I blame prophecies for noob builds
Numa Pompilius
One should remember that back in the early prophecies days, not only did people not do the math, but there were no skills except the core skills.
Orizon, just as an example, was considered one of the best self-heals, and enchant removal was weak both in PvE and PvP (that REALLY changed with Factions!). A warrior who wanted a self-heal had to invest in either Tactics (for Signet of Healing) or in a monk or necro line.
As enchant removal was weak, and warriors rarely get spiked (and there were no one-shotting pve bosses either), and warriors don't necessarily have much use for energy, stuff like Mending and Healing Breeze actually weren't too horrible, and definitely beat having no self-heal at all.
Not least considering the monk bars and hench AI of the day.
I wouldn't use them today, though. AI and skills have crept on.
Orizon, just as an example, was considered one of the best self-heals, and enchant removal was weak both in PvE and PvP (that REALLY changed with Factions!). A warrior who wanted a self-heal had to invest in either Tactics (for Signet of Healing) or in a monk or necro line.
As enchant removal was weak, and warriors rarely get spiked (and there were no one-shotting pve bosses either), and warriors don't necessarily have much use for energy, stuff like Mending and Healing Breeze actually weren't too horrible, and definitely beat having no self-heal at all.
Not least considering the monk bars and hench AI of the day.
I wouldn't use them today, though. AI and skills have crept on.
when i started, i made a ranger too, but he wasnt R/Me... he was R/N, made him with a purpose to be MM - then once in Kryta someone told me rangers hould use bows and then i felt stupid(of course it was all few years ago, when i 1st started GW - m8 told me MM's are good and i wanted to try
)... changed too e aters, didnt do similar mistake
not even with monk laters.
But yeh, i did some mission in proph the other day and i was in group with flare/fire storm warrior, he had shield and sword of course, not some staff for more energy :x

