prize...use only in GH , only 3 pts for the title. -the High Pings in the Rollerbeetle Racing.. -the idiot 9 ring game you activated it 100000 times. ===Sorry:========= ----You Failed----- ================= |
It was a joke. And it was ironic. It will be made up to us on Easter...yeah...
It was the Year Of The Pack Rat: thus the 5 pigs = 1 pig event.
It was the Canthan *New* Year: Thus the irony of getting the same old mask as last year.
See, they made a funny. It will be ok, they will fix this next time...yep.
I think it was a good idea and had lots of lols. All us status craving players got a good wakeup call. I'm sick and tired of minis being valued by how rare they are. Some rare minis do look great, however a mini panda looks in my opinion like a turd on legs. None of you elitist wanted the pigs. "Give them to the noobs, they are wortless." Right back at you. Tumbs up to anet for this idea. The noobs finaly got to score: "wts mini ded/ und pig 25k each!" Peching. And the pig goes to: elitists pullout your wallets.
Most ppl with money bought 5 pigs at 15-25k each from noobs to get the celestial pig. Look at it this way: instead of giving away a worthless pig to a noob, this year we elitists opend our heart and wallets to them and gave them hard currency for the pigs. Now thats a great gesture; so dont WHINE cause it cost you this time. Me included.
I held on to my unded min pig all year long, and dedicated it in my hall of monuments just past monday. Sold it to a noob for 1k on wednesday, and bougt 5 new pigs at 20k each on friday. Now thats irony at its best. Lol's all the way.
The crate of fireworks idea was crap. I never visit my guildhall.
And the mask? Blah. Shows just how concerned anet is with gw1.
Overall tumbs up. Had some good laughs. "wtb ded/ und mini pigs pls wisp me!"
added some text.
Most ppl with money bought 5 pigs at 15-25k each from noobs to get the celestial pig. Look at it this way: instead of giving away a worthless pig to a noob, this year we elitists opend our heart and wallets to them and gave them hard currency for the pigs. Now thats a great gesture; so dont WHINE cause it cost you this time. Me included.
I held on to my unded min pig all year long, and dedicated it in my hall of monuments just past monday. Sold it to a noob for 1k on wednesday, and bougt 5 new pigs at 20k each on friday. Now thats irony at its best. Lol's all the way.
The crate of fireworks idea was crap. I never visit my guildhall.
And the mask? Blah. Shows just how concerned anet is with gw1.
Overall tumbs up. Had some good laughs. "wtb ded/ und mini pigs pls wisp me!"
added some text.
Sparks Dawnbringer
I think if you got 10 lunar fortunes and 10 prize bags. Maybe it would be worth while to farm for ingredients. And if your circle on the rings wins you could get a lunar token.
Originally Posted by isildorbiafra
I think it was a good idea and had lots of lols. All you status craving players washedup empty handed. I'm sick and tired of minis being valued by how rare they are. Some rare minis do look great, but a mini panda looks like a turd on legs. None of you elitist wanted the pigs. "Give them to the noobs, they are wortless." Right back at you. Tumbs up to anet for this idea. The noobs finaly got to score: "wts mini ded/ und pig 25k each!" Peching. And the pig goes to: elitist pullout your wallets.
The crate of fireworks idea was crap. I never visit my guildhall. And the mask? Blah. Shows just how concerned anet is with gw1. Overall tumbs up. Had some good laughs. "wtb ded/ und mini pigs pls wisp me!" |
I have 6 mini pigs across 11 toons. I did not choose to trade them in for the celestial.
I valued the mini pigs from day one, so much so that I think it's BS that I should have to turn them over , even one of them, for anything.
Anyone who turned over the mini-pigs for celestial pigs are the ones who are , how did you put it..."status craving players".
There is no honor or status in owning a Celestial Mini Pig because the only way to get them is by devaluing and giving away to an NPC, (not even another player) the mini-pigs we were given as gifts.
So you're bragging thatyou got money or a celestial pig? Because either way, those are both about the thing you seem to disdain = "status".
i was a little disappointed with it!
i helped out low level guildies get there tokens and in the mean time i gained 1000+ Lunar Tokens myself, sadly no mini celestial rat for me.
i only had 1 mini pig from last year, i had given mini pigs to guildies that missed the 2007 event so no mini celestial pig either oh well no matter.
Party Animal title is cool..
fireworks would of been better if it were reusable eg double click to start fireworks and double click to stop and only one per character.
