Another reason Anet suggested for applying LS was because they wanted players to rather trade with each other through drops by playing the game.
1 Year Later: On 9 chars I have and 4 tabs of storage space, i have 20spaces open for drops from the game, across all chars & storage space. All other spaces are filled with mods & inscriptions. 80% of Which can't be sold due to no demand, and massive supply. What's even worse most of those items are double, and are of the exact same type.
As there are no auction houses, or traders that buy inscriptions or mods, the only thing todo is either trash them, or merch them. Which offcourse is against the whole principal of people making money by trading.....
So my question is should Mods & Insignia's become stackable now? Or should the players just merch it, and buy the inscription when they really need it? Or keep all their storage spaces filled?
Another suggestion would be to have a merchant for Inscriptions + Mods, which would be the best option in my opinion.
Perhaps this could become a Poll?
- /sign for Stackable.
- /sign for Merchant.
- /notsigned I'm fine keeping stuff in storage, or merching it.
- /I want Pie, I don't care.