But yeh, i did some mission in proph the other day and i was in group with flare/fire storm warrior, he had shield and sword of course, not some staff for more energy :x
The first character in proph I had was a R/Mo. I remember hanging on dearly to pre-searing skills like Penetrating Attack and Point Blank Shot cause I was a hunter and needed to kill stuff, and totally snubbing skills like Distracting Shot (I mean why would I want a skill that does only 14 damage!). I also remember the obligatory Ranger rule of always bringing a pet (with close to no BM), just for having a pet. Those were the days!
However, you do hit a wall in Proph around the desert where you need to take your class to the next level (or get a run, but that's another topic). Those MS Hydras are the ones that forced me to start looking at packing interrupts and using them to prevent the dumb henchies from showering in meteor storms. In that sense, Proph slower character development is better to allow players to learn from their mistakes, than say Factions, where you seem to have to rush to Level 20 with little care for the way you use your skills.
However, you do hit a wall in Proph around the desert where you need to take your class to the next level (or get a run, but that's another topic). Those MS Hydras are the ones that forced me to start looking at packing interrupts and using them to prevent the dumb henchies from showering in meteor storms. In that sense, Proph slower character development is better to allow players to learn from their mistakes, than say Factions, where you seem to have to rush to Level 20 with little care for the way you use your skills.
I don't think it's necessarily one campaign that's to blame, but just folks lazines and unwillingness to try new things.
For example, I just started an Elementalist in Factions. I love being a fire ele so that's the direction I'm going. The first skill I received was Flare. Next I received Firestorm for my first quest. I have both on my bar and those skills PWN the level 2 mantids in Sunqua Vale.
I've since moved on to Minister Cho's estate and added Lava Arrows to my bar. I'm still PWNing all the sickened guards with these skills. These skills are awesome!!!!!!!
After conquering all of Shing Jea island/Istan/Ascalon with Flare, Firestorm and Lava Arrows players tend to get into the mindset that these skills are wonderful and essential to any good fire ele. It's hard to shake that impression.
For example, I just started an Elementalist in Factions. I love being a fire ele so that's the direction I'm going. The first skill I received was Flare. Next I received Firestorm for my first quest. I have both on my bar and those skills PWN the level 2 mantids in Sunqua Vale.
I've since moved on to Minister Cho's estate and added Lava Arrows to my bar. I'm still PWNing all the sickened guards with these skills. These skills are awesome!!!!!!!
After conquering all of Shing Jea island/Istan/Ascalon with Flare, Firestorm and Lava Arrows players tend to get into the mindset that these skills are wonderful and essential to any good fire ele. It's hard to shake that impression.
I, as well, do not think that the campaign is to blame, but rather the people who just never change it, or are simply to lazy.
Originally Posted by jackers1234
thats quite an obnoxious statement there. so you are saying that you never once ran random skills just thrown together, just cos you could?
Yes, I have done it. I was a noob when I did it.
tankity tank
I blame the original premade builds, hamstorm anyone?
Prophecies and Factions hould have used the 'hero trainer' system too.
They should give you her skill points instead of the skills themselves, and then you go to the trainer and choose the ones you want from the list.
They should give you her skill points instead of the skills themselves, and then you go to the trainer and choose the ones you want from the list.
Phaern Majes
The skills in Prophecies were good, when it was just Prophecies. It was with the release of Factions and Nightfall that better choices were made available. So while they might not be all that great now, at the time the game was originally made it was pretty good. You have to remember Factions didn't come out for a year - year and half.
Shayne Hawke
Prophecies is structured in a way that separates good players from bad players. Bad players will just take whatever new skill they get, throw it into their build, and think it works great. Good players will keep track of their skills and slowly shape their build into one that fits their play style and works with them.
That's why I don't like how it's done so much in Nightfall and Factions, as they seem to demand more random skill buying than skill earning.
That's why I don't like how it's done so much in Nightfall and Factions, as they seem to demand more random skill buying than skill earning.
Awex Mafyews
Well all i can remember was running around with my nooby W/N using create bone minion while wielding a shocking war hammer what great times i also thing i had healing signet and and frenzy in my build somewhere, it was soo bad yet soo fun and that was the magic of prophecies you didnt care much about your build because no1 elses was much better.
Originally Posted by bosstweed
Just the other day, I had a similar experience. Finishing Proph, got in a PUG cause I was tired with heros......WARRIOR WITH ETHER FEAST! GAHH!!!!
I blame bad players for noob builds, not the game.
Proph was awesome the amount of bad skills you got in pre was awesome!!!!
Sever art+conjure phant+gash = pwnage
Yup thats what I ran. Its badass when the monks cast a +3 regen healing breeze ^^
Sever art+conjure phant+gash = pwnage
Yup thats what I ran. Its badass when the monks cast a +3 regen healing breeze ^^
Malice Black
Originally Posted by ShadowsRequiem
Proph was awesome the amount of bad skills you got in pre was awesome!!!!
Sever art+conjure phant+gash = pwnage Yup thats what I ran. Its badass when the monks cast a +3 regen healing breeze ^^ |
I quite enjoyed my E/R with his pet lynx.
heh, I used to have some bloody awful builds when I started.
My R/W was a hybrid of bow + sword, then my Mo/E used smiting and air magic with a bit of healing.
Daft thing is, they worked. My ranger got as far as Dragons Lair before I decided to switch to an all bow using build.. happy days.
My R/W was a hybrid of bow + sword, then my Mo/E used smiting and air magic with a bit of healing.
Daft thing is, they worked. My ranger got as far as Dragons Lair before I decided to switch to an all bow using build.. happy days.
Malice Black
The noob days were not all great though. I once seen a Necro using a sword/shield combo, he wasn't even using warrior secondary ::sigh:: This was in Piken though, gave him a few tips, and then sent him on his way. Kind deed of the day +1
Brian Fellow
I love when Wars use Sprint to the mob and outrun everyone then Frenzy + Heal Sig FTW!
I had a bad Warrior/monk Build........... i would use Sprint to run into mobs then cast Retribution...............LOL we were all once noobs.
Prophecies was the best, period. (no need to add anything constructive)
So huh... yeah... I ran bad builds but as I got more skills I improved, I was told why some skills weren't good, I LISTENED and I READ. It's not hard to see why Mending on a warrior isn't good: shatter enchantment on a frontliner? -1 e. regen if you're already using a zealous weapon, plus that it doesn't justify the health regen anyways? I can allocate the points in Healing Prayers in something else, either Tactics or Strenght, to boost my defense therefore not even needing the health regen.
That's how a player improves. He notices by himself or listens to other people giving him tips. You have more skills available as you progress, read 'em, use 'em. Blame the player, not the game.
That's how a player improves. He notices by himself or listens to other people giving him tips. You have more skills available as you progress, read 'em, use 'em. Blame the player, not the game.
The Way Out
In short, you had crap hench (and still do). You had no choice but to modify your freak build to suit all kinds of crap. I still have Ranger builds that have a ton of mesmer skills in them. Or monk builds with offensive skills...
You kind of just faked it until you made it. There was a lot of innovation in how you got through the game. Compared the the build analysts out there now, yes, prophecies was to blame for many WTF are you doing builds now... lol.
You kind of just faked it until you made it. There was a lot of innovation in how you got through the game. Compared the the build analysts out there now, yes, prophecies was to blame for many WTF are you doing builds now... lol.
Originally Posted by The Way Out
In short, you had crap hench (and still do).
I think we all forget about this. Does it really matter that people back in Prophecies had noob builds when they were still better then the Henchmen?
You can take a henchmen, or you can take a noob that still has a better skillbar. Your choice.
Originally Posted by bhavv
I think we all forget about this. Does it really matter that people back in Prophecies had noob builds when they were still better then the Henchmen?
The Way Out
Originally Posted by Yichi
actually, the henchman skillbars from prophecies are still better than 90% of the shit ive seen in this game from people...
Alex Morningstar
I thought it was noobs that caused noob builds, not prophecies that caused noob builds.
I guess I could be wrong.
Having been around the GW block for a little while, I found the game went to new levels of noob when factions came out. Nightfall didn't seem to help, but it at least provided heros.
I guess I could be wrong.
Having been around the GW block for a little while, I found the game went to new levels of noob when factions came out. Nightfall didn't seem to help, but it at least provided heros.
The skill quests in general need to be like that, with a little analysis of how to run the skills effectively imo. 
But Henchmen bars seriously need a change...