IMO i think a Rat Mask would of been cooler than rerun of Lion Mask..
but overall the festival was still entertaining and i still had lots of fun.
i helped out low level guildies get there tokens and in the mean time i gained 1000+ Lunar Tokens myself, sadly no mini celestial rat for me.
i only had 1 mini pig from last year, i had given mini pigs to guildies that missed the 2007 event so no mini celestial pig either oh well no matter.
Party Animal title is cool..
fireworks would of been better if it were reusable eg double click to start fireworks and double click to stop and only one per character.
IMO i think a Rat Mask would of been cooler than rerun of Lion Mask..
but overall the festival was still entertaining and i still had lots of fun.

i was most disappointed with the finale
Spent over 6 hours with two people to gather two of all ingredients, and there's hardly any gratitude from the people, they only go OMG GIEF UR INGREDIENTS NOW GIMME STUFF LOL, as in ordering us around while reaping the rewards, while they contribute nothing.
There really should be a reward for the people that spent half a day gathering the items, and all the people that did nothing should be turned into rats and get nothing! GRR.
Stupid event, it's just another money sink for the super rich to get titles. You're not going to get drunkard/sweettooth/party/lucky/unlucky if you don't have at least 15mil to burn.
There really should be a reward for the people that spent half a day gathering the items, and all the people that did nothing should be turned into rats and get nothing! GRR.
Stupid event, it's just another money sink for the super rich to get titles. You're not going to get drunkard/sweettooth/party/lucky/unlucky if you don't have at least 15mil to burn.
Even the PvE quests were THE EXACT SAME as last year.
Same hats too.
To me only good things about the festival = Dragon Arena.
Same hats too.
To me only good things about the festival = Dragon Arena.
Originally Posted by Shakkara
Spent over 6 hours with two people to gather two of all ingredients, and there's hardly any gratitude from the people, they only go OMG GIEF UR INGREDIENTS NOW GIMME STUFF LOL, as in ordering us around while reaping the rewards, while they contribute nothing.
There really should be a reward for the people that spent half a day gathering the items, and all the people that did nothing should be turned into rats and get nothing! GRR. Stupid event, it's just another money sink for the super rich to get titles. You're not going to get drunkard/sweettooth/party/lucky/unlucky if you don't have at least 15mil to burn. |
They either need to make it easier to farm, or make the end reward better.
Overall, it wasn't revolutionary, it was mostly the same stuff as last year but with rats instead. That being said I found the event overall to be rather fun.
The whole mini pig thing that caused oh so much whining really dosen't bother me much, I was never really a fan of mini porkers to begin with. And the low rate of mini rats means that anet won't have to make a collector for rats next year to balance the whole worth of the mini's out or something.
Dragon Dodgeball, and Beetle Racing are the most fun festival games Imo and I was glad to see them back, personally i wish there could be racing open all year but I degress.
I love the crate of fireworks, anyone who's ever been in a guild where you have get togethers at the GH sees the value in these things. Not to mention it's a great way to celebrate after some hard fought GvG wins.
All in all, I really really enjoyed the event, it wasn't groundbreaking but it was fun.
The whole mini pig thing that caused oh so much whining really dosen't bother me much, I was never really a fan of mini porkers to begin with. And the low rate of mini rats means that anet won't have to make a collector for rats next year to balance the whole worth of the mini's out or something.
Dragon Dodgeball, and Beetle Racing are the most fun festival games Imo and I was glad to see them back, personally i wish there could be racing open all year but I degress.
I love the crate of fireworks, anyone who's ever been in a guild where you have get togethers at the GH sees the value in these things. Not to mention it's a great way to celebrate after some hard fought GvG wins.
All in all, I really really enjoyed the event, it wasn't groundbreaking but it was fun.
as for me.... since the day i bought GW this is the first time i have never participated in any portion of a holiday event. Says something about the game in my opinion....or atleast my "view" of the game. Anet should really try to push the GW2 keep dedicated players interested in the GW world. There are no reason's to participate in GW much anymore...and my wife thanks you for that atleast...but i don't.... All there is to do up money to spend on titles or minipets. There are no pugs...there are no "new" players trying to get through missions/outposts that appreciate help, rather than just doing it for them.... Give us something to do in GW....something to achieve....something nonstatic....
