Breaking News: Death of Taiwan, Macao and Hong Kong Region!?


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Gli
This is another point you should be highlighting. In many countries, people have certain unassailable rights that a EULA can't do away with. Obviously, something like that must be the case in Taiwan, or this issue wouldn't exist in the first place.
ex post facto law ring a chime?

blame and sue the government of taiwan for passing a local law protecting its gold farming industry at the games expense.

Anet does something to get rid of the bots/gold spammers/gold farming networks and taiwan passes a law to protect the income of the gold farmers we were all complaining about.

i wonder about bribe money to that legislature who passed it


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2008

Flamers does need skills!

Originally Posted by Loviatar
ex post facto law ring a chime?

blame and sue the government of taiwan for passing a local law protecting its gold farming industry at the games expense.

Anet does something to get rid of the bots/gold spammers/gold farming networks and taiwan passes a law to protect the income of the gold farmers we were all complaining about.

i wonder about bribe money to that legislature who passed it
and that law is...? if you have read through the law, you will notice that the company still has the right to ban people who bot and stuff. No, the gold farming industry is not protected. the 7 days ban period only refer to as the MAXIMUM banning period if you are going to ban time-based. By violating the condition of section 19, usage of bots, virus, glitch, and affecting the fairness of the game could result to a perma ban (stop providing service)


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by deadlynoob
and that law is...? if you have read through the law, you will notice that the company still has the right to ban people who bot and stuff. No, the gold farming industry is not protected. the 7 days ban period only refer to as the MAXIMUM banning period if you are going to ban time-based. By violating the condition of section 19, usage of bots, virus, glitch, and affecting the fairness of the game could result to a perma ban (stop providing service)
and NCsofts legal department found things you missed coming to the ANET decision and announcement here

New government regulations in Taiwan, which take effect April 1, restrict game companies in that region from effectively suspending or banning accounts for participating in professional farming or real-money trading. Guild Wars is highly impacted by local regulations such as this, because Guild Wars operates in a seamless, connected manner between all territories. We cannot sustain a seamless connection when we are unable to effectively police the game in one territory, because professional farmers in that territory could severely damage the game’s economy throughout the world. Therefore, we are forced to disconnect Taiwanese service from the rest of the game world as of April 1.




Join Date: Sep 2007




Originally Posted by guolisong

If this is the one you are referring to (經濟部95年2月17日經授工字第09500511980號公告), It was from 1995,Feb 17th. So it isn't a new law, are you guys missing out on the new law then?
民国95年=2006 Taiwan has their own calendar. so the correct date would be 2006, Feb, 17th, but it's still not brand new




Join Date: Sep 2007




no idea, maybe it wasn't excuted untill the change of president because they had certain concerns or obsticles w/e, can you send me that doc file? i can't seem to find it any more

btw, i'm not living in china atm, talking about that in china would mean death sentence -_-b living in South Africa now




Join Date: Sep 2007




>_> do i smell stereotyping.....?
btw, South Africa is like, THE richest country in whole of africa.... and no, there isn't a war going on here >_>
go learn your history about this country.....

不管怎样, Google了一下,发现了94年(2005年)的草案,可以的话你看一下,我去睡觉了……凌晨5:12… …


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


Originally Posted by guolisong

If this is the one you are referring to (經濟部95年2月17日經授工字第09500511980號公告), It was from 1995,Feb 17th. So it isn't a new law, are you guys missing out on the new law then?
They are same law

Just change some articles of the old law , not making a new law to work

old article didnt say game company only can ban ppl for 7 days maxinum...
new article did

This law is more like an agreement between player and game company

In fact, those bot/farmer things could be resolved by new article

Bcos , there is an article says
If player using bot or 3rd party programs catched by game company
Game company can cancel the agreement and delete player's account

I think the same article may working to ban RMT ...
It also says , if player making any behavior cause unfair situations happen
Game company can cancel the agreement and delete player's account too

RMT case:
Seller sell large amount golds for real money
no matter these gold are clean or making by bot
These sellers did DAMAGE the game economy
This is UNFAIR for all ppl playing guild Wars

Dr Strangelove

Dr Strangelove

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Dec 2005

Wasting away again in Margaritaville


Originally Posted by Gli
From what I've been reading on this thread, (and mind you, that's all the info I got) it would seem the 7 day refund thing that was mentioned somewhere might be the dealbreaker for ANet.