But Henchmen bars seriously need a change...
I blame noobs for noob builds.
That's how they learn through exp. They way it should be.
Besides are the other campaigns that differant?
Btw i liked learning through that method. for i dont know howq long i always had flare in my ele bar and never used. just an unused slot. I'm now more concise of skill slots
That's how they learn through exp. They way it should be.
Besides are the other campaigns that differant?
Btw i liked learning through that method. for i dont know howq long i always had flare in my ele bar and never used. just an unused slot. I'm now more concise of skill slots

Mending heals for 6 HP/s, making it 18 hp per energy |
Your tactics defensive skills can easily outperform the 18 healing per energy benefit. A single, intelligent use of a 75% blocking skill can save you from taking HUNDREDS of points of damage for only 5 or 10 energy, or some adrenaline.
On the subject, my first character was a W/Me because at one point in Pre Rurik mentions taking a /Me secondary to do "extra damage" or something to that effect
Stupid storyline.... oddly enough that Warrior, until the last update, turned out to be my main character where I went on to get all my ascended armors, beat the game, do UW/FoW runs, etc.
Thank god for the profession changer....
I love the overuse of Healing Breeze on bad builds... |
Zahr Dalsk
lol, prophecies
Proph was the best it gave us the greatest build evar the W/E Shock axe