Originally Posted by Coridan
as for me.... since the day i bought GW this is the first time i have never participated in any portion of a holiday event. Says something about the game in my opinion....or atleast my "view" of the game. Anet should really try to push the GW2 keep dedicated players interested in the GW world. There are no reason's to participate in GW much anymore...and my wife thanks you for that atleast...but i don't.... All there is to do up money to spend on titles or minipets. There are no pugs...there are no "new" players trying to get through missions/outposts that appreciate help, rather than just doing it for them.... Give us something to do in GW....something to achieve....something nonstatic....
I remember when the titles thing first started and there weren't that many around. I'm not sure how it exploded to so many.
1. Have the minipet given out with the festival hat, or have an npc that takes a certain number of lunar tokens for the minipet. (A reasonable number that you can get with one set of quests.) You want to avoid people having to repeat the same thing over and over in the hopes of getting a minipet. You also don't want to discourage them from participating in the other activities by making one of them too difficult to obtain.
2. Have the fireworks be everlasting and used in guild halls. You can remove the party animal points from them if you do this. Would be fun to use these at guild hall parties.
3. Let everyone know if the ingredient list isn't going to change from year to year. If it does change, let them know at least a month ahead of time.
1. Have the minipet given out with the festival hat, or have an npc that takes a certain number of lunar tokens for the minipet. (A reasonable number that you can get with one set of quests.) You want to avoid people having to repeat the same thing over and over in the hopes of getting a minipet. You also don't want to discourage them from participating in the other activities by making one of them too difficult to obtain.
2. Have the fireworks be everlasting and used in guild halls. You can remove the party animal points from them if you do this. Would be fun to use these at guild hall parties.
3. Let everyone know if the ingredient list isn't going to change from year to year. If it does change, let them know at least a month ahead of time.
Red Sonya
I thought the event was just excellent and glad Anet chose to nerf those things that needed to be nerfed to stop exploiting the things that shouldn't be exploited. GREAT JOB ANET I hope you continue to do these things next year as well.

Was choppy and reused the events and quests from before. Expected and forgiven. Since the events are pretty fun (go beetles) even with exploits and glitches. But had wanted some things to be different.
Like the hat. Couldn't anet even be bothered making the smallest change? Exact same hat was disappointing. Though, does this mean anet is willing to allow older hats to be given out? I was away at the pumpkin hat event so missed it, maybe I can get it this halloween?
The reward for hunting down ingredients from the far reaches of all creation (and loot scaling does not help getting white collectors stuff) being one lunar token was also pretty lame. Though the drop rate of lunar tokens was also pretty lame (must have killed a couple hundred things and only ever got two tokens to drop) so maybe anet thought that was a rare reward.
The two new mini's were also talked up, but since I only kept the one pig for my hall and gave the rest away to friends/guildies/alliance mates no go for the celestial pig. No worries, is annoying, but I thought I'd at least get a rat. Used up over 500 of my own tokens for fortunes and no rat. Got angry and went and bought tokens off other people. Very stupid. Went through over 400 fortunes and no rat. Frankly, would have been better off just selling my tokens and farming elsewhere and then buying the rat and the pig. And would have had change leftover. So no new mini's for me without buying them.
And the secret reward after farming all those ingredients? Five crates of fire works which will be used up in no time. Gee, what a great gift. I really would have missed this if anet hadn't given it to me.
So overall the event? I could simply not have come and gotten the only two permanent items (the pets) just by buying them, especially since I couldn't get them in the actual event anyway and I already had the hat. That isn't a good thing for an event. So fail. And sure, some will say that anet didn't have to stage this event and I got something rather than nothing, but frankly I'd have rather got my time back and done something else. And saved myself the annoyance to boot.
Like the hat. Couldn't anet even be bothered making the smallest change? Exact same hat was disappointing. Though, does this mean anet is willing to allow older hats to be given out? I was away at the pumpkin hat event so missed it, maybe I can get it this halloween?
The reward for hunting down ingredients from the far reaches of all creation (and loot scaling does not help getting white collectors stuff) being one lunar token was also pretty lame. Though the drop rate of lunar tokens was also pretty lame (must have killed a couple hundred things and only ever got two tokens to drop) so maybe anet thought that was a rare reward.
The two new mini's were also talked up, but since I only kept the one pig for my hall and gave the rest away to friends/guildies/alliance mates no go for the celestial pig. No worries, is annoying, but I thought I'd at least get a rat. Used up over 500 of my own tokens for fortunes and no rat. Got angry and went and bought tokens off other people. Very stupid. Went through over 400 fortunes and no rat. Frankly, would have been better off just selling my tokens and farming elsewhere and then buying the rat and the pig. And would have had change leftover. So no new mini's for me without buying them.
