ArenaNet In-game gold sales.
Ritualistof the Mists
Ok I know the new update about buying gold ad I know do to the terms it is wrong, but what about the people that enjoy the game but never have the money to do really anything. I know selling items, running quest, and farming are all good ways to get money but it never makes the amout you need for armor weapons, and other here and there things. I am not saying it is great to spend real money for game money and I do agree to a point with ArenaNet, but if they are going to hunt down the people selling gold Maybe ArenaNet should just think about selling gold for the game on the guild wars store for cheaper like 8.99 for 100k, 12.99 for 200k and so on that way ArenaNet is getting the money that these third party sites are and that would really put them out of buisness and make alot of players happy in return and not think they are doing something really bad. Just like with slots and other items maybe once u buy the money u would get a code on the screen and then u go in on your character and type / and the code and bam there is your money. AREANET THINK ABOUT THIS IT WOULD BE AN AMAZING ADD TO THE GAME
Edited by Celestial Beaver - Title Edited for Clarity.
Edited by Celestial Beaver - Title Edited for Clarity.
Cale Roughstar
How about no? A gigantic slap in the face to everyone who worked for their money.
f a n i t a
wow... did you even read the entire update? its not cause theyre mad theyre not getting the money that its illegal, its because it ruins the game. thousands of people, like myself, have worked hard to get their money in GW n an honest way. if they made it possible to buy gold from the store not only is that punching me in the balls, ut it would ruin, i mean RUIN the economy. you think the economy in GW is shitty now? oh hell no. nothing would have value, armbraces would be 10k, ectos worthless, fow armor the equivalent of regular max armor, everything would go to shit... worst idea ive ever seen... our an idiot, earn money the real way.
Yeah learn to earn your money like everyone else. It REALLY isn't that hard.
Voltaic Annihilator
HELL NO i dont want some lv 2 noob with 15k armor that just started the game 1 day ago
Originally Posted by Voltaic Annihilator
HELL NO i dont want some lv 2 noob with 15k armor that just started the game 1 day ago
no....just no
Albert Algorn
Anet is trying to fix the game economy not distroy it! If Anet were to sell gold that would be a real mistake, not saying I wouldn't be tempted to buy some because I would if it suddenly became "okay". However, there are so many people and childeren out there playing that wouldn't have a chance to purchase in game gold with real money since they have none. In the end all that would happen is the price for the things you are after would skyrocket...
Originally Posted by Voltaic Annihilator
HELL NO i dont want some lv 2 noob with 15k armor that just started the game 1 day ago

oh and... i was level 7 when i got FoW armor for my ranger (well.. i went into FoW when i was level 7.. and the quests pushed me to level 9, so, i still count that as level 7)
Money on gw isn't that hard to make... you just have to pick everything up as you play /salvage and by the time you get to the armor you want you should have enough...Actually money is so plentiful i kind of don't know what to do with it so just leave it there and buy whatever i interesting i come across in La :/ not to mention the few good deals out there, buy something you don't necessary want when someone is selling it low and keep it there till you see someone else wants it for a high price :/ bought 20 rt tomes for only 500g sold it for 2k ec...
oh and umm... yea... i am highly against the idea of buying gold. i've worked damn hard for what i have and i would /wrist if some-1 comes and says "MWA HAHAHA i got what took you 3 months to get in 3 hours flat!! ARG!!!!!!". i can see it already

Woohoo, let's break the already broken economy. Let's let ignorant 11 year olds who can't spell "you" properly have their rich parents buy them a FoW set for each character.
Ritualistof the Mists
Do you all even know how many people really buy gold for the game if it wasnt alot then this sites wouldnt be. Also over farming ruins stuff to but that doesnt seem to stop people from farming items does it NO. Also dont get made at the people that have credit cards cause i am sure most of u are still in high school. As for the Market it seems it has been going down. I would like to point out I have been plying the game for 2 yrs so the noob word just needs to go. I still stick with my idea cause like I said not everyone that plays the game has credit cards or extra money. So If u want to spend 3 months just trying to make a K then go ahead. But think about this If wanting to buy gold from guild wars directly is so wrong cause people work hard for it what about when people work forever on a build and get all the weapons and slkills they need for it draining their money and then boom Arenanet nerf the build and all that work was for nothing and u are sitting there no money and a worthless build dont u think that is wrong to.
