20 Mar 2008 at 15:59 - 1075
And still the Dragon Scythe isn't in yet, or ?, nor the Spear or those nice greenish Daggers...
But didn't anet said, that they implemented yet only the 1st set ? and that a second set of items will follow ?
Its annoying not to know, if somethign is still in the game, that should get implemented, cause players have to find the stuff first -.-
Why can't Anet just tell us, which items were now all implemented and show us a picture of the items, how they look ingame...
More they don't have to tell... find must we then still the stuff, but we would know at leatst, how the stuff looks ingame and if the stuff that someone wants to receive is at least in the game, or if peopel have to wait longer, until the wanted stuff gets implemented...