And the secret reward after farming all those ingredients? Five crates of fire works which will be used up in no time. Gee, what a great gift. I really would have missed this if anet hadn't given it to me.
So overall the event? I could simply not have come and gotten the only two permanent items (the pets) just by buying them, especially since I couldn't get them in the actual event anyway and I already had the hat. That isn't a good thing for an event. So fail. And sure, some will say that anet didn't have to stage this event and I got something rather than nothing, but frankly I'd have rather got my time back and done something else. And saved myself the annoyance to boot.
Neo Nugget
I liked it, got my rat on my own without buying it 
These Canthan events just have soooo much to do, i really don't have time to do it all
Other than that, nothing I really didn't like about it. But i guess the dragon festival is a week long

These Canthan events just have soooo much to do, i really don't have time to do it all

Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Damn, it's funny seeing farmer rage! I like the event. Screw titles, screw minipets, and above all SCREW FARMING! |
I can't believe people are essentially saying: "boo hoo, you took out my only way to exploit the game!" I mean people are happily admitting how pathetic they are. scary stuff.
Originally Posted by kazjun
No worries, is annoying, but I thought I'd at least get a rat. Used up over 500 of my own tokens for fortunes and no rat. Got angry and went and bought tokens off other people. Very stupid. Went through over 400 fortunes and no rat.
It is a decent event, the lag in Dragon Arena can at times make it unplayable, but still fun. The rewards for the Dragon Arena were pretty weak. 17 in a row streak and had less than 50 tokens for reward that seems a bit off. As for the mini stuff, meh, it is all summed up in the 892374293472938 posts above, opened 300+ fortunes and no rat =[ Such is life.
Eli Rela
I got to lvl 2 in Lucky/Unlucky, got rat from fortunes (one out of 150), very disappointed about lack of new hat, pissed off as I gave away about 11 pigs last year...
I thought it was fun. Pretty much the same, but it is a nice "other" thing to do.
D- for recycled content and same old mask. Plus, I didn't like that it took 5 pigs to get one celestial pig, 2 or 3 should've sufficed. And I didn't like the odds of getting a rat. I went through 200+ fortunes without getting one. And, as always, the lag in towns was terrible. I didn't give it an F because it is still a little fun as long as you don't mind doing the same old thing.
I loved this event. It's best the event to get the alliance going and doing stuff together. We ended up farming enough feast items so we could host 2 districts per feast.
So we all gave a way pets last so what get over. The community last year said it was an epic fail because the PIG were worthless in less then a day. I think they did an awesome job at driving the prices back up. GJ.
This was an awesome event for making the economy in the game move around. Easy to get fireworks and to sell off. Easy enough to buy if you had the cash and to work on the title. People were always hording or throwing away the stuff. The towns had tons of people using this theses at last and made the place come alive... I enjoyed people seeing people set off all the item in the districts.
If you think this event was a fail you weren't trying. Stuff to get to buy or use for a title. A new title to work. PVP mini games. 9 rings to work on lucky title. And the feast rocked if you tried to get into it.
So we all gave a way pets last so what get over. The community last year said it was an epic fail because the PIG were worthless in less then a day. I think they did an awesome job at driving the prices back up. GJ.
This was an awesome event for making the economy in the game move around. Easy to get fireworks and to sell off. Easy enough to buy if you had the cash and to work on the title. People were always hording or throwing away the stuff. The towns had tons of people using this theses at last and made the place come alive... I enjoyed people seeing people set off all the item in the districts.
If you think this event was a fail you weren't trying. Stuff to get to buy or use for a title. A new title to work. PVP mini games. 9 rings to work on lucky title. And the feast rocked if you tried to get into it.
Oh and with the amount of complaints they get even if they make a new hat I don't blame them for recycling.
Sub Frost
Didn't had much time, but did some roller beetle, 1 or 2 dragon arena matches, manage to get a mini celestial on my first 40 fortunes, and got my fireworks+mask.
Overall it was a nice event.
Overall it was a nice event.

For me it was pretty much very meh.
-I missed the lion hat last year, so I was happy to get it this time around
-I couldn't get a rat from an obscene amount of lunar fortunes. For what I opened, most people got 3 or more. I had to pay 20k for one (because I really wanted it), which took away a big chunk of the money I had planned to use for 9 rings
-I would have like to have gotten the celestial warthog (it was cute, and shiny) but didn't have enough money
-The finale gift was disappointing for me. It doesn't have much use for me, and it is a consumable, making it that much worse.