Ritualistof the Mists
by the way 11year old with their parents card I am 26 and make my own money so there
I don't believe that gold should be sold legally, due to above mentioned of the economy being ruined. Most people still have the fear of being banned for buying gold from websites, and this keeps the economy somewhat safe. On the other hand, what if you really enjoy playing the game, have played it since day one, but still don't have a particular armor/item you want...because you have a 6-7 day a week job? Kinda makes it hard to achieve what you want in the game doesn't it. This is where buying gold comes in handy. Once again, I'm not suggesting that A.Net starts selling it. All I'm saying is, if you want something that badly, take a risk or two. I'm not condoning anything here, the decision is entirely up to you.
So what if you worked your ass off to get what you want in the game?!? Sure, feel proud of your achievement. If someone wants to buy what they have, so be it. Why should you care what other people think? People always have to impress each other so damn much. If you want to impress me, step into the pvp ring, and beat me in a battle...because experience is something you cannot buy. Your FoW armor doesn't impress me. Yep, it looks nice...but honestly, I don't care how you obtained it.
So what if you worked your ass off to get what you want in the game?!? Sure, feel proud of your achievement. If someone wants to buy what they have, so be it. Why should you care what other people think? People always have to impress each other so damn much. If you want to impress me, step into the pvp ring, and beat me in a battle...because experience is something you cannot buy. Your FoW armor doesn't impress me. Yep, it looks nice...but honestly, I don't care how you obtained it.
3 months trying to make 1K? Are you mental? You can make more than that in less than a minute farming Raptors... Heck, I made about 80k as an aside last weekend on top of holiday drops, and I wasn't even farming them that hard...
ritualist of the mists - i'm sorry... all i saw in your post was:
<insert run-on sentence here> "i am not against buying gold" <insert run-on sentence here> "buying gold if ok if you have the money" <insert run-on sentence here> "too bad not everyone can afford to buy in-game gold" <insert run-on sentence here> oh btw did i mention i am not against buying gold?" <insert run-on sentence here>
brimstonez - ehh.. i agree with what you said on the armor part... but pvp doesn't really prove anything, either
<insert run-on sentence here> "i am not against buying gold" <insert run-on sentence here> "buying gold if ok if you have the money" <insert run-on sentence here> "too bad not everyone can afford to buy in-game gold" <insert run-on sentence here> oh btw did i mention i am not against buying gold?" <insert run-on sentence here>
brimstonez - ehh.. i agree with what you said on the armor part... but pvp doesn't really prove anything, either
the kurzick eater
Originally Posted by Ritualistof the Mists
Ok I know the new update about buying gold ad I know do to the terms it is wrong, but what about the people that enjoy the game but never have the money to do really anything. I know selling items, running quest, and farming are all good ways to get money but it never makes the amout you need for armor weapons, and other here and there things. I am not saying it is great to spend real money for game money and I do agree to a point with ArenaNet, but if they are going to hunt down the people selling gold Maybe ArenaNet should just think about selling gold for the game on the guild wars store for cheaper like 8.99 for 100k, 12.99 for 200k and so on that way ArenaNet is getting the money that these third party sites are and that would really put them out of buisness and make alot of players happy in return and not think they are doing something really bad. Just like with slots and other items maybe once u buy the money u would get a code on the screen and then u go in on your character and type / and the code and bam there is your money. AREANET THINK ABOUT THIS IT WOULD BE AN AMAZING ADD TO THE GAME
on topic, this would ruin prices around the game, destroy the economy COMPLETELY, and all the rich farmers would have nothing to show for their work.
/FAIL +1
Originally Posted by Brimstonez
If you want to impress me, step into the pvp ring, and beat me in a battle...because experience is something you cannot buy.

Originally Posted by Ritualistof the Mists
if they are going to hunt down the people selling gold
But, anyway, to put this in the game, it would definitely "eliminate the middle man", but there's no way Anet is going to come right out and admit that they're in league with the gold sellers, even if the smart half of the community knows about it. They would stand to make a lot of money, but they would lose a good portion of the community in the process. Only if the game was truly dead and there was no chance for a sequel would this happen.
