Originally Posted by ShoGunTheOne
這個資料在那個時候是列為 草案(This report was an outline at that moment)
文中有提到 (here it said)
(本草案目前正於行政院消保會審議中) (this report canvassed by cpc[Consumer Protection Commission])
(the report is not availably as a law)
必須要消保會審議通過之後,才具有參考價值,所以後來這份資料是由消保會的部門網站提供下載(因為已經審議 通過了).
it will be referable after pass the canvassed of cpc, so you can download it at cpc's website(because it already passed the canvassing)
以台灣的法律來說,由於法條的制定通過往往需要冗長的時間,所以在遇到有爭議糾紛而需要訴諸法律的時候,很 多行政命令都會升格被拿來當作法條用,也因此其實台灣很多行政命令是跟法律有所牴觸的,端看法官怎麼去認定 ,以及舉告者與被告者雙方蒐集的證據多寡來判定結果.
it take a long time making a law in taiwan, so sometime an administrative decree will be used as a law, but some decree are not completed, so it may against the law, but judiciary has the final right to make the decision which one is useful depends on who get the most advantageous roof.
簡而言之,台灣的法律是保護懂法律的人,而不是受害人.律師們其實也是針對法律內文來玩文字遊戲,看誰手段 高明,誰的贏面就比較大.
simply to tell this... the law protect who know what is the law, not the sufferer in Taiwan.
that's why ppl need lawyer.
sorry my english is not so good.