But all in all, it was decent. The finales were good fun even though the end result was slightly disappointing. And I loved the rat parade at the end
-I missed the lion hat last year, so I was happy to get it this time around
-I couldn't get a rat from an obscene amount of lunar fortunes. For what I opened, most people got 3 or more. I had to pay 20k for one (because I really wanted it), which took away a big chunk of the money I had planned to use for 9 rings
-I would have like to have gotten the celestial warthog (it was cute, and shiny) but didn't have enough money
-The finale gift was disappointing for me. It doesn't have much use for me, and it is a consumable, making it that much worse.
But all in all, it was decent. The finales were good fun even though the end result was slightly disappointing. And I loved the rat parade at the end
Ebony Shadowheart
Wow, I guess Anet just shouldn't do events ever, period. It doesn't matter if they bring back one we enjoyed or try doing something entirely new because no one's happy. All you people do is bitch and whine about what's "wrong" with it.
"They took away my xp" "They took away my exploit" "They took away the farmability" "I can't do it because I'm not a high enough level" "Its a reskin" "It doesn't have a good enough reward" "Its based on a minipet"
Is this seriously all you people can see?
Yes, they reused the quests and the hat from last year. I'm bummed about the hat, but I can live with that. People that didn't get one last year can have them now. It's not like you people wear them all the time anyway! Most of us still enjoyed the quests, even though they were repeats. Give Anet a break because they didn't have to give you anything! In all honesty they don't have to do any type of even, yet they do and this is what they get for it.
They gave you a celestial pig if you had enough of the pigs left over from last year. Yes, I'm bummed that it took five (meaning I couldn't get one because I gave mine away), but you don't see me bitching about it! Yes, they gave us a new mini rat and yes it was a LOW possibility (like 1 in 200 chance) of getting it, but they were trying to keep it rare. It's gold after all.
If you don't like minipets, well that's your right, go do whatever you would normally do on a weekend, or you could get the mini and sell it to someone that does want it. It's not like there's nothing else to do. ToA was still packed, missions were still being done and I'm sure people were still PvP'ing.
"Winning" a district gave us money, alcohol, sweets, fireworks, and a chuckle yet all you people do is bitch and bitch some more. Yes, there were things that bummed me out about the event too, but it's not anywhere near as bad as most you are whining about.
"They took away my xp" "They took away my exploit" "They took away the farmability" "I can't do it because I'm not a high enough level" "Its a reskin" "It doesn't have a good enough reward" "Its based on a minipet"
Is this seriously all you people can see?
Yes, they reused the quests and the hat from last year. I'm bummed about the hat, but I can live with that. People that didn't get one last year can have them now. It's not like you people wear them all the time anyway! Most of us still enjoyed the quests, even though they were repeats. Give Anet a break because they didn't have to give you anything! In all honesty they don't have to do any type of even, yet they do and this is what they get for it.
They gave you a celestial pig if you had enough of the pigs left over from last year. Yes, I'm bummed that it took five (meaning I couldn't get one because I gave mine away), but you don't see me bitching about it! Yes, they gave us a new mini rat and yes it was a LOW possibility (like 1 in 200 chance) of getting it, but they were trying to keep it rare. It's gold after all.
If you don't like minipets, well that's your right, go do whatever you would normally do on a weekend, or you could get the mini and sell it to someone that does want it. It's not like there's nothing else to do. ToA was still packed, missions were still being done and I'm sure people were still PvP'ing.
"Winning" a district gave us money, alcohol, sweets, fireworks, and a chuckle yet all you people do is bitch and bitch some more. Yes, there were things that bummed me out about the event too, but it's not anywhere near as bad as most you are whining about.
I had fun with it, only wish I had more time for rollerbeetle racing.
Originally Posted by Ebony Shadowheart
In all honesty they don't have to do any type of even, yet they do and this is what they get for it.
The only negative points about this event really were the celestial minipigs (and only for punishing those who gave to others. No good deed goes unpunished, GG Anet.) and the new title (pointless grind, yet again).