JonnieBoi05 ~ It was an example. Beat a creature in PvE faster than I can, show me a build that you created yourself that is really effective, show me a title that you worked for that things cannot be bought to obtained...other examples.
Kanyatta ~ Anet accepts money from gold sellers in exchange for not banning their bots.
I would be doing something about that statement, before you find yourself in a lot of trouble.
Kanyatta ~ Anet accepts money from gold sellers in exchange for not banning their bots.
I would be doing something about that statement, before you find yourself in a lot of trouble.
Originally Posted by Ritualistof the Mists
So If u want to spend 3 months just trying to make a K then go ahead.
You're lucky I didn't copy your wall o' text/wall o' horrible grammar. I had to get on my wading boots to slosh through all of that terrible grammar and "I be 26 and I is going to be smarterorz than allz of u cuz I don't say noobbbb and I have a credit cards because i'm not 11 yearz old!"
Shayne Hawke
GTFO mah GW.
o, bcuz jobs and getting money isn't grind?
Making real money to pay for virtual money is still work, no matter how you hash it. You're turning this into a situation that would shatter the economy and give favor to people who'd pay for the game over time (like a monthly fee), a concept that GW was born off not doing.
Originally Posted by Ritualistof the Mists
I forgot that most people are those people that have nothing better to do than grid away on this game for hours and hours and disregard everything else in life. For me I got college and a future to look forward to. Sorry that If someone has a idea that doesnt involve griding your day away...
Making real money to pay for virtual money is still work, no matter how you hash it. You're turning this into a situation that would shatter the economy and give favor to people who'd pay for the game over time (like a monthly fee), a concept that GW was born off not doing.
Ritualistof the Mists
all of u that think I someone that cant do anything that is why I am talking about money sorry wrong. I have worked for all 7 of my elite armors and farmed for my greens and sold to buy what i need so I do now what it is to work for money. I have spent 5 hrs sealing weapons , hrs farming and hrs doing the qust and missions to get money
Originally Posted by Ritualistof the Mists
all of u that think I someone that cant do anything that is why I am talking about money sorry wrong. I have worked for all 7 of my elite armors and farmed for my greens and sold to buy what i need so I do now what it is to work for money. I have spent 5 hrs sealing weapons , hrs farming and hrs doing the qust and missions to get money
His point is that he is experienced, so he knows what he is talking about. We should all listen to him and agree with his idea without question, because he is the expert in such matters.
Originally Posted by Ritualistof the Mists
by the way 11year old with their parents card I am 26 and make my own money so there
1. At the age of 26 you really should be able to spell, or at least use a spell checker
2. Allowing people to buy gold is madness. The only reason a lot of loot is so highly priced is because people can buy the gold on websites. If we could stop the selling of online gold a lot more players who simply put the effort into to playing the game could possibly afford some high end items currently out of reach (unless lucky enough to stumble upon something of super high value).
Why does some loot even sell for millions of gold? I regard myself as a moderate player, playing maybe 3 - 6 hours a day and I have never had enough money to buy some of the items at the stupid prices shown. So the majority of people buying these items are probably buying the gold from websites (Yes I know not all, but a considerable number)

Ritualistof the Mists
sorry my spelling is such a big deal since a lot of people are to lazy to spell out a word. and to the person that said I think I am so great and experienced player no what I was getting across was that I am not someone that just goes and buys money and gets what i want I have worked like everyone else. I just had a thought and god everyone comes down on you
Originally Posted by Ritualistof the Mists
sorry my spelling is such a big deal since a lot of people are to lazy to spell out a word. and to the person that said I think I am so great and experienced player no what I was getting across was that I am not someone that just goes and buys money and gets what i want I have worked like everyone else. I just had a thought and god everyone comes down on you
Your comments in this thread has shown that you have no understanding of economics, in game or in real life. Everyone came down on you since apparently you posted your idea without thinking through it very far and you posted in a way that was almost unreadable.