Imagine this: Buy an account, bot your ass off for 6.5 days or until ban, whichever happens first, then get a refund. Rinse and repeat.
Unfortunately, that's also the part that actually is justifiable. EULAs are inherently designed to screw customers over. If you buy a piece of software and click the "no" button on the EULA for whatever reason, it's not going to work, and you're not going to get your money back. With every other form of legal agreement in the world, you are allowed to review the terms before you put down money.

While games are usually pretty harmless about it, this can really be an issue for utility programs with heavy DRM restrictions, like iTunes or movie editing software. Taiwan is correct that EULAs are a broken form of legal agreement, they've just chosen a pants-on-head retarded way of fixing them.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


Originally Posted by guolisong
Deadlynoob said that 7 days ban is the max for temporary ban, which doesn't affect the RMT policy. I don't see why that change would be the reason for cutting off the international access so there must be something else.
the 7 days ban is in article 16 <--- deal with like spamming in game or dirty word fighting stuffs ...

I think those BOT and RMT stuffs should deal with article 19
article 19 says what the timing that game campany can cancel the agreement

Player using bot and catched by ANET.
Player doing any behavior will cause unfair situations happen in game.
Player using game bugs to getting items or something bad.

This is not permanet ban , it talking about game company can delete player account if these situation happen ...




Join Date: Sep 2007





Njaiguni Blaze

Njaiguni Blaze

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

The Netherlands

The Biggyverse [PLEB]


Basically, some law in Taiwan prevents NCSoft from banning bots/gold sellers. That's why they're cutting communication. They will still be able to participate in international PvP and can still stay in their international guilds/alliances.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


Originally Posted by guolisong


That says Anet has the ability to ban accounts anytime they want if they caught people botting etc. I don't see how that would have affected their new RMT policy.
Gold seller will DAMAGE the game economy for sure

RMT case:
Seller sell large amount golds for real money
no matter these gold are clean or making by bot (if the player is bot, no matter he sell gold or not ,ANET can delete his account anytime)
These sellers did DAMAGE the game economy
This is UNFAIR for all ppl playing guild Wars ...

Personal behaviors making damgae to the game economy , game conomy effects all players around the world
This is unfair for sure.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


Originally Posted by guolisong
My point is that law banning acc. or delete acc had always been there prior to this isolation district thing happened so what's the new law they are speaking of that's limiting their RMT policy to effectively ban accounts.
In fact ... I think we shold not call it as a law

It just an agreement made by goverment
which will be use between player and game company (before player starting play the game,he must press the AGREE button)

In that agreement
article 16 says game company cant ban player permanent (maxiunem period is 7 days)

but in article 19
it says game company can cancel the agreement with player
(means they can delete the player's account not just ban)

If the player using bot or bugs in game.
Or the player do some behavior in game will cause unfair situation happen.
(sell golds will damage game economy for sure, and this is a unfair situation for all llegal players)

I think ANET they just focus on article 16 (this article is protecting players)
But they forget article 19 , it give more power to game company to deal with player who against game rules


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by guolisong
My point is that law banning acc. or delete acc had always been there prior to this isolation district thing happened so what's the new law they are speaking of that's limiting their RMT policy to effectively ban accounts.

several points

1. ANET is completely owned/bouhjt/purchased by NCsoft

2. NCsoft is a local asisn compant of long standing in the asian online games market with a very large and competent legal staff who know the laws and more importantly what the effective result of a local ordanance will cause.

3. NCsofts LEGAL STAFF notified higher ups in NCsoft what the practical/ effective result of those regulations would have on ANETS ability to act effectively against taiwans gold farming INDUSTRY/RMT INDUSTRY

4. the NCsoft asian region legal staff reported the regulations would hamstring any effective means against that industry resulting in a gold/rmt industry safe haven.