I was a really bad player when i started with prophecies. I though i knew how the game works and i was always very eager to make builds that are better than the cookies back then, the build that people were using. I was stupid. I tryed to make builds that can counter everything, both in pvp and pve ;( that was mistake. I made my first warrior W/me just because wammo was the most popular and i wanted to be against it
. that was mistake number 2. There was times i would enter RA with whole 8 mesmer skill bar and i was a warrior... It was very frustrating experience. Thinking about it now, i seem to have been a stupid player back then, BUT.
What im getting at this post is Guild wars would have needed better tutorial to how play your character of choice better!. I mean focus on your main prof skill. warriors kill. monks heal. eles deal dmg and kill on range. rangers interrupt/are counter on casters. mesmer are built to counter something. necros support, things like that.
I always liked how profecies are desingned. How it engourages players in gw for both pvp and pve. look at the desert! its tutorial for pvp!!! in pve. It tryed to make player play pve first and then go hall of heroes or some pvp. I liked that , but i think it was also mistake. players want to focus on pvp or pve or both, I am at the last group.
The thing that affected most on me learning about the game and being better player, was these forums, guild wars guru <3. I read these forums , gladiator discussion, ensing the all knowing posts ect and i learned. Thank you gwg.

What im getting at this post is Guild wars would have needed better tutorial to how play your character of choice better!. I mean focus on your main prof skill. warriors kill. monks heal. eles deal dmg and kill on range. rangers interrupt/are counter on casters. mesmer are built to counter something. necros support, things like that.
I always liked how profecies are desingned. How it engourages players in gw for both pvp and pve. look at the desert! its tutorial for pvp!!! in pve. It tryed to make player play pve first and then go hall of heroes or some pvp. I liked that , but i think it was also mistake. players want to focus on pvp or pve or both, I am at the last group.
The thing that affected most on me learning about the game and being better player, was these forums, guild wars guru <3. I read these forums , gladiator discussion, ensing the all knowing posts ect and i learned. Thank you gwg.
Originally Posted by Alex Morningstar
Having been around the GW block for a little while, I found the game went to new levels of noob when factions came out. Nightfall didn't seem to help, but it at least provided heros.
Witness the ubiquity of healing heroes with NO e-management whatsoever.
You Look Grim
wait...what's wrong with conjure phantasm on a ranger?..
I think prophecies only has bad combos until you've done all the quests that give you skills. I usually go through and get as many free skills I can before I actually go out and buy any. Therefore I usually have a slightly average build until I get to the crystal desert. By then I usually have all my skill and then branch out and develop some better builds.
~ Dan ~
Originally Posted by Yichi
actually, the henchman skillbars from prophecies are still better than 90% of the shit ive seen in this game from people...
Originally Posted by The Way Out
In short, you had crap hench (and still do). You had no choice but to modify your freak build to suit all kinds of crap. I still have Ranger builds that have a ton of mesmer skills in them. Or monk builds with offensive skills...
You kind of just faked it until you made it. There was a lot of innovation in how you got through the game. Compared the the build analysts out there now, yes, prophecies was to blame for many WTF are you doing builds now... lol. |
There is one I detest more than any and that is Stefan.
I found a picture of my first Ranger at lvl 8 (R/E) , probably a few days after getting GW. I had
Power shot
Hunters Shot
Pet Heal
and a Hammer on switch
I had a good chuckle at how stupid I was but then last weekend a Firestorming Beastmaster with Flare chased me around Etnaran keys
Power shot
Hunters Shot
Pet Heal
and a Hammer on switch

I had a good chuckle at how stupid I was but then last weekend a Firestorming Beastmaster with Flare chased me around Etnaran keys

Originally Posted by Age
I would say that we as in Tyrians have better low,mid to high level henchmen castors than than most other camps and Thom and Devona are still good.It is the ones that are around those that aren't great.I would go out at their lvl and put yourself in their shoes(skills no runes) and see how far you get.
There is one I detest more than any and that is Stefan. |