Personally, if I were to condone gold selling/buying, I would much rather see it being sold by Anet than one of the internet sites. I really don't think that there is much of a need to buy gold with real money though. I figure that on an average week I can make about 100k just by doing quests, possibly farming ectos a little, and possibly doing a few droks runs. Another easy way for me to get money (if I can stand the boredom) is to go run some HFFF and grab a few leaches. That will result in 8.75k for me in about 40 min (give or take).
After all that ...
After all that ...
Ritualistof the Mists
Ok so I am done with all of this. I forgot that most people are those people that have nothing better to do than grid away on this game for hours and hours and disregard everything else in life. For me I got college and a future to look forward to. Sorry that If someone has a idea that doesnt involve griding your day away gets downed cause they are not "hardcore" for this game. I am just going to do what I want you all can waste time for all I care.
Originally Posted by Ritualistof the Mists
Ok so I am done with all of this. I forgot that most people are those people that have nothing better to do than grid away on this game for hours and hours and disregard everything else in life. For me I got college and a future to look forward to. Sorry that If someone has a idea that doesnt involve griding your day away gets downed cause they are not "hardcore" for this game. I am just going to do what I want you all can waste time for all I care.
no apostrophe in doesn't and you misspelled grinding and grind
please see me after class to discuss your spelling grade in this class
Operative 14
Good gravy no.
You can get any money you need to buy any necessary items in the game just simply by playing through the campaign. More than likely, you'll have enough for a few vanity items as well.
What is the point of playing this or any other game if everything, and I mean everything, is literally handed to you on a platinum platter? I'm against grinding, and my definition that seems to cover more things than most peoples, but this suggestion is absolutely ridiculous.
You can get any money you need to buy any necessary items in the game just simply by playing through the campaign. More than likely, you'll have enough for a few vanity items as well.
What is the point of playing this or any other game if everything, and I mean everything, is literally handed to you on a platinum platter? I'm against grinding, and my definition that seems to cover more things than most peoples, but this suggestion is absolutely ridiculous.
Originally Posted by Ritualistof the Mists
by the way 11year old with their parents card I am 26 and make my own money so there

oh and buying's the drugs talking right???
I work hard for what I have. It makes me love it even more.
In Morbo's voice: "RMT does not work that way!"
Originally Posted by Kanyatta
Anet accepts money from gold sellers in exchange for not banning their bots.
So why does A.Net give you a 72 hour ban & take away all your money if you're caught buying gold?

obsidian ectoplasm
Originally Posted by Ritualistof the Mists
Ok so I am done with all of this. I forgot that most people are those people that have nothing better to do than grid away on this game for hours and hours and disregard everything else in life. For me I got college and a future to look forward to. Sorry that If someone has a idea that doesnt involve griding your day away gets downed cause they are not "hardcore" for this game. I am just going to do what I want you all can waste time for all I care.
Poeople here arnt saying NO because they have pute hours and hour into farming
If Anet were to do thsi it would totally F!*#@ up the ecomany.
and thats is the last thing we need.
Originally Posted by Brimstonez
JonnieBoi05 ~ It was an example. Beat a creature in PvE faster than I can, show me a build that you created yourself that is really effective, show me a title that you worked for...
need i say more?
Because game money is harder to grind for than real life money.
Some people are simply better at being successful at life (lucratively of course, not exactly trying to imply money=better living environment) than others. I'm not just talking about the buyers, I'm talking about the sellers, the programmers, and the people who setup this operation.
Why hate? I don't agree or disagree with Anet's RMT policy, but I am against the companies that string a network of bots.
Some people are simply better at being successful at life (lucratively of course, not exactly trying to imply money=better living environment) than others. I'm not just talking about the buyers, I'm talking about the sellers, the programmers, and the people who setup this operation.
Why hate? I don't agree or disagree with Anet's RMT policy, but I am against the companies that string a network of bots.
Been suggested various times, I think I even posted this idea before.
/notsigned many times before, /notsigned some more I guess.
/notsigned many times before, /notsigned some more I guess.
Also without farming and such the game would get really boring really fast.
Originally Posted by JonnieBoi05
need i say more? |