5. NCsoft made a business decision based on the expert NCsoft legal staff not ANETS limited western knowledge of asian law/regulations

6. NCsoft told ANET to cut every connection which these gold selling/RMT INDUSTRY effected.

7. NCsoft owns Anet and Anet did exactly what their boss told them to do.

again i will repeat the announcement.
new government regulations in Taiwan, which take effect April 1, restrict game companies in that region from effectively suspending or banning accounts for participating in professional farming or real-money trading.

Guild Wars is highly impacted by local regulations such as this, because Guild Wars operates in a seamless, connected manner between all territories. We cannot sustain a seamless connection when we are unable to effectively police the game in one territory, because professional farmers in that territory could severely damage the game’s economy throughout the world. Therefore, we are forced to disconnect Taiwanese service from the rest of the game world as of April 1.

if it had no effect NCsofts legal department would have stated so and no change would have occurred.

obviously their legal staff found things that were not posted here or were nor noticed as riders in other parts that effect the intent of the regulations.

i will trust the NCsoft legal staff over so called forum lawers


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006



i would figure that they A-net would fight for these areas to remain but if they didn't i trust there judgement if it is from botting i think there could be a different solution you cut real player and that is sad


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

cut real player just plain wrong!



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006


Vivian Kiss


Originally Posted by ShoGunTheOne
這個資料在那個時候是列為 草案(This report was an outline at that moment)
文中有提到 (here it said)

(本草案目前正於行政院消保會審議中) (this report canvassed by cpc[Consumer Protection Commission])

(the report is not availably as a law)

必須要消保會審議通過之後,才具有參考價值,所以後來這份資料是由消保會的部門網站提供下載(因為已經審議 通過了).
it will be referable after pass the canvassed of cpc, so you can download it at cpc's website(because it already passed the canvassing)

以台灣的法律來說,由於法條的制定通過往往需要冗長的時間,所以在遇到有爭議糾紛而需要訴諸法律的時候,很 多行政命令都會升格被拿來當作法條用,也因此其實台灣很多行政命令是跟法律有所牴觸的,端看法官怎麼去認定 ,以及舉告者與被告者雙方蒐集的證據多寡來判定結果.
it take a long time making a law in taiwan, so sometime an administrative decree will be used as a law, but some decree are not completed, so it may against the law, but judiciary has the final right to make the decision which one is useful depends on who get the most advantageous roof.

簡而言之,台灣的法律是保護懂法律的人,而不是受害人.律師們其實也是針對法律內文來玩文字遊戲,看誰手段 高明,誰的贏面就比較大.
simply to tell this... the law protect who know what is the law, not the sufferer in Taiwan.
that's why ppl need lawyer.

sorry my english is not so good.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

By the Luxon Scavenger

The Mentalists [THPK]


Originally Posted by kingleo
這個資料在那個時候是列為 草案


必須要消保會審議通過之後,才具有參考價值,所以後來這份資料是由消保會的部門網站提供下載(因為已經審議 通過了).
以台灣的法律來說,由於法條的制定通過往往需要冗長的時間,所以在遇到有爭議糾紛而需要訴諸法律的時候,很 多行政命令都會升格被拿來當作法條用,也因此其實台灣很多行政命令是跟法律有所牴觸的,端看法官怎麼去認定 ,以及舉告者與被告者雙方蒐集的證據多寡來判定結果.
簡而言之,台灣的法律是保護懂法律的人,而不是受害人.律師們其實也是針對法律內文來玩文字遊戲,看誰手段 高明,誰的贏面就比較大.
whatever you said!


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

Venatio Illuminata [VEIL]


Guys, if you're going to post in another language, could you please add a translation of it at the bottom? I know it'll take a bit of extra effort, but this is primarily an English-speaking forum and, since we're all trying to work out what's going on, if you're posting something important we don't want to miss it!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Ya,I think it's ungracious to post Chinese here, though I am a Taiwanese.

Dr Strangelove

Dr Strangelove

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Dec 2005

Wasting away again in Margaritaville


Originally Posted by kingleo
這個資料在那個時候是列為 草案


必須要消保會審議通過之後,才具有參考價值,所以後來這份資料是由消保會的部門網站提供下載(因為已經審議 通過了).
以台灣的法律來說,由於法條的制定通過往往需要冗長的時間,所以在遇到有爭議糾紛而需要訴諸法律的時候,很 多行政命令都會升格被拿來當作法條用,也因此其實台灣很多行政命令是跟法律有所牴觸的,端看法官怎麼去認定 ,以及舉告者與被告者雙方蒐集的證據多寡來判定結果.
簡而言之,台灣的法律是保護懂法律的人,而不是受害人.律師們其實也是針對法律內文來玩文字遊戲,看誰手段 高明,誰的贏面就比較大.
If that was my mother you were talking about, we'd be fighting right now. I also don't see what Milli Vanilli has to do with this situation.

Crom The Pale

Crom The Pale

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2006

Ageis Ascending


Originally Posted by Loviatar

several points

1. ANET is completely owned/bouhjt/purchased by NCsoft

2. NCsoft is a local asisn compant of long standing in the asian online games market with a very large and competent legal staff who know the laws and more importantly what the effective result of a local ordanance will cause.

3. NCsofts LEGAL STAFF notified higher ups in NCsoft what the practical/ effective result of those regulations would have on ANETS ability to act effectively against taiwans gold farming INDUSTRY/RMT INDUSTRY

4. the NCsoft asian region legal staff reported the regulations would hamstring any effective means against that industry resulting in a gold/rmt industry safe haven.

5. NCsoft made a business decision based on the expert NCsoft legal staff not ANETS limited western knowledge of asian law/regulations

6. NCsoft told ANET to cut every connection which these gold selling/RMT INDUSTRY effected.

7. NCsoft owns Anet and Anet did exactly what their boss told them to do.

again i will repeat the announcement.

if it had no effect NCsofts legal department would have stated so and no change would have occurred.

obviously their legal staff found things that were not posted here or were nor noticed as riders in other parts that effect the intent of the regulations.

i will trust the NCsoft legal staff over so called forum lawers
Might be the best and most clear explanation of what is happening.

I have to agree with you, NCsoft told Anet what to do and when to do it based on there expert knowladge of the area. If there were other methods that would have been as effective they would have used them.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by guolisong
Is that your speculation or do you actually have some sort of proof or support of your argument.
that Anet is a wholely owned subsidiary of NCsoft yes the proof is on the main site faq under who is ARENANET.

since NCsoft is expanding into new territories as fast as it can and then suddenly reverse direction in one specific regeion on the date a new protection regulation takes effect you tell me.

again NCsoft has a very large and competent legal asian legal department so they obviously saw things non asian non lawyers missed.

NCsoft does not want to cut a revenue source but they made the busness decision to lose that regeion and cut their losses rather than face bigger damage from the taiwan gold/RMT INDUSTRY

and it is an industry that taiwan took steps to protect.

Garreth MacLeod

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by Loviatar
several points

1. ANET is completely owned/bouhjt/purchased by NCsoft

2. NCsoft is a local asisn compant of long standing in the asian online games market with a very large and competent legal staff who know the laws and more importantly what the effective result of a local ordanance will cause.

3. NCsofts LEGAL STAFF notified higher ups in NCsoft what the practical/ effective result of those regulations would have on ANETS ability to act effectively against taiwans gold farming INDUSTRY/RMT INDUSTRY

4. the NCsoft asian region legal staff reported the regulations would hamstring any effective means against that industry resulting in a gold/rmt industry safe haven.

5. NCsoft made a business decision based on the expert NCsoft legal staff not ANETS limited western knowledge of asian law/regulations

6. NCsoft told ANET to cut every connection which these gold selling/RMT INDUSTRY effected.

7. NCsoft owns Anet and Anet did exactly what their boss told them to do.
You made several 'statements of fact' that you could only know to be fact if you worked for NCSoft, names 3-7. So unless you work for NCSoft or ArenaNet, those 5 'statements' are speculation on your part.