So really, the only bits that I hated were the new bits. Next year just rerun the original festival, sans minipets please.
overall, i like the event. the celestial rat pet was nice. and the the prize for the final event was pretty kool, thou i did wish they would add like a "flesh" skin rat minipet so we can have 1 celestial rat and 1 regular rat but if that happen i guess they will be again too many regular rat. so, i think the fire crates fits the holidays very well. and as for the celestial pig, i loved it, i am probably one of the ppl that actually like the pig and like what anet did with it. cuz i think i remeber ppl from last year complaining that there were too many/it was too common mini pig on these forums, so i think this was pretty kool solution to it. but again ppl complained about it. but i think it was kool cuz anet could just never do anything amout the pig but instead they, imo, did a very nice reskin of it, thou i like them both equally. but one them i wish they did different is make the mask slighty different than last year, but no biggie cuz is great for ppl who missed out last year. any way that my opinion on the event.
Convulsing Crunchy
What was the final gift? I lagged out and I missed the entire Finale...
As usual the event had its good and bad points.
I did enjoy the roller beetle racing even though I'm no good at it, I would find it more fun to bet on results and watch it than crash and burn trying to race myself.
Disappointed the hat was identicle to last years where a slight variation in style would have been nice to tell 2007 from 2008.
What did annoy me was the minipet givaway, given that I have 14 characters and completed the kamadan mission with 13 of them and all the shing jea missions with 10 and didnt get a rat, I am a little dissapointed.
Not sure what the numbers were but I know I blew 549 of last years fortunes to try to boost my 2 minipigs to the 5 needed for the hand in.
549 fortunes gave me 1 extra piggie + loads of money and fireworks.
A similar number 500+ of this years fortunes gave me no rat pet at all.
So forgive me if I indulge myself with a little whining.
God help anyone with just a couple of characters they would be extremely lucky to get a pet.
Gratz to those who got one or both but please come up with something giving a little better chance to get the pets in the future.
edited Forgot to mention I agree with the "Choppy" comment I experienced that and it continued into todays play
I did enjoy the roller beetle racing even though I'm no good at it, I would find it more fun to bet on results and watch it than crash and burn trying to race myself.
Disappointed the hat was identicle to last years where a slight variation in style would have been nice to tell 2007 from 2008.
What did annoy me was the minipet givaway, given that I have 14 characters and completed the kamadan mission with 13 of them and all the shing jea missions with 10 and didnt get a rat, I am a little dissapointed.
Not sure what the numbers were but I know I blew 549 of last years fortunes to try to boost my 2 minipigs to the 5 needed for the hand in.
549 fortunes gave me 1 extra piggie + loads of money and fireworks.
A similar number 500+ of this years fortunes gave me no rat pet at all.
So forgive me if I indulge myself with a little whining.
God help anyone with just a couple of characters they would be extremely lucky to get a pet.
Gratz to those who got one or both but please come up with something giving a little better chance to get the pets in the future.
edited Forgot to mention I agree with the "Choppy" comment I experienced that and it continued into todays play
Originally Posted by enter_the_zone
GW is an MMO (CORPG, w/e) in a flooded market place. They are trying to get their current users to buy GW2, which is being launched into a flooded marketplace. They don't have to do anything, but they'd be bloody stupid not to, given all the competition in their one, very narrow, marketplace.
The only negative points about this event really were the celestial minipigs (and only for punishing those who gave to others. No good deed goes unpunished, GG Anet.) and the new title (pointless grind, yet again). So really, the only bits that I hated were the new bits. Next year just rerun the original festival, sans minipets please. |
The thing is, the events are pretty easy to put together, and I don't think in the long term they effect sales of GW2.
Things I liked about the event:
- No more box camping in rollerbeetle racing
- No more token farming through quest-washing
- No more free minis dropping from the sky
- Attracted a large number of players back to the game and made for fun trading
Things I didn't like about the event:
- Only way to get a Celestial Pig was to trade in little piggies (epic fail)
- No more box camping in rollerbeetle racing
- No more token farming through quest-washing
- No more free minis dropping from the sky
- Attracted a large number of players back to the game and made for fun trading
Things I didn't like about the event:
- Only way to get a Celestial Pig was to trade in little piggies (epic fail)
Personally, hubby and I both had a fabulous time
I enjoyed the hell out of it, blew waaaay too much gold, partied till I fell asleep. I honestly believe no matter what Anet does, people will bitch. Last year people whined pigs were too common, a whine which continued ad nauseum until Friday lol. They can't win here. I try to enjoy a game for the sake of enjoyment. GW is not my life, it's just recreation. I believe in having as much fun in my life as I can possibly cram into whatever time I have. I did this weekend. Complain less, enjoy more. Life's much better that way.