In regards to the issue itself, I hope Anet can come up with something that allows the legitimate GW players open access to all the servers once again.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2007

been using this avatar IRL for ever

No I Wont join your guild[stfu]


i expect a huge plummet in ecto prices soon. all those gold sellers sold there ecto to me/many others in ToA international dis. now that they will have to sell to trader. and still have no way to get the gold out of there



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006


Vier Reiter [Vier]

Originally Posted by flclisgreat
i expect a huge plummet in ecto prices soon. all those gold sellers sold there ecto to me/many others in ToA international dis. now that they will have to sell to trader. and still have no way to get the gold out of there
If you're referring to the sellers in Taiwanese servers, their merchants are cut off too. If their prices plummet it will have zero effect on the rest of us for exactly that reason.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by flclisgreat
i expect a huge plummet in ecto prices soon. all those gold sellers sold there ecto to me/many others in ToA international dis. now that they will have to sell to trader. and still have no way to get the gold out of there
lmao, I'm sure you know nothing about pro farmer. I think you assumed most of the pro farmer are in Taiwan district, as you reply in this thread. A pro farmer told me that their business was greatly affected by the RTM update. (He told me this before the District close.) Many workers have been banned everyday.

Of course there ARE some farmer in Taiwan district, but the farmers also use account from other districts(Japan, Korean, America, even EU). The close out of Taiwan district wouldn't affect much on the gold trading business. You know that there is no way to get the gold out of the district, then why would they merch their ectos, instead of hoping the district to be opened again? Also, it isn't that difficult to open a account in other district to farm. Farmers are prepared to be banned when they open their account.(Thats why farmers usually use money fee method to pay for their GW)

I would expect a increase or a static price of ecto because of the decreasing number of farmer after the rtm.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2007

been using this avatar IRL for ever

No I Wont join your guild[stfu]


Originally Posted by afya
lmao, I'm sure you know nothing about pro farmer. I think you assumed most of the pro farmer are in Taiwan district, as you reply in this thread.
no i believe that when i sit in ToA and wtb ecto and its damn near empty.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by guolisong
Agreed, and please explain the huge number decrees in international district if you disagree with this afya. For those who regularly purchase from gold farmers, hot spring's always crowded and it haven't been for days ever since the district isolation. If they were using Japanese acc or Korean acc as their main acc those districts shouldn't be empty at all. Also I haven't seen any of those guys trying to vend their elite tomes in American district either, if anyone knows what I'm referring too.
Believe me or not, my guild was fully-filled with pro farmer before. I saw korean , japanese and english-named players in the guild list. Farmers were using accounts from different districts with no doubt.

For these phenomenons, I would say the rmt market is dead after the rtm.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by guolisong
First of all yes they do have Korean,Japanese,English named players for gold farmers.

The RMT market is dead only after the Taiwan district was cut off from the international district, so how can you say that the majority of the gold farmers are not from Taiwan district?
Haha, IDK indeed

As I mentioned before, those farmers always get banned within one or two weeks after they create their acc. I kicked loads of their dead acc. I just checked the kick list, almost half of them contain a japanese character. Still, chinese-named-farmers have a huge population in the kick list. One korean and two english named(dunno what those 2 accounts actually are).

I can't go to int district after that update so I don't know how the RMT market is. Because of my kick list(guild status), I assumed some farmers are still out there. I really can't explain this.

PS. I still don't think those farmers would merch their ectos even they can't transfer their money out.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006


Vier Reiter [Vier]

Originally Posted by afya

PS. I still don't think those farmers would merch their ectos even they can't transfer their money out.
It doesn't matter if they merch it or not. If they can't transfer the gold out they must be in the Taiwan server, right? The merch in Taiwan is no longer connected to the others, so even if they do merch it and tank their ecto price, it will not have any effect on any other merch.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2007

been using this avatar IRL for ever

No I Wont join your guild[stfu]


Originally Posted by guolisong
obviously nobody merch ectos or else the other guy won't sit in int d and buy ectos looooool.....
of course not. thats why the ecto prices never fluctuate. cause no one buys from or sells to trader. sounds right to me

oh wait...



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006


Vivian Kiss


Originally Posted by gameguy

我決定暫時離開GW一陣了,希望有台港澳的網友多多回這篇吧(遊戲中有"玩"的人留) [Use Big5 Code)

I leave GW before 2008/05/01.Hoping Players from Taiwan,HK server can reply the post(Have the name "play" Player in Taiwan,HK server sign)


Originally Posted by guolisong

get the situation cleared out before you comment.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006

I go to play on US/US GW and unlock some skills before 1/5/2008 news. Hope Anet will give us good respond or let us happy again :P

If there is still no good news after 1/5/2008. Then we may ....

Ku Ku

Ku Ku

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006




Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
That was actually my thought too. Extremely harsh to the (admittedly few) real players, if so.
Other possibilities include legal problems with the Chinese - I seem to remember that there is a law against violent games in China, plus the present Chinese crackdown on communication via MMO's. Maybe NCSoft couldn't or wouldn't comply with demands from the Chinese government?
There is ALOT of things going on in China at the moment along these lines, maybe guild wars simply became to much of a risk to the government. They dont want them to see what they are missing out on, or what the rest of the world is like... so they shut them off from it... anet has obviously tried to fight this (at least because they're loosing out on part of the market) but it seems theres nothing they can do. My sympathies to all involved.




Join Date: Sep 2007





P.S. 我是欧服的,所以是局外人,但是港澳台玩家的心情我理解,我也被禁止玩激战过,知道玩不到是多 么的痛苦

Amon Warrior

Amon Warrior

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006


Originally Posted by Ku Ku
There is ALOT of things going on in China at the moment along these lines, maybe guild wars simply became to much of a risk to the government.
The government in mainland China is different from the ones in Hong Kong, Macau (special administrative regions) and even more in Taiwan (with its own independent government).

The question lies in a new ill-thought law from the Taiwanese government that prevents Anet from enforcing its RMT (real-money trade) policies. That provoked immediate and complete isolation of the Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau territory.

GW in mainland China, with a developing Democracy, is a completely different matter.

In the meantime we're all hoping for a better solution to that isolated GW territory. Maybe the Taiwanese government will come up with a more reasonable/flexible stance. Who knows?

Amon Warrior

Amon Warrior

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006


Originally Posted by ShoGunTheOne

P.S. 我是欧服的,所以是局外人,但是港澳台玩家的心情我理解,我也被禁止玩激战过,知道玩不到是多 么的痛苦
I asked a friend to translate this for me. Not all is translated though. There's mention on 3 months left to play which I'm not sure of the context. I hope you don't mind ShoGunTheOne. Since this is an English medium forum, others should be able to read as well.

The decision is already made, it's better to enjoy the game with the time that's left, as much as we can. Quarrel is not necessary, it's a Taiwan's law problem, not Anet's problem.

I am from Europe, not an affected person. But i understand how Taiwan and Hong Kong players feel. I had been banned from GW before, and know how suffering was without it.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

Breaking news.

ANet let the player in Taiwan,hk connect int. disct. from 2008/04/11 update.

Taiwan's(country on earth) law isn't a problem again(Anet move Taiwan,HK region to US server)

The player from Taiwan(country on earth),HK server

Amon Warrior

Amon Warrior

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006


Originally Posted by newgame
Breaking news.

ANet let the player in Taiwan,hk connect int. disct. from 2008/04/11 update.

Taiwan's(country on earth) law isn't a problem again(Anet move Taiwan,HK region to US server)

The player from Taiwan(country on earth),HK server
Well, that's good news indeed!

Nice solution there. I taken that the old region is now extinct and new players from there simply login to US servers? Not unheard of, Australian players have (or had) Euro